' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports Basic.Reference.Assemblies
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities
Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities.TestBase
Imports Xunit
Friend Module CompilationUtils
Private Function ParseSources(source As IEnumerable(Of String), parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions) As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxTree)
Return source.Select(Function(s) VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceText.From(s, encoding:=Nothing, SourceHashAlgorithms.Default), parseOptions))
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilation(
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional targetFramework As TargetFramework = TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
references = TargetFrameworkUtil.GetReferences(targetFramework, references)
Return CreateEmptyCompilation(source, references, options, parseOptions, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithIdentity(
identity As AssemblyIdentity,
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional targetFramework As TargetFramework = TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim c = CreateCompilation(source, references, assemblyName:=identity.Name)
Assert.NotNull(c.Assembly) ' force creation Of SourceAssemblySymbol
DirectCast(c.Assembly, SourceAssemblySymbol).m_lazyIdentity = identity
Return c
End Function
Public Function CreateEmptyCompilation(
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
If options Is Nothing Then
options = TestOptions.ReleaseDll
End If
' Using single-threaded build if debugger attached, to simplify debugging.
If Debugger.IsAttached Then
options = options.WithConcurrentBuild(False)
End If
Dim trees = source.GetSyntaxTrees(parseOptions, assemblyName)
Dim createCompilationLambda = Function()
Return VisualBasicCompilation.Create(
If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName), GetUniqueName(), assemblyName),
End Function
Return createCompilationLambda()
End Function
Private Sub ValidateCompilation(createCompilationLambda As Func(Of VisualBasicCompilation))
End Sub
Private Sub VerifyUsedAssemblyReferences(createCompilationLambda As Func(Of VisualBasicCompilation))
If Not CompilationExtensions.EnableVerifyUsedAssemblies Then
End If
Dim comp = createCompilationLambda()
Dim used = comp.GetUsedAssemblyReferences()
Dim compileDiagnostics = comp.GetDiagnostics()
Dim emitDiagnostics = comp.GetEmitDiagnostics()
Dim resolvedReferences = comp.References.Where(Function(r) r.Properties.Kind = MetadataImageKind.Assembly)
If Not compileDiagnostics.Any(Function(d) d.DefaultSeverity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error) Then
If resolvedReferences.Count() > used.Length Then
AssertSubset(used, resolvedReferences)
If Not compileDiagnostics.Any(Function(d) d.Code = ERRID.HDN_UnusedImportClause OrElse d.Code = ERRID.HDN_UnusedImportStatement) Then
Dim comp2 = comp.RemoveAllReferences().AddReferences(used.Concat(comp.References.Where(Function(r) r.Properties.Kind = MetadataImageKind.Module)))
emitDiagnostics.Select(Function(d) New DiagnosticDescription(d, errorCodeOnly:=False, includeDefaultSeverity:=False, includeEffectiveSeverity:=False)).ToArray())
End If
AssertEx.Equal(resolvedReferences, used)
End If
AssertSubset(used, resolvedReferences)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AssertSubset(used As ImmutableArray(Of MetadataReference), resolvedReferences As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference))
For Each reference In used
Assert.Contains(reference, resolvedReferences)
End Sub
Public Function CreateEmptyCompilation(
identity As AssemblyIdentity,
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As MetadataReference() = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim trees = source.GetSyntaxTrees()
Dim createCompilationLambda = Function()
Return VisualBasicCompilation.Create(identity.Name, trees, references, options)
End Function
Dim c = createCompilationLambda()
Assert.NotNull(c.Assembly) ' force creation of SourceAssemblySymbol
DirectCast(c.Assembly, SourceAssemblySymbol).m_lazyIdentity = identity
Return c
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40(
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateCompilation(source, references, options, parseOptions, TargetFramework.Mscorlib40, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib461(
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateCompilation(source, references, options, parseOptions, TargetFramework.Mscorlib461, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib461AndVBRuntime(
source As BasicTestSource,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateCompilation(source, references, options, parseOptions, TargetFramework.Mscorlib461AndVBRuntime, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithWinRt(source As XElement) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, WinRtRefs)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences(source As XElement,
references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference),
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, {CType(Net40.References.mscorlib, MetadataReference)}.Concat(references), options, parseOptions:=parseOptions)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40(source As XElement,
outputKind As OutputKind,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, {Net40.References.mscorlib}, New VisualBasicCompilationOptions(outputKind), parseOptions:=parseOptions)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime(
source As XElement,
Optional additionalRefs As MetadataReference() = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
If additionalRefs Is Nothing Then additionalRefs = {}
Dim references = {CType(Net40.References.mscorlib, MetadataReference), Net40.References.System, Net40.References.MicrosoftVisualBasic}.Concat(additionalRefs)
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references, options, parseOptions:=parseOptions, assemblyName:=assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime(source As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxTree),
options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim references = {MscorlibRef, SystemRef, MsvbRef}
Return CreateEmptyCompilation(source.ToArray(), references, options:=options, assemblyName:=assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime(source As XElement,
options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime(source, Nothing, options, parseOptions:=If(options Is Nothing, Nothing, options.ParseOptions))
End Function
Public ReadOnly XmlReferences As MetadataReference() = {SystemRef, SystemCoreRef, SystemXmlRef, SystemXmlLinqRef}
Public ReadOnly Net40XmlReferences As MetadataReference() = {Net40.References.SystemCore, Net40.References.SystemXml, Net40.References.SystemXmlLinq}
Public ReadOnly Net461XmlReferences As MetadataReference() = {Net461.References.SystemCore, Net461.References.SystemXml, Net461.References.SystemXmlLinq}
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntimeAndReferences(
source As XElement,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
If references Is Nothing Then references = {}
Dim allReferences = {CType(Net40.References.mscorlib, MetadataReference), Net40.References.System, Net40.References.MicrosoftVisualBasic}.Concat(references)
If parseOptions Is Nothing AndAlso options IsNot Nothing Then
parseOptions = options.ParseOptions
End If
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, allReferences, options, parseOptions:=parseOptions)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib45AndVBRuntime(
source As XElement,
Optional references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim allReferences = {MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626, MsvbRef_v4_0_30319_17929}.Concat(If(references, {}))
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, allReferences, options, parseOptions:=parseOptions)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="source">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source As XElement,
references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference),
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim sourceTrees = ParseSourceXml(source, parseOptions, assemblyName)
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(sourceTrees, references, options, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function ParseSourceXml(sources As XElement,
parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions,
Optional ByRef assemblyName As String = Nothing,
Optional ByRef spans As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of TextSpan)) = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxTree)
If sources.@name IsNot Nothing Then
assemblyName = sources.@name
End If
Dim sourcesTreesAndSpans = From f In sources.<file> Select CreateParseTreeAndSpans(f, parseOptions)
spans = From t In sourcesTreesAndSpans Select s = t.spans
Return From t In sourcesTreesAndSpans Select t.tree
End Function
Public Function ToSourceTrees(compilationSources As XElement, Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxTree)
Dim sourcesTreesAndSpans = From f In compilationSources.<file> Select CreateParseTreeAndSpans(f, parseOptions)
Return From t In sourcesTreesAndSpans Select t.tree
End Function
Public Function CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source As SyntaxTree,
references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference),
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences({source}, references, options, assemblyName)
End Function
Public Function CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxTree),
references As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference),
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional assemblyName As String = Nothing) As VisualBasicCompilation
If options Is Nothing Then
options = TestOptions.ReleaseDll
' Using single-threaded build if debugger attached, to simplify debugging.
If Debugger.IsAttached Then
options = options.WithConcurrentBuild(False)
End If
End If
Dim createCompilationLambda = Function()
Return VisualBasicCompilation.Create(If(assemblyName, GetUniqueName()), source, references, options)
End Function
Return createCompilationLambda()
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sources">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
''' <param name="ilSource"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithCustomILSource(sources As XElement, ilSource As XCData) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CreateCompilationWithCustomILSource(sources, ilSource.Value)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sources">The sources compile according to the following schema
''' <compilation name="assemblyname[optional]">
''' <file name="file1.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </compilation>
''' </param>
''' <param name="ilSource"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function CreateCompilationWithCustomILSource(sources As XElement,
ilSource As String,
Optional options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions = Nothing,
Optional ByRef spans As IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of TextSpan)) = Nothing,
Optional includeVbRuntime As Boolean = False,
Optional includeSystemCore As Boolean = False,
Optional appendDefaultHeader As Boolean = True,
Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing,
Optional additionalReferences As IEnumerable(Of MetadataReference) = Nothing,
<Out> Optional ByRef ilReference As MetadataReference = Nothing,
<Out> Optional ByRef ilImage As ImmutableArray(Of Byte) = Nothing
) As VisualBasicCompilation
Dim references = If(additionalReferences IsNot Nothing, New List(Of MetadataReference)(additionalReferences), New List(Of MetadataReference))
If includeVbRuntime Then
End If
If includeSystemCore Then
End If
If ilSource Is Nothing Then
Return CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences(sources, references, options, parseOptions)
End If
ilReference = CreateReferenceFromIlCode(ilSource, appendDefaultHeader, ilImage)
Return CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences(sources, references, options, parseOptions)
End Function
Public Function CreateReferenceFromIlCode(ilSource As String, Optional appendDefaultHeader As Boolean = True, <Out> Optional ByRef ilImage As ImmutableArray(Of Byte) = Nothing) As MetadataReference
Using reference = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource, appendDefaultHeader)
ilImage = ImmutableArray.Create(File.ReadAllBytes(reference.Path))
End Using
Return MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ilImage)
End Function
Public Function GetUniqueName() As String
Return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D")
End Function
' Filter text from within an XElement
Public Function FilterString(s As String) As String
s = s.Replace(vbCrLf, vbLf) ' If there are already "0d0a", don't replace them with "0d0a0a"
s = s.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf)
Dim needToAddBackNewline = s.EndsWith(vbCrLf, StringComparison.Ordinal)
s = s.Trim()
If needToAddBackNewline Then s &= vbCrLf
Return s
End Function
Public Function FindBindingText(Of TNode As SyntaxNode)(compilation As Compilation, Optional fileName As String = Nothing, Optional which As Integer = 0, Optional prefixMatch As Boolean = False) As TNode
Dim trees = If(fileName Is Nothing, compilation.SyntaxTrees, compilation.SyntaxTrees.Where(Function(t) t.FilePath = fileName))
Dim tree = trees.Single()
Dim bindText As String = Nothing
Dim bindPoint = FindBindingTextPosition(compilation, fileName, bindText, which)
Dim token = tree.GetRoot().FindToken(bindPoint, True)
Dim node = token.Parent
Dim hasMatchingText As Func(Of SyntaxNode, Boolean) = Function(n) n.ToString = bindText OrElse
(prefixMatch AndAlso TryCast(n, TNode) IsNot Nothing AndAlso n.ToString.StartsWith(bindText))
While (node IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not hasMatchingText(node))
node = node.Parent
End While
If node IsNot Nothing Then
While TryCast(node, TNode) Is Nothing
If node.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso hasMatchingText(node.Parent) Then
node = node.Parent
Exit While
End If
End While
End If
Assert.NotNull(node) ' If this trips, then node wasn't found
Assert.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(TNode), node)
If Not prefixMatch Then
Assert.Equal(bindText, node.ToString())
Assert.StartsWith(bindText, node.ToString)
End If
Return DirectCast(node, TNode)
End Function
Public Function FindBindingTextPosition(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String, ByRef bindText As String, Optional which As Integer = 0) As Integer
Dim tree = (From t In compilation.SyntaxTrees Where t.FilePath = fileName).Single()
Dim bindMarker As String
If which > 0 Then
bindMarker = "'BIND" & which.ToString() & ":"""
bindMarker = "'BIND:"""
End If
Dim text As String = tree.GetRoot().ToFullString()
Dim startCommentIndex As Integer = text.IndexOf(bindMarker, StringComparison.Ordinal) + bindMarker.Length
Dim endCommentIndex As Integer = text.Length
Dim endOfLineIndex = text.IndexOfAny({CChar(vbLf), CChar(vbCr)}, startCommentIndex)
If endOfLineIndex > -1 Then
endCommentIndex = endOfLineIndex
End If
' There may be more than one 'BIND{1234...} marker per line
Dim nextMarkerIndex = text.IndexOf("'BIND", startCommentIndex, endCommentIndex - startCommentIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal)
If nextMarkerIndex > -1 Then
endCommentIndex = nextMarkerIndex
End If
Dim commentText = text.Substring(startCommentIndex, endCommentIndex - startCommentIndex)
Dim endBindCommentLength = commentText.LastIndexOf(""""c)
If endBindCommentLength = 0 Then
' This cannot be 0 so it must be text that is quoted. Look for double ending quote
' 'Bind:""some quoted string""
endBindCommentLength = commentText.LastIndexOf("""""", 1, StringComparison.Ordinal)
End If
bindText = commentText.Substring(0, endBindCommentLength)
Dim bindPoint = text.LastIndexOf(bindText, startCommentIndex - bindMarker.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal)
Return bindPoint
End Function
Public Function FindBindingTextPosition(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String) As Integer
Dim bindText As String = Nothing
Return FindBindingTextPosition(compilation, fileName, bindText)
End Function
Public Function FindBindingStartText(Of TNode As SyntaxNode)(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String, Optional which As Integer = 0) As TNode
Dim tree = (From t In compilation.SyntaxTrees Where t.FilePath = fileName).Single()
Dim bindText As String = Nothing
Dim bindPoint = FindBindingTextPosition(compilation, fileName, bindText, which)
Dim token As SyntaxToken = tree.GetRoot().FindToken(bindPoint)
Dim node = token.Parent
While (node IsNot Nothing AndAlso node.ToString.StartsWith(bindText, StringComparison.Ordinal) AndAlso Not (TypeOf node Is TNode))
node = node.Parent
End While
Assert.NotNull(node) ' If this trips, then node wasn't found
Assert.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(TNode), node)
Assert.Contains(bindText, node.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal)
Return DirectCast(node, TNode)
End Function
Friend Class SemanticInfoSummary
Public Symbol As Symbol = Nothing
Public CandidateReason As CandidateReason = CandidateReason.None
Public CandidateSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of ISymbol) = ImmutableArray.Create(Of ISymbol)()
Public AllSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of ISymbol) = ImmutableArray.Create(Of ISymbol)()
Public [Type] As ITypeSymbol = Nothing
Public ConvertedType As ITypeSymbol = Nothing
Public ImplicitConversion As Conversion = Nothing
Public MemberGroup As ImmutableArray(Of ISymbol) = ImmutableArray.Create(Of ISymbol)()
Public [Alias] As IAliasSymbol = Nothing
Public ConstantValue As [Optional](Of Object) = Nothing
End Class
Public Function GetSemanticInfoSummary(model As SemanticModel, node As SyntaxNode) As SemanticInfoSummary
Dim summary As New SemanticInfoSummary
' The information that is available varies by the type of the syntax node.
Dim semanticModel = DirectCast(model, VBSemanticModel)
Dim symbolInfo As SymbolInfo
If TypeOf node Is ExpressionSyntax Then
symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(DirectCast(node, ExpressionSyntax))
summary.MemberGroup = semanticModel.GetMemberGroup(DirectCast(node, ExpressionSyntax))
summary.ConstantValue = semanticModel.GetConstantValue(DirectCast(node, ExpressionSyntax))
Dim typeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(DirectCast(node, ExpressionSyntax))
summary.Type = DirectCast(typeInfo.Type, TypeSymbol)
summary.ConvertedType = DirectCast(typeInfo.ConvertedType, TypeSymbol)
summary.ImplicitConversion = semanticModel.GetConversion(DirectCast(node, ExpressionSyntax))
ElseIf TypeOf node Is AttributeSyntax Then
symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(DirectCast(node, AttributeSyntax))
summary.MemberGroup = semanticModel.GetMemberGroup(DirectCast(node, AttributeSyntax))
Dim typeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(DirectCast(node, AttributeSyntax))
summary.Type = DirectCast(typeInfo.Type, TypeSymbol)
summary.ConvertedType = DirectCast(typeInfo.ConvertedType, TypeSymbol)
summary.ImplicitConversion = semanticModel.GetConversion(DirectCast(node, AttributeSyntax))
ElseIf TypeOf node Is QueryClauseSyntax Then
symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(DirectCast(node, QueryClauseSyntax))
Throw New NotSupportedException("Type of syntax node is not supported by GetSemanticInfo")
End If
summary.Symbol = DirectCast(symbolInfo.Symbol, Symbol)
summary.CandidateReason = symbolInfo.CandidateReason
summary.CandidateSymbols = symbolInfo.CandidateSymbols
summary.AllSymbols = symbolInfo.GetAllSymbols()
If TypeOf node Is IdentifierNameSyntax Then
summary.Alias = semanticModel.GetAliasInfo(DirectCast(node, IdentifierNameSyntax))
End If
Return summary
End Function
Public Function GetSpeculativeSemanticInfoSummary(model As SemanticModel, position As Integer, expression As ExpressionSyntax, bindingOption As SpeculativeBindingOption) As SemanticInfoSummary
Dim summary As New SemanticInfoSummary
' The information that is available varies by the type of the syntax node.
Dim semanticModel = DirectCast(model, VBSemanticModel)
Dim symbolInfo As SymbolInfo
symbolInfo = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeSymbolInfo(position, expression, bindingOption)
summary.MemberGroup = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeMemberGroup(position, expression)
summary.ConstantValue = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeConstantValue(position, expression)
Dim typeInfo = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeTypeInfo(position, expression, bindingOption)
summary.Type = DirectCast(typeInfo.Type, TypeSymbol)
summary.ConvertedType = DirectCast(typeInfo.ConvertedType, TypeSymbol)
summary.ImplicitConversion = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeConversion(position, expression, bindingOption)
summary.Symbol = DirectCast(symbolInfo.Symbol, Symbol)
summary.CandidateReason = symbolInfo.CandidateReason
summary.CandidateSymbols = symbolInfo.CandidateSymbols
summary.AllSymbols = symbolInfo.GetAllSymbols()
If TypeOf expression Is IdentifierNameSyntax Then
summary.Alias = semanticModel.GetSpeculativeAliasInfo(position, DirectCast(expression, IdentifierNameSyntax), bindingOption)
End If
Return summary
End Function
Public Function GetSemanticInfoSummary(compilation As Compilation, node As SyntaxNode) As SemanticInfoSummary
Dim tree = node.SyntaxTree
Dim semanticModel = DirectCast(compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree), VBSemanticModel)
Return GetSemanticInfoSummary(semanticModel, node)
End Function
Public Function GetSemanticInfoSummary(Of TSyntax As SyntaxNode)(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String, Optional which As Integer = 0) As SemanticInfoSummary
Dim node As TSyntax = CompilationUtils.FindBindingText(Of TSyntax)(compilation, fileName, which)
Return GetSemanticInfoSummary(compilation, node)
End Function
Public Function GetPreprocessingSymbolInfo(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String, Optional which As Integer = 0) As VisualBasicPreprocessingSymbolInfo
Dim node = CompilationUtils.FindBindingText(Of IdentifierNameSyntax)(compilation, fileName, which)
Dim semanticModel = DirectCast(compilation.GetSemanticModel(node.SyntaxTree), VBSemanticModel)
Return semanticModel.GetPreprocessingSymbolInfo(node)
End Function
Public Function GetSemanticModel(compilation As Compilation, fileName As String) As VBSemanticModel
Dim tree = (From t In compilation.SyntaxTrees Where t.FilePath = fileName).Single()
Return DirectCast(compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree), VBSemanticModel)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Create a parse tree from the data inside an XElement
''' </summary>
''' <param name="programElement">The program element to create the tree from according to the following schema
''' <file name="filename.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateParseTree(programElement As XElement) As SyntaxTree
Return VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(SourceText.From(FilterString(programElement.Value), Encoding.UTF8, SourceHashAlgorithms.Default), path:=If(programElement.@name, ""))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Create a parse tree from the data inside an XElement
''' </summary>
''' <param name="programElement">The program element to create the tree from according to the following schema
''' <file name="filename.vb[optional]">
''' source
''' </file>
''' </param>
Public Function CreateParseTreeAndSpans(programElement As XElement, Optional parseOptions As VisualBasicParseOptions = Nothing) As (tree As SyntaxTree, spans As IList(Of TextSpan))
Dim codeWithMarker As String = FilterString(programElement.Value)
Dim codeWithoutMarker As String = Nothing
Dim spans As ImmutableArray(Of TextSpan) = Nothing
MarkupTestFile.GetSpans(codeWithMarker, codeWithoutMarker, spans)
Dim text = SourceText.From(codeWithoutMarker, Encoding.UTF8)
Return (VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(text, parseOptions, If(programElement.@name, "")), spans)
End Function
' Find a node inside a tree.
Public Function FindTokenFromText(tree As SyntaxTree, textToFind As String) As SyntaxToken
Dim text As String = tree.GetText().ToString()
Dim position As Integer = text.IndexOf(textToFind, StringComparison.Ordinal)
Dim node = tree.GetRoot().FindToken(position)
Return node
End Function
' Find a position inside a tree.
Public Function FindPositionFromText(tree As SyntaxTree, textToFind As String) As Integer
Dim text As String = tree.GetText().ToString()
Dim position As Integer = text.IndexOf(textToFind, StringComparison.Ordinal)
Return position
End Function
' Find a node inside a tree.
Public Function FindNodeFromText(tree As SyntaxTree, textToFind As String) As SyntaxNode
Return FindTokenFromText(tree, textToFind).Parent
End Function
' Find a node of a type inside a tree.
Public Function FindNodeOfTypeFromText(Of TNode As SyntaxNode)(tree As SyntaxTree, textToFind As String) As TNode
Dim node = FindNodeFromText(tree, textToFind)
While node IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not TypeOf node Is TNode
node = node.Parent
End While
Return DirectCast(node, TNode)
End Function
' Get the syntax tree with a given name.
Public Function GetTree(compilation As Compilation, name As String) As SyntaxTree
Return (From t In compilation.SyntaxTrees Where t.FilePath = name).First()
End Function
' Get the symbol with a given full name. It must be unambiguous.
Public Function GetSymbolByFullName(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, methodName As String) As Symbol
Dim names = New List(Of String)()
Dim offset = 0
While True
' Find the next "."c separator but skip the first character since
' the name may begin with "."c (in ".ctor" for instance).
Dim separator = methodName.IndexOf("."c, offset + 1)
If separator < 0 Then
Exit While
End If
names.Add(methodName.Substring(offset, separator - offset))
offset = separator + 1
End While
Dim currentSymbol As Symbol = compilation.GlobalNamespace
For Each name In names
Assert.True(TypeOf currentSymbol Is NamespaceOrTypeSymbol, String.Format("{0} does not have members", currentSymbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat)))
Dim currentContainer = DirectCast(currentSymbol, NamespaceOrTypeSymbol)
Dim members = currentContainer.GetMembers(name)
Assert.True(members.Any(), String.Format("No members named {0} inside {1}", name, currentSymbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat)))
Assert.True(members.Length() <= 1, String.Format("Multiple members named {0} inside {1}", name, currentSymbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat)))
currentSymbol = members.First()
Return currentSymbol
End Function
' Check that the compilation has no parse or declaration errors.
Public Sub AssertNoDeclarationDiagnostics(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertNoDiagnostics(compilation.GetDeclarationDiagnostics(), suppressInfos)
End Sub
''' <remarks>
''' Does not consider INFO diagnostics.
''' </remarks>
Public Sub AssertNoDiagnostics(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertNoDiagnostics(compilation.GetDiagnostics(), suppressInfos)
End Sub
' Check that the compilation has no parse, declaration errors/warnings, or compilation errors/warnings.
''' <remarks>
''' Does not consider INFO and HIDDEN diagnostics.
''' </remarks>
Private Sub AssertNoDiagnostics(diags As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic), suppressInfos As Boolean)
If suppressInfos Then
diags = diags.WhereAsArray(Function(d) d.Severity > DiagnosticSeverity.Info)
End If
If diags.Length > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected diagnostics found:")
For Each d In diags
Assert.True(False, "Should not have any diagnostics")
End If
End Sub
' Check that the compilation has no parse, declaration errors, or compilation errors.
Public Sub AssertNoErrors(compilation As Compilation)
End Sub
' Check that the compilation has no parse, declaration errors, or compilation errors.
Public Sub AssertNoErrors(errors As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic))
Dim diags As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic) = errors.WhereAsArray(Function(e) e.Severity = DiagnosticSeverity.Error)
If diags.Length > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected errors found:")
For Each d In diags
Assert.True(False, "Should not have any errors")
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Check that a compilation has these declaration errors.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="compilation"></param>
''' <param name="errs">Expected errors according to this schema
''' <error>[full errors text]</error></param>
''' <param name="suppressInfos">True to ignore info-severity diagnostics.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub AssertTheseDeclarationDiagnostics(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, errs As XElement, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation.GetDeclarationDiagnostics(), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
Public Sub AssertTheseParseDiagnostics(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, errs As XElement, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation.GetParseDiagnostics(), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Check that a compilation has these errors at Compile stage or before.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="compilation"></param>
''' <param name="errs">Expected errors according to this schema
''' <error>[full errors text]</error></param>
''' <param name="suppressInfos">True to ignore info-severity diagnostics.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub AssertTheseCompileDiagnostics(compilation As Compilation, Optional errs As XElement = Nothing, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
If errs Is Nothing Then
errs = <errors/>
End If
AssertTheseDiagnostics(DirectCast(compilation, VisualBasicCompilation).GetDiagnostics(CompilationStage.Compile), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Check that a compilation has these errors during Emit.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="compilation"></param>
''' <param name="errs">Expected errors according to this schema
''' <error>[full errors text]</error></param>
''' <param name="suppressInfos">True to ignore info-severity diagnostics.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub AssertTheseEmitDiagnostics(compilation As Compilation, Optional errs As XElement = Nothing, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
If errs Is Nothing Then
errs = <errors/>
End If
Using assemblyStream As New MemoryStream()
Using pdbStream As New MemoryStream()
Dim diagnostics = compilation.Emit(assemblyStream, pdbStream:=pdbStream).Diagnostics
AssertTheseDiagnostics(diagnostics, errs, suppressInfos)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(tree As SyntaxTree, errs As XElement, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(tree.GetDiagnostics().AsImmutable(), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Check that a compilation has these declaration or compilation errors.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="compilation"></param>
''' <param name="errs">Expected errors according to this schema
''' <error>[full errors text]</error></param>
''' <param name="suppressInfos">True to ignore info-severity diagnostics.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation As Compilation, Optional errs As XElement = Nothing, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
If errs Is Nothing Then
errs = <errors/>
End If
AssertTheseDiagnostics(DirectCast(compilation, VisualBasicCompilation).GetDiagnostics(CompilationStage.Compile), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation As Compilation, errs As XCData, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(DirectCast(compilation, VisualBasicCompilation).GetDiagnostics(CompilationStage.Compile), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
' Check that a compilation has these declaration or compilation errors.
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation As Compilation, errs As String, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(DirectCast(compilation, VisualBasicCompilation).GetDiagnostics(CompilationStage.Compile), errs, suppressInfos)
End Sub
''' <param name="errors"></param>
''' <param name="errs">Expected errors according to this schema
''' <expected>[full errors text]</expected></param>
''' <param name="suppressInfos">True to ignore info-severity diagnostics.</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(errors As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic), errs As XElement, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
If errs Is Nothing Then
errs = <errors/>
End If
Dim expectedText = FilterString(errs.Value)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(errors, expectedText, suppressInfos)
End Sub
Public Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(errors As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic), errs As XCData, Optional suppressInfos As Boolean = True)
Dim expectedText = FilterString(errs.Value)
AssertTheseDiagnostics(errors, expectedText, suppressInfos)
End Sub
Private Sub AssertTheseDiagnostics(errors As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic), expectedText As String, suppressInfos As Boolean)
Dim actualText = DumpAllDiagnostics(errors.ToArray(), suppressInfos)
If expectedText <> actualText Then
Dim messages = ParserTestUtilities.PooledStringBuilderPool.Allocate()
With messages.Builder
If actualText.StartsWith(expectedText, StringComparison.Ordinal) AndAlso actualText.Substring(expectedText.Length).Trim().Length > 0 Then
Assert.True(False, .ToString())
Dim expectedLines = expectedText.Split({vbCrLf, vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim actualLines = actualText.Split({vbCrLf, vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim appendedLines As Integer = 0
For Each l In expectedLines
If Not actualLines.Contains(l) Then
appendedLines += 1
End If
For Each l In actualLines
If Not expectedLines.Contains(l) Then
appendedLines += 1
End If
If appendedLines > 0 Then
Assert.True(False, .ToString())
CompareLineByLine(expectedText, actualText)
End If
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CompareLineByLine(expected As String, actual As String)
Dim expectedReader = New StringReader(expected)
Dim actualReader = New StringReader(actual)
Dim expectedPooledBuilder = PooledStringBuilderPool.Allocate()
Dim actualPooledBuilder = PooledStringBuilderPool.Allocate()
Dim expectedBuilder = expectedPooledBuilder.Builder
Dim actualBuilder = actualPooledBuilder.Builder
Dim expectedLine = expectedReader.ReadLine()
Dim actualLine = actualReader.ReadLine()
While expectedLine IsNot Nothing AndAlso actualLine IsNot Nothing
If Not expectedLine.Equals(actualLine) Then
expectedBuilder.AppendLine("<! " & expectedLine)
actualBuilder.AppendLine("!> " & actualLine)
End If
expectedLine = expectedReader.ReadLine()
actualLine = actualReader.ReadLine()
End While
While expectedLine IsNot Nothing
expectedBuilder.AppendLine("<! " & expectedLine)
expectedLine = expectedReader.ReadLine()
End While
While actualLine IsNot Nothing
actualBuilder.AppendLine("!> " & actualLine)
actualLine = actualReader.ReadLine()
End While
AssertEx.Equal(expectedPooledBuilder.ToStringAndFree(), actualPooledBuilder.ToStringAndFree())
End Sub
' There are certain cases where multiple distinct errors are
' reported where the error code and text span are the same. When
' sorting such cases, we should preserve the original order.
Private Structure DiagnosticAndIndex
Public Sub New(diagnostic As Diagnostic, index As Integer)
Me.Diagnostic = diagnostic
Me.Index = index
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Diagnostic As Diagnostic
Public ReadOnly Index As Integer
End Structure
Private Function DumpAllDiagnostics(allDiagnostics As Diagnostic(), suppressInfos As Boolean) As String
Return DumpAllDiagnostics(allDiagnostics.ToImmutableArray(), suppressInfos)
End Function
Friend Function DumpAllDiagnostics(allDiagnostics As ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic), suppressInfos As Boolean) As String
Dim diagnosticsAndIndices(allDiagnostics.Length - 1) As DiagnosticAndIndex
For i = 0 To allDiagnostics.Length - 1
diagnosticsAndIndices(i) = New DiagnosticAndIndex(allDiagnostics(i), i)
Array.Sort(diagnosticsAndIndices, Function(diag1, diag2) CompareErrors(diag1, diag2))
Dim builder = PooledStringBuilderPool.Allocate()
With builder.Builder
For Each e In diagnosticsAndIndices
If Not suppressInfos OrElse e.Diagnostic.Severity > DiagnosticSeverity.Info Then
End If
End With
Return builder.ToStringAndFree()
End Function
' Get the text of a diagnostic. For source error, includes the text of the line itself, with the
' span underlined.
Private Function ErrorText(e As Diagnostic) As String
Dim message = e.Id + ": " + e.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull)
If e.Location.IsInSource Then
Dim sourceLocation = e.Location
Dim offsetInLine As Integer = 0
Dim lineText As String = GetLineText(sourceLocation.SourceTree.GetText(), sourceLocation.SourceSpan.Start, offsetInLine)
Return message + Environment.NewLine +
lineText + Environment.NewLine +
New String(" "c, offsetInLine) +
New String("~"c, Math.Max(Math.Min(sourceLocation.SourceSpan.Length, lineText.Length - offsetInLine + 1), 1)) + Environment.NewLine
ElseIf e.Location.IsInMetadata Then
Return message + Environment.NewLine +
String.Format("in metadata assembly '{0}'" + Environment.NewLine,
Return message + Environment.NewLine
End If
End Function
' Get the text of a line that contains the offset, and return the offset within that line.
Private Function GetLineText(text As SourceText, position As Integer, ByRef offsetInLine As Integer) As String
Dim textLine = text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(position)
offsetInLine = position - textLine.Start
Return textLine.ToString()
End Function
Private Function CompareErrors(diagAndIndex1 As DiagnosticAndIndex, diagAndIndex2 As DiagnosticAndIndex) As Integer
' Sort by no location, then source, then metadata. Sort within each group.
Dim diag1 = diagAndIndex1.Diagnostic
Dim diag2 = diagAndIndex2.Diagnostic
Dim loc1 = diag1.Location
Dim loc2 = diag2.Location
Dim comparer = StringComparer.Ordinal
If Not (loc1.IsInSource Or loc1.IsInMetadata) Then
If Not (loc2.IsInSource Or loc2.IsInMetadata) Then
' Both have no location. Sort by code, then by message.
If diag1.Code < diag2.Code Then Return -1
If diag1.Code > diag2.Code Then Return 1
Return comparer.Compare(diag1.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull), diag2.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull))
Return -1
End If
ElseIf Not (loc2.IsInSource Or loc2.IsInMetadata) Then
Return 1
ElseIf loc1.IsInSource AndAlso loc2.IsInSource Then
' source by tree, then span start, then span end, then error code, then message
Dim sourceTree1 = loc1.SourceTree
Dim sourceTree2 = loc2.SourceTree
If sourceTree1.FilePath <> sourceTree2.FilePath Then Return comparer.Compare(sourceTree1.FilePath, sourceTree2.FilePath)
If loc1.SourceSpan.Start < loc2.SourceSpan.Start Then Return -1
If loc1.SourceSpan.Start > loc2.SourceSpan.Start Then Return 1
If loc1.SourceSpan.Length < loc2.SourceSpan.Length Then Return -1
If loc1.SourceSpan.Length > loc2.SourceSpan.Length Then Return 1
If diag1.Code < diag2.Code Then Return -1
If diag1.Code > diag2.Code Then Return 1
Return comparer.Compare(diag1.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull), diag2.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull))
ElseIf loc1.IsInMetadata AndAlso loc2.IsInMetadata Then
' sort by assembly name, then by error code
Dim name1 = loc1.MetadataModule.ContainingAssembly.Name
Dim name2 = loc2.MetadataModule.ContainingAssembly.Name
If name1 <> name2 Then Return comparer.Compare(name1, name2)
If diag1.Code < diag2.Code Then Return -1
If diag1.Code > diag2.Code Then Return 1
Return comparer.Compare(diag1.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull), diag2.GetMessage(EnsureEnglishUICulture.PreferredOrNull))
ElseIf loc1.IsInSource Then
Return -1
ElseIf loc2.IsInSource Then
Return 1
End If
' Preserve original order.
Return diagAndIndex1.Index - diagAndIndex2.Index
End Function
Public Function GetTypeSymbol(compilation As Compilation,
semanticModel As SemanticModel,
treeName As String,
stringInDecl As String) As INamedTypeSymbol
Dim tree = CompilationUtils.GetTree(compilation, treeName)
Dim node = CompilationUtils.FindTokenFromText(tree, stringInDecl).Parent
While Not (TypeOf node Is TypeStatementSyntax)
node = node.Parent
End While
Return DirectCast(semanticModel, VBSemanticModel).GetDeclaredSymbol(DirectCast(node, TypeStatementSyntax))
End Function
Public Function GetEnumSymbol(compilation As Compilation,
semanticModel As SemanticModel,
treeName As String,
stringInDecl As String) As INamedTypeSymbol
Dim tree = CompilationUtils.GetTree(compilation, treeName)
Dim node = CompilationUtils.FindTokenFromText(tree, stringInDecl).Parent
While Not (TypeOf node Is EnumStatementSyntax)
node = node.Parent
End While
Return DirectCast(semanticModel, VBSemanticModel).GetDeclaredSymbol(DirectCast(node, EnumStatementSyntax))
End Function
Public Function GetDelegateSymbol(compilation As Compilation,
semanticModel As SemanticModel,
treeName As String,
stringInDecl As String) As NamedTypeSymbol
Dim tree = CompilationUtils.GetTree(compilation, treeName)
Dim node = CompilationUtils.FindTokenFromText(tree, stringInDecl).Parent
While Not (TypeOf node Is MethodBaseSyntax)
node = node.Parent
End While
Return DirectCast(semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(DirectCast(node, MethodBaseSyntax)), NamedTypeSymbol)
End Function
Public Function GetTypeSymbol(compilation As Compilation,
treeName As String,
stringInDecl As String,
Optional isDistinct As Boolean = True) As List(Of INamedTypeSymbol)
Dim tree = CompilationUtils.GetTree(compilation, treeName)
Dim bindings = DirectCast(compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree), VBSemanticModel)
Dim text As String = tree.GetText().ToString()
Dim pos = 0
Dim node As SyntaxNode
Dim symType = New List(Of INamedTypeSymbol)
pos = text.IndexOf(stringInDecl, pos + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal)
If pos >= 0 Then
node = tree.GetRoot().FindToken(pos).Parent
While Not (TypeOf node Is TypeStatementSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is EnumStatementSyntax)
If node Is Nothing Then
Exit While
End If
node = node.Parent
End While
If Not node Is Nothing Then
If TypeOf node Is TypeStatementSyntax Then
Dim temp = bindings.GetDeclaredSymbol(DirectCast(node, TypeStatementSyntax))
Dim temp = bindings.GetDeclaredSymbol(DirectCast(node, EnumStatementSyntax))
End If
End If
Exit Do
End If
If (isDistinct) Then
symType = symType.Distinct().OrderBy(Function(x) x.ToDisplayString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList()
symType = symType.OrderBy(Function(x) x.ToDisplayString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToList()
End If
Return symType
End Function
Public Function VerifyGlobalNamespace(compilation As Compilation,
treeName As String,
symbolName As String,
ExpectedDispName() As String,
isDistinct As Boolean) As List(Of INamedTypeSymbol)
Dim tree = CompilationUtils.GetTree(compilation, treeName)
Dim bindings1 = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree)
Dim symbols = GetTypeSymbol(compilation, treeName, symbolName, isDistinct)
Assert.Equal(ExpectedDispName.Count, symbols.Count)
ExpectedDispName = ExpectedDispName.OrderBy(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase).ToArray()
Dim count = 0
For Each item In symbols
Assert.Equal(ExpectedDispName(count), item.ToDisplayString())
count += 1
Return symbols
End Function
Public Function VerifyGlobalNamespace(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation,
treeName As String,
symbolName As String,
ParamArray expectedDisplayNames() As String) As List(Of INamedTypeSymbol)
Return VerifyGlobalNamespace(compilation, treeName, symbolName, expectedDisplayNames, True)
End Function
Public Function VerifyIsGlobal(globalNS1 As ISymbol, Optional expected As Boolean = True) As NamespaceSymbol
Dim nsSymbol = DirectCast(globalNS1, NamespaceSymbol)
If (expected) Then
End If
Return nsSymbol
End Function
Public Sub CheckSymbols(Of TSymbol As ISymbol)(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of TSymbol), ParamArray descriptions As String())
Assert.Equal(symbols.Length, descriptions.Length)
Dim symbolDescriptions As String() = (From s In symbols Select s.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.MinimallyQualifiedFormat)).ToArray()
For i = 0 To descriptions.Length - 1
Assert.Equal(symbolDescriptions(i), descriptions(i))
End Sub
Public Sub CheckSymbols(Of TSymbol As ISymbol)(symbols As TSymbol(), ParamArray descriptions As String())
CheckSymbols(symbols.AsImmutableOrNull(), descriptions)
End Sub
Public Sub CheckSymbol(symbol As ISymbol, description As String)
Assert.Equal(symbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.MinimallyQualifiedFormat), description)
End Sub
Public Function SortAndMergeStrings(ParamArray strings As String()) As String
Dim builder = PooledStringBuilderPool.Allocate()
With builder.Builder
For Each item In strings
If .Length > 0 Then
End If
End With
Return builder.ToStringAndFree()
End Function
Public Sub CheckSymbolsUnordered(Of TSymbol As ISymbol)(symbols As ImmutableArray(Of TSymbol), ParamArray descriptions As String())
Assert.Equal(symbols.Length, descriptions.Length)
SortAndMergeStrings(symbols.Select(Function(s) s.ToDisplayString()).ToArray()))
End Sub
Friend Function LookupNames(model As SemanticModel,
position As Integer,
Optional container As INamespaceOrTypeSymbol = Nothing,
Optional namespacesAndTypesOnly As Boolean = False) As List(Of String)
Dim result = If(namespacesAndTypesOnly, model.LookupNamespacesAndTypes(position, container), model.LookupSymbols(position, container))
Return result.Select(Function(s) s.Name).Distinct().ToList()
End Function
End Module