File: Parser\BlockContexts\BlockContextExtensions.vb
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Project: src\src\Compilers\VisualBasic\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax.InternalSyntax
    Friend Module BlockContextExtensions
        Friend Function EndLambda(context As BlockContext) As BlockContext
            Dim complete = False
                complete = context.IsLambda
                context = context.EndBlock(Nothing)
            Loop Until complete
            Return context
        End Function
        Friend Sub RecoverFromMissingEnd(context As BlockContext, lastContext As BlockContext)
            Debug.Assert(lastContext IsNot Nothing)
            While context.Level > lastContext.Level
                context = context.EndBlock(Nothing)
            End While
        End Sub
        Friend Function IsWithin(context As BlockContext, ParamArray kinds() As SyntaxKind) As Boolean
            Return context.FindNearest(kinds) IsNot Nothing
        End Function
        Friend Function FindNearest(context As BlockContext, conditionIsTrue As Func(Of BlockContext, Boolean)) As BlockContext
            While context IsNot Nothing
                If conditionIsTrue(context) Then
                    Return context
                End If
                context = context.PrevBlock
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        Friend Function FindNearest(context As BlockContext, conditionIsTrue As Func(Of SyntaxKind, Boolean)) As BlockContext
            While context IsNot Nothing
                If conditionIsTrue(context.BlockKind) Then
                    Return context
                End If
                context = context.PrevBlock
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        Friend Function FindNearest(context As BlockContext, ParamArray kinds() As SyntaxKind) As BlockContext
            While context IsNot Nothing
                If kinds.Contains(context.BlockKind) Then
                    Return context
                End If
                context = context.PrevBlock
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        Friend Function FindNearestInSameMethodScope(context As BlockContext, ParamArray kinds() As SyntaxKind) As BlockContext
            While context IsNot Nothing
                If kinds.Contains(context.BlockKind) Then
                    Return context
                End If
                If context.IsLambda Then
                    Return Nothing
                End If
                context = context.PrevBlock
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
        Friend Function FindNearestLambdaOrSingleLineIf(context As BlockContext, lastContext As BlockContext) As BlockContext
            While context IsNot lastContext
                If context.IsLambda OrElse context.IsLineIf Then
                    Return context
                End If
                context = context.PrevBlock
            End While
            Return Nothing
        End Function
    End Module
End Namespace