7 writes to _bits0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces (7)
src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Collections\BitVector.cs (7)
35_bits0 = bits0; 233_bits0 = ~_bits0; 279_bits0 = newV; 323_bits0 |= other._bits0; 368_bits0 |= mask; 370_bits0 &= ~mask; 384_bits0 = 0;
14 references to _bits0
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces (14)
src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Collections\BitVector.cs (14)
46&& _bits0 == other._bits0 67int bitsHash = _bits0.GetHashCode(); 111yield return _bits0; 123if (_bits0 != 0) 128if ((_bits0 & mask) != 0) 225return new BitVector(_bits0, newBits, _capacity); 233_bits0 = ~_bits0; 275var oldV = _bits0; 276var newV = oldV & other._bits0; 322Word oldbits = _bits0; 323_bits0 |= other._bits0; 325if (oldbits != _bits0) 351var word = (i < 0) ? _bits0 : _bits[i];