// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Serialization;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Serialization.SerializerService.TestAccessor;
using static TemporaryStorageService;
internal partial class SerializerService
private const int MetadataFailed = int.MaxValue;
/// <summary>
/// Allow analyzer tests to exercise the oop codepaths, even though they're referring to in-memory instances of
/// DiagnosticAnalyzers. In that case, we'll just share the in-memory instance of the analyzer across the OOP
/// boundary (which still runs in proc in tests), but we will still exercise all codepaths that use the RemoteClient
/// as well as exercising all codepaths that send data across the OOP boundary. Effectively, this allows us to
/// pretend that a <see cref="AnalyzerImageReference"/> is a <see cref="AnalyzerFileReference"/> during tests.
/// </summary>
private static readonly object s_analyzerImageReferenceMapGate = new();
private static IBidirectionalMap<AnalyzerReference, Guid> s_analyzerReferenceMap = BidirectionalMap<AnalyzerReference, Guid>.Empty;
private static bool TryGetAnalyzerImageReferenceGuid(AnalyzerImageReference imageReference, out Guid guid)
lock (s_analyzerImageReferenceMapGate)
return s_analyzerReferenceMap.TryGetValue(imageReference, out guid);
private static bool TryGetAnalyzerImageReferenceFromGuid(Guid guid, [NotNullWhen(true)] out AnalyzerReference? analyzerReference)
lock (s_analyzerImageReferenceMapGate)
return s_analyzerReferenceMap.TryGetKey(guid, out analyzerReference);
private static Checksum CreateChecksum(MetadataReference reference)
if (reference is PortableExecutableReference portable)
return CreatePortableExecutableReferenceChecksum(portable);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(reference.GetType());
protected virtual Checksum CreateChecksum(AnalyzerReference reference)
#if NET
// If we're in the oop side and we're being asked to produce our local checksum (so we can compare it to the
// host checksum), then we want to just defer to the underlying analyzer reference of our isolated reference.
// This underlying reference corresponds to the reference that the host has, and we do not want to make any
// changes as long as they're both in agreement.
if (reference is IsolatedAnalyzerFileReference { UnderlyingAnalyzerFileReference: var underlyingReference })
reference = underlyingReference;
using var stream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
using (var writer = new ObjectWriter(stream, leaveOpen: true))
switch (reference)
case AnalyzerFileReference fileReference:
case AnalyzerImageReference analyzerImageReference:
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TryGetAnalyzerImageReferenceGuid(analyzerImageReference, out var guid), "AnalyzerImageReferences are only supported during testing");
case IAnalyzerReferenceWithGuid analyzerReferenceWithGuid:
lock (s_analyzerImageReferenceMapGate)
s_analyzerReferenceMap = s_analyzerReferenceMap.Add(reference, analyzerReferenceWithGuid.Guid);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(reference);
stream.Position = 0;
return Checksum.Create(stream);
protected virtual void WriteMetadataReferenceTo(MetadataReference reference, ObjectWriter writer)
if (reference is PortableExecutableReference portable)
if (portable is ISupportTemporaryStorage { StorageHandles: { Count: > 0 } handles } &&
TryWritePortableExecutableReferenceBackedByTemporaryStorageTo(portable, handles, writer))
WritePortableExecutableReferenceTo(portable, writer);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(reference.GetType());
protected virtual MetadataReference ReadMetadataReferenceFrom(ObjectReader reader)
var type = reader.ReadString();
if (type == nameof(PortableExecutableReference))
return ReadPortableExecutableReferenceFrom(reader);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type);
protected virtual void WriteAnalyzerReferenceTo(AnalyzerReference reference, ObjectWriter writer)
switch (reference)
case AnalyzerFileReference fileReference:
// Note: it is intentional that we are not writing the MVID of the analyzer file reference over in (even
// though we mixed it into the checksum). We don't actually need the data on the other side as it will
// be read out from the file itself. So the flow is as follows when an analyzer-file-reference changes:
// 1. Change to file happens on disk and is detected by the host, which will reload the reference within it.
// 2. When producing the checksum for the project, this analyzer file reference will not be found in the
// ChecksumCache, causing it to be recomputed (in `Checksum CreateChecksum(AnalyzerReference
// reference, CancellationToken cancellationToken)`.
// 3. The checksum will be computed based on the file path and the MVID of the file.
// 4. This will now cause a diff between the host and OOP.
// 5. When OOP syncs with the host, it will create a fresh AnalyzerFileReference pointing to the right
// path, and specifying it wants to use the shadow copy loader. The workspace snapshot will be
// updated to use this new reference. Note: this is guaranteed, as `SolutionCompilationState
// WithProjectAnalyzerReferences(...)` uses reference-equality to determine if the analyzer is
// different, always picking up the new instances.
// 6. When we actually need to load analyzers/generators in OOP it will then defer to the
// ShadowCopyAnalyzerAssemblyLoader. This loader will *itself* then use the MVID of the file
// reference at the requested path to shadow copy to a new location specific to that mvid, ensuring
// that its data can be cleanly loaded in isolation from any prior version.
case AnalyzerImageReference analyzerImageReference:
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TryGetAnalyzerImageReferenceGuid(analyzerImageReference, out var guid), "AnalyzerImageReferences are only supported during testing");
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(reference);
protected virtual AnalyzerReference ReadAnalyzerReferenceFrom(ObjectReader reader)
switch (reader.ReadString())
case nameof(AnalyzerFileReference):
// Rehydrate the analyzer file reference with the simple shared shadow copy loader. Note: we won't
// actually use this instance we create. Instead, the caller will use create an IsolatedAssemblyReferenceSet
// from these to ensure that all the types can be safely loaded into their own ALC.
return new AnalyzerFileReference(reader.ReadRequiredString(), _analyzerLoaderProvider.SharedShadowCopyLoader);
case nameof(AnalyzerImageReference):
var guid = reader.ReadGuid();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(TryGetAnalyzerImageReferenceFromGuid(guid, out var analyzerImageReference));
return analyzerImageReference;
case var type:
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type);
protected static void WritePortableExecutableReferenceHeaderTo(
PortableExecutableReference reference, SerializationKinds kind, ObjectWriter writer)
WritePortableExecutableReferencePropertiesTo(reference, writer);
private static void WritePortableExecutableReferencePropertiesTo(PortableExecutableReference reference, ObjectWriter writer)
WriteTo(reference.Properties, writer);
private static Checksum CreatePortableExecutableReferenceChecksum(PortableExecutableReference reference)
using var stream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
using (var writer = new ObjectWriter(stream, leaveOpen: true))
WritePortableExecutableReferencePropertiesTo(reference, writer);
WriteMvidsTo(TryGetMetadata(reference), writer);
stream.Position = 0;
return Checksum.Create(stream);
private static void WriteMvidsTo(Metadata? metadata, ObjectWriter writer)
if (metadata == null)
// handle error case where we couldn't load metadata of the reference.
// this basically won't write anything to writer
if (metadata is AssemblyMetadata assemblyMetadata)
if (!TryGetModules(assemblyMetadata, out var modules))
// Gracefully bail out without writing anything to the writer.
foreach (var module in modules)
WriteMvidTo(module, writer);
WriteMvidTo((ModuleMetadata)metadata, writer);
private static bool TryGetModules(AssemblyMetadata assemblyMetadata, out ImmutableArray<ModuleMetadata> modules)
// Gracefully handle documented exceptions from 'GetModules' invocation.
modules = assemblyMetadata.GetModules();
return true;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is BadImageFormatException or
IOException or
modules = default;
return false;
private static void WriteMvidTo(ModuleMetadata metadata, ObjectWriter writer)
private static Guid GetMetadataGuid(ModuleMetadata metadata)
var metadataReader = metadata.GetMetadataReader();
var mvidHandle = metadataReader.GetModuleDefinition().Mvid;
var guid = metadataReader.GetGuid(mvidHandle);
return guid;
private static void WritePortableExecutableReferenceTo(
PortableExecutableReference reference, ObjectWriter writer)
WritePortableExecutableReferenceHeaderTo(reference, SerializationKinds.Bits, writer);
WriteTo(TryGetMetadata(reference), writer);
// TODO: what I should do with documentation provider? it is not exposed outside
private PortableExecutableReference ReadPortableExecutableReferenceFrom(ObjectReader reader)
var kind = (SerializationKinds)reader.ReadInt32();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(kind is SerializationKinds.Bits or SerializationKinds.MemoryMapFile);
var properties = ReadMetadataReferencePropertiesFrom(reader);
var filePath = reader.ReadString();
if (TryReadMetadataFrom(reader, kind) is not (var metadata, var storageHandles))
// TODO: deal with xml document provider properly
// should we shadow copy xml doc comment?
// image doesn't exist
return new MissingMetadataReference(properties, filePath, DocumentationProvider.Default);
// for now, we will use IDocumentationProviderService to get DocumentationProvider for metadata
// references. if the service is not available, then use Default (NoOp) provider.
// since xml doc comment is not part of solution snapshot, (like xml reference resolver or strong name
// provider) this provider can also potentially provide content that is different than one in the host.
// an alternative approach of this is synching content of xml doc comment to remote host as well
// so that we can put xml doc comment as part of snapshot. but until we believe that is necessary,
// it will go with simpler approach
var documentProvider = filePath != null && _documentationService != null ?
_documentationService.GetDocumentationProvider(filePath) : DocumentationProvider.Default;
return new SerializedPortableExecutableReference(
properties, filePath, metadata, storageHandles, documentProvider);
private static void WriteTo(MetadataReferenceProperties properties, ObjectWriter writer)
writer.WriteArray(properties.Aliases, static (w, a) => w.WriteString(a));
private static MetadataReferenceProperties ReadMetadataReferencePropertiesFrom(ObjectReader reader)
var kind = (MetadataImageKind)reader.ReadInt32();
var aliases = reader.ReadArray(static r => r.ReadRequiredString());
var embedInteropTypes = reader.ReadBoolean();
return new MetadataReferenceProperties(kind, aliases, embedInteropTypes);
private static void WriteTo(Metadata? metadata, ObjectWriter writer)
if (metadata == null)
// handle error case where metadata failed to load
if (metadata is AssemblyMetadata assemblyMetadata)
if (!TryGetModules(assemblyMetadata, out var modules))
// Gracefully handle error case where unable to get modules.
foreach (var module in modules)
WriteTo(module, writer);
WriteTo((ModuleMetadata)metadata, writer);
private static bool TryWritePortableExecutableReferenceBackedByTemporaryStorageTo(
PortableExecutableReference reference,
IReadOnlyList<ITemporaryStorageStreamHandle> handles,
ObjectWriter writer)
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(handles.Count == 0);
WritePortableExecutableReferenceHeaderTo(reference, SerializationKinds.MemoryMapFile, writer);
foreach (var handle in handles)
return true;
private (Metadata metadata, ImmutableArray<TemporaryStorageStreamHandle> storageHandles)? TryReadMetadataFrom(
ObjectReader reader, SerializationKinds kind)
var imageKind = reader.ReadInt32();
if (imageKind == MetadataFailed)
// error case
return null;
var metadataKind = (MetadataImageKind)imageKind;
if (metadataKind == MetadataImageKind.Assembly)
var count = reader.ReadInt32();
var allMetadata = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<ModuleMetadata>(count);
var allHandles = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<TemporaryStorageStreamHandle>(count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
metadataKind = (MetadataImageKind)reader.ReadInt32();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(metadataKind == MetadataImageKind.Module);
var (metadata, storageHandle) = ReadModuleMetadataFrom(reader, kind);
return (AssemblyMetadata.Create(allMetadata.MoveToImmutable()), allHandles.MoveToImmutable());
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(metadataKind == MetadataImageKind.Module);
var moduleInfo = ReadModuleMetadataFrom(reader, kind);
return (moduleInfo.metadata, [moduleInfo.storageHandle]);
private (ModuleMetadata metadata, TemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle) ReadModuleMetadataFrom(
ObjectReader reader, SerializationKinds kind)
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(kind is SerializationKinds.Bits or SerializationKinds.MemoryMapFile);
return kind == SerializationKinds.Bits
? ReadModuleMetadataFromBits()
: ReadModuleMetadataFromMemoryMappedFile();
(ModuleMetadata metadata, TemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle) ReadModuleMetadataFromMemoryMappedFile()
// Host passed us a segment of its own memory mapped file. We can just refer to that segment directly as it
// will not be released by the host.
var storageIdentifier = TemporaryStorageIdentifier.ReadFrom(reader);
var storageHandle = TemporaryStorageService.GetStreamHandle(storageIdentifier);
return ReadModuleMetadataFromStorage(storageHandle);
(ModuleMetadata metadata, TemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle) ReadModuleMetadataFromBits()
// Host is sending us all the data as bytes. Take that and write that out to a memory mapped file on the
// server side so that we can refer to this data uniformly.
using var stream = SerializableBytes.CreateWritableStream();
CopyByteArrayToStream(reader, stream);
var length = stream.Length;
var storageHandle = _storageService.Value.WriteToTemporaryStorage(stream);
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(length != storageHandle.Identifier.Size);
return ReadModuleMetadataFromStorage(storageHandle);
(ModuleMetadata metadata, TemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle) ReadModuleMetadataFromStorage(
TemporaryStorageStreamHandle storageHandle)
// Now read in the module data using that identifier. This will either be reading from the host's memory if
// they passed us the information about that memory segment. Or it will be reading from our own memory if they
// sent us the full contents.
// The ITemporaryStorageStreamHandle should have given us an UnmanagedMemoryStream
// since this only runs on Windows for VS.
var unmanagedStream = (UnmanagedMemoryStream)storageHandle.ReadFromTemporaryStorage();
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(storageHandle.Identifier.Size == unmanagedStream.Length);
// For an unmanaged memory stream, ModuleMetadata can take ownership directly. Stream will be kept alive as
// long as the ModuleMetadata is alive due to passing its .Dispose method in as the onDispose callback of
// the metadata.
var metadata = ModuleMetadata.CreateFromMetadata(
(IntPtr)unmanagedStream.PositionPointer, (int)unmanagedStream.Length, unmanagedStream.Dispose);
return (metadata, storageHandle);
private static void CopyByteArrayToStream(ObjectReader reader, Stream stream)
// TODO: make reader be able to read byte[] chunk
var content = reader.ReadByteArray();
stream.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
private static void WriteTo(ModuleMetadata metadata, ObjectWriter writer)
WriteTo(metadata.GetMetadataReader(), writer);
private static unsafe void WriteTo(MetadataReader reader, ObjectWriter writer)
writer.WriteSpan(new ReadOnlySpan<byte>(reader.MetadataPointer, reader.MetadataLength));
private static Metadata? TryGetMetadata(PortableExecutableReference reference)
return reference.GetMetadata();
// We have a reference but the file the reference is pointing to might not actually exist on disk. In that
// case, rather than crashing, we will handle it gracefully.
return null;
private sealed class MissingMetadataReference : PortableExecutableReference
private readonly DocumentationProvider _provider;
public MissingMetadataReference(
MetadataReferenceProperties properties, string? fullPath, DocumentationProvider initialDocumentation)
: base(properties, fullPath, initialDocumentation)
// TODO: doc comment provider is a bit weird.
_provider = initialDocumentation;
protected override DocumentationProvider CreateDocumentationProvider()
// TODO: properly implement this
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override Metadata GetMetadataImpl()
// we just throw "FileNotFoundException" even if it might not be actual reason
// why metadata has failed to load. in this context, we don't care much on actual
// reason. we just need to maintain failure when re-constructing solution to maintain
// snapshot integrity.
// if anyone care actual reason, he should get that info from original Solution.
throw new FileNotFoundException(FilePath);
protected override PortableExecutableReference WithPropertiesImpl(MetadataReferenceProperties properties)
=> new MissingMetadataReference(properties, FilePath, _provider);
public static class TestAccessor
public static void AddAnalyzerImageReference(AnalyzerImageReference analyzerImageReference)
lock (s_analyzerImageReferenceMapGate)
if (!s_analyzerReferenceMap.ContainsKey(analyzerImageReference))
s_analyzerReferenceMap = s_analyzerReferenceMap.Add(analyzerImageReference, Guid.NewGuid());
public static void AddAnalyzerImageReferences(IReadOnlyList<AnalyzerReference> analyzerReferences)
foreach (var analyzer in analyzerReferences)
if (analyzer is AnalyzerImageReference analyzerImageReference)
public interface IAnalyzerReferenceWithGuid
Guid Guid { get; }