File: Editing\SyntaxEditorTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\CoreTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Editing
    public class SyntaxEditorTests
        private Workspace _emptyWorkspace;
        private Workspace EmptyWorkspace
            => _emptyWorkspace ??= new AdhocWorkspace();
        private void VerifySyntax<TSyntax>(SyntaxNode node, string expectedText) where TSyntax : SyntaxNode
            var options = CSharpSyntaxFormattingOptions.Default;
            var formatted = Formatter.Format(node, EmptyWorkspace.Services.SolutionServices, options, CancellationToken.None);
            var actualText = formatted.ToFullString();
            Assert.Equal(expectedText, actualText);
        private SyntaxEditor GetEditor(SyntaxNode root)
            => new SyntaxEditor(root, EmptyWorkspace.Services.SolutionServices);
        public void TestReplaceNode()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            editor.ReplaceNode(fieldX, editor.Generator.FieldDeclaration("Y", editor.Generator.TypeExpression(SpecialType.System_String), Accessibility.Public));
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
public class C
    public string Y;
        public void TestRemoveNode()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
public class C
        public void TestInsertAfter()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            editor.InsertAfter(fieldX, editor.Generator.FieldDeclaration("Y", editor.Generator.TypeExpression(SpecialType.System_String), Accessibility.Public));
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
public class C
    public int X;
    public string Y;
        public void TestInsertBefore()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            editor.InsertBefore(fieldX, editor.Generator.FieldDeclaration("Y", editor.Generator.TypeExpression(SpecialType.System_String), Accessibility.Public));
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
public class C
    public string Y;
    public int X;
        public void TestTrackNode()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
            var currentFieldX = newRoot.GetCurrentNode(fieldX);
        public void TestMultipleEdits()
            var code = @"
public class C
    public int X;
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var fieldX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            editor.InsertAfter(fieldX, editor.Generator.FieldDeclaration("Y", editor.Generator.TypeExpression(SpecialType.System_String), Accessibility.Public));
            editor.InsertBefore(fieldX, editor.Generator.FieldDeclaration("Z", editor.Generator.TypeExpression(SpecialType.System_Object), Accessibility.Public));
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
public class C
    public object Z;
    public string Y;
        public void TestAddAttribute()
            var code = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    Type Main(Type t)
            var fixedCode = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    Type Main([Example(Sample.Attribute)] Type t)
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var methodX = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            var param = methodX.ParameterList.Parameters[0];
            var syntaxGenerator = editor.Generator;
            var args = new[] { syntaxGenerator.AttributeArgument(syntaxGenerator.MemberAccessExpression(syntaxGenerator.DottedName("Sample"), "Attribute")) };
            var attribute = syntaxGenerator.Attribute("Example", args);
            editor.AddAttribute(param, attribute);
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
                newRoot, fixedCode);
        public void TestAddGenericAttribute()
            var code = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    Type Main<T>()
            var fixedCode = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    Type Main<[Example(Sample.Attribute)] T>()
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var methodX = (MethodDeclarationSyntax)editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            var typeParam = methodX.TypeParameterList.Parameters[0];
            var syntaxGenerator = editor.Generator;
            var args = new[] { syntaxGenerator.AttributeArgument(syntaxGenerator.MemberAccessExpression(syntaxGenerator.DottedName("Sample"), "Attribute")) };
            var attribute = syntaxGenerator.Attribute("Example", args);
            editor.AddAttribute(typeParam, attribute);
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
                newRoot, fixedCode);
        public void TestAddReturnAttribute()
            var code = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    Type Main(Type t)
            var fixedCode = """
using System;
using System.CodeAnalysis;
public class C
    [return: Example(Sample.Attribute)]
    Type Main(Type t)
            var cu = SyntaxFactory.ParseCompilationUnit(code);
            var cls = cu.Members[0];
            var editor = GetEditor(cu);
            var methodX = editor.Generator.GetMembers(cls)[0];
            var syntaxGenerator = editor.Generator;
            var args = new[] { syntaxGenerator.AttributeArgument(syntaxGenerator.MemberAccessExpression(syntaxGenerator.DottedName("Sample"), "Attribute")) };
            var attribute = syntaxGenerator.Attribute("Example", args);
            editor.AddReturnAttribute(methodX, attribute);
            var newRoot = editor.GetChangedRoot();
                newRoot, fixedCode);