1 write to _symList
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (1)
Binding\LookupResult.vb (1)
348_symList = New ArrayBuilder(Of Symbol)
51 references to _symList
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (51)
Binding\LookupResult.vb (51)
304Return _symList.Count > 0 310Return _symList.Count = 1 316Return _symList 323Return _symList(0) 365_symList.Clear() 371Return _kind = LookupResultKind.Empty AndAlso _symList.Count = 0 AndAlso _diagInfo Is Nothing 377_symList.Clear() 379_symList.Add(sym) 396_symList.Clear() 397_symList.AddRange(other._symList) 540_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 546_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 560_symList.AddRange(other.Symbols) 579_symList.AddRange(other.Symbols) 600_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 619_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 644_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 653_symList.Add(other.Symbol) 664For i = 0 To _symList.Count - 1 665Dim accessibilityCmp As Integer = CompareAccessibilityOfSymbolsConflictingInSameContainer(_symList(i), other.Symbol) 671_symList(i) = Nothing 677If lost = _symList.Count Then 684Debug.Assert(lost + ambiguous < _symList.Count) 694Debug.Assert(ambiguous = _symList.Count - lost) 699Debug.Assert(_symList.Count > 0) 707If _symList.Count = 1 AndAlso ambiguous = 1 AndAlso AreEquivalentEnumConstants(_symList(0), other.Symbol) Then 717Dim accessibilityCmp As Integer = CompareAccessibilityOfSymbolsConflictingInSameContainer(_symList(0), other.Symbol) 729For i = 0 To _symList.Count - 1 730Debug.Assert(_symList(i).DeclaredAccessibility = other.Symbol.DeclaredAccessibility) 763For i = 0 To _symList.Count - 1 764If _symList(i) Is Nothing Then 769Debug.Assert(i < _symList.Count) 770Dim left As Integer = _symList.Count - lost 774For j = i + 1 To _symList.Count - 1 775If _symList(j) IsNot Nothing Then 776_symList(i) = _symList(j) 785For j = j + 1 To _symList.Count - 1 786Debug.Assert(_symList(j) Is Nothing) 791_symList.Clip(left) 798For i = 0 To _symList.Count - 1 799If _symList(i) IsNot Nothing AndAlso _symList(i).DeclaredAccessibility = other.DeclaredAccessibility Then 800_symList(i) = Nothing 810For i = i + 1 To _symList.Count - 1 811Debug.Assert(_symList(i) Is Nothing OrElse _symList(i).DeclaredAccessibility <> other.DeclaredAccessibility) 1036_symList.Clear() 1037_symList.Add(newSym)