// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Storage;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
internal static partial class DependentTypeFinder
private sealed class ProjectIndex(
MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> classesAndRecordsThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject,
MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> valueTypes,
MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> enums,
MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> delegates,
MultiDictionary<string, (DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo)> namedTypes)
/// <summary>
/// We cache the project instance per <see cref="ProjectState"/>. This allows us to reuse it over a wide set of
/// changes (for example, changing completely unrelated projects that a particular project doesn't depend on).
/// However, <see cref="ProjectState"/> doesn't change even when certain things change that will create a
/// substantively different <see cref="Project"/>. For example, if the <see
/// cref="SourceGeneratorExecutionVersion"/> for the project changes, we'll still have the same project state.
/// As such, we store the <see cref="Checksum"/> of the project as well, ensuring that if anything in it or its
/// dependencies changes, we recompute the index.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<ProjectState, StrongBox<(Checksum checksum, AsyncLazy<ProjectIndex> lazyProjectIndex)>> s_projectToIndex = new();
public readonly MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> ClassesAndRecordsThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject = classesAndRecordsThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject;
public readonly MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> ValueTypes = valueTypes;
public readonly MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> Enums = enums;
public readonly MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo> Delegates = delegates;
public readonly MultiDictionary<string, (DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo)> NamedTypes = namedTypes;
public static async Task<ProjectIndex> GetIndexAsync(
Project project, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Use the checksum of the project. That way if its state *or* SG info changes, we compute a new index with
// accurate information in it.
var checksum = await project.GetDiagnosticChecksumAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!s_projectToIndex.TryGetValue(project.State, out var tuple) ||
tuple.Value.checksum != checksum)
tuple = new((checksum, AsyncLazy.Create(CreateIndexAsync, project)));
#if NET
s_projectToIndex.AddOrUpdate(project.State, tuple);
// Best effort try to update the map with the new data.
// Note: intentionally ignore the return value here. We want to use the value we've computed even if
// another thread beats us to adding things here.
_ = s_projectToIndex.GetValue(project.State, _ => tuple);
return await tuple.Value.lazyProjectIndex.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
private static async Task<ProjectIndex> CreateIndexAsync(Project project, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var classesThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject = new MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo>();
var valueTypes = new MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo>();
var enums = new MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo>();
var delegates = new MultiDictionary<DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo>();
var namedTypes = new MultiDictionary<string, (DocumentId, DeclaredSymbolInfo)>(
var solutionKey = SolutionKey.ToSolutionKey(project.Solution);
var regularDocumentStates = project.State.DocumentStates;
var sourceGeneratorDocumentStates = await project.Solution.CompilationState.GetSourceGeneratedDocumentStatesAsync(project.State, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var allStates =
regularDocumentStates.States.Select(kvp => (kvp.Key, kvp.Value)).Concat(
sourceGeneratorDocumentStates.States.Select(kvp => (kvp.Key, (DocumentState)kvp.Value)));
// Avoid realizing actual Document instances here. We don't need them, and it can allocate a lot of
// memory as we do background indexing.
foreach (var (documentId, document) in allStates)
var syntaxTreeIndex = await TopLevelSyntaxTreeIndex.GetRequiredIndexAsync(
solutionKey, project.State, document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var info in syntaxTreeIndex.DeclaredSymbolInfos)
switch (info.Kind)
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.Class:
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.Record:
classesThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject.Add(documentId, info);
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.Enum:
enums.Add(documentId, info);
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.Struct:
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.RecordStruct:
valueTypes.Add(documentId, info);
case DeclaredSymbolInfoKind.Delegate:
delegates.Add(documentId, info);
foreach (var inheritanceName in info.InheritanceNames)
namedTypes.Add(inheritanceName, (documentId, info));
return new ProjectIndex(classesThatMayDeriveFromSystemObject, valueTypes, enums, delegates, namedTypes);