4 references to ISymbolSearchService
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (1)
AddImport\IAddImportFeatureService.cs (1)
48/// Similar to <see cref="GetFixesAsync(Document, TextSpan, string, int, ISymbolSearchService, AddImportOptions, ImmutableArray{PackageSource}, CancellationToken)"/>
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Remote.ServiceHub (3)
Services\MissingImportDiscovery\RemoteMissingImportDiscoveryService.cs (3)
89/// Provides an implementation of the <see cref="ISymbolSearchService"/> on the remote side so that 92/// appropriately to wherever the real <see cref="ISymbolSearchService"/> is running. This is necessary 93/// because it's not guaranteed that the real <see cref="ISymbolSearchService"/> will be running in