// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
public static partial class SymbolFinder
private static bool IsAccessible(ISymbol symbol)
if (symbol.Locations.Any(static l => l.IsInMetadata))
var accessibility = symbol.DeclaredAccessibility;
return accessibility is Accessibility.Public or
Accessibility.Protected or
return true;
internal static bool OriginalSymbolsMatch(
Solution solution,
ISymbol? searchSymbol,
ISymbol? symbolToMatch)
if (ReferenceEquals(searchSymbol, symbolToMatch))
return true;
if (searchSymbol == null || symbolToMatch == null)
return false;
// Avoid the expensive checks if we can fast path when the compiler just says these are equal. Also, for the
// purposes of symbol finding nullability of symbols doesn't affect things, so just use the default
// comparison.
if (searchSymbol.Equals(symbolToMatch))
return true;
if (OriginalSymbolsMatchCore(solution, searchSymbol, symbolToMatch))
return true;
if (searchSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace && symbolToMatch.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace)
// if one of them is a merged namespace symbol and other one is its constituent namespace symbol, they are equivalent.
var namespace1 = (INamespaceSymbol)searchSymbol;
var namespace2 = (INamespaceSymbol)symbolToMatch;
var namespace1Count = namespace1.ConstituentNamespaces.Length;
var namespace2Count = namespace2.ConstituentNamespaces.Length;
if (namespace1Count != namespace2Count)
if ((namespace1Count > 1 && namespace1.ConstituentNamespaces.Any(static (n, arg) => OriginalSymbolsMatch(arg.solution, n, arg.namespace2), (solution, namespace2))) ||
(namespace2Count > 1 && namespace2.ConstituentNamespaces.Any(static (n2, arg) => OriginalSymbolsMatch(arg.solution, arg.namespace1, n2), (solution, namespace1))))
return true;
return false;
private static bool OriginalSymbolsMatchCore(
Solution solution, ISymbol searchSymbol, ISymbol symbolToMatch)
if (searchSymbol == null || symbolToMatch == null)
return false;
searchSymbol = searchSymbol.GetOriginalUnreducedDefinition();
symbolToMatch = symbolToMatch.GetOriginalUnreducedDefinition();
// Avoid the expensive checks if we can fast path when the compiler just says these are equal. Also, for the
// purposes of symbol finding nullability of symbols doesn't affect things, so just use the default
// comparison.
if (searchSymbol.Equals(symbolToMatch, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default))
return true;
// We compare the given searchSymbol and symbolToMatch for equivalence using SymbolEquivalenceComparer
// as follows:
// 1) We compare the given symbols using the SymbolEquivalenceComparer.IgnoreAssembliesInstance,
// which ignores the containing assemblies for named types equivalence checks. This is required
// to handle equivalent named types which are forwarded to completely different assemblies.
// 2) If the symbols are NOT equivalent ignoring assemblies, then they cannot be equivalent.
// 3) Otherwise, if the symbols ARE equivalent ignoring assemblies, they may or may not be equivalent
// if containing assemblies are NOT ignored. We need to perform additional checks to ensure they
// are indeed equivalent:
// (a) If IgnoreAssembliesInstance.Equals equivalence visitor encountered any pair of non-nested
// named types which were equivalent in all aspects, except that they resided in different
// assemblies, we need to ensure that all such pairs are indeed equivalent types. Such a pair
// of named types is equivalent if and only if one of them is a type defined in either
// searchSymbolCompilation(C1) or symbolToMatchCompilation(C2), say defined in reference assembly
// A (version v1) in compilation C1, and the other type is a forwarded type, such that it is
// forwarded from reference assembly A (version v2) to assembly B in compilation C2.
// (b) Otherwise, if no such named type pairs were encountered, symbols ARE equivalent.
using var _ = PooledDictionary<INamedTypeSymbol, INamedTypeSymbol>.GetInstance(out var equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies);
// 1) Compare searchSymbol and symbolToMatch using SymbolEquivalenceComparer.IgnoreAssembliesInstance
if (!SymbolEquivalenceComparer.IgnoreAssembliesInstance.Equals(searchSymbol, symbolToMatch, equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies))
// 2) If the symbols are NOT equivalent ignoring assemblies, then they cannot be equivalent.
return false;
// 3) If the symbols ARE equivalent ignoring assemblies, they may or may not be equivalent if containing assemblies are NOT ignored.
if (equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies.Count > 0)
// Step 3a) Ensure that all pairs of named types in equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies are indeed equivalent types.
return VerifyForwardedTypes(solution, equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies);
// 3b) If no such named type pairs were encountered, symbols ARE equivalent.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that all pairs of named types in equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies are equivalent forwarded types.
/// </summary>
private static bool VerifyForwardedTypes(
Solution solution,
Dictionary<INamedTypeSymbol, INamedTypeSymbol> equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies)
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies.Count == 0);
// Must contain equivalents named types residing in different assemblies.
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies.All(kvp => !SymbolEquivalenceComparer.Instance.Equals(kvp.Key.ContainingAssembly, kvp.Value.ContainingAssembly)));
// Must contain non-nested named types.
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies.All(kvp => kvp.Key.ContainingType == null));
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies.All(kvp => kvp.Value.ContainingType == null));
foreach (var (type1, type2) in equivalentTypesWithDifferingAssemblies)
// Check if type1 was forwarded to type2 in type2's compilation, or if type2 was forwarded to type1 in
// type1's compilation. We check both direction as this API is called from higher level comparison APIs
// that are unordered.
if (!VerifyForwardedType(solution, candidate: type1, forwardedTo: type2) &&
!VerifyForwardedType(solution, candidate: type2, forwardedTo: type1))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="candidate"/> was forwarded to <paramref name="forwardedTo"/> in
/// <paramref name="forwardedTo"/>'s <see cref="Compilation"/>.
/// </summary>
private static bool VerifyForwardedType(
Solution solution,
INamedTypeSymbol candidate,
INamedTypeSymbol forwardedTo)
// Only need to operate on original definitions. i.e. List<T> is the type that is forwarded,
// not List<string>.
candidate = GetOridinalUnderlyingType(candidate);
forwardedTo = GetOridinalUnderlyingType(forwardedTo);
var forwardedToCompilation = solution.GetOriginatingCompilation(forwardedTo);
if (forwardedToCompilation == null)
return false;
var candidateFullMetadataName = candidate.ContainingNamespace?.IsGlobalNamespace != false
? candidate.MetadataName
: $"{candidate.ContainingNamespace.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormats.SignatureFormat)}.{candidate.MetadataName}";
// Now, find the corresponding reference to type1's assembly in type2's compilation and see if that assembly
// contains a forward that matches type2. If so, type1 was forwarded to type2.
var candidateAssemblyName = candidate.ContainingAssembly.Name;
foreach (var assembly in forwardedToCompilation.GetReferencedAssemblySymbols())
if (assembly.Name == candidateAssemblyName)
var resolvedType = assembly.ResolveForwardedType(candidateFullMetadataName);
if (Equals(resolvedType, forwardedTo))
return true;
return false;
private static INamedTypeSymbol GetOridinalUnderlyingType(INamedTypeSymbol type)
=> (type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType ?? type).OriginalDefinition;