' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Simplification
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Utilities
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Simplification
Partial Friend Class VisualBasicSimplificationService
Private Class NodesAndTokensToReduceComputer
Inherits VisualBasicSyntaxRewriter
Private ReadOnly _nodesAndTokensToReduce As List(Of NodeOrTokenToReduce)
Private ReadOnly _isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans As Func(Of SyntaxNodeOrToken, Boolean)
Private _simplifyAllDescendants As Boolean
Private _insideSpeculatedNode As Boolean
''' <summary>
''' Computes a list of nodes and tokens that need to be reduced in the given syntax root.
''' </summary>
Public Shared Function Compute(root As SyntaxNode, isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans As Func(Of SyntaxNodeOrToken, Boolean)) As ImmutableArray(Of NodeOrTokenToReduce)
Dim reduceNodeComputer = New NodesAndTokensToReduceComputer(isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans)
Return reduceNodeComputer._nodesAndTokensToReduce.ToImmutableArray()
End Function
Private Sub New(isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans As Func(Of SyntaxNodeOrToken, Boolean))
Me._isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans = isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans
Me._nodesAndTokensToReduce = New List(Of NodeOrTokenToReduce)()
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = False
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = False
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Visit(node As SyntaxNode) As SyntaxNode
If node Is Nothing Then
Return node
End If
If Me._isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans(node) Then
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants Then
' One of the ancestor nodes is within a simplification span, but this node Is outside all simplification spans.
' Add DoNotSimplifyAnnotation to node to ensure it doesn't get simplified.
Return node.WithAdditionalAnnotations(SimplificationHelpers.DoNotSimplifyAnnotation)
Return node
End If
End If
Dim savedSimplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants OrElse node.HasAnnotation(Simplifier.Annotation)
If Not Me._insideSpeculatedNode AndAlso SpeculationAnalyzer.CanSpeculateOnNode(node) Then
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants OrElse node.DescendantNodesAndTokens(s_containsAnnotations, descendIntoTrivia:=True).Any(s_hasSimplifierAnnotation) Then
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = True
Dim rewrittenNode = MyBase.Visit(node)
Me._nodesAndTokensToReduce.Add(New NodeOrTokenToReduce(rewrittenNode, _simplifyAllDescendants, node))
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = False
End If
ElseIf node.ContainsAnnotations OrElse savedSimplifyAllDescendants Then
If Not Me._insideSpeculatedNode AndAlso
IsNodeVariableDeclaratorOfFieldDeclaration(node) AndAlso
Me._simplifyAllDescendants Then
Me._nodesAndTokensToReduce.Add(New NodeOrTokenToReduce(node, False, node))
End If
node = MyBase.Visit(node)
End If
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = savedSimplifyAllDescendants
Return node
End Function
Private Shared Function IsNodeVariableDeclaratorOfFieldDeclaration(node As SyntaxNode) As Boolean
Return node IsNot Nothing AndAlso node.Kind() = SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator AndAlso
node.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso node.Parent.Kind() = SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitToken(token As SyntaxToken) As SyntaxToken
If Me._isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans(token) Then
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants Then
' One of the ancestor nodes is within a simplification span, but this token Is outside all simplification spans.
' Add DoNotSimplifyAnnotation to token to ensure it doesn't get simplified.
Return token.WithAdditionalAnnotations(SimplificationHelpers.DoNotSimplifyAnnotation)
Return token
End If
End If
Dim savedSimplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants OrElse token.HasAnnotation(Simplifier.Annotation)
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants AndAlso Not Me._insideSpeculatedNode AndAlso token.Kind <> SyntaxKind.None Then
Me._nodesAndTokensToReduce.Add(New NodeOrTokenToReduce(token, SimplifyAllDescendants:=True, OriginalNodeOrToken:=token))
End If
If token.ContainsAnnotations OrElse savedSimplifyAllDescendants Then
token = MyBase.VisitToken(token)
End If
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = savedSimplifyAllDescendants
Return token
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitTrivia(trivia As SyntaxTrivia) As SyntaxTrivia
If trivia.HasStructure Then
Dim savedInsideSpeculatedNode = Me._insideSpeculatedNode
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = False
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = savedInsideSpeculatedNode
End If
Return trivia
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitMethodBlock(node As MethodBlockSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Return VisitMethodBlockBaseSyntax(node,
Function(n, b, s, e)
Return DirectCast(n, MethodBlockSyntax).Update(node.Kind, DirectCast(b, MethodStatementSyntax), s, e)
End Function)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitOperatorBlock(node As OperatorBlockSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Return VisitMethodBlockBaseSyntax(node,
Function(n, b, s, e)
Return DirectCast(n, OperatorBlockSyntax).Update(DirectCast(b, OperatorStatementSyntax), s, e)
End Function)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitConstructorBlock(node As ConstructorBlockSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Return VisitMethodBlockBaseSyntax(node,
Function(n, b, s, e)
Return DirectCast(n, ConstructorBlockSyntax).Update(DirectCast(b, SubNewStatementSyntax), s, e)
End Function)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitAccessorBlock(node As AccessorBlockSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Return VisitMethodBlockBaseSyntax(node,
Function(n, b, s, e)
Return DirectCast(n, AccessorBlockSyntax).Update(node.Kind, DirectCast(b, AccessorStatementSyntax), s, e)
End Function)
End Function
Private Function VisitMethodBlockBaseSyntax(node As MethodBlockBaseSyntax, updateFunc As Func(Of MethodBlockBaseSyntax, MethodBaseSyntax, SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax), EndBlockStatementSyntax, MethodBlockBaseSyntax)) As MethodBlockBaseSyntax
If Me._isNodeOrTokenOutsideSimplifySpans(node) Then
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants Then
' One of the ancestor nodes Is within a simplification span, but this node Is outside all simplification spans.
' Add DoNotSimplifyAnnotation to node to ensure it doesn't get simplified.
Return node.WithAdditionalAnnotations(SimplificationHelpers.DoNotSimplifyAnnotation)
Return node
End If
End If
Dim savedSimplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = Me._simplifyAllDescendants OrElse node.HasAnnotation(Simplifier.Annotation)
Dim begin = DirectCast(Visit(node.BlockStatement), MethodBaseSyntax)
Dim endStatement = DirectCast(Visit(node.EndBlockStatement), EndBlockStatementSyntax)
' Certain reducers for VB (escaping, parentheses) require to operate on the entire method body, rather than individual statements.
' Hence, we need to reduce the entire method body as a single unit.
' However, there is no SyntaxNode for the method body or statement list, hence we add the MethodBlockBaseSyntax to the list of nodes to be reduced.
' Subsequently, when the AbstractReducer is handed a MethodBlockBaseSyntax, it will reduce only the statement list inside it.
If Me._simplifyAllDescendants OrElse
node.Statements.Any(Function(s) s.DescendantNodesAndTokensAndSelf(s_containsAnnotations, descendIntoTrivia:=True).Any(s_hasSimplifierAnnotation)) Then
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = True
Dim statements = VisitList(node.Statements)
Dim rewrittenNode = updateFunc(node, node.BlockStatement, statements, node.EndBlockStatement)
Me._nodesAndTokensToReduce.Add(New NodeOrTokenToReduce(rewrittenNode, Me._simplifyAllDescendants, node))
Me._insideSpeculatedNode = False
End If
Me._simplifyAllDescendants = savedSimplifyAllDescendants
Return node
End Function
End Class
End Class
End Namespace