// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols.Finders;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
using Reference = (SymbolGroup group, ISymbol symbol, ReferenceLocation location);
internal sealed partial class FindReferencesSearchEngine(
Solution solution,
IImmutableSet<Document>? documents,
ImmutableArray<IReferenceFinder> finders,
IStreamingFindReferencesProgress progress,
FindReferencesSearchOptions options)
/// <summary>
/// Scheduler we use when we're doing operations in the BG and we want to rate limit them to not saturate the threadpool.
/// </summary>
private static readonly TaskScheduler s_exclusiveScheduler = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair().ExclusiveScheduler;
private static readonly ObjectPool<Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup>> s_symbolToGroupPool = new(() => new(MetadataUnifyingEquivalenceComparer.Instance));
private readonly Solution _solution = solution;
private readonly IImmutableSet<Document>? _documents = documents;
private readonly ImmutableArray<IReferenceFinder> _finders = finders;
private readonly IStreamingProgressTracker _progressTracker = progress.ProgressTracker;
private readonly IStreamingFindReferencesProgress _progress = progress;
private readonly FindReferencesSearchOptions _options = options;
/// <summary>
/// Options to control the parallelism of the search. If we're in <see
/// cref="FindReferencesSearchOptions.Explicit"/> mode, we'll run all our tasks concurrently. Otherwise, we will
/// run them serially using <see cref="s_exclusiveScheduler"/>
/// </summary>
private ParallelOptions GetParallelOptions(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> new()
CancellationToken = cancellationToken,
// If we're an explicit invocation, just defer to the threadpool to execute all our work in parallel to get
// things done as quickly as possible. If we're running implicitly, then use a exclusive scheduler as
// that's the most built-in way in the TPL to get will run things serially.
TaskScheduler = _options.Explicit ? TaskScheduler.Default : s_exclusiveScheduler,
public Task FindReferencesAsync(ISymbol symbol, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> FindReferencesAsync([symbol], cancellationToken);
public async Task FindReferencesAsync(
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _progress.OnStartedAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await ProducerConsumer<Reference>.RunAsync(
produceItems: static (onItemFound, args, cancellationToken) => args.@this.PerformSearchAsync(args.symbols, onItemFound, cancellationToken),
consumeItems: static async (references, args, cancellationToken) => await args.@this._progress.OnReferencesFoundAsync(references, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
(@this: this, symbols),
await _progress.OnCompletedAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private async Task PerformSearchAsync(
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols, Action<Reference> onReferenceFound, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Mapping from symbols (unified across metadata/retargeting) and the set of symbols that was produced for
// them in the case of linked files across projects. This allows references to be found to any of the unified
// symbols, while the user only gets a single reported group back that corresponds to that entire set.
// This is a normal dictionary that is not locked. It is only ever read and written to serially from within the
// high level project-walking code in this method.
using var _1 = s_symbolToGroupPool.GetPooledObject(out var symbolToGroup);
var unifiedSymbols = new MetadataUnifyingSymbolHashSet();
var disposable = await _progressTracker.AddSingleItemAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await using var _2 = disposable.ConfigureAwait(false);
// Create the initial set of symbols to search for. As we walk the appropriate projects in the solution
// we'll expand this set as we discover new symbols to search for in each project.
var symbolSet = await SymbolSet.CreateAsync(
this, unifiedSymbols, includeImplementationsThroughDerivedTypes: true, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Report the initial set of symbols to the caller.
var allSymbols = symbolSet.GetAllSymbols();
// Safe to call as we're in the entry-point method, and nothing is running concurrently with this call.
await ReportGroupsSeriallyAsync(allSymbols, symbolToGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Determine the set of projects we actually have to walk to find results in. If the caller provided a
// set of documents to search, we only bother with those.
var projectsToSearch = await GetProjectsToSearchAsync(allSymbols, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
await _progressTracker.AddItemsAsync(projectsToSearch.Length, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Pull off and start searching each project as soon as we can once we've done the inheritance cascade into it.
await RoslynParallel.ForEachAsync(
// ForEachAsync will serially pull on the IAsyncEnumerable returned here, kicking off the processing to then
// happen in parallel.
GetProjectsAndSymbolsToSearchSeriallyAsync(symbolSet, projectsToSearch, symbolToGroup, cancellationToken),
async (tuple, cancellationToken) => await ProcessProjectAsync(
tuple.project, tuple.allSymbols, onReferenceFound, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);
private async IAsyncEnumerable<(Project project, ImmutableArray<(ISymbol symbol, SymbolGroup group)> allSymbols)> GetProjectsAndSymbolsToSearchSeriallyAsync(
SymbolSet symbolSet,
ImmutableArray<Project> projectsToSearch,
Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup> symbolToGroup,
[EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// We need to process projects in order when updating our symbol set. Say we have three projects (A, B
// and C), we cannot necessarily find inherited symbols in C until we have searched B. Importantly,
// while we're processing each project linearly to update the symbol set we're searching for, we still
// then process the projects in parallel once we know the set of symbols we're searching for in that
// project.
var dependencyGraph = _solution.GetProjectDependencyGraph();
foreach (var projectId in dependencyGraph.GetTopologicallySortedProjects(cancellationToken))
var currentProject = _solution.GetRequiredProject(projectId);
if (!projectsToSearch.Contains(currentProject))
// As we walk each project, attempt to grow the search set appropriately up and down the inheritance
// hierarchy and grab a copy of the symbols to be processed. Note: this has to happen serially
// which is why we do it in this loop and not inside the concurrent project processing that happens
// below.
await symbolSet.InheritanceCascadeAsync(currentProject, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Report any new symbols we've cascaded to to our caller. This is safe to call here as we're abiding by
// the serial requirements of ReportGroupsSeriallyAsync
var allSymbolsAndGroups = await ReportGroupsSeriallyAsync(
symbolSet.GetAllSymbols(), symbolToGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
yield return (currentProject, allSymbolsAndGroups);
/// <summary>
/// Notify the caller of the engine about the definitions we've found that we're looking for. We'll only notify
/// them once per symbol group, but we may have to notify about new symbols each time we expand our symbol set
/// when we walk into a new project.
/// </summary>
private async Task<ImmutableArray<(ISymbol symbol, SymbolGroup group)>> ReportGroupsSeriallyAsync(
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols, Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup> symbolToGroup, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var result = new FixedSizeArrayBuilder<(ISymbol symbol, SymbolGroup group)>(symbols.Length);
// Safe to call this as we're only being called from within a serial context ourselves.
foreach (var symbol in symbols)
result.Add((symbol, await ReportGroupSeriallyAsync(symbol, symbolToGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)));
return result.MoveToImmutable();
private async ValueTask<SymbolGroup> ReportGroupSeriallyAsync(
ISymbol symbol, Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup> symbolToGroup, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// See if this is the first time we're running across this symbol. Note: no locks are needed
// here between checking and then adding because this is only ever called serially from within
// FindReferencesAsync above (though we still need a ConcurrentDictionary as reads of these
// symbols will happen later in ProcessDocumentAsync. However, those reads will only happen
// after the dependent symbol values were written in, so it will be safe to blindly read them
// out.
if (!symbolToGroup.TryGetValue(symbol, out var group))
var linkedSymbols = await SymbolFinder.FindLinkedSymbolsAsync(symbol, _solution, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(linkedSymbols.Contains(symbol), "Linked symbols did not contain the very symbol we started with.");
group = new SymbolGroup(linkedSymbols);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(group.Symbols.Contains(symbol), "Symbol group did not contain the very symbol we started with.");
foreach (var groupSymbol in group.Symbols)
symbolToGroup.TryAdd(groupSymbol, group);
// Since "symbol" was in group.Symbols, and we just added links from all of group.Symbols to that group, then "symbol"
// better now be in _symbolToGroup.
await _progress.OnDefinitionFoundAsync(group, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return group;
private Task<ImmutableArray<Project>> GetProjectsToSearchAsync(
ImmutableArray<ISymbol> symbols, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var projects = _documents != null
? _documents.Select(d => d.Project).ToImmutableHashSet()
: [.. _solution.Projects];
return DependentProjectsFinder.GetDependentProjectsAsync(_solution, symbols, projects, cancellationToken);
private async ValueTask ProcessProjectAsync(
Project project, ImmutableArray<(ISymbol symbol, SymbolGroup group)> allSymbols, Action<Reference> onReferenceFound, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using var _1 = PooledDictionary<ISymbol, PooledHashSet<string>>.GetInstance(out var symbolToGlobalAliases);
using var _2 = PooledDictionary<Document, Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup>>.GetInstance(out var documentToSymbolsWithin);
// scratch hashset to place results in. Populated/inspected/cleared in inner loop.
using var _3 = PooledHashSet<Document>.GetInstance(out var foundDocuments);
await AddGlobalAliasesAsync(project, allSymbols, symbolToGlobalAliases, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var (symbol, group) in allSymbols)
var globalAliases = TryGet(symbolToGlobalAliases, symbol);
foreach (var finder in _finders)
await finder.DetermineDocumentsToSearchAsync(
symbol, globalAliases, project, _documents,
_options, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var document in foundDocuments)
var symbolsWithin = documentToSymbolsWithin.GetOrAdd(document, static _ => s_symbolToGroupPool.AllocateAndClear());
symbolsWithin[symbol] = group;
await RoslynParallel.ForEachAsync(
(kvp, cancellationToken) =>
ProcessDocumentAsync(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, symbolToGlobalAliases, onReferenceFound, cancellationToken)).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var (_, symbolsWithin) in documentToSymbolsWithin)
await _progressTracker.ItemCompletedAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static PooledHashSet<U>? TryGet<T, U>(Dictionary<T, PooledHashSet<U>> dictionary, T key) where T : notnull
=> dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var set) ? set : null;
private async ValueTask ProcessDocumentAsync(
Document document,
Dictionary<ISymbol, SymbolGroup> symbolsToSearchFor,
Dictionary<ISymbol, PooledHashSet<string>> symbolToGlobalAliases,
Action<Reference> onReferenceFound,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// We're doing to do all of our processing of this document at once. This will necessitate all the
// appropriate finders checking this document for hits. We know that in the initial pass to determine
// documents, this document was already considered a strong match (e.g. we know it contains the name of
// the symbol being searched for). As such, we're almost certainly going to have to do semantic checks
// to now see if the candidate actually matches the symbol. This will require syntax and semantics. So
// just grab those once here and hold onto them for the lifetime of this call.
var cache = await FindReferenceCache.GetCacheAsync(document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// This search almost always involves trying to find the tokens matching the name of the symbol we're looking
// for. Get the cache ready with those tokens so that kicking of N searches to search for each symbol in
// parallel doesn't cause us to compute and cache the same thing concurrently.
// Note: cascaded symbols will normally have the same name. That's ok. The second call to
// FindMatchingIdentifierTokens with the same name will short circuit since it will already see the result of
// the prior call.
foreach (var (symbol, _) in symbolsToSearchFor)
if (symbol.CanBeReferencedByName)
cache.FindMatchingIdentifierTokens(symbol.Name, cancellationToken);
await RoslynParallel.ForEachAsync(
(kvp, cancellationToken) =>
var (symbolToSearchFor, symbolGroup) = kvp;
// symbolToGlobalAliases is safe to read in parallel. It is created fully before this point and is no
// longer mutated.
var state = new FindReferencesDocumentState(
cache, TryGet(symbolToGlobalAliases, symbolToSearchFor));
ProcessDocument(symbolToSearchFor, symbolGroup, state, onReferenceFound);
return ValueTaskFactory.CompletedTask;
void ProcessDocument(
ISymbol symbolToSearchFor, SymbolGroup symbolGroup, FindReferencesDocumentState state, Action<Reference> onReferenceFound)
using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.FindReference_ProcessDocumentAsync, cancellationToken))
// Note: nearly every finder will no-op when passed a in a symbol it's not applicable to. So it's
// simple to just iterate over all of them, knowing that will quickly skip all the irrelevant ones,
// and only do interesting work on the single relevant one.
foreach (var finder in _finders)
symbolToSearchFor, state,
static (loc, tuple) => tuple.onReferenceFound((tuple.symbolGroup, tuple.symbolToSearchFor, loc.Location)),
(symbolGroup, symbolToSearchFor, onReferenceFound),
private async Task AddGlobalAliasesAsync(
Project project,
ImmutableArray<(ISymbol symbol, SymbolGroup group)> allSymbols,
PooledDictionary<ISymbol, PooledHashSet<string>> symbolToGlobalAliases,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (var (symbol, _) in allSymbols)
foreach (var finder in _finders)
var aliases = await finder.DetermineGlobalAliasesAsync(
symbol, project, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (aliases.Length > 0)
GetGlobalAliasesSet(symbolToGlobalAliases, symbol).AddRange(aliases);
private static PooledHashSet<string> GetGlobalAliasesSet<T>(PooledDictionary<T, PooledHashSet<string>> dictionary, T key) where T : notnull
=> dictionary.GetOrAdd(key, static _ => PooledHashSet<string>.GetInstance());
private static void FreeGlobalAliases(PooledDictionary<ISymbol, PooledHashSet<string>> symbolToGlobalAliases)
foreach (var (_, globalAliases) in symbolToGlobalAliases)
private static bool InvolvesInheritance(ISymbol symbol)
=> symbol is IMethodSymbol or IPropertySymbol or IEventSymbol;