' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Friend NotInheritable Class GeneratedNameConstants
Friend Const IdSeparator As Char = "-"c
Friend Const DotReplacementInTypeNames As Char = "-"c
Friend Const MethodNameSeparator As Char = "_"c
Friend Const AnonymousTypeOrDelegateCommonPrefix = "VB$Anonymous"
Friend Const AnonymousTypeTemplateNamePrefix = AnonymousTypeOrDelegateCommonPrefix & "Type_"
Friend Const AnonymousDelegateTemplateNamePrefix = AnonymousTypeOrDelegateCommonPrefix & "Delegate_"
Friend Const DelegateStubParameterPrefix As String = "a"
Friend Const Group As String = "$VB$Group"
Friend Const It As String = "$VB$It"
Friend Const It1 As String = "$VB$It1"
Friend Const It2 As String = "$VB$It2"
Friend Const ItAnonymous As String = "$VB$ItAnonymous"
' EE recognized names (prefixes):
Friend Const HoistedMeName As String = "$VB$Me"
Friend Const HoistedUserVariablePrefix As String = "$VB$Local_"
Friend Const HoistedSpecialVariablePrefix As String = "$VB$NonLocal_" ' prefixes Me and Closure variables when hoisted
Friend Const HoistedWithLocalPrefix As String = "$W"
Friend Const StateMachineHoistedUserVariableOrDisplayClassPrefix As String = "$VB$ResumableLocal_"
Friend Const ClosureVariablePrefix As String = "$VB$Closure_"
Friend Const DisplayClassPrefix As String = "_Closure$__"
Friend Const StateMachineTypeNamePrefix As String = "VB$StateMachine_"
' Do not change the following strings. Other teams (FxCop) use this string to identify lambda functions in its analysis
' If you have to change this string, please contact the VB language PM and consider the impact of that break.
Friend Const LambdaMethodNamePrefix As String = "_Lambda$__"
Friend Const DisplayClassGenericParameterNamePrefix As String = "$CLS"
Friend Const BaseMethodWrapperNamePrefix As String = "$VB$ClosureStub_"
' Microsoft.VisualStudio.VIL.VisualStudioHost.AsyncReturnStackFrame depends on these names.
Friend Const StateMachineBuilderFieldName As String = "$Builder"
Friend Const StateMachineStateFieldName As String = "$State"
Friend Const DelegateRelaxationDisplayClassPrefix As String = DisplayClassPrefix & "R"
Friend Const DelegateRelaxationMethodNamePrefix As String = LambdaMethodNamePrefix & "R"
Friend Const HoistedSynthesizedLocalPrefix As String = "$S"
Friend Const LambdaCacheFieldPrefix As String = "$I"
Friend Const DelegateRelaxationCacheFieldPrefix As String = "$IR"
Friend Const StateMachineAwaiterFieldPrefix As String = "$A"
Friend Const ReusableHoistedLocalFieldName As String = "$U"
Friend Const StateMachineExpressionCapturePrefix As String = "$V"
Friend Const StateMachineTypeParameterPrefix As String = "SM$"
Friend Const IteratorCurrentFieldName As String = "$Current"
Friend Const IteratorInitialThreadIdName As String = "$InitialThreadId"
Friend Const IteratorParameterProxyPrefix As String = "$P_"
Public Const StaticLocalFieldNamePrefix = "$STATIC$"
End Class
End Namespace