2 instantiations of XmlName
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (2)
Binding\Binder_XmlLiterals.vb (2)
380Return New XmlName(localName, [namespace]) 471xmlName = New XmlName(localName, [namespace])
16 references to XmlName
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic (16)
Binding\Binder_XmlLiterals.vb (16)
125Dim allAttributes As Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute) = Nothing 144<Out()> ByRef allAttributes As Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute), 377Private Shared Function GetXmlnsXmlName(prefix As String) As XmlName 444<Out()> ByRef xmlName As XmlName, 549<Out()> ByRef allAttributes As Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute), 557Dim name As XmlName = Nothing 584Implements IEqualityComparer(Of XmlName) 588Private Function IEqualityComparer_Equals(x As XmlName, y As XmlName) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of XmlName).Equals 592Private Function IEqualityComparer_GetHashCode(obj As XmlName) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of XmlName).GetHashCode 1075<Out()> ByRef allAttributes As Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute), 1141name As XmlName, 1143<Out()> ByRef allAttributes As Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute), 1146allAttributes = New Dictionary(Of XmlName, BoundXmlAttribute)(XmlNameComparer.Instance)