// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixesAndRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using FixAllScope = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.FixAllScope;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
/// <summary>
/// Implement this abstract type to provide fix all occurrences support for code refactorings.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// TODO: Make public, tracked with https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60703
/// </remarks>
internal abstract class FixAllProvider : IFixAllProvider
private protected static ImmutableArray<FixAllScope> DefaultSupportedFixAllScopes
= [FixAllScope.Document, FixAllScope.Project, FixAllScope.Solution];
/// <summary>
/// Gets the supported scopes for applying multiple occurrences of a code refactoring.
/// By default, it returns the following scopes:
/// (a) <see cref="FixAllScope.Document"/>
/// (b) <see cref="FixAllScope.Project"/> and
/// (c) <see cref="FixAllScope.Solution"/>
/// </summary>
public virtual IEnumerable<FixAllScope> GetSupportedFixAllScopes()
=> DefaultSupportedFixAllScopes;
/// <summary>
/// Gets fix all occurrences fix for the given fixAllContext.
/// </summary>
public abstract Task<CodeAction?> GetFixAsync(FixAllContext fixAllContext);
#region IFixAllProvider implementation
Task<CodeAction?> IFixAllProvider.GetFixAsync(IFixAllContext fixAllContext)
=> this.GetFixAsync((FixAllContext)fixAllContext);
/// <summary>
/// Create a <see cref="FixAllProvider"/> that fixes documents independently.
/// This can be used in the case where refactoring(s) registered by this provider
/// only affect a single <see cref="Document"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fixAllAsync">
/// Callback that will apply the refactorings present in the provided document. The document returned will only be
/// examined for its content (e.g. it's <see cref="SyntaxTree"/> or <see cref="SourceText"/>. No other aspects
/// of it (like attributes), or changes to the <see cref="Project"/> or <see cref="Solution"/> it points at
/// will be considered.
/// </param>
public static FixAllProvider Create(Func<FixAllContext, Document, Optional<ImmutableArray<TextSpan>>, Task<Document?>> fixAllAsync)
=> Create(fixAllAsync, DefaultSupportedFixAllScopes);
/// <summary>
/// Create a <see cref="FixAllProvider"/> that fixes documents independently.
/// This can be used in the case where refactoring(s) registered by this provider
/// only affect a single <see cref="Document"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fixAllAsync">
/// Callback that will apply the refactorings present in the provided document. The document returned will only be
/// examined for its content (e.g. it's <see cref="SyntaxTree"/> or <see cref="SourceText"/>. No other aspects
/// of it (like attributes), or changes to the <see cref="Project"/> or <see cref="Solution"/> it points at
/// will be considered.
/// </param>
/// <param name="supportedFixAllScopes">
/// Supported <see cref="FixAllScope"/>s for the fix all provider.
/// Note that <see cref="FixAllScope.Custom"/> is not supported by the <see cref="DocumentBasedFixAllProvider"/>
/// and should not be part of the supported scopes.
/// </param>
public static FixAllProvider Create(
Func<FixAllContext, Document, Optional<ImmutableArray<TextSpan>>, Task<Document?>> fixAllAsync,
ImmutableArray<FixAllScope> supportedFixAllScopes)
if (fixAllAsync is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fixAllAsync));
if (supportedFixAllScopes.IsDefault)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(supportedFixAllScopes));
if (supportedFixAllScopes.Contains(FixAllScope.Custom))
throw new ArgumentException(WorkspacesResources.FixAllScope_Custom_is_not_supported_with_this_API, nameof(supportedFixAllScopes));
return new CallbackDocumentBasedFixAllProvider(fixAllAsync, supportedFixAllScopes);
private sealed class CallbackDocumentBasedFixAllProvider(
Func<FixAllContext, Document, Optional<ImmutableArray<TextSpan>>, Task<Document?>> fixAllAsync,
ImmutableArray<FixAllScope> supportedFixAllScopes) : DocumentBasedFixAllProvider(supportedFixAllScopes)
protected override Task<Document?> FixAllAsync(FixAllContext context, Document document, Optional<ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> fixAllSpans)
=> fixAllAsync(context, document, fixAllSpans);