File: src\Compilers\Core\Portable\InternalUtilities\CommandLineUtilities.cs
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Project: src\src\Workspaces\MSBuild\BuildHost\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild.BuildHost.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild.BuildHost)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Roslyn.Utilities
    internal static class CommandLineUtilities
        /// <summary>
        /// Split a command line by the same rules as Main would get the commands except the original
        /// state of backslashes and quotes are preserved.  For example in normal Windows command line 
        /// parsing the following command lines would produce equivalent Main arguments:
        ///     - /r:a,b
        ///     - /r:"a,b"
        /// This method will differ as the latter will have the quotes preserved.  The only case where 
        /// quotes are removed is when the entire argument is surrounded by quotes without any inner
        /// quotes. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Rules for command line parsing, according to MSDN:
        /// Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
        /// A string surrounded by double quotation marks ("string") is interpreted 
        /// as a single argument, regardless of white space contained within. 
        /// A quoted string can be embedded in an argument.
        /// A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash (\") is interpreted as a 
        /// literal double quotation mark character (").
        /// Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a 
        /// double quotation mark.
        /// If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark, 
        /// one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes, 
        /// and the double quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.
        /// If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark, 
        /// one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes, 
        /// and the double quotation mark is "escaped" by the remaining backslash, 
        /// causing a literal double quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.
        /// </remarks>
        public static List<string> SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(string commandLine, bool removeHashComments)
            return SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(commandLine, removeHashComments, out _);
        public static List<string> SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(string commandLine, bool removeHashComments, out char? illegalChar)
            var list = new List<string>();
            SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(commandLine.AsSpan(), removeHashComments, new StringBuilder(), list, out illegalChar);
            return list;
        public static void SplitCommandLineIntoArguments(ReadOnlySpan<char> commandLine, bool removeHashComments, StringBuilder builder, List<string> list, out char? illegalChar)
            var i = 0;
            builder.Length = 0;
            illegalChar = null;
            while (i < commandLine.Length)
                while (i < commandLine.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(commandLine[i]))
                if (i == commandLine.Length)
                if (commandLine[i] == '#' && removeHashComments)
                var quoteCount = 0;
                builder.Length = 0;
                while (i < commandLine.Length && (!char.IsWhiteSpace(commandLine[i]) || (quoteCount % 2 != 0)))
                    var current = commandLine[i];
                    switch (current)
                        case '\\':
                                var slashCount = 0;
                                } while (i < commandLine.Length && commandLine[i] == '\\');
                                // Slashes not followed by a quote character can be ignored for now
                                if (i >= commandLine.Length || commandLine[i] != '"')
                                // If there is an odd number of slashes then it is escaping the quote
                                // otherwise it is just a quote.
                                if (slashCount % 2 == 0)
                        case '"':
                            if ((current >= 0x1 && current <= 0x1f) || current == '|')
                                if (illegalChar == null)
                                    illegalChar = current;
                // If the quote string is surrounded by quotes with no interior quotes then 
                // remove the quotes here. 
                if (quoteCount == 2 && builder[0] == '"' && builder[builder.Length - 1] == '"')
                    builder.Remove(0, length: 1);
                    builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, length: 1);
                if (builder.Length > 0)