// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild.UnitTests
public class NewlyCreatedProjectsFromDotNetNew : MSBuildWorkspaceTestBase
// When running on Helix the machine will only have the expected SDK
// installed. However, when running on developer machines there could
// be any number of SDKs installed. We will locate the Roslyn global.json
// and use it to ensure our tests are run with the proper SDK.
private static readonly string? s_globalJsonPath;
// The Maui templates require additional dotnet workloads to be installed.
// Running `dotnet workload restore` will install workloads but may require
// admin permissions. Additionally, a restart may be required after workload
// installation.
private const bool ExcludeMauiTemplates = true;
static NewlyCreatedProjectsFromDotNetNew()
// When running on developer machines we will try and use the same global.json
// as we use for our own build.
var globalJsonPath = Path.Combine(GetSolutionFolder(), "global.json");
// When running on Helix we will not locate a global.json file.
if (File.Exists(globalJsonPath))
s_globalJsonPath = globalJsonPath;
static string GetSolutionFolder()
// Expected assembly path:
// <solutionFolder>\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild.UnitTests\<Configuration>\<TFM>\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild.UnitTests.dll
var assemblyLocation = typeof(DotNetSdkMSBuildInstalled).Assembly.Location;
var solutionFolder = Directory.GetParent(assemblyLocation)
return solutionFolder;
public NewlyCreatedProjectsFromDotNetNew(ITestOutputHelper testOutput) : base(testOutput)
[MemberData(nameof(GetCSharpProjectTemplateNames), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = false)]
public async Task ValidateCSharpTemplateProjects(string templateName)
await AssertTemplateProjectLoadsCleanlyAsync(templateName, LanguageNames.CSharp);
[MemberData(nameof(GetVisualBasicProjectTemplateNames), DisableDiscoveryEnumeration = false)]
public async Task ValidateVisualBasicTemplateProjects(string templateName)
var ignoredDiagnostics = !ExecutionConditionUtil.IsWindows
? [
// Type 'Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.ApplicationBase' is not defined.
// Bug: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72014
: Array.Empty<string>();
await AssertTemplateProjectLoadsCleanlyAsync(templateName, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, ignoredDiagnostics);
public static TheoryData<string> GetCSharpProjectTemplateNames()
=> GetProjectTemplateNames("c#");
public static TheoryData<string> GetVisualBasicProjectTemplateNames()
=> GetProjectTemplateNames("vb");
public static TheoryData<string> GetProjectTemplateNames(string language)
// The expected output from the list command is as follows.
// These templates matched your input: --language='vb', --type='project'
// Template Name Short Name Language Tags
// ----------------------------- ------------------- -------- ---------------
// Class Library classlib C#,F#,VB Common/Library
// Console App console C#,F#,VB Common/Console
// ...
var result = RunDotNet($"new list --type project --language {language}", loggerFactory: null);
var lines = result.Output.Split(["\r", "\n"], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
TheoryData<string> templateNames = [];
var foundDivider = false;
foreach (var line in lines)
if (!foundDivider)
if (line.StartsWith("----"))
foundDivider = true;
var columns = line.Split([" "], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(c => c.Trim())
// Some templates may list multiple short names for the same template. It
// will suffice to take the first short name.
var templateShortName = columns[1].Split(',').First();
if (ExcludeMauiTemplates && templateShortName.StartsWith("maui"))
return templateNames;
private async Task AssertTemplateProjectLoadsCleanlyAsync(string templateName, string languageName, string[]? ignoredDiagnostics = null)
if (ignoredDiagnostics?.Length > 0)
TestOutput.WriteLine($"Ignoring compiler diagnostics: \"{string.Join("\", \"", ignoredDiagnostics)}\"");
var projectDirectory = SolutionDirectory.Path;
var projectFilePath = GetProjectFilePath(projectDirectory, languageName);
CreateNewProject(templateName, projectDirectory, languageName);
await AssertProjectLoadsCleanlyAsync(projectFilePath, ignoredDiagnostics ?? []);
static string GetProjectFilePath(string projectDirectory, string languageName)
var projectName = new DirectoryInfo(projectDirectory).Name;
var projectExtension = languageName switch
LanguageNames.CSharp => "csproj",
LanguageNames.VisualBasic => "vbproj",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(languageName), actualValue: languageName, message: "Only C# and VB.NET projects are supported.")
return Path.Combine(projectDirectory, $"{projectName}.{projectExtension}");
void CreateNewProject(string templateName, string outputDirectory, string languageName)
var language = languageName switch
LanguageNames.CSharp => "C#",
LanguageNames.VisualBasic => "VB",
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(languageName), actualValue: languageName, message: "Only C# and VB.NET projects are supported.")
var newResult = RunDotNet($"new \"{templateName}\" -o \"{outputDirectory}\" --language \"{language}\"", LoggerFactory, outputDirectory);
// Most templates invoke restore as a post-creation action. However, some, like the
// Maui templates, do not run restore since they require additional workloads to be
// installed.
if (newResult.Output.Contains("Restoring"))
// Attempt a restore and see if we are instructed to install additional workloads.
var restoreResult = RunDotNet($"restore", LoggerFactory, outputDirectory);
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) when (ex.Message.Contains("command: dotnet workload restore"))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The '{templateName}' template requires additional dotnet workloads to be installed. It should be excluded during template discovery. " + ex.Message);
static void TryCopyGlobalJson(string outputDirectory)
// When running in Helix we will not find a global.json to copy.
if (s_globalJsonPath is null)
var tempGlobalJsonPath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "global.json");
File.Copy(s_globalJsonPath, tempGlobalJsonPath);
async Task AssertProjectLoadsCleanlyAsync(string projectFilePath, string[] ignoredDiagnostics)
using var workspace = CreateMSBuildWorkspace();
var project = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFilePath, cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None);
AssertEx.Empty(workspace.Diagnostics, $"The following workspace diagnostics are being reported for the template.");
var compilation = await project.GetRequiredCompilationAsync(CancellationToken.None);
// Unnecessary using directives are reported with a severity of Hidden
var nonHiddenDiagnostics = compilation!.GetDiagnostics()
.Where(diagnostic => diagnostic.Severity > DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden)
// For good test hygiene lets ensure that all ignored diagnostics were actually reported.
var reportedDiagnosticIds = nonHiddenDiagnostics
.Select(diagnostic => diagnostic.Id)
var unnecessaryIgnoreDiagnostics = ignoredDiagnostics
.Where(id => !reportedDiagnosticIds.Contains(id));
AssertEx.Empty(unnecessaryIgnoreDiagnostics, $"The following diagnostics are unnecessarily being ignored for the template.");
var filteredDiagnostics = nonHiddenDiagnostics
.Where(diagnostic => !ignoredDiagnostics.Contains(diagnostic.Id));
AssertEx.Empty(filteredDiagnostics, $"The following compiler diagnostics are being reported for the template.");
private static ProcessResult RunDotNet(string arguments, ILoggerFactory? loggerFactory, string? workingDirectory = null)
var dotNetExeName = "dotnet" + (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' ? "" : ".exe");
// Ensure output is in english since we will be parsing values from it.
Dictionary<string, string> additionalEnvironmentVars = new()
var result = ProcessUtilities.Run(dotNetExeName, arguments, workingDirectory, additionalEnvironmentVars);
if (result.ExitCode != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Join(Environment.NewLine,
$"`dotnet {arguments}` returned a non-zero exit code.",
var logger = loggerFactory?.CreateLogger("dotnet.exe output");
return result;