' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Reflection.Metadata
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols.Metadata.PE
''' <summary>
''' Tuples can be represented using tuple syntax and be given
''' names. However, the underlying representation for tuples unifies
''' to a single underlying tuple type, System.ValueTuple. Since the
''' names aren't part of the underlying tuple type they have to be
''' recorded somewhere else.
''' Roslyn records tuple names in an attribute: the
''' TupleElementNamesAttribute. The attribute contains a single string
''' array which records the names of the tuple elements in a pre-order
''' depth-first traversal. If the type contains nested parameters,
''' they are also recorded in a pre-order depth-first traversal.
''' <see cref="DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(TypeSymbol, EntityHandle, PEModuleSymbol)"/>
''' can be used to extract tuple names and types from metadata and create
''' a <see cref="TupleTypeSymbol"/> with attached names.
''' <example>
''' For instance, a method returning a tuple
''' <code>
''' Function M() As (x As Integer, y As Integer)
''' </code>
''' will be encoded using an attribute on the return type as follows
''' <code>
''' < return: TupleElementNamesAttribute({ "x", "y" }) >
''' Function M() As System.ValueTuple(Of Integer, Integer)
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' <example>
''' For nested type parameters, we expand the tuple names in a pre-order
''' traversal:
''' <code>
''' Class C
''' Inherits BaseType(Of (e3 As (e1 As Integer, e2 As Integer), e4 As Integer))
''' </code>
''' becomes
''' <code>
''' < TupleElementNamesAttribute({ "e3", "e4", "e1", "e2" }) >
''' Class C
''' Inherits BaseType(of System.ValueTuple(of System.ValueTuple(Of Integer, Integer), Integer)
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' </summary>
Friend Structure TupleTypeDecoder
Private ReadOnly _elementNames As ImmutableArray(Of String)
' Keep track of how many names we've "used" during decoding. Starts at
' the back of the array and moves forward.
Private _namesIndex As Integer
Private _foundUsableErrorType As Boolean
Private _decodingFailed As Boolean
Private Sub New(elementNames As ImmutableArray(Of String))
_elementNames = elementNames
_namesIndex = If(elementNames.IsDefault, 0, elementNames.Length)
_foundUsableErrorType = False
_decodingFailed = False
End Sub
Public Shared Function DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(
metadataType As TypeSymbol,
targetSymbolToken As EntityHandle,
containingModule As PEModuleSymbol) As TypeSymbol
Dim elementNames As ImmutableArray(Of String) = Nothing
Dim hasTupleElementNamesAttribute = containingModule.Module.HasTupleElementNamesAttribute(targetSymbolToken, elementNames)
' If we have the TupleElementNamesAttribute, but no names, that's
' bad metadata
If hasTupleElementNamesAttribute AndAlso elementNames.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
Return New UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol()
End If
Return DecodeTupleTypesInternal(metadataType, elementNames, hasTupleElementNamesAttribute)
End Function
Public Shared Function DecodeTupleTypesIfApplicable(
metadataType As TypeSymbol,
elementNames As ImmutableArray(Of String)) As TypeSymbol
Return DecodeTupleTypesInternal(metadataType, elementNames, hasTupleElementNamesAttribute:=Not elementNames.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
End Function
Private Shared Function DecodeTupleTypesInternal(metadataType As TypeSymbol,
elementNames As ImmutableArray(Of String),
hasTupleElementNamesAttribute As Boolean) As TypeSymbol
Debug.Assert(metadataType IsNot Nothing)
Dim decoder = New TupleTypeDecoder(elementNames)
Dim decoded = decoder.DecodeType(metadataType)
If Not decoder._decodingFailed Then
If Not hasTupleElementNamesAttribute OrElse decoder._namesIndex = 0 Then
Return decoded
End If
End If
' If not all of the names have been used, the metadata is bad
If decoder._foundUsableErrorType Then
Return metadataType
End If
' Bad metadata
Return New UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol()
End Function
Private Function DecodeType(type As TypeSymbol) As TypeSymbol
Select Case type.Kind
Case SymbolKind.ErrorType
_foundUsableErrorType = True
Return type
Case SymbolKind.DynamicType,
Return type
Case SymbolKind.NamedType
' We may have a tuple type from a substituted type symbol,
' but it will be missing names from metadata, so we'll
' need to re-create the type.
' Consider the declaration
' class C : Inherits BaseType(of (x As Integer, y As Integer))
' The process for decoding tuples in looks at the BaseType, calls
' DecodeOrThrow, then passes the decoded type to the TupleTypeDecoder.
' However, DecodeOrThrow uses the AbstractTypeMap to construct a
' SubstitutedTypeSymbol, which eagerly converts tuple-compatible
' types to TupleTypeSymbols. Thus, by the time we get to the Decoder
' all metadata instances of System.ValueTuple will have been
' replaced with TupleTypeSymbols without names.
' Rather than fixing up after-the-fact it's possible that we could
' flow up a SubstituteWith/Without tuple unification to the top level
' of the type map and change DecodeOrThrow to call into the substitution
' without unification instead.
Return If(type.IsTupleType,
DecodeNamedType(DirectCast(type, NamedTypeSymbol)))
Case SymbolKind.ArrayType
Return DecodeArrayType(DirectCast(type, ArrayTypeSymbol))
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type.TypeKind)
End Select
End Function
Private Function DecodeNamedType(type As NamedTypeSymbol) As NamedTypeSymbol
' First decode the type arguments
Dim typeArgs = type.TypeArgumentsNoUseSiteDiagnostics
Dim decodedArgs = DecodeTypeArguments(typeArgs)
Dim decodedType = type
' Now check the container
Dim containingType = type.ContainingType
Dim decodedContainingType As NamedTypeSymbol = Nothing
If containingType IsNot Nothing AndAlso containingType.IsGenericType Then
decodedContainingType = DecodeNamedType(containingType)
decodedContainingType = containingType
End If
' Replace the type if necessary
Dim containerChanged = decodedContainingType IsNot containingType
Dim typeArgsChanged = typeArgs <> decodedArgs
If typeArgsChanged OrElse containerChanged Then
Dim newTypeArgs = If(type.HasTypeArgumentsCustomModifiers,
decodedArgs.SelectAsArray(Function(t, i, m) New TypeWithModifiers(t, m.GetTypeArgumentCustomModifiers(i)), type),
decodedArgs.SelectAsArray(Function(t) New TypeWithModifiers(t, Nothing)))
If containerChanged Then
decodedType = decodedType.OriginalDefinition.AsMember(decodedContainingType)
' If the type is nested, e.g. Outer(of T).Inner(of V), then Inner is definitely
' not a tuple, since we know all tuple-compatible types (System.ValueTuple)
' are not nested types. Thus, it is safe to return without checking if
' Inner is a tuple.
Return If(decodedType.TypeParameters.IsEmpty,
Construct(decodedType, newTypeArgs))
End If
decodedType = Construct(type, newTypeArgs)
End If
' Now decode into a tuple, if it is one
Dim tupleCardinality As Integer
If decodedType.IsTupleCompatible(tupleCardinality) Then
Dim elementNames = EatElementNamesIfAvailable(tupleCardinality)
Debug.Assert(elementNames.IsDefault OrElse elementNames.Length = tupleCardinality)
decodedType = TupleTypeSymbol.Create(decodedType, elementNames)
End If
Return decodedType
End Function
Private Shared Function Construct(type As NamedTypeSymbol, newTypeArgs As ImmutableArray(Of TypeWithModifiers)) As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim definition = type.OriginalDefinition
Dim parentSubst = type.ConstructedFrom.ContainingType?.TypeSubstitution
Dim subst As TypeSubstitution
If parentSubst IsNot Nothing Then
subst = TypeSubstitution.Create(parentSubst, definition, newTypeArgs, False)
subst = TypeSubstitution.Create(definition, definition.TypeParameters, newTypeArgs, False)
End If
Return definition.Construct(subst)
End Function
Private Function DecodeTypeArguments(typeArgs As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)) As ImmutableArray(Of TypeSymbol)
If typeArgs.IsEmpty Then
Return typeArgs
End If
Dim decodedArgs = ArrayBuilder(Of TypeSymbol).GetInstance(typeArgs.Length)
Dim anyDecoded = False
' Visit the type arguments in reverse
For i As Integer = typeArgs.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
Dim typeArg = typeArgs(i)
Dim decoded = DecodeType(typeArg)
anyDecoded = anyDecoded Or decoded IsNot typeArg
If Not anyDecoded Then
Return typeArgs
End If
Return decodedArgs.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Private Function DecodeArrayType(type As ArrayTypeSymbol) As ArrayTypeSymbol
Dim decodedElementType = DecodeType(type.ElementType)
Return If(decodedElementType Is type.ElementType, type, type.WithElementType(decodedElementType))
End Function
Private Function EatElementNamesIfAvailable(numberOfElements As Integer) As ImmutableArray(Of String)
Debug.Assert(numberOfElements > 0)
' If we don't have any element names there's nothing to eat
If _elementNames.IsDefault Then
Return _elementNames
End If
' We've gone past the end of the names -- bad metadata
If numberOfElements > _namesIndex Then
' We'll want to continue decoding without consuming more names to see if there are any error types
_namesIndex = 0
_decodingFailed = True
Return Nothing
End If
' Check to see if all the elements are null
Dim start = _namesIndex - numberOfElements
Dim allNull = True
_namesIndex = start
For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfElements - 1
If _elementNames(start + i) IsNot Nothing Then
allNull = False
Exit For
End If
If allNull Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of String).GetInstance(numberOfElements)
For i As Integer = 0 To numberOfElements - 1
builder.Add(_elementNames(start + i))
Return builder.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
End Structure
End Namespace