1 instantiation of CacheKey
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Test.Utilities (1)
MEF\TestComposition.cs (1)
100var key = new CacheKey(Assemblies, Parts, ExcludedPartTypes);
9 references to CacheKey
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Test.Utilities (9)
MEF\TestComposition.cs (9)
26private static readonly Dictionary<CacheKey, IExportProviderFactory> s_factoryCache = []; 28private readonly struct CacheKey : IEquatable<CacheKey> 42=> obj is CacheKey key && Equals(key); 44public bool Equals(CacheKey other) 52public static bool operator ==(CacheKey left, CacheKey right) 55public static bool operator !=(CacheKey left, CacheKey right) 100var key = new CacheKey(Assemblies, Parts, ExcludedPartTypes);