' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer On
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Friend Module XmlCharacterGlobalHelpers
Friend Function isNameChar(ch As Char) As Boolean
' TODO: which of the following is correct?
Return XmlCharType.IsNameCharXml4e(ch)
'Return XmlCharType.IsNameSingleChar(ch)
End Function
Friend Function isStartNameChar(ch As Char) As Boolean
' TODO: which of the following is correct?
Return XmlCharType.IsStartNameCharXml4e(ch)
'Return XmlCharType.IsStartNameSingleChar(ch)
End Function
Friend Function isValidUtf16(wh As Char) As Boolean
Return XmlCharType.InRange(wh, ChrW(&H20S), ChrW(&HFFFDS)) OrElse XmlCharType.IsCharData(wh)
End Function
Friend Function HexToUTF16(pwcText As StringBuilder) As Scanner.XmlCharResult
Debug.Assert(pwcText IsNot Nothing)
Dim ulCode As UInteger
If TryHexToUnicode(pwcText, ulCode) Then
If ValidateXmlChar(ulCode) Then
Return UnicodeToUTF16(ulCode)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Friend Function TryHexToUnicode(pwcText As StringBuilder, ByRef pulCode As UInteger) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(pwcText IsNot Nothing)
Dim ulCode As UInteger = 0
Dim wch As Char
Dim n = pwcText.Length - 1
For i = 0 To n
wch = pwcText(i)
If XmlCharType.InRange(wch, "0"c, "9"c) Then
ulCode = (ulCode * 16UI) + CUInt(AscW(wch)) - CUInt(AscW("0"c))
ElseIf XmlCharType.InRange(wch, "a"c, "f"c) Then
ulCode = (ulCode * 16UI) + 10UI + CUInt(AscW(wch)) - CUInt(AscW("a"c))
ElseIf XmlCharType.InRange(wch, "A"c, "F"c) Then
ulCode = (ulCode * 16UI) + 10UI + CUInt(AscW(wch)) - CUInt(AscW("A"c))
Return False
End If
If ulCode > &H10FFFF Then
' // overflow
Return False
End If
pulCode = CUInt(ulCode)
Return True
End Function
Friend Function DecToUTF16(pwcText As StringBuilder) As Scanner.XmlCharResult
Debug.Assert(pwcText IsNot Nothing)
Dim ulCode As UShort
If TryDecToUnicode(pwcText, ulCode) Then
If ValidateXmlChar(ulCode) Then
Return UnicodeToUTF16(ulCode)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Friend Function TryDecToUnicode(
pwcText As StringBuilder,
ByRef pulCode As UShort
) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(pwcText IsNot Nothing)
Dim ulCode As Integer = 0
Dim wch As Char
Dim n = pwcText.Length - 1
For i = 0 To n
wch = pwcText(i)
If XmlCharType.InRange(wch, "0"c, "9"c) Then
ulCode = (ulCode * 10) + AscW(wch) - AscW("0"c)
Return False
End If
If ulCode > &H10FFFF Then
' // overflow
Return False
End If
pulCode = CUShort(ulCode)
Return True
End Function
Private Function ValidateXmlChar(ulCode As UInteger) As Boolean
If (ulCode < &HD800 AndAlso (ulCode > &H1F OrElse XmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(Convert.ToChar(ulCode)))) _
OrElse (ulCode < &HFFFE AndAlso ulCode > &HDFFF) _
OrElse (ulCode < &H110000 AndAlso ulCode > &HFFFF) Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Private Function UnicodeToUTF16(ulCode As UInteger) As Scanner.XmlCharResult
If ulCode > &HFFFF Then
Return New Scanner.XmlCharResult( _
Convert.ToChar(&HD7C0US + (ulCode >> 10US)), _
Convert.ToChar(&HDC00US Or (ulCode And &H3FFUS)) _
Return New Scanner.XmlCharResult(Convert.ToChar(ulCode))
End If
End Function
Friend Function UTF16ToUnicode(ch As Scanner.XmlCharResult) As Integer
Select Case ch.Length
Case 1
Return Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char1)
Case 2
Debug.Assert(Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char1) >= &HD800 AndAlso Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char1) <= &HDBFF AndAlso
Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char2) >= &HDC00 AndAlso Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char2) <= &HDFFF)
Return (Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char1) - &HD800) << 10 + (Convert.ToInt32(ch.Char2) - &HDC00) + &H10000
End Select
Return 0
End Function
End Module
End Namespace