File: Rename\Renamer.RenameDocumentActionSet.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Rename;
public static partial class Renamer
    /// <summary>
    /// Information about rename document calls that allows them to be applied as individual actions. Actions are individual units of work
    /// that can change the contents of one or more document in the solution. Even if the <see cref="ApplicableActions"/> is empty, the 
    /// document metadata will still be updated by calling <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, ImmutableArray{RenameDocumentAction}, CancellationToken)"/>
    /// <para />
    /// To apply all actions use <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, CancellationToken)"/>, or use a subset
    /// of the actions by calling <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, ImmutableArray{RenameDocumentAction}, CancellationToken)"/>. 
    /// Actions can be applied in any order.
    /// Each action has a description of the changes that it will apply that can be presented to a user.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class RenameDocumentActionSet
        private readonly DocumentId _documentId;
        private readonly string _documentName;
        private readonly ImmutableArray<string> _documentFolders;
        private readonly DocumentRenameOptions _options;
        internal RenameDocumentActionSet(
            ImmutableArray<RenameDocumentAction> actions,
            DocumentId documentId,
            string documentName,
            ImmutableArray<string> documentFolders,
            DocumentRenameOptions options)
            ApplicableActions = actions;
            _documentFolders = documentFolders;
            _documentId = documentId;
            _documentName = documentName;
            _options = options;
        /// <summary>
        /// All applicable actions computed for the action. Action set may be empty, which represents updates to document 
        /// contents rather than metadata. Document metadata will still not be updated unless <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, ImmutableArray{RenameDocumentAction}, CancellationToken)" /> 
        /// is called.
        /// </summary>
        public ImmutableArray<RenameDocumentAction> ApplicableActions { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Same as calling <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, ImmutableArray{RenameDocumentAction}, CancellationToken)"/> with 
        /// <see cref="ApplicableActions"/> as the argument
        /// </summary>
        public Task<Solution> UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution solution, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            => UpdateSolutionAsync(solution, ApplicableActions, cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies each <see cref="RenameDocumentAction"/> in order and returns the final solution. 
        /// All actions must be contained in <see cref="ApplicableActions" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// An empty action set is still allowed and will return a modified solution
        /// that will update the document properties as appropriate. This means we 
        /// can still support when <see cref="ApplicableActions"/> is empty. It's desirable
        /// that consumers can call a rename API to produce a <see cref="RenameDocumentActionSet"/> and
        /// immediately call <see cref="UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution, ImmutableArray{RenameDocumentAction}, CancellationToken)"/> without
        /// having to inspect the returned <see cref="ApplicableActions"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public async Task<Solution> UpdateSolutionAsync(Solution solution, ImmutableArray<RenameDocumentAction> actions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (solution is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(solution));
            if (actions.Any(static (a, self) => !self.ApplicableActions.Contains(a), this))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(WorkspacesResources.Cannot_apply_action_that_is_not_in_0, nameof(ApplicableActions)));
            // Prior to updating the solution it's possible the document id has changed between the time 
            // the document action info was generated and when the solution update is applied. We
            // do a best effort to still locate the document if the id has changed.
            var document = GetDocument(solution);
            // If the document was found in the solution then the current id will be durable across actions
            // since we own the solution snapshot at this point. 
            var documentId = document.Id;
            // Make sure that the document name and folders are updated to what we expect them to be
            solution = solution
                .WithDocumentName(documentId, _documentName)
                .WithDocumentFolders(documentId, _documentFolders);
            // Apply each action individually. Order should not matter
            foreach (var action in actions)
                document = solution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
                solution = await action.GetModifiedSolutionAsync(document, _options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
            return solution;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to find the document in the solution. Tries by documentId first, but 
        /// that's not always reliable between analysis and application of the rename actions
        /// </summary>
        private Document GetDocument(Solution solution)
            // DocumentId is the best bet for finding a document,
            // but it's possible the document was renamed or moved
            // before actions were applied.
            if (solution.ContainsDocument(_documentId))
                return solution.GetRequiredDocument(_documentId);
            // There are cases where we expect work to be done between when the ActionSet is first generated
            // and when the solution can be worked on. This work can remove and add documents as part of the rename
            // and thus won't have the same DocumentId. 
            // 1. Right click solution explorer > rename
            // 2. Call Renamer.RenameDocument to generate dialog for user (near synchronous) 
            // 3. CPS changes file on disk
            // 4. CPS updates project file if necessary
            // 5. In dotnet project system, a new design time build is started
            // 6. Re-evaluates what files need to be passed to Roslyn. Tell Roslyn of file changed. This is a remove then add. (Asynchronous on project-system side)
            // 7. We update the workspace snapshot in the VS Workspace. Synchronous and controlled by project system.
            // 8. RenameDocumentActionSet should be applied to the current Workspace Solution
            // Since step 6 and 7 remove and add the document, step 8 can't depend on the DocumentId being available and the same document.
            // We are guaranateed that the project is the same and we know what the document name will be. 
            // tracks designing a more elagent system that can help alleviate
            // this issue. 
            var project = solution.GetRequiredProject(_documentId.ProjectId);
            return project.Documents.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == _documentName && d.Folders.SequenceEqual(_documentFolders))
                ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(WorkspaceExtensionsResources.The_solution_does_not_contain_the_specified_document);