// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#pragma warning disable RS0030 // Do not used banned APIs: CodeStyleOption<T>
using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
/// <summary>
/// Public representation of a code style option value. Should only be used for public API.
/// Internally the value is represented by <see cref="ICodeStyleOption2"/>.
/// </summary>
internal interface ICodeStyleOption
XElement ToXElement();
object? Value { get; }
NotificationOption2 Notification { get; }
ICodeStyleOption WithValue(object value);
ICodeStyleOption WithNotification(NotificationOption2 notification);
/// <inheritdoc cref="CodeStyleOption2{T}"/>
public sealed class CodeStyleOption<T> : ICodeStyleOption, IEquatable<CodeStyleOption<T>>
public static CodeStyleOption<T> Default => new(default!, NotificationOption.Silent);
internal CodeStyleOption(CodeStyleOption2<T> codeStyleOptionImpl)
=> UnderlyingOption = codeStyleOptionImpl;
public CodeStyleOption(T value, NotificationOption notification)
: this(new CodeStyleOption2<T>(value, new NotificationOption2(notification.Severity, IsExplicitlySpecified: false)))
public T Value
get => UnderlyingOption.Value;
[Obsolete("Modifying a CodeStyleOption<T> is not supported.", error: true)]
set => throw new InvalidOperationException();
object? ICodeStyleOption.Value => this.Value;
NotificationOption2 ICodeStyleOption.Notification => UnderlyingOption.Notification;
ICodeStyleOption ICodeStyleOption.WithValue(object value) => new CodeStyleOption<T>((T)value, Notification);
ICodeStyleOption ICodeStyleOption.WithNotification(NotificationOption2 notification) => new CodeStyleOption<T>(Value, (NotificationOption)notification);
public NotificationOption Notification
get => (NotificationOption)UnderlyingOption.Notification;
[Obsolete("Modifying a CodeStyleOption<T> is not supported.", error: true)]
set => throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal CodeStyleOption2<T> UnderlyingOption { get; }
public XElement ToXElement() => UnderlyingOption.ToXElement();
public static CodeStyleOption<T> FromXElement(XElement element)
=> new(CodeStyleOption2<T>.FromXElement(element));
public bool Equals(CodeStyleOption<T>? other)
=> UnderlyingOption.Equals(other?.UnderlyingOption);
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
=> obj is CodeStyleOption<T> option &&
public override int GetHashCode()
=> UnderlyingOption.GetHashCode();