27 references to Keyword
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers (17)
RouteEmbeddedLanguage\RoutePatternCompletionProvider.cs (17)
254context.AddIfMissing("int", suffix: null, "Matches any 32-bit integer.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 255context.AddIfMissing("bool", suffix: null, "Matches true or false. Case-insensitive.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 256context.AddIfMissing("datetime", suffix: null, "Matches a valid DateTime value in the invariant culture.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 257context.AddIfMissing("decimal", suffix: null, "Matches a valid decimal value in the invariant culture.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 258context.AddIfMissing("double", suffix: null, "Matches a valid double value in the invariant culture.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 259context.AddIfMissing("float", suffix: null, "Matches a valid float value in the invariant culture.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 260context.AddIfMissing("guid", suffix: null, "Matches a valid Guid value.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 261context.AddIfMissing("long", suffix: null, "Matches any 64-bit integer.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 266context.AddIfMissing("minlength", suffix: null, "Matches a string with a length greater than, or equal to, the constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 267context.AddIfMissing("maxlength", suffix: null, "Matches a string with a length less than, or equal to, the constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 272If there are two arguments then the string length must be greater than, or equal to, the first argument and less than, or equal to, the second argument. For example, length(8,16) matches a string at least 8 and no more than 16 characters long.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 273context.AddIfMissing("min", suffix: null, "Matches an integer with a value greater than, or equal to, the constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 274context.AddIfMissing("max", suffix: null, "Matches an integer with a value less than, or equal to, the constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 275context.AddIfMissing("range", suffix: null, "Matches an integer with a value greater than, or equal to, the first constraint argument and less than, or equal to, the second constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 276context.AddIfMissing("alpha", suffix: null, "Matches a string that contains only lowercase or uppercase letters A through Z in the English alphabet.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 277context.AddIfMissing("regex", suffix: null, "Matches a string to the regular expression constraint argument.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt); 278context.AddIfMissing("required", suffix: null, "Used to enforce that a non-parameter value is present during URL generation.", WellKnownTags.Keyword, parentOpt);
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures (1)
IntelliSense\AsyncCompletion\FilterSet.cs (1)
90KeywordFilter = CreateCompletionFilterAndAddToBuilder(FeaturesResources.Keywords, 'k', WellKnownTags.Keyword);
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests (2)
IntelliSense\VisualBasicCompletionCommandHandlerTests.vb (2)
2156Assert.True(doubleItem.Tags.Contains(WellKnownTags.Keyword)) 2176Assert.True(doubleItems.Any(Function(c) c.Tags.Contains(WellKnownTags.Keyword)))
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (4)
Common\GlyphExtensions.cs (1)
136case WellKnownTags.Keyword:
Completion\CommonCompletionService.cs (1)
38=> item.Tags.Contains(WellKnownTags.Keyword);
Completion\CompletionHelper.cs (1)
71=> item.Tags.Contains(WellKnownTags.Keyword);
Completion\CompletionTags.cs (1)
42public const string Keyword = WellKnownTags.Keyword;
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer.Protocol (1)
Extensions\ProtocolConversions.cs (1)
73{ WellKnownTags.Keyword, ImmutableArray.Create(LSP.CompletionItemKind.Keyword) },
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces (2)
Tags\WellKnownTags.cs (2)
34public const string Keyword = nameof(Keyword); 102internal static readonly ImmutableArray<string> Keyword = [WellKnownTags.Keyword];