File: Parser\ParseQuery.vb
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\VisualBasic\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax
Imports InternalSyntaxFactory = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxFactory
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
    Partial Friend Class Parser
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14199 - 14199
        ' Initializer* .Parser::ParseSelectListInitializer( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseSelectListInitializer() As ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax
            Dim nameEqualsOpt As VariableNameEqualsSyntax = Nothing
            If ((CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken OrElse CurrentToken.IsKeyword()) AndAlso
                PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken OrElse
                (PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken AndAlso PeekToken(2).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)) Then
                Dim varName As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax = Nothing
                Dim Equals As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                ' // Parse form: <IdentifierOrKeyword> '=' <Expression>
                varName = ParseSimpleIdentifierAsModifiedIdentifier()
                ' NOTE: do not need to resync here. we should land on "="
                Debug.Assert(CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)
                Equals = DirectCast(CurrentToken, PunctuationSyntax)
                GetNextToken() '// move off the '='
                TryEatNewLine() ' // line continuation allowed after  '=' 
                nameEqualsOpt = SyntaxFactory.VariableNameEquals(varName, Nothing, Equals)
            End If
            Dim expr As ExpressionSyntax = ParseExpressionCore()
            Return SyntaxFactory.ExpressionRangeVariable(
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14290 - 14290
        ' InitializerList* .Parser::ParseSelectList( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseSelectList() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax)
            Dim RangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax)()
                Dim rangeVar = ParseSelectListInitializer()
                If rangeVar.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    rangeVar = ResyncAt(rangeVar, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                                 SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                                 SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword,
                                                 SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                End If
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.CommaToken Then
                    Dim comma = DirectCast(CurrentToken, PunctuationSyntax)
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim result = RangeVariables.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14333 - 14333
        ' Expression* .Parser::ParseAggregationExpression( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseAggregationExpression() As AggregationSyntax
            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken Then
                Dim curIdent = DirectCast(CurrentToken, IdentifierTokenSyntax)
                If curIdent.PossibleKeywordKind = SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword Then
                    Debug.Assert(PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken)
                    curIdent = ReportSyntaxError(curIdent, ERRID.ERR_InvalidUseOfKeyword)
                    Return SyntaxFactory.FunctionAggregation(curIdent, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
                End If
            End If
            Dim aggName = ParseIdentifier()
            Dim aggregateFunc As FunctionAggregationSyntax = Nothing
            If Not aggName.ContainsDiagnostics AndAlso CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken Then
                Dim lParen = DirectCast(CurrentToken, PunctuationSyntax)
                GetNextToken()  ' get off lparen
                Dim arg As ExpressionSyntax = Nothing
                If CurrentToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken Then
                    arg = ParseExpressionCore()
                End If
                Dim rParen As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                If TryEatNewLineAndGetToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, rParen, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                    ' // check that expression doesn't continue
                    If arg IsNot Nothing Then
                    End If
                End If
                aggregateFunc = SyntaxFactory.FunctionAggregation(aggName, lParen, arg, rParen)
                aggregateFunc = SyntaxFactory.FunctionAggregation(aggName, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
                ' // check that expression doesn't continue
            End If
            Return aggregateFunc
        End Function
        ' // check that expression doesn't continue
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14420 - 14420
        ' bool .Parser::CheckForEndOfExpression( [ Token* Start ] [ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function CheckForEndOfExpression(Of T As VisualBasicSyntaxNode)(ByRef syntax As T) As Boolean
            Debug.Assert(syntax IsNot Nothing)
            'TODO: this is very different from original implementation.
            ' originally we would try to parse the whole thing as an expression and see if we
            ' will not consume more than "syntax". It seems that "syntax" is always a term
            ' so the only way ParseExpressionCore could consume more is if there is a binary operator.
            ' Hopefully checking for binary operator is enough...
            If Not CurrentToken.IsBinaryOperator AndAlso
                CurrentToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.DotToken Then
                Return True
            End If
            syntax = ReportSyntaxError(syntax, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedEndOfExpression)
            Return False
        End Function
        ' Several places the syntax trees allow a modified identifier, but we actually don't want to 
        ' allow a trailing ?. This function encapsulates that.
        Private Function ParseSimpleIdentifierAsModifiedIdentifier() As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax
            Dim varName As IdentifierTokenSyntax = ParseIdentifier()
            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken Then
                Dim unexpectedNullable As SyntaxToken = CurrentToken
                varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ReportSyntaxError(unexpectedNullable, ERRID.ERR_NullableTypeInferenceNotSupported))
                GetNextToken()   ' get off the "?"
            End If
            Return SyntaxFactory.ModifiedIdentifier(varName, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14447 - 14447
        ' Initializer* .Parser::ParseAggregateListInitializer( [ bool AllowGroupName ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseAggregateListInitializer(AllowGroupName As Boolean) As AggregationRangeVariableSyntax
            Dim varName As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax = Nothing
            Dim Equals As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
            If ((CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken OrElse CurrentToken.IsKeyword()) AndAlso
                PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken _
                (PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken AndAlso PeekToken(2).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)) Then
                ' // Parse form: <IdentifierOrKeyword> '=' <Expression>
                varName = ParseSimpleIdentifierAsModifiedIdentifier()
                ' NOTE: do not need to resync here. we should land on "="
                Debug.Assert(CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)
                Equals = DirectCast(CurrentToken, PunctuationSyntax)
                GetNextToken() '// move off the '='
                TryEatNewLine() ' // line continuation allowed after  '=' 
            End If
            Dim expr As AggregationSyntax = Nothing
            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken OrElse CurrentToken.IsKeyword() Then
                Dim groupKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                If TryTokenAsContextualKeyword(CurrentToken, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword, groupKw) AndAlso
                                        PeekToken(1).Kind <> SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken Then
                    If Not AllowGroupName Then
                        groupKw = ReportSyntaxError(groupKw, ERRID.ERR_UnexpectedGroup)
                    End If
                    expr = SyntaxFactory.GroupAggregation(groupKw)
                    ' // check that expression doesn't continue
                    GetNextToken() ' // Move off 'Group
                    expr = ParseAggregationExpression() ' // this must be an Aggregation
                End If
                Dim missingIdent = InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingIdentifier()
                If AllowGroupName Then
                    missingIdent = ReportSyntaxError(missingIdent, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifierOrGroup)
                    missingIdent = ReportSyntaxError(missingIdent, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedIdentifier)
                End If
                expr = SyntaxFactory.FunctionAggregation(missingIdent, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
            End If
            Debug.Assert((varName Is Nothing) = (Equals Is Nothing))
            Dim variableNameEquals As VariableNameEqualsSyntax = Nothing
            If varName IsNot Nothing AndAlso Equals IsNot Nothing Then
                variableNameEquals = SyntaxFactory.VariableNameEquals(varName, Nothing, Equals)
            End If
            Return SyntaxFactory.AggregationRangeVariable(
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14615 - 14615
        ' InitializerList* .Parser::ParseAggregateList( [ bool AllowGroupName ] [ bool IsGroupJoinProjection ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseAggregateList(
            AllowGroupName As Boolean,
            IsGroupJoinProjection As Boolean) As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax)
            Dim RangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax)()
                Dim rangeVar = ParseAggregateListInitializer(AllowGroupName)
                If rangeVar.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    If IsGroupJoinProjection Then
                        rangeVar = ResyncAt(rangeVar, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                        rangeVar = ResyncAt(rangeVar, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword,
                                 SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword,
                    End If
                End If
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.CommaToken Then
                    Dim comma = DirectCast(CurrentToken, PunctuationSyntax)
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim result = RangeVariables.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14666 - 14666
        ' FromList* .Parser::ParseFromList( [ bool AssignmentList ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        ' TODO: Merge with ParseFromControlVars. The two methods are almost identical.
        Private Function ParseLetList() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax)
            Dim RangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax)()
                Dim varName As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax = ParseNullableModifiedIdentifier()
                If varName.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    ' // If we see As or In before other query operators, then assume that
                    ' // we are still on the Control Variable Declaration.
                    ' // Otherwise, don't resync and allow the caller to
                    ' // decide how to recover.
                    Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword, SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.CommaToken,
                        SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                        SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                        SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                        SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                    Select Case (peek)
                        Case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword,
                            varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                    End Select
                End If
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken AndAlso
                    (PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.InKeyword OrElse
                      PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) Then
                    Dim unexpectedNullable As SyntaxToken = CurrentToken
                    varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ReportSyntaxError(unexpectedNullable, ERRID.ERR_NullableTypeInferenceNotSupported))
                    GetNextToken()   ' get off the "?"
                End If
                Dim AsClause As SimpleAsClauseSyntax = Nothing
                Dim TokenFollowingAsWasIn As Boolean = False
                ' // Parse the type if specified
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsKeyword Then
                    Dim AsKw As KeywordSyntax = DirectCast(CurrentToken, KeywordSyntax)
                    Debug.Assert(AsKw IsNot Nothing)
                    ' // Parse the type
                    GetNextToken() ' // get off AS
                    If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.InKeyword Then
                        TokenFollowingAsWasIn = True
                    End If
                    Dim Type As TypeSyntax = ParseGeneralType()
                    AsClause = SyntaxFactory.SimpleAsClause(AsKw, Nothing, Type)
                    ' // try to recover
                    If Type.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                        Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken,
                                                SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                        Select Case (peek)
                            Case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword,
                                AsClause = AsClause.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
                Dim Equals As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                Dim source As ExpressionSyntax = Nothing
                If Not TryGetToken(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, Equals) Then
                    Equals = InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingPunctuation(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)
                    Equals = ReportSyntaxError(Equals, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedAssignmentOperator)
                    If Not TokenFollowingAsWasIn Then
                        TryEatNewLine() ' // enable implicit LC after 'In' or '=' But not if somebody did from x as IN 
                    End If
                    source = ParseExpressionCore()
                End If
                ' // try to recover
                If source Is Nothing OrElse source.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    ' Fix up source
                    source = If(source, InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression)
                    Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.CommaToken,
                                            SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                    If peek = SyntaxKind.CommaToken Then
                        source = source.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                    End If
                End If
                Dim rangeVar = SyntaxFactory.ExpressionRangeVariable(
                    SyntaxFactory.VariableNameEquals(varName, AsClause, Equals),
                ' // check for list continuation
                Dim comma As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                If TryGetTokenAndEatNewLine(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, comma) Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim result = RangeVariables.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        Private Function ParseFromControlVars() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of CollectionRangeVariableSyntax)
            Dim RangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of CollectionRangeVariableSyntax)()
                Dim varName As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax = ParseNullableModifiedIdentifier()
                If varName.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    ' // If we see As or In before other query operators, then assume that
                    ' // we are still on the Control Variable Declaration.
                    ' // Otherwise, don't resync and allow the caller to
                    ' // decide how to recover.
                    Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword, SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.CommaToken,
                                            SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                    Select Case (peek)
                        Case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword,
                            varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                    End Select
                End If
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken AndAlso
                    (PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.InKeyword OrElse
                      PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) Then
                    Dim unexpectedNullable As SyntaxToken = CurrentToken
                    varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ReportSyntaxError(unexpectedNullable, ERRID.ERR_NullableTypeInferenceNotSupported))
                    GetNextToken()   ' get off the "?"
                End If
                Dim AsClause As SimpleAsClauseSyntax = Nothing
                Dim TokenFollowingAsWasIn As Boolean = False
                ' // Parse the type if specified
                If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsKeyword Then
                    Dim AsKw As KeywordSyntax = DirectCast(CurrentToken, KeywordSyntax)
                    Debug.Assert(AsKw IsNot Nothing)
                    ' // Parse the type
                    GetNextToken() ' // get off AS
                    If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.InKeyword Then
                        TokenFollowingAsWasIn = True
                    End If
                    Dim Type As TypeSyntax = ParseGeneralType()
                    AsClause = SyntaxFactory.SimpleAsClause(AsKw, Nothing, Type)
                    ' // try to recover
                    If Type.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                        Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken,
                                                SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                                SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                        Select Case (peek)
                            Case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword,
                                AsClause = AsClause.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                        End Select
                    End If
                End If
                Dim [In] As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                Dim source As ExpressionSyntax = Nothing
                If TryEatNewLineAndGetToken(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, [In], createIfMissing:=True) Then
                    If Not TokenFollowingAsWasIn Then
                        TryEatNewLine() ' // enable implicit LC after 'In' or '=' But not if somebody did from x as IN 
                    End If
                    source = ParseExpressionCore()
                End If
                ' // try to recover
                If source Is Nothing OrElse source.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    ' Fix up source
                    source = If(source, InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression)
                    ' resync
                    Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.CommaToken,
                                            SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                    If peek = SyntaxKind.CommaToken Then
                        source = source.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                    End If
                End If
                Dim rangeVar = SyntaxFactory.CollectionRangeVariable(varName, AsClause, [In], source)
                ' // check for list continuation
                Dim comma As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                If TryGetTokenAndEatNewLine(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, comma) Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim result = RangeVariables.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        ' /*********************************************************************
        ' ;ParsePotentialQuery
        ' The parser determined that we might be on a query expression because we were on 'From' or
        ' 'Aggregate'  We now see if we actually are on a query expression and parse it if we are.
        ' **********************************************************************/
        ' // the query expression if this is in fact a query we are on
        ' // [out] true = that we were on a query and that we handled it / false = not a query
        ' // [out] whether we encountered an error processing the query statement (assuming this actually is a query statement)
        ' Expression* .Parser::ParsePotentialQuery( [ _Inout_ ParseTree::LineContinuationState& continuationState ] [ _Out_ bool& ParsedQuery ] [ _Out_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParsePotentialQuery(contextualKeyword As KeywordSyntax) As ExpressionSyntax
            Debug.Assert(contextualKeyword IsNot Nothing)
            Debug.Assert(contextualKeyword.Kind = SyntaxKind.FromKeyword OrElse contextualKeyword.Kind = SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword)
            Debug.Assert(CurrentToken.Text = contextualKeyword.Text)
            ' // Look ahead and see if it looks like a query, i.e.
            ' // {AGGREGATE | FROM } <id>[?] {In | As | = }
            Dim newLineAfterFrom As Boolean = False
            Dim curIndex = 1
            Dim current As SyntaxToken = PeekToken(curIndex)
            If current IsNot Nothing AndAlso current.IsEndOfLine() Then
                If Not NextLineStartsWithStatementTerminator(1) Then '// we don't allow two EOLs in a row here
                    curIndex += 1
                    current = PeekToken(curIndex)
                    newLineAfterFrom = True
                End If
            End If
            ' <id>
            If current Is Nothing OrElse (current.Kind <> SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken AndAlso Not current.IsKeyword) Then
                Return Nothing
            End If
            ' "FROM <id> <EOL>" on the same line is enough to consider this a query.  Only do the full check if
            ' there is a new line between the FROM and the <id>, if this is a keyword after the FROM or if the identifier is
            ' a contextual keyword.
            ' These are query expressions:
            ' x = From y    (it's important for the IDE to have this classified as a query to offer correct highlighting
            '                and completion suggestions)
            '   or
            ' x = from y
            '     In ...
            ' This logic is needed to not classify the identifier "From" in the following JoinCondition as query:
            ' dim f = Join x On From Equals y
            ' These are two assignments:
            ' x = From
            ' y =
            '   and
            ' x = from a With
            ' See Bugs 1678 and 10020 for more context.
            Dim identifierAsContextualKeyword As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            If newLineAfterFrom OrElse
                current.IsKeyword OrElse
                (current.Kind = SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken AndAlso
                TryTokenAsContextualKeyword(current, identifierAsContextualKeyword)) Then
                ' Note: this block is used to reject queries. Everything that skips this if 
                ' will be classified as a query. 
                curIndex += 1
                current = PeekToken(curIndex)
                ' // Look ahead for 'IN' as it can start it's own line
                If current IsNot Nothing Then
                    If current.Kind = SyntaxKind.StatementTerminatorToken Then
                        current = PeekToken(curIndex + 1)
                        If current Is Nothing OrElse current.Kind <> SyntaxKind.InKeyword Then
                            Return Nothing
                        End If
                    ElseIf current.Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken Then
                        ' // Skip '?'
                        curIndex += 1
                        current = PeekToken(curIndex)
                    End If
                End If
                If current Is Nothing Then
                    Return Nothing
                End If
                ' check for As, In or  = 
                ' note that = may not come after EoL
                If current.Kind <> SyntaxKind.InKeyword AndAlso
                    current.Kind <> SyntaxKind.AsKeyword AndAlso
                    (newLineAfterFrom OrElse current.Kind <> SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) Then
                    Return Nothing
                End If
            End If
            If contextualKeyword.Kind = SyntaxKind.FromKeyword Then
                GetNextToken() 'get off the From
                Return ParseFromQueryExpression(contextualKeyword)
                Debug.Assert(contextualKeyword.Kind = SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword)
                GetNextToken() 'get off the Aggregate
                Return ParseAggregateQueryExpression(contextualKeyword)
            End If
        End Function
        Private Function ParseGroupByExpression(groupKw As KeywordSyntax) As GroupByClauseSyntax
            Debug.Assert(groupKw IsNot Nothing)
            Dim byKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            Dim elements As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax) = Nothing
            If Not TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.ByKeyword, byKw, createIfMissing:=False) Then
                ' // parse element selector
                elements = ParseSelectList()
            End If
            Dim keys As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax) = Nothing
            If byKw IsNot Nothing OrElse TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.ByKeyword, byKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                ' // parse key selector
                keys = ParseSelectList()
                Dim rangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of ExpressionRangeVariableSyntax)()
                rangeVariables.Add(InternalSyntaxFactory.ExpressionRangeVariable(Nothing, InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression()))
                keys = rangeVariables.ToList
            End If
            Dim intoKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            Dim Aggregation As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax) = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, intoKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                ' // parse result selector
                Aggregation = ParseAggregateList(True, False)
                Aggregation = Me.MissingAggregationRangeVariables()
            End If
            Return SyntaxFactory.GroupByClause(groupKw, elements, byKw, keys, intoKw, Aggregation)
        End Function
        Private Function MissingAggregationRangeVariables() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax)
            Dim rangeVariables = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax)()
            rangeVariables.Add(InternalSyntaxFactory.AggregationRangeVariable(Nothing, SyntaxFactory.FunctionAggregation(InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingIdentifier(), Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)))
            Dim result As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax) = rangeVariables.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15016 - 15016
        ' GroupJoinExpression* .Parser::ParseGroupJoinExpression( [ _In_ Token* beginSourceToken ] [ _In_opt_ ParseTree::LinqExpression* Source ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseInnerJoinOrGroupJoinExpression(groupKw As KeywordSyntax,
                                                  joinKw As KeywordSyntax) As JoinClauseSyntax
            Debug.Assert(joinKw IsNot Nothing)
            ' // Make sure control var on the left is always named
            ' TODO: semantics
            ' MakeSureLeftControlVarIsNamed(source)
            Dim joinVariable = ParseJoinControlVar()
            Dim moreJoinsBuilder = _pool.Allocate(Of JoinClauseSyntax)()
                Dim nextJoin = ParseOptionalJoinOperator()
                If nextJoin Is Nothing Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim onKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            Dim Predicate As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of JoinConditionSyntax) = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetToken(SyntaxKind.OnKeyword, onKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                Predicate = ParseJoinPredicateExpression()
                Dim missingEq = SyntaxFactory.JoinCondition(InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression,
                Predicate = New CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of JoinConditionSyntax)(missingEq)
            End If
            Dim joinVarList = New CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of CollectionRangeVariableSyntax)(joinVariable)
            Dim moreJoins = moreJoinsBuilder.ToList()
            If groupKw Is Nothing Then
                Return SyntaxFactory.SimpleJoinClause(joinKw, joinVarList, moreJoins, onKw, Predicate)
                Dim intoKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                Dim Aggregation As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax) = Nothing
                If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, intoKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                    ' // parse result selector
                    Aggregation = ParseAggregateList(True, True)
                    Aggregation = Me.MissingAggregationRangeVariables()
                End If
                Return SyntaxFactory.GroupJoinClause(groupKw, joinKw, joinVarList, moreJoins, onKw, Predicate, intoKw, Aggregation)
            End If
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15260 - 15260
        ' LinqExpression* .Parser::ParseJoinSourceExpression( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseOptionalJoinOperator() As JoinClauseSyntax
            Dim joinKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword, joinKw) Then
                Return ParseInnerJoinOrGroupJoinExpression(Nothing, joinKw)
            End If
            Dim groupKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword, groupKw) Then
                TryGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword, joinKw, createIfMissing:=True)
                Return ParseInnerJoinOrGroupJoinExpression(groupKw, joinKw)
            End If
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15107 - 15107
        ' LinqSourceExpression* .Parser::ParseJoinControlVarExpression( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseJoinControlVar() As CollectionRangeVariableSyntax
            Dim varName As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax = ParseNullableModifiedIdentifier()
            If varName.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                ' // If we see As or In before other query operators, then assume that
                ' // we are still on the Control Variable Declaration.
                ' // Otherwise, don't resync and allow the caller to
                ' // decide how to recover.
                Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword, SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                Select Case (peek)
                    Case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword,
                        varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                End Select
            End If
            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.QuestionToken AndAlso
                PeekToken(1).Kind = SyntaxKind.InKeyword Then
                Dim unexpectedNullable As SyntaxToken = CurrentToken
                varName = varName.AddTrailingSyntax(ReportSyntaxError(unexpectedNullable, ERRID.ERR_NullableTypeInferenceNotSupported))
                GetNextToken()   ' get off the "?"
            End If
            Dim AsClause As SimpleAsClauseSyntax = Nothing
            ' // Parse the type if specified
            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsKeyword Then
                Dim AsKw As KeywordSyntax = DirectCast(CurrentToken, KeywordSyntax)
                Debug.Assert(AsKw IsNot Nothing)
                ' // Parse the type
                GetNextToken() ' // get off AS
                Dim Type As TypeSyntax = ParseGeneralType()
                AsClause = SyntaxFactory.SimpleAsClause(AsKw, Nothing, Type)
                ' // try to recover
                If Type.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken,
                                            SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                            SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                    Select Case (peek)
                        Case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken,
                            AsClause = AsClause.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                    End Select
                End If
            End If
            Dim [In] As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            Dim source As ExpressionSyntax = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetToken(SyntaxKind.InKeyword, [In], createIfMissing:=True) Then
                TryEatNewLine() ' // dev10_500708 allow line continuation after 'IN' 
                source = ParseExpressionCore()
            End If
            ' // try to recover
            If source Is Nothing OrElse source.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                ' Fix up source
                source = If(source, InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression)
                ' resync
                Dim peek = PeekAheadFor(SyntaxKind.CommaToken,
                                        SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                If peek = SyntaxKind.CommaToken Then
                    source = source.AddTrailingSyntax(ResyncAt({peek}))
                End If
            End If
            Return SyntaxFactory.CollectionRangeVariable(varName, AsClause, [In], source)
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15293 - 15293
        ' Expression* .Parser::ParseJoinPredicateExpression( [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseJoinPredicateExpression() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of JoinConditionSyntax)
            Dim Exprs = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of JoinConditionSyntax)()
            Dim AndTk As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                Dim element As JoinConditionSyntax = Nothing
                If CurrentToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.StatementTerminatorToken Then
                    Dim Left = ParseExpressionCore(OperatorPrecedence.PrecedenceRelational)
                    ' // try to recover
                    If Left.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                        Left = ResyncAt(Left, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword, SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword, SyntaxKind.AndKeyword, SyntaxKind.AndAlsoKeyword,
                                        SyntaxKind.OrKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrElseKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword,
                    End If
                    Dim eqKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                    Dim Right As ExpressionSyntax = Nothing
                    If TryGetContextualKeywordAndEatNewLine(SyntaxKind.EqualsKeyword, eqKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                        Right = ParseExpressionCore(OperatorPrecedence.PrecedenceRelational)
                        Right = InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression
                    End If
                    element = SyntaxFactory.JoinCondition(Left, eqKw, Right)
                    element = SyntaxFactory.JoinCondition(InternalSyntaxFactory.MissingExpression,
                    element = ReportSyntaxError(element, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedExpression)
                End If
                ' // try to recover
                If element.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    element = ResyncAt(element, SyntaxKind.AndKeyword, SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword,
                                       SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword, SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                       SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword,
                                       SyntaxKind.AndAlsoKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrElseKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword,
                                       SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                End If
                If Exprs.Count > 0 Then
                End If
                If TryGetTokenAndEatNewLine(SyntaxKind.AndKeyword, AndTk) Then
                    Continue Do
                ElseIf CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.AndAlsoKeyword OrElse
                       CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.OrKeyword OrElse
                       CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.OrElseKeyword Then
                    Exprs(Exprs.Count - 1) = Exprs(Exprs.Count - 1).AddTrailingSyntax(CurrentToken, ERRID.ERR_ExpectedAnd)
                    GetNextToken() ' consume bad token
                End If
                Exit Do
            Dim result = Exprs.ToList
            ' // try to recover
            If result.Node.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                Dim elements = result.Node
                elements = ResyncAt(elements, SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                   SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword,
                                   SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword, SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.OnKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword,
                                   SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                result = New CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of JoinConditionSyntax)(CType(New CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of JoinConditionSyntax)(CType(elements, GreenNode)), CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxList(Of GreenNode)))
            End If
            Return result
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14861 - 14861
        ' LinqExpression* .Parser::ParseFromExpression( [ bool StartingQuery ] [ bool ImplicitFrom ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Function ParseFromOperator(FromKw As KeywordSyntax) As FromClauseSyntax
            Debug.Assert(FromKw IsNot Nothing)
            Return SyntaxFactory.FromClause(FromKw, ParseFromControlVars())
        End Function
        Private Function ParseLetOperator(LetKw As KeywordSyntax) As LetClauseSyntax
            Debug.Assert(LetKw IsNot Nothing)
            Return SyntaxFactory.LetClause(LetKw, ParseLetList())
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15389 - 15389
        'ParseTree::OrderByList *
        '    _Inout_ bool &ErrorInConstruct
        '    _Inout_ ParseTree::LineContinuationState &OrderExprContinuationState, // [out] the continuation situation for the Order statement as relates to the Ascending/Descending keywords
        '    _Inout_ bool &ErrorInConstruct // [out] whether we ran into an error processing the OrderBy list.
        Private Function ParseOrderByList() As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of OrderingSyntax)
            Dim exprs = Me._pool.AllocateSeparated(Of OrderingSyntax)()
                Dim OrderExpression = ParseExpressionCore()
                ' // try to recover
                If OrderExpression.ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    OrderExpression = ResyncAt(OrderExpression, SyntaxKind.CommaToken, SyntaxKind.AscendingKeyword,
                                               SyntaxKind.DescendingKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword, SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword,
                                               SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword, SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword, SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword,
                                               SyntaxKind.FromKeyword, SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword, SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword,
                                               SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword, SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword, SyntaxKind.LetKeyword)
                End If
                Dim element As OrderingSyntax = Nothing
                Dim directionKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.DescendingKeyword, directionKw) Then
                    element = SyntaxFactory.DescendingOrdering(OrderExpression, directionKw)
                    TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.AscendingKeyword, directionKw)
                    element = SyntaxFactory.AscendingOrdering(OrderExpression, directionKw)
                End If
                Dim comma As PunctuationSyntax = Nothing
                If TryEatNewLineAndGetToken(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, comma, createIfMissing:=False) Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            Dim result = exprs.ToList
            Return result
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 15508 - 15508
        ' LinqExpression* .Parser::ParseFromQueryExpression( [ bool ImplicitFrom ] [ _Inout_ bool& ErrorInConstruct ] )
        Private Sub ParseMoreQueryOperators(ByRef operators As SyntaxListBuilder(Of QueryClauseSyntax))
                ' // try to recover
                If operators.Count > 0 AndAlso operators(operators.Count - 1).ContainsDiagnostics Then
                    operators(operators.Count - 1) = ResyncAt(operators(operators.Count - 1),
                End If
                Dim clause = ParseNextQueryOperator()
                If clause Is Nothing Then
                End If
        End Sub
        Private Function ParseNextQueryOperator() As QueryClauseSyntax
            Dim Start = CurrentToken
            ' //We allow implicit line continuations before query keywords when in a query context.
            If Start.Kind = SyntaxKind.StatementTerminatorToken Then
                If NextLineStartsWithStatementTerminator() OrElse
                   Not IsContinuableQueryOperator(PeekToken(1)) Then
                    Return Nothing
                End If
                ' we are going to use this EoL and next token since we know it is a valid operator.
                ' so it is ok to move to the next token and grab EoL as a trivia.
                Start = CurrentToken
            End If
            ' // it must be Id or Keyword from here
            Select Case Start.Kind
                Case SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword
                    GetNextToken() ' get off Select
                    Dim Projection = ParseSelectList()
                    Return InternalSyntaxFactory.SelectClause(DirectCast(Start, KeywordSyntax), Projection)
                Case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword
                    GetNextToken() ' get off Let
                    Return ParseLetOperator(DirectCast(Start, KeywordSyntax))
                Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken
                    Dim kw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                    If Not TryTokenAsContextualKeyword(Start, kw) Then
                        Return Nothing
                    End If
                    Select Case kw.Kind
                        Case SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off where
                            Return InternalSyntaxFactory.WhereClause(kw, ParseExpressionCore())
                        Case SyntaxKind.SkipKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off Skip
                            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword Then
                                ' // Note: no line continuation if Skip is followed by While, i.e. Skip While is treated as a unit
                                Dim whileKw = DirectCast(CurrentToken, KeywordSyntax)
                                GetNextToken() ' get off While
                                Return InternalSyntaxFactory.SkipWhileClause(kw, whileKw, ParseExpressionCore())
                                TryEatNewLineIfNotFollowedBy(SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword) ' // when Skip ends the line, allow a implicit line continuation
                                Return InternalSyntaxFactory.SkipClause(kw, ParseExpressionCore())
                            End If
                        Case SyntaxKind.TakeKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off Take
                            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword Then
                                ' // Note: no line continuation if Skip is followed by While, i.e. Skip While is treated as a unit
                                Dim whileKw = DirectCast(CurrentToken, KeywordSyntax)
                                GetNextToken() ' get off While
                                Return InternalSyntaxFactory.TakeWhileClause(kw, whileKw, ParseExpressionCore())
                                TryEatNewLineIfNotFollowedBy(SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword) ' // when Skip ends the line, allow a implicit line continuation
                                Return InternalSyntaxFactory.TakeClause(kw, ParseExpressionCore())
                            End If
                        Case SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword
                            GetNextToken() 'get off Group
                            ' // See if this is a 'Group Join'
                            Dim joinKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                            If TryGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword, joinKw) Then
                                Return ParseInnerJoinOrGroupJoinExpression(kw, joinKw)
                                Return ParseGroupByExpression(kw)
                            End If
                        Case SyntaxKind.AggregateKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off Aggregate
                            Return ParseAggregateClause(kw)
                        Case SyntaxKind.OrderKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off Order
                            Dim byKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
                            TryGetContextualKeywordAndEatNewLine(SyntaxKind.ByKeyword, byKw, createIfMissing:=True)
                            Dim OrderByItems = ParseOrderByList()
                            Return InternalSyntaxFactory.OrderByClause(kw, byKw, OrderByItems)
                        Case SyntaxKind.DistinctKeyword
                            GetNextToken()   ' get off Distinct
                            If CurrentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.StatementTerminatorToken Then
                                ' Eat the new line only if the distinct is followed by a token that can continue a term or an expression
                                Dim tokenAfterEOL = PeekToken(1)
                                Select Case tokenAfterEOL.Kind
                                    Case SyntaxKind.DotToken, SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken, SyntaxKind.QuestionToken, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken
                                    Case Else
                                        If tokenAfterEOL.IsBinaryOperator Then
                                        End If
                                End Select
                            End If
                            Return InternalSyntaxFactory.DistinctClause(kw)
                        Case SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword
                            GetNextToken()   ' get off Join
                            Return ParseInnerJoinOrGroupJoinExpression(Nothing, kw)
                        Case SyntaxKind.FromKeyword
                            GetNextToken() ' get off From
                            Return ParseFromOperator(kw)
                    End Select
            End Select
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        Private Function ParseFromQueryExpression(fromKw As KeywordSyntax) As QueryExpressionSyntax
            Debug.Assert(fromKw IsNot Nothing)
            Dim operators = Me._pool.Allocate(Of QueryClauseSyntax)()
            Dim result = operators.ToList
            Return SyntaxFactory.QueryExpression(result)
        End Function
        Private Function ParseAggregateQueryExpression(AggregateKw As KeywordSyntax) As QueryExpressionSyntax
            Debug.Assert(AggregateKw IsNot Nothing)
            Dim operators = Me._pool.Allocate(Of QueryClauseSyntax)()
            Dim result = operators.ToList
            Return SyntaxFactory.QueryExpression(result)
        End Function
        Private Function ParseAggregateClause(AggregateKw As KeywordSyntax) As AggregateClauseSyntax
            Debug.Assert(AggregateKw IsNot Nothing)
            Dim controlVariables = ParseFromControlVars()
            Dim moreOperators = Me._pool.Allocate(Of QueryClauseSyntax)()
            Dim operatorList = moreOperators.ToList
            Dim intoKw As KeywordSyntax = Nothing
            Dim variables As CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SeparatedSyntaxList(Of AggregationRangeVariableSyntax) = Nothing
            If TryEatNewLineAndGetContextualKeyword(SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword, intoKw, createIfMissing:=True) Then
                ' //ILC:  I took the liberty of adding implicit line continuations after query keywords in addition to before them...
                ' // parse result selector
                variables = ParseAggregateList(False, False)
                variables = Me.MissingAggregationRangeVariables()
            End If
            Return SyntaxFactory.AggregateClause(AggregateKw, controlVariables, operatorList, intoKw, variables)
        End Function
        ' bool .Parser::IsContinuableQueryOperator( [ Token* pToken ] )
        Private Function IsContinuableQueryOperator(pToken As SyntaxToken) As Boolean
            Debug.Assert(pToken IsNot Nothing)
            Debug.Assert(pToken.Text Is PeekToken(1).Text)
            Dim kind As SyntaxKind = Nothing
            If Not TryTokenAsKeyword(pToken, kind) Then
                Return False
            End If
            Dim isQueryKwd As Boolean = KeywordTable.IsQueryClause(kind)
            If isQueryKwd AndAlso kind = SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword Then
                ' //We do not want to allow an implicit line continuation before a "select" keyword if it is immediately
                ' //followed by the "case" keyword. This allows code like the following to parse correctly:
                ' //    dim a = from x in xs
                ' //    select case b
                ' //    end select
                Dim nextToken = PeekToken(2)
                If nextToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword Then
                    isQueryKwd = False
                End If
            End If
            Return isQueryKwd
        End Function
        ' File: Parser.cpp
        ' Lines: 14918 - 14918
        ' .::MakeSureLeftControlVarIsNamed( [ _In_opt_ ParseTree::LinqExpression* Source ] ) 
        ' TODO: this should be done in semantics.
        'Private Shared Sub MakeSureLeftControlVarIsNamed( _
        '    ByVal Source As ParseTree.LinqExpression _
        '    While Source IsNot Nothing
        '        Select Case (Source.Opcode)
        '            Case ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.InnerJoin, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.GroupJoin, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.CrossJoin, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.From, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Let, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.GroupBy, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Aggregate, _
        '                  ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.LinqSource
        '                Return ' // these operators do not produce unnamed vars
        '            Case ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Where, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.SkipWhile, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.TakeWhile, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Take, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Skip, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Distinct, _
        '                       ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.OrderBy
        '                Source = Source.AsLinqOperator().Source ' // these operators do not declare control vars
        '            Case ParseTree.Expression.Opcodes.Select
        '                AssertIfTrue(Source.AsSelect().ForceNameInferenceForSingleElement)
        '                Source.AsSelect().ForceNameInferenceForSingleElement = True
        '                Return ' // done
        '            Case Else
        '                AssertIfFalse(False) ' // unknown Opcode
        '                Return
        '        End Select
        '    End While
        'End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace