' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Roslyn.Utilities
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Friend Class SymbolInfoFactory
Friend Shared Function Create(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol), resultKind As LookupResultKind) As SymbolInfo
Return Create(StaticCast(Of ISymbol).From(symbols), resultKind)
End Function
Friend Shared Function Create(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of ISymbol), resultKind As LookupResultKind) As SymbolInfo
Dim reason = If(resultKind = LookupResultKind.Good, CandidateReason.None, resultKind.ToCandidateReason())
Return Create(symbols, reason)
End Function
Friend Shared Function Create(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of ISymbol), reason As CandidateReason) As SymbolInfo
symbols = symbols.NullToEmpty()
If symbols.IsEmpty AndAlso Not (reason = CandidateReason.None OrElse reason = CandidateReason.LateBound) Then
reason = CandidateReason.None
End If
If symbols.Length = 1 AndAlso (reason = CandidateReason.None OrElse reason = CandidateReason.LateBound) Then
Return New SymbolInfo(symbols(0), reason)
Return New SymbolInfo(symbols, reason)
End If
End Function
End Class
#If False Then
Public Structure SymbolInfo
Implements IEquatable(Of SymbolInfo)
Private ReadOnly _symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
Private ReadOnly _resultKind As LookupResultKind
Friend ReadOnly Property AllSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
Return _symbols
End Get
End Property
Friend ReadOnly Property ResultKind As LookupResultKind
Return _resultKind
End Get
End Property
Friend Shared None As SymbolInfo = New SymbolInfo(ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, LookupResultKind.Empty)
Friend Shared NotNeeded As SymbolInfo = New SymbolInfo(ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, LookupResultKind.Good)
''' <summary>
''' The symbol that was referred to by the syntax node, if any. Returns null if the given
''' expression did not bind successfully to a single symbol. If null is returned, it may
''' still be that case that we have one or more "best guesses" as to what symbol was
''' intended. These best guesses are available via the CandidateSymbols property.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property Symbol As Symbol
If _resultKind = LookupResultKind.Good AndAlso _symbols.Length > 0 Then
Debug.Assert(_symbols.Length = 1)
Return _symbols(0)
Return Nothing
End If
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' If the expression did not successfully resolve to a symbol, but there were one or more
''' symbols that may have been considered but discarded, this property returns those
''' symbols. The reason that the symbols did not successfully resolve to a symbol are
''' available in the CandidateReason property. For example, if the symbol was inaccessible,
''' ambiguous, or used in the wrong context.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property CandidateSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)
If _resultKind <> LookupResultKind.Good AndAlso Not _symbols.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
Return _symbols
Return ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty
End If
End Get
End Property
''' If the expression did not successfully resolve to a symbol, but there were one or more
''' symbols that may have been considered but discarded, this property describes why those
''' symbol or symbols were not considered suitable.
''' </summary>
Public ReadOnly Property CandidateReason As CandidateReason
Return If(_resultKind = LookupResultKind.Good, CandidateReason.None, _resultKind.ToCandidateReason())
End Get
End Property
Friend Sub New(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol), resultKind As LookupResultKind)
Me._symbols = If(symbols.IsDefault, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty, symbols)
Me._resultKind = resultKind
If Not symbols.Any() AndAlso resultKind <> LookupResultKind.Good AndAlso resultKind <> LookupResultKind.LateBound Then
Me._resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty
End If
End Sub
Public Overloads Function Equals(other As SymbolInfo) As Boolean Implements IEquatable(Of SymbolInfo).Equals
Return _symbols.SequenceEqual(other._symbols) AndAlso
_resultKind = other._resultKind
End Function
Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
Return TypeOf obj Is SymbolInfo AndAlso
Equals(DirectCast(obj, SymbolInfo))
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
Return Hash.Combine(Hash.CombineValues(_symbols, 4), CInt(_resultKind))
End Function
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(info As SymbolInfo) As SymbolInfo
Return New SymbolInfo(info.Symbol, StaticCast(Of ISymbol).From(info.CandidateSymbols), info.CandidateReason)
End Operator
End Structure
#End If
End Namespace