// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
internal static class FileLinePositionSpanExtensions
/// <inheritdoc cref="LinePositionSpanExtensions.GetClampedTextSpan"/>
public static TextSpan GetClampedTextSpan(this FileLinePositionSpan span, SourceText text)
=> span.Span.GetClampedTextSpan(text);
/// <inheritdoc cref="LinePositionSpanExtensions.GetClampedSpan"/>
public static LinePositionSpan GetClampedSpan(this FileLinePositionSpan span, SourceText text)
=> span.Span.GetClampedSpan(text);
internal static class LinePositionSpanExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new <see cref="TextSpan"/> based off of the positions in <paramref name="span"/>, but
/// which is guaranteed to fall entirely within the span of <paramref name="text"/>.
/// </summary>
public static TextSpan GetClampedTextSpan(this LinePositionSpan span, SourceText text)
var clampedSpan = span.GetClampedSpan(text);
return text.Lines.GetTextSpan(clampedSpan);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new <see cref="LinePositionSpan"/> based off of the positions in <paramref name="span"/>, but
/// which is guaranteed to fall entirely within the span of <paramref name="text"/>.
/// </summary>
public static LinePositionSpan GetClampedSpan(this LinePositionSpan span, SourceText text)
var lines = text.Lines;
if (lines.Count == 0)
return default;
var startLine = span.Start.Line;
var endLine = span.End.Line;
// Make sure the starting columns are never negative.
var startColumn = Math.Max(span.Start.Character, 0);
var endColumn = Math.Max(span.End.Character, 0);
if (startLine < 0)
// If the start line is negative (e.g. before the start of the actual document) then move the start to the 0,0 position.
startLine = 0;
startColumn = 0;
else if (startLine >= lines.Count)
// if the start line is after the end of the document, move the start to the last location in the document.
startLine = lines.Count - 1;
startColumn = lines[startLine].SpanIncludingLineBreak.Length;
if (endLine < 0)
// if the end is before the start of the document, then move the end to wherever the start position was determined to be.
endLine = startLine;
endColumn = startColumn;
else if (endLine >= lines.Count)
// if the end line is after the end of the document, move the end to the last location in the document.
endLine = lines.Count - 1;
endColumn = lines[endLine].SpanIncludingLineBreak.Length;
// now, ensure that the column of the start/end positions is within the length of its line.
startColumn = Math.Min(startColumn, lines[startLine].SpanIncludingLineBreak.Length);
endColumn = Math.Min(endColumn, lines[endLine].SpanIncludingLineBreak.Length);
var start = new LinePosition(startLine, startColumn);
var end = new LinePosition(endLine, endColumn);
// swap if necessary
if (end < start)
(start, end) = (end, start);
// Validate that the points are actually within the span of the text.
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(start < text.Lines.GetLinePosition(0));
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(end > text.Lines.GetLinePosition(text.Length));
return new LinePositionSpan(start, end);