// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols.Finders;
internal sealed class MethodTypeParameterSymbolReferenceFinder : AbstractTypeParameterSymbolReferenceFinder
protected override bool CanFind(ITypeParameterSymbol symbol)
=> symbol.TypeParameterKind == TypeParameterKind.Method;
protected override ValueTask<ImmutableArray<ISymbol>> DetermineCascadedSymbolsAsync(
ITypeParameterSymbol symbol,
Solution solution,
FindReferencesSearchOptions options,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var method = (IMethodSymbol)symbol.ContainingSymbol;
var ordinal = method.TypeParameters.IndexOf(symbol);
if (ordinal >= 0)
if (method.PartialDefinitionPart != null && ordinal < method.PartialDefinitionPart.TypeParameters.Length)
return new([method.PartialDefinitionPart.TypeParameters[ordinal]]);
if (method.PartialImplementationPart != null && ordinal < method.PartialImplementationPart.TypeParameters.Length)
return new([method.PartialImplementationPart.TypeParameters[ordinal]]);
return new([]);
protected sealed override Task DetermineDocumentsToSearchAsync<TData>(
ITypeParameterSymbol symbol,
HashSet<string>? globalAliases,
Project project,
IImmutableSet<Document>? documents,
Action<Document, TData> processResult,
TData processResultData,
FindReferencesSearchOptions options,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Type parameters are only found in documents that have both their name, and the name of its owning method.
// NOTE(cyrusn): We have to check in multiple files because of partial types. A type parameter can be
// referenced across all the parts. NOTE(cyrusn): We look for type parameters by name. This means if the same
// type parameter has a different name in different parts that we won't find it. However, this only happens in
// error situations. It is not legal in C# to use a different name for a type parameter in different parts.
// Also, we only look for files that have the name of the owning type. This helps filter down the set
// considerably. Note: we don't do this for top level local functions as they obviously appear only in one
// document, and their containing type name ("Program") doesn't have to appear there at all.
using var names = TemporaryArray<string>.Empty;
if (symbol is not
ContainingSymbol: IMethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.LocalFunction },
ContainingType: INamedTypeSymbol { Name: "Program", ContainingNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace: true }
return FindDocumentsAsync(project, documents, processResult, processResultData, cancellationToken, names.ToImmutableAndClear());
private static string GetMemberNameWithoutInterfaceName(string fullName)
var index = fullName.LastIndexOf('.');
return index > 0 ? fullName[(index + 1)..] : fullName;