File: Differencing\EditScript.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Differencing;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a sequence of tree edits.
/// </summary>
public sealed partial class EditScript<TNode>
    internal EditScript(Match<TNode> match)
        Match = match;
        var edits = new List<Edit<TNode>>();
        Edits = edits.AsImmutable();
    public ImmutableArray<Edit<TNode>> Edits { get; }
    public Match<TNode> Match { get; }
    private TreeComparer<TNode> Comparer => Match.Comparer;
    private TNode Root1 => Match.OldRoot;
    private TNode Root2 => Match.NewRoot;
    private void AddUpdatesInsertsMoves(List<Edit<TNode>> edits)
        // Breadth-first traversal.
        ProcessNode(edits, Root2);
        var rootChildren = Comparer.GetChildren(Root2);
        if (rootChildren == null)
        var queue = new Queue<IEnumerable<TNode>>();
            var children = queue.Dequeue();
            foreach (var child in children)
                ProcessNode(edits, child);
                var grandChildren = Comparer.GetChildren(child);
                if (grandChildren != null)
        while (queue.Count > 0);
    private void ProcessNode(List<Edit<TNode>> edits, TNode x)
        Debug.Assert(Comparer.TreesEqual(x, Root2));
        // NOTE:  
        // Our implementation differs from the algorithm described in the paper in following:
        // - We don't update M' and T1 since we don't need the final matching and the transformed tree.
        // - Insert and Move edits don't need to store the offset of the nodes relative to their parents,
        //   so we don't calculate those. Thus we don't need to implement FindPos.
        // - We don't mark nodes "in order" since the marks are only needed by FindPos.
        // a) 
        // Let x be the current node in the breadth-first search of T2. 
        // Let y = parent(x).
        // Let z be the partner of parent(x) in M'.  (note: we don't need z for insert)
        // NOTE:
        // If we needed z then we would need to be updating M' as we encounter insertions.
        var hasPartner = Match.TryGetPartnerInTree1(x, out var w);
        var hasParent = Comparer.TryGetParent(x, out var y);
        if (!hasPartner)
            // b) If x has no partner in M'.
            //   i. k := FindPos(x)
            //  ii. Append INS((w, a, value(x)), z, k) to E for a new identifier w.
            // iii. Add (w, x) to M' and apply INS((w, a, value(x)), z, k) to T1.          
            edits.Add(new Edit<TNode>(EditKind.Insert, Comparer, oldNode: default, newNode: x));
            // NOTE:
            // We don't update M' here.
        else if (hasParent)
            // c) else if x is not a root
            // i. Let w be the partner of x in M', and let v = parent(w) in T1.
            var v = Comparer.GetParent(w);
            // ii. if value(w) != value(x)
            // A. Append UPD(w, value(x)) to E
            // B. Apply UPD(w, value(x) to T1   
            // Let the Comparer decide whether an update should be added to the edit list.
            // The Comparer defines what changes in node values it cares about.
            if (!Comparer.ValuesEqual(w, x))
                edits.Add(new Edit<TNode>(EditKind.Update, Comparer, oldNode: w, newNode: x));
            // If parents of w and x don't match, it's a move.
            // iii. if not (v, y) in M'             
            // NOTE: The paper says (y, v) but that seems wrong since M': T1 -> T2 and w,v in T1 and x,y in T2.
            if (!Match.Contains(v, y))
                // A. Let z be the partner of y in M'. (NOTE: z not needed)
                // B. k := FindPos(x)
                // C. Append MOV(w, z, k)
                // D. Apply MOV(w, z, k) to T1
                edits.Add(new Edit<TNode>(EditKind.Move, Comparer, oldNode: w, newNode: x));
        // d) AlignChildren(w, x)
        // NOTE: If we just applied an INS((w, a, value(x)), z, k) operation on tree T1 
        // the newly created node w would have no children. So there is nothing to align.
        if (hasPartner)
            AlignChildren(edits, w, x);
    private void AddDeletes(List<Edit<TNode>> edits)
        // 3. Do a post-order traversal of T1.
        //    a) Let w be the current node in the post-order traversal of T1.
        //    b) If w has no partner in M' then append DEL(w) to E and apply DEL(w) to T1.
        // NOTE: The fact that we haven't updated M' during the Insert phase 
        // doesn't affect Delete phase. The original algorithm inserted new node n1 into T1
        // when an insertion INS(n1, n2) was detected. It also added (n1, n2) to M'.
        // Then in Delete phase n1 is visited but nothing is done since it has a partner n2 in M'.
        // Since we don't add n1 into T1, not adding (n1, n2) to M' doesn't affect the Delete phase.
        foreach (var w in Comparer.GetDescendants(Root1))
            if (!Match.HasPartnerInTree2(w))
                edits.Add(new Edit<TNode>(EditKind.Delete, Comparer, oldNode: w, newNode: default));
    private void AlignChildren(List<Edit<TNode>> edits, TNode w, TNode x)
        Debug.Assert(Comparer.TreesEqual(w, Root1));
        Debug.Assert(Comparer.TreesEqual(x, Root2));
        IEnumerable<TNode> wChildren, xChildren;
        if ((wChildren = Comparer.GetChildren(w)) == null || (xChildren = Comparer.GetChildren(x)) == null)
        // Step 1
        //  Make all children of w and all children x "out of order"
        //  NOTE: We don't need to mark nodes "in order".
        // Step 2
        //  Let S1 be the sequence of children of w whose partner are children
        //  of x and let S2 be the sequence of children of x whose partner are
        //  children of w.
        List<TNode> s1 = null;
        foreach (var e in wChildren)
            if (Match.TryGetPartnerInTree2(e, out var pw) && Comparer.GetParent(pw).Equals(x))
                s1 ??= [];
        List<TNode> s2 = null;
        foreach (var e in xChildren)
            if (Match.TryGetPartnerInTree1(e, out var px) && Comparer.GetParent(px).Equals(w))
                s2 ??= [];
        if (s1 == null || s2 == null)
        // Step 3, 4
        //  Define the function Equal(a,b) to be true if and only if  (a,c) in M'
        //  Let S <- LCS(S1, S2, Equal)
        var lcs = new Match<TNode>.LongestCommonSubsequence(Match);
        var s = lcs.GetMatchingNodes(s1, s2);
        // Step 5
        //  For each (a,b) in S, mark nodes a and b "in order"
        //  NOTE: We don't need to mark nodes "in order".
        // Step 6
        //  For each a in S1, b in S2 such that (a,b) in M but (a,b) not in S
        //   (a) k <- FindPos(b)
        //   (b) Append MOV(a,w,k) to E and apply MOV(a,w,k) to T1
        //   (c) Mark a and b "in order"
        //       NOTE: We don't mark nodes "in order".
        foreach (var a in s1)
            // (a,b) in M
            // => b in S2 since S2 == { b | parent(b) == x && parent(partner(b)) == w }
            // (a,b) not in S
            if (Match.TryGetPartnerInTree2(a, out var b) &&
                Comparer.GetParent(b).Equals(x) &&
                !ContainsPair(s, a, b))
                Debug.Assert(Comparer.TreesEqual(a, Root1));
                Debug.Assert(Comparer.TreesEqual(b, Root2));
                edits.Add(new Edit<TNode>(EditKind.Reorder, Comparer, oldNode: a, newNode: b));
    private static bool ContainsPair(Dictionary<TNode, TNode> dict, TNode a, TNode b)
        => dict.TryGetValue(a, out var value) && value.Equals(b);