// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using FixAllScope = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.FixAllScope;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixesAndRefactorings;
internal abstract partial class CommonFixAllState<TProvider, TFixAllProvider, TFixAllState> : IFixAllState
where TFixAllProvider : IFixAllProvider
where TFixAllState : CommonFixAllState<TProvider, TFixAllProvider, TFixAllState>
public int CorrelationId { get; } = CorrelationIdFactory.GetNextId();
public TFixAllProvider FixAllProvider { get; }
public string? CodeActionEquivalenceKey { get; }
public TProvider Provider { get; }
public Document? Document { get; }
public Project Project { get; }
public Solution Solution => Project.Solution;
public FixAllScope Scope { get; }
public abstract FixAllKind FixAllKind { get; }
protected CommonFixAllState(
TFixAllProvider fixAllProvider,
Document? document,
Project project,
TProvider provider,
FixAllScope scope,
string? codeActionEquivalenceKey)
Debug.Assert(document == null || document.Project == project);
FixAllProvider = fixAllProvider;
Document = document;
Project = project;
Provider = provider;
Scope = scope;
CodeActionEquivalenceKey = codeActionEquivalenceKey;
protected abstract TFixAllState With(Document? document, Project project, FixAllScope scope, string? codeActionEquivalenceKey);
public TFixAllState With(
Optional<(Document? document, Project project)> documentAndProject = default,
Optional<FixAllScope> scope = default,
Optional<string?> codeActionEquivalenceKey = default)
var (newDocument, newProject) = documentAndProject.HasValue ? documentAndProject.Value : (Document, Project);
var newScope = scope.HasValue ? scope.Value : Scope;
var newCodeActionEquivalenceKey = codeActionEquivalenceKey.HasValue ? codeActionEquivalenceKey.Value : CodeActionEquivalenceKey;
if (newDocument == Document &&
newProject == Project &&
newScope == Scope &&
newCodeActionEquivalenceKey == CodeActionEquivalenceKey)
return (TFixAllState)this;
return With(newDocument, newProject, newScope, newCodeActionEquivalenceKey);
#region IFixAllState implementation
IFixAllProvider IFixAllState.FixAllProvider => this.FixAllProvider!;
object IFixAllState.Provider => this.Provider!;
IFixAllState IFixAllState.With(
Optional<(Document? document, Project project)> documentAndProject,
Optional<FixAllScope> scope,
Optional<string?> codeActionEquivalenceKey)
=> this.With(documentAndProject, scope, codeActionEquivalenceKey);