' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
''' <summary>
''' The <see cref="BinderFactory"/> class finds the correct Binder to use for a node in a syntax
''' tree, down to method level. Within a method, the <see cref="ExecutableCodeBinder"/> has a
''' cache of further binders within the method.
''' The <see cref="BinderFactory"/> caches results so that binders are efficiently reused between queries.
''' </summary>
Partial Friend Class BinderFactory
Private ReadOnly _sourceModule As SourceModuleSymbol
Private ReadOnly _tree As SyntaxTree
' Some syntax nodes, like method blocks, have multiple different binders associated with them
' for different parts of the method (the body, where parameters are available, and the header, where
' parameters aren't). To be able to cache a few different binders for each syntax node, we use
' a NodeUsage to sub-distinguish binders associated with nodes. Each kind of syntax node must have its
' associated usage value(s), because the usage is used when creating the binder (if not found in the cache).
Private ReadOnly _cache As ConcurrentDictionary(Of ValueTuple(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode, Byte), Binder)
Private Shared ReadOnly s_binderFactoryVisitorPool As ObjectPool(Of BinderFactoryVisitor) = New ObjectPool(Of BinderFactoryVisitor)(Function() New BinderFactoryVisitor())
Private ReadOnly _binderFactoryVisitorPool As ObjectPool(Of BinderFactoryVisitor)
Private ReadOnly Property InScript As Boolean
Return _tree.Options.Kind = SourceCodeKind.Script
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(sourceModule As SourceModuleSymbol, tree As SyntaxTree, Optional binderFactoryVisitorPoolOpt As ObjectPool(Of BinderFactoryVisitor) = Nothing)
Me._sourceModule = sourceModule
Me._tree = tree
Me._cache = New ConcurrentDictionary(Of ValueTuple(Of VisualBasicSyntaxNode, Byte), Binder)
Me._binderFactoryVisitorPool = If(binderFactoryVisitorPoolOpt, s_binderFactoryVisitorPool)
End Sub
Private Function MakeBinder(node As SyntaxNode, position As Integer) As Binder
If SyntaxFacts.InSpanOrEffectiveTrailingOfNode(node, position) OrElse
node.Kind = SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit Then
Dim visitor = GetBinderFactoryVisitor(position)
Dim result = visitor.Visit(node)
Return result
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Function GetBinderFactoryVisitor(position As Integer) As BinderFactoryVisitor
Dim visitor = _binderFactoryVisitorPool.Allocate()
visitor.Initialize(Me, position)
Return visitor
End Function
Private Sub ClearBinderFactoryVisitor(visitor As BinderFactoryVisitor)
End Sub
' Get binder for interior of a namespace block
Public Function GetNamespaceBinder(node As NamespaceBlockSyntax) As Binder
Return GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.NamespaceBlockInterior, node.Parent, node.SpanStart)
End Function
' Get binder for a type
Public Function GetNamedTypeBinder(node As TypeStatementSyntax) As Binder
Dim possibleParentBlock = TryCast(node.Parent, TypeBlockSyntax)
Dim parentForEnclosingBinder As VisualBasicSyntaxNode = If(possibleParentBlock IsNot Nothing, possibleParentBlock.Parent, node.Parent)
Return GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.TypeBlockFull, parentForEnclosingBinder, node.SpanStart)
End Function
' Get binder for an enum
Public Function GetNamedTypeBinder(node As EnumStatementSyntax) As Binder
Dim possibleParentBlock = TryCast(node.Parent, EnumBlockSyntax)
Dim parentForEnclosingBinder As VisualBasicSyntaxNode = If(possibleParentBlock IsNot Nothing, possibleParentBlock.Parent, node.Parent)
Return GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.EnumBlockFull, parentForEnclosingBinder, node.SpanStart)
End Function
' Get binder for a delegate
Public Function GetNamedTypeBinder(node As DelegateStatementSyntax) As Binder
Return GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.DelegateDeclaration, node.Parent, node.SpanStart)
End Function
' Find the binder to use for a position in the tree. The position should have been adjusted
' already to be at the start of a token.
Public Function GetBinderForPosition(node As SyntaxNode, position As Integer) As Binder
Return GetBinderAtOrAbove(node, position)
End Function
' Find the binder for a node or above at a given position
Private Function GetBinderAtOrAbove(node As SyntaxNode, position As Integer) As Binder
' Go up the tree until we find a node that has a corresponding binder.
Dim binder As Binder = MakeBinder(node, position)
If binder IsNot Nothing Then
Return binder
End If
If node.Kind = SyntaxKind.DocumentationCommentTrivia Then
node = DirectCast(DirectCast(node, StructuredTriviaSyntax).ParentTrivia.Token.Parent, VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
node = node.Parent
End If
' We should always find a binder, because the compilation unit should always give a binder,
' and going up the parent node chain should always get us a compilation unit.
Debug.Assert(node IsNot Nothing, "We should always get a binder")
End Function
' Given a node and usage, find the correct binder to use. Use the cache first, if not in the cache, then
' create a new binder. The parent node and position are used if we need to find an enclosing binder unless specified explicitly.
Private Function GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
usage As NodeUsage,
Optional parentNode As VisualBasicSyntaxNode = Nothing,
Optional position As Integer = -1,
Optional containingBinder As Binder = Nothing) As Binder
' either parentNode and position is specified or the containingBinder is specified
Debug.Assert((parentNode Is Nothing) = (position < 0))
Debug.Assert(containingBinder Is Nothing OrElse parentNode Is Nothing)
Dim binder As Binder = Nothing
Dim nodeUsagePair = (node, CByte(usage))
If Not _cache.TryGetValue(nodeUsagePair, binder) Then
' Didn't find it in the cache, so we need to create it. But we need the containing binder first.
If containingBinder Is Nothing AndAlso parentNode IsNot Nothing Then
containingBinder = GetBinderAtOrAbove(parentNode, position)
End If
binder = CreateBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, usage, containingBinder)
_cache.TryAdd(nodeUsagePair, binder)
End If
Return binder
End Function
' Given a node, usage, and containing binder, create the binder for this node and usage. This is called
' only when we've found the given node & usage are not cached (and the caller will cache the result).
Private Function CreateBinderForNodeAndUsage(node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
usage As NodeUsage,
containingBinder As Binder) As Binder
Select Case usage
Case NodeUsage.CompilationUnit
' Get the binder associated with the default project namespace
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForNamespace(_sourceModule, _tree, _sourceModule.RootNamespace)
Case NodeUsage.ImplicitClass
Dim implicitType As NamedTypeSymbol
If node.Kind <> SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit OrElse _tree.Options.Kind = SourceCodeKind.Regular Then
implicitType = DirectCast(containingBinder.ContainingNamespaceOrType.GetMembers(TypeSymbol.ImplicitTypeName).Single(), NamedTypeSymbol)
implicitType = _sourceModule.ContainingSourceAssembly.DeclaringCompilation.SourceScriptClass
End If
Return New NamedTypeBinder(containingBinder, implicitType)
Case NodeUsage.ScriptCompilationUnit
Dim rootNamespaceBinder = GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.CompilationUnit)
Debug.Assert(TypeOf rootNamespaceBinder Is NamespaceBinder)
' TODO (tomat): this is just a simple temporary solution, we'll need to plug-in submissions, interactive imports and host object members:
Return New NamedTypeBinder(rootNamespaceBinder, _sourceModule.ContainingSourceAssembly.DeclaringCompilation.SourceScriptClass)
Case NodeUsage.TopLevelExecutableStatement
Debug.Assert(TypeOf containingBinder Is NamedTypeBinder AndAlso containingBinder.ContainingType.IsScriptClass)
Return New TopLevelCodeBinder(containingBinder.ContainingType.InstanceConstructors.Single(), containingBinder)
Case NodeUsage.ImportsStatement
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForSourceFileImports(_sourceModule, _tree)
Case NodeUsage.NamespaceBlockInterior
Dim nsBlockSyntax = DirectCast(node, NamespaceBlockSyntax)
Dim containingNamespaceBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamespaceBinder)
If containingNamespaceBinder Is Nothing Then
' If the containing binder is a script class binder use its namespace as a containing binder.
' It is an error
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder IsNot Nothing AndAlso containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType.IsScriptClass Then
Dim rootNamespaceBinder = GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.CompilationUnit)
containingNamespaceBinder = DirectCast(rootNamespaceBinder, NamespaceBinder)
End If
End If
If containingNamespaceBinder IsNot Nothing Then
Return BuildNamespaceBinder(containingNamespaceBinder, nsBlockSyntax.NamespaceStatement.Name, nsBlockSyntax.Parent.Kind = SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit)
End If
Return containingBinder ' This occurs is some edge case error, like declaring a namespace inside a class.
Case NodeUsage.TypeBlockFull
Dim declarationSyntax = DirectCast(node, TypeStatementSyntax)
Dim symbol = SourceNamedTypeSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(declarationSyntax,
' if symbol is invalid, we might be dealing with different error cases like class/namespace/class declaration
Return If(symbol IsNot Nothing, New NamedTypeBinder(containingBinder, symbol), containingBinder)
Case NodeUsage.EnumBlockFull
Dim declarationSyntax = DirectCast(node, EnumStatementSyntax)
Dim symbol = SourceNamedTypeSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(declarationSyntax,
' if symbol is invalid, we might be dealing with different error cases like class/namespace/class declaration
Return If(symbol IsNot Nothing, New NamedTypeBinder(containingBinder, symbol), containingBinder)
Case NodeUsage.DelegateDeclaration
Dim delegateSyntax = DirectCast(node, DelegateStatementSyntax)
Dim symbol = SourceNamedTypeSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(delegateSyntax,
' if symbol is invalid, we might be dealing with different error cases like class/namespace/class declaration
Return If(symbol IsNot Nothing, New NamedTypeBinder(containingBinder, symbol), containingBinder)
Case NodeUsage.InheritsStatement
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder IsNot Nothing Then
' When binding the inherits clause, we don't want to look to base types of our own type, to follow how actual
' determination of the base type is done. This is done by using a BasesBeingResolvedBinder.
Debug.Assert(containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType IsNot Nothing)
Return New BasesBeingResolvedBinder(containingBinder, BasesBeingResolved.Empty.PrependInheritsBeingResolved(containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType))
Return containingBinder
End If
Case NodeUsage.ImplementsStatement
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder IsNot Nothing Then
Debug.Assert(containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType IsNot Nothing)
Return New BasesBeingResolvedBinder(containingBinder, BasesBeingResolved.Empty.PrependImplementsBeingResolved(containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType))
Return containingBinder
End If
Case NodeUsage.PropertyFull
Return GetContainingNamedTypeBinderForMemberNode(DirectCast(node, PropertyStatementSyntax).Parent.Parent, containingBinder)
Case NodeUsage.MethodFull, NodeUsage.MethodInterior
Dim methodBase = DirectCast(node, MethodBaseSyntax)
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = GetContainingNamedTypeBinderForMemberNode(node.Parent.Parent, containingBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder Is Nothing Then
Return containingBinder
End If
' UNDONE: Remove this once we can create MethodSymbols for other kinds of declarations.
Select Case methodBase.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.FunctionStatement,
Case Else
Return containingBinder
End Select
Return BuildMethodBinder(containingNamedTypeBinder, methodBase, (usage = NodeUsage.MethodInterior))
Case NodeUsage.FieldOrPropertyInitializer
Dim fieldOrProperty As Symbol = Nothing
Dim additionalFieldsOrProperties = ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder As NamedTypeBinder
Select Case node.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator
Dim declarator = DirectCast(node, VariableDeclaratorSyntax)
' Declaration should have initializer or AsNew.
Debug.Assert(declarator.Initializer IsNot Nothing OrElse TryCast(declarator.AsClause, AsNewClauseSyntax) IsNot Nothing)
' more than one name may happen if there is a syntax error or AsNew clause with multiple fields/properties
Debug.Assert(declarator.Names.Count > 0)
containingNamedTypeBinder = GetContainingNamedTypeBinderForMemberNode(node.Parent.Parent, containingBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim identifier = declarator.Names(0).Identifier
fieldOrProperty = containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType.FindFieldOrProperty(identifier.ValueText, identifier.Span, _tree)
' Handle multiple fields/properties initialized with AsNew clause
If declarator.Names.Count > 1 Then
Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of Symbol).GetInstance
For Each name In declarator.Names.Skip(1)
identifier = name.Identifier
Dim additionalFieldOrProperty As Symbol = containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType.FindFieldOrProperty(identifier.ValueText, identifier.Span, _tree)
additionalFieldsOrProperties = builder.ToImmutableAndFree
End If
Case SyntaxKind.EnumMemberDeclaration
Dim enumDeclaration = DirectCast(node, EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax)
Debug.Assert(enumDeclaration.Initializer IsNot Nothing)
containingNamedTypeBinder = DirectCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
Dim identifier = enumDeclaration.Identifier
fieldOrProperty = containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType.FindMember(identifier.ValueText, SymbolKind.Field, identifier.Span, _tree)
Case SyntaxKind.PropertyStatement
Dim propertyStatement = DirectCast(node, PropertyStatementSyntax)
Debug.Assert(propertyStatement.Initializer IsNot Nothing OrElse TryCast(propertyStatement.AsClause, AsNewClauseSyntax) IsNot Nothing)
containingNamedTypeBinder = GetContainingNamedTypeBinderForMemberNode(node.Parent, containingBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim identifier = propertyStatement.Identifier
fieldOrProperty = containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType.FindMember(identifier.ValueText, SymbolKind.Property, identifier.Span, _tree)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node.Kind)
End Select
If fieldOrProperty IsNot Nothing Then
Return BuildInitializerBinder(containingNamedTypeBinder, fieldOrProperty, additionalFieldsOrProperties)
End If
Return Nothing
Case NodeUsage.FieldArrayBounds
Dim modifiedIdentifier = DirectCast(node, ModifiedIdentifierSyntax)
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder IsNot Nothing Then
Dim containingType = containingNamedTypeBinder.ContainingType
Dim identifier = modifiedIdentifier.Identifier
Dim field = containingType.FindMember(identifier.ValueText, SymbolKind.Field, identifier.Span, _tree)
If field IsNot Nothing Then
Return BuildInitializerBinder(containingNamedTypeBinder, field, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
Case NodeUsage.Attribute
Return BuildAttributeBinder(containingBinder, node)
Case NodeUsage.ParameterDefaultValue
Dim parameterSyntax = DirectCast(node, ParameterSyntax)
If parameterSyntax.Default IsNot Nothing Then
Dim parameterListSyntax = DirectCast(parameterSyntax.Parent, ParameterListSyntax)
Dim methodSyntax = DirectCast(parameterListSyntax.Parent, MethodBaseSyntax)
Dim parameterSymbol As ParameterSymbol = Nothing
Select Case methodSyntax.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.SubNewStatement,
Dim containingType = GetParameterDeclarationContainingType(containingBinder)
If containingType IsNot Nothing Then
Dim methodSymbol = DirectCast(SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(methodSyntax, _tree, containingType), SourceMethodSymbol)
If methodSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
parameterSymbol = GetParameterSymbol(methodSymbol.Parameters, parameterSyntax)
End If
End If
Case SyntaxKind.DelegateFunctionStatement,
Dim containingType = GetParameterDeclarationContainingType(containingBinder)
If containingType IsNot Nothing AndAlso
containingType.TypeKind = TypeKind.Delegate Then
Dim invokeSymbol = containingType.DelegateInvokeMethod
Debug.Assert(invokeSymbol IsNot Nothing, "Delegate should always have an invoke method.")
parameterSymbol = GetParameterSymbol(invokeSymbol.Parameters, parameterSyntax)
End If
Case SyntaxKind.EventStatement
Dim containingType = GetParameterDeclarationContainingType(containingBinder)
If containingType IsNot Nothing Then
Dim eventSymbol = DirectCast(SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(methodSyntax, _tree, containingType), SourceEventSymbol)
If eventSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
parameterSymbol = GetParameterSymbol(eventSymbol.DelegateParameters, parameterSyntax)
End If
End If
Case SyntaxKind.PropertyStatement
Dim containingType = GetParameterDeclarationContainingType(containingBinder)
If containingType IsNot Nothing Then
Dim propertySymbol = DirectCast(SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(methodSyntax, _tree, containingType), SourcePropertySymbol)
If propertySymbol IsNot Nothing Then
parameterSymbol = GetParameterSymbol(propertySymbol.Parameters, parameterSyntax)
End If
End If
Case SyntaxKind.FunctionLambdaHeader,
' Default values are not valid (and not bound) for lambda parameters or property accessors
Return Nothing
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(methodSyntax.Kind)
End Select
If parameterSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForParameterDefaultValue(parameterSymbol, containingBinder, parameterSyntax)
End If
End If
Return Nothing
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(usage)
End Select
End Function
Private Function CreateDocumentationCommentBinder(node As DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax, binderType As DocumentationCommentBinder.BinderType) As Binder
Debug.Assert(binderType <> DocumentationCommentBinder.BinderType.None)
' Now we need to find a symbol for class/structure, method, event, or property
' Those may be needed to bind parameters and/or type parameters
' Note that we actually don't need field/module/enum symbols, because they
' do not have type parameters or parameters
Dim trivia As SyntaxTrivia = node.ParentTrivia
Dim token As SyntaxToken = CType(trivia.Token, SyntaxToken)
Dim parent = DirectCast(token.Parent, VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
Debug.Assert(parent IsNot Nothing)
' This is a binder for commented symbol's containing type or namespace
Dim nodeForOuterBinder As VisualBasicSyntaxNode = Nothing
Select Case parent.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ClassStatement,
' BREAK: Roslyn uses the type binder, whereas Dev11 uses the scope strictly above the type declaration.
' This change was made to improve the consistency with C#. In particular, it allows unqualified references
' to members of the type to which the doc comment has been applied.
nodeForOuterBinder = parent
Case SyntaxKind.SubStatement,
' Delegates don't have user-defined members, so it makes more sense to treat
' them like methods.
nodeForOuterBinder = parent.Parent
If nodeForOuterBinder IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf (nodeForOuterBinder) Is MethodBlockBaseSyntax Then
nodeForOuterBinder = nodeForOuterBinder.Parent
End If
Case SyntaxKind.PropertyStatement
nodeForOuterBinder = parent.Parent
If nodeForOuterBinder IsNot Nothing AndAlso nodeForOuterBinder.Kind = SyntaxKind.PropertyBlock Then
nodeForOuterBinder = nodeForOuterBinder.Parent
End If
Case SyntaxKind.EventStatement
nodeForOuterBinder = parent.Parent
If nodeForOuterBinder IsNot Nothing AndAlso nodeForOuterBinder.Kind = SyntaxKind.EventStatement Then
nodeForOuterBinder = nodeForOuterBinder.Parent
End If
Case SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration,
nodeForOuterBinder = parent.Parent
Case SyntaxKind.AttributeList
nodeForOuterBinder = parent.Parent
If nodeForOuterBinder IsNot Nothing Then
parent = nodeForOuterBinder
nodeForOuterBinder = Nothing
GoTo lAgain
End If
End Select
If nodeForOuterBinder Is Nothing Then
Return GetBinderAtOrAbove(parent, parent.SpanStart)
End If
Dim containingBinder As Binder = GetBinderAtOrAbove(nodeForOuterBinder, parent.SpanStart)
Dim symbol As Symbol = Nothing
Select Case parent.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ClassStatement,
symbol = containingBinder.ContainingNamespaceOrType
Case SyntaxKind.SubStatement,
If containingBinder.ContainingType IsNot Nothing Then
symbol = SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(
DirectCast(parent, MethodBaseSyntax), _tree, containingBinder.ContainingType)
End If
Case SyntaxKind.DelegateSubStatement,
If containingBinder.ContainingType IsNot Nothing Then
symbol = SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(
DirectCast(parent, MethodBaseSyntax), _tree, containingBinder.ContainingType)
symbol = SourceNamedTypeSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(
DirectCast(parent, DelegateStatementSyntax), containingBinder.ContainingNamespaceOrType, _sourceModule)
End If
Case SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration,
' we are not using field, enum, module symbols for params or type params resolution
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(parent.Kind)
End Select
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForDocumentationComment(containingBinder, symbol, binderType)
End Function
Private Function GetContainingNamedTypeBinderForMemberNode(node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, containingBinder As Binder) As NamedTypeBinder
Dim containingNamedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If containingNamedTypeBinder IsNot Nothing Then
Return containingNamedTypeBinder
End If
' member declared on top-level or in a namespace is enclosed in an implicit type:
If node IsNot Nothing AndAlso (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.NamespaceBlock OrElse node.Kind = SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit) Then
Return DirectCast(
GetBinderForNodeAndUsage(node, NodeUsage.ImplicitClass,
containingBinder:=containingBinder), NamedTypeBinder)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function GetParameterDeclarationContainingType(containingBinder As Binder) As NamedTypeSymbol
' Method declarations are bound using either a NamedTypeBinder or a MethodTypeParametersBinder
Dim namedTypeBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
If namedTypeBinder Is Nothing Then
' Must be a MethodTypeParametersBinder unless the member
' containing the parameter is outside of a type (in invalid code).
Dim methodDeclarationBinder = TryCast(containingBinder, MethodTypeParametersBinder)
If methodDeclarationBinder Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
namedTypeBinder = DirectCast(methodDeclarationBinder.ContainingBinder, NamedTypeBinder)
End If
Return namedTypeBinder.ContainingType
End Function
' Given the name of a child namespace, build up a binder from a containing binder.
Private Function BuildNamespaceBinder(containingBinder As NamespaceBinder, childName As NameSyntax, globalNamespaceAllowed As Boolean) As NamespaceBinder
Dim name As String
Select Case childName.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.GlobalName
If globalNamespaceAllowed Then
Return DirectCast(BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForNamespace(_sourceModule, _tree, _sourceModule.GlobalNamespace), NamespaceBinder)
' Global namespace isn't allowed here. Use a namespace named "Global" as error recovery (see corresponding code in DeclarationTreeBuilder)
name = "Global"
End If
Case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
Dim dotted = DirectCast(childName, QualifiedNameSyntax)
containingBinder = BuildNamespaceBinder(containingBinder, dotted.Left, globalNamespaceAllowed)
name = dotted.Right.Identifier.ValueText
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName
name = DirectCast(childName, IdentifierNameSyntax).Identifier.ValueText
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(childName.Kind)
End Select
For Each symbol As NamespaceOrTypeSymbol In containingBinder.NamespaceSymbol.GetMembers(name)
Dim nsChild = TryCast(symbol, NamespaceSymbol)
If nsChild IsNot Nothing Then
Return New NamespaceBinder(containingBinder, nsChild)
End If
' Namespace is expected to be found by name in parent binder.
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End Function
' Given the name of a method, and the span of the name, and the containing type binder, get the
' binder for the method. We just search all the method symbols with the given name.
Private Function BuildMethodBinder(containingBinder As NamedTypeBinder,
methodSyntax As MethodBaseSyntax,
forBody As Boolean) As Binder
Dim containingType = containingBinder.ContainingType
Dim symbol = SourceMethodSymbol.FindSymbolFromSyntax(methodSyntax, _tree, containingType)
If (symbol IsNot Nothing) AndAlso
(symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Method) Then
Dim methodSymbol = DirectCast(symbol, SourceMethodSymbol)
If forBody Then
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForMethodBody(methodSymbol, methodSymbol.Syntax, containingBinder)
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForMethodDeclaration(methodSymbol, containingBinder)
End If
' Not sure if there's a case where we get here. For now, fail. Maybe if a declarations
' is so malformed there isn't a symbol for it?
' This can happen if property has multiple accessors.
' Parser allows multiple accessors, but binder will accept only one of a kind
Return containingBinder
End If
End Function
Private Function BuildInitializerBinder(containingBinder As Binder, fieldOrProperty As Symbol, additionalFieldsOrProperties As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)) As Binder
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForInitializer(containingBinder, fieldOrProperty, additionalFieldsOrProperties)
End Function
Private Function BuildAttributeBinder(containingBinder As Binder, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode) As Binder
Debug.Assert(node.Kind = SyntaxKind.Attribute)
If containingBinder IsNot Nothing AndAlso node.Parent IsNot Nothing Then
' Go to attribute block
Dim attributeBlock = node.Parent
' Go to statement that owns the attribute
If attributeBlock.Parent IsNot Nothing Then
Select Case attributeBlock.Parent.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ClassStatement, SyntaxKind.ModuleStatement, SyntaxKind.StructureStatement, SyntaxKind.InterfaceStatement, SyntaxKind.EnumStatement
' Attributes on a class, module, structure, interface, or enum are contained within those nodes. However, the members of those
' blocks should not be in scope when evaluating expressions within the attribute. Therefore, remove the named type binder from
' the binder hierarchy.
If TypeOf containingBinder Is NamedTypeBinder Then
containingBinder = containingBinder.ContainingBinder
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Return BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForAttribute(_tree, containingBinder, node)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace