3 writes to Dispatches
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (3)
Lowering\StateMachineRewriter\StateMachineRewriter.StateMachineMethodToClassRewriter.vb (3)
187Dispatches = New Dictionary(Of LabelSymbol, List(Of Integer))() 339Me.Dispatches = Nothing 382Me.Dispatches = oldDispatches
8 references to Dispatches
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (8)
Lowering\StateMachineRewriter\StateMachineRewriter.StateMachineMethodToClassRewriter.vb (8)
186If Dispatches Is Nothing Then 191Dispatches.Add(resumeLabel, New List(Of Integer)() From {stateNumber}) 196''' Generates code that switches over states and jumps to the target labels listed in <see cref="Dispatches"/>. 202Dim sections = From kv In Dispatches 335Dim oldDispatches As Dictionary(Of LabelSymbol, List(Of Integer)) = Me.Dispatches 345If Me.Dispatches IsNot Nothing Then 354Me.Dispatches.Add(finalizer, New List(Of Integer)() From {Me._currentFinalizerState}) 376oldDispatches.Add(dispatchLabel, New List(Of Integer)(From kv In Dispatches.Values From n In kv Order By n Select n))