File: Declarations\DeclarationModifiers.vb
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\VisualBasic\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
    Friend Enum DeclarationModifiers
        None = 0
        [Private] = 1
        [Protected] = 1 << 1
        [Friend] = 1 << 2
        [Public] = 1 << 3
        AllAccessibilityModifiers = [Private] Or [Friend] Or [Protected] Or [Public]
        [Shared] = 1 << 4
        [ReadOnly] = 1 << 5
        [WriteOnly] = 1 << 6
        AllWriteabilityModifiers = [ReadOnly] Or [WriteOnly]
        [Overrides] = 1 << 7
        [Overridable] = 1 << 8
        [MustOverride] = 1 << 9
        [NotOverridable] = 1 << 10
        AllOverrideModifiers = [Overridable] Or [MustOverride] Or [NotOverridable]
        [Overloads] = 1 << 11
        [Shadows] = 1 << 12
        AllShadowingModifiers = [Overloads] Or [Shadows]
        [Default] = 1 << 13
        [WithEvents] = 1 << 14
        [Widening] = 1 << 15
        [Narrowing] = 1 << 16
        AllConversionModifiers = [Widening] Or [Narrowing]
        [Partial] = 1 << 17
        [MustInherit] = 1 << 18
        [NotInheritable] = 1 << 19
        Async = 1 << 20
        Iterator = 1 << 21
        [Dim] = 1 << 22
        [Const] = 1 << 23
        [Static] = 1 << 24
        InvalidInNotInheritableClass = [Overridable] Or [NotOverridable] Or [MustOverride] Or [Default]
        InvalidInModule = [Protected] Or [Shared] Or [Default] Or [MustOverride] Or [Overridable] Or [Shadows] Or [Overrides]
        InvalidInInterface = AllAccessibilityModifiers Or [Shared]
    End Enum
End Namespace