' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
''' <summary>
''' Binding info for attribute syntax and expressions that are part of a attribute.
''' </summary>
Friend NotInheritable Class AttributeSemanticModel
Inherits MemberSemanticModel
Friend Sub New(root As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
binder As Binder,
containingPublicSemanticModel As PublicSemanticModel)
MyBase.New(root, binder, containingPublicSemanticModel)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Creates an AttributeSemanticModel that allows asking semantic questions about an attribute node.
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function Create(containingSemanticModel As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, binder As AttributeBinder) As AttributeSemanticModel
Debug.Assert(containingSemanticModel IsNot Nothing)
Dim owner As Symbol = GetAttributeTarget(containingSemanticModel, binder)
Dim wrappedBinder As Binder = binder
If owner IsNot Nothing Then
wrappedBinder = New LocationSpecificBinder(BindingLocation.Attribute, owner, binder)
End If
Return New AttributeSemanticModel(binder.Root, wrappedBinder, containingSemanticModel)
End Function
Private Shared Function GetAttributeTarget(model As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, binder As AttributeBinder) As Symbol
Debug.Assert(TypeOf binder.Root Is AttributeSyntax)
If TypeOf binder.Root.Parent Is AttributeListSyntax Then
Return DirectCast(model.GetDeclaredSymbolForNode(binder.Root.Parent.Parent), Symbol)
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Creates a speculative semantic model that allows asking semantic questions about an attribute node that did not appear in the original source code.
''' </summary>
Friend Shared Function CreateSpeculative(parentSemanticModel As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, root As AttributeSyntax, binder As Binder, position As Integer) As SpeculativeSemanticModelWithMemberModel
Return New SpeculativeSemanticModelWithMemberModel(parentSemanticModel, position, root, binder)
End Function
Friend Overrides Function Bind(binder As Binder, node As SyntaxNode, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As BoundNode
Dim boundNode As BoundNode
Select Case node.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.Attribute
boundNode = binder.BindAttribute(DirectCast(node, AttributeSyntax), diagnostics)
Return boundNode
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName, SyntaxKind.QualifiedName
' Special binding for attribute type to account for the implicit Attribute suffix.
If SyntaxFacts.IsAttributeName(node) Then
Dim name = DirectCast(node, NameSyntax)
boundNode = binder.BindNamespaceOrTypeExpression(name, diagnostics)
Return boundNode
End If
End Select
boundNode = MyBase.Bind(binder, node, diagnostics)
Return boundNode
End Function
Friend Overrides Function TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(parentModel As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, position As Integer, initializer As EqualsValueSyntax, <Out> ByRef speculativeModel As PublicSemanticModel) As Boolean
speculativeModel = Nothing
Return False
End Function
Friend Overrides Function TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelCore(parentModel As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, position As Integer, statement As ExecutableStatementSyntax, <Out> ByRef speculativeModel As PublicSemanticModel) As Boolean
speculativeModel = Nothing
Return False
End Function
Friend Overrides Function TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBodyCore(parentModel As SyntaxTreeSemanticModel, position As Integer, method As MethodBlockBaseSyntax, <Out> ByRef speculativeModel As PublicSemanticModel) As Boolean
speculativeModel = Nothing
Return False
End Function
End Class
End Namespace