' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
'Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Test.Utilities
Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities
Imports Xunit
Imports Microsoft.Cci
Imports System
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests
Public Class NameLengthTests : Inherits BasicTestBase
' Longest legal symbol name.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_longSymbolName As New String("A"c, MetadataWriter.NameLengthLimit)
' Longest legal path name.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_longPathName As New String("A"c, MetadataWriter.PathLengthLimit)
' Longest legal local name.
Private Shared ReadOnly s_longLocalName As New String("A"c, MetadataWriter.PdbLengthLimit)
Public Sub UnmangledMemberNames()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Imports System
Class Fields
Dim {0} As Integer ' Fine
Dim {0}1 As Integer ' Too long
End Class
Class FieldLikeEvents
Event {0} as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
Event {0}1 as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
End Class
Class CustomEvents
Custom Event {0} As Action ' Fine (except accessors)
AddHandler(value As Action)
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(value As Action)
End RemoveHandler
End RaiseEvent
End Event
Custom Event {0}1 As Action ' Too long
AddHandler(value As Action)
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(value As Action)
End RemoveHandler
End RaiseEvent
End Event
End Class
Class AutoProperties
Property {0} As Integer ' Fine (except accessors And backing field)
Property {0}1 As Integer ' Too long
End Class
Class CustomProperties
Property {0} As Integer ' Fine (except accessors)
Return 0
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
End Set
End Property
Property {0}1 As Integer ' Too long
Return 0
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
End Set
End Property
End Class
Class Methods
Sub {0}() ' Fine
End Sub
Sub {0}1() ' Too long
End Sub
End Class
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Dim <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>Event' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %> as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name 'add_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %> as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name 'remove_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %> as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1Event' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'add_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'remove_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Event <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 as Action ' Fine (except accessors)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'add_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
AddHandler(value As Action)
BC37220: Name 'remove_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
RemoveHandler(value As Action)
BC37220: Name 'raise_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Custom Event <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Action ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'add_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
AddHandler(value As Action)
BC37220: Name 'remove_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
RemoveHandler(value As Action)
BC37220: Name 'raise_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name '_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %> As Integer ' Fine (except accessors And backing field)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name 'get_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %> As Integer ' Fine (except accessors And backing field)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name 'set_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %> As Integer ' Fine (except accessors And backing field)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'get_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'set_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'get_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name 'set_<%= s_longSymbolName %>' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Set(value As Integer)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Property <%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Integer ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name 'get_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name 'set_<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Set(value As Integer)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1() ' Too long
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
Public Sub EmptyNamespaces()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Namespace {0} ' Fine.
End Namespace
Namespace {0}1 ' Too long, but not checked.
End Namespace
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
End Sub
Public Sub NonGeneratedTypeNames()
' {n} == LongSymbolName.Substring(n)
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Class {0} ' Fine
End Class
Class {0}1 ' Too long
End Class
Namespace N
Structure {2} ' Fine
End Structure
Structure {2}1 ' Too long after prepending 'N.'
End Structure
End Namespace
Class Outer
Enum {0} ' Fine, since outer class is not prepended
End Enum
Enum {0}1 ' Too long
End Enum
End Class
Interface {2}(Of T) ' Fine
End Interface
Interface {2}1(Of T) ' Too long after appending '`1'
End Interface
Dim substring0 = s_longSymbolName
Dim substring1 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(1)
Dim substring2 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(2)
Dim _squiggle2 As New String("~"c, substring2.Length)
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, substring0, substring1, substring2)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
BC37220: Name '<%= substring2 %>AA1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Class <%= substring2 %>AA1 ' Too long
<%= _squiggle2 %>~~~
BC37220: Name 'N.<%= substring2 %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Structure <%= substring2 %>1 ' Too long after prepending 'N.'
<%= _squiggle2 %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= substring2 %>AA1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Enum <%= substring2 %>AA1 ' Too long
<%= _squiggle2 %>~~~
BC37220: Name '<%= substring2 %>1`1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Interface <%= substring2 %>1(Of T) ' Too long after appending '`1'
<%= _squiggle2 %>~
End Sub
Public Sub ExplicitInterfaceImplementation()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Interface I
Sub {0}()
Sub {0}1()
End Interface
Namespace N
Interface J(Of T)
Sub {0}()
Sub {0}1()
End Interface
End Namespace
Class C : Implements I
Sub {0}() Implements I.{0}
End Sub
Sub {0}1() Implements I.{0}1
End Sub
End Class
Class D : Implements N.J(Of C)
Sub {0}() Implements N.J(Of C).{0}
End Sub
Sub {0}1() Implements N.J(Of C).{0}1
End Sub
End Class
' Unlike in C#, explicit interface implementation members don't have mangled names.
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1()
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1()
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1()
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1() Implements I.<%= s_longSymbolName %>1
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1() Implements N.J(Of C).<%= s_longSymbolName %>1
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
Public Sub DllImport()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Class C1
<DllImport("goo.dll", EntryPoint:="Short1")>
Shared Sub {0}() ' Name is fine, entrypoint is fine.
End Sub
<DllImport("goo.dll", EntryPoint:="Short2")>
Shared Sub {0}1() ' Name is too Long, entrypoint is fine.
End Sub
End Class
Class C2
<DllImport("goo.dll", EntryPoint:="{0}")>
Shared Sub Short1() ' Name is fine, entrypoint is fine.
End Sub
<DllImport("goo.dll", EntryPoint:="{0}1")>
Shared Sub Short2() ' Name is fine, entrypoint is too Long.
End Sub
End Class
Class C3
Shared Sub {0}() ' Name is fine, entrypoint is unspecified.
End Sub
Shared Sub {0}1() ' Name is too Long, entrypoint is unspecified.
End Sub
End Class
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Shared Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1() ' Name is too Long, entrypoint is fine.
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Shared Sub Short2() ' Name is fine, entrypoint is too Long.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Shared Sub <%= s_longSymbolName %>1() ' Name is too Long, entrypoint is unspecified.
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
Public Sub Parameters()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Class C
Sub M({0} As Short)
End Sub
Sub M({0}1 As Long)
End Sub
ReadOnly Property P({0} As Short) As Integer
Return 0
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property P({0}1 As Long) As Integer
Return 0
End Get
End Property
Delegate Sub D1({0} As Short)
Delegate Sub D2({0}1 As Long)
End Class
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
' Second report is for Invoke method. Not ideal, but not urgent.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub M(<%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Long)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
ReadOnly Property P(<%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Long) As Integer
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Delegate Sub D2(<%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Long)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Delegate Sub D2(<%= s_longSymbolName %>1 As Long)
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
Public Sub TypeParameters()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Class C(Of {0}, {0}1)
End Class
Delegate Sub D(Of {0}, {0}1)()
Class E
Sub M(Of {0}, {0}1)()
End Sub
End Class
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source)
Dim __longSpace___ As New String(" "c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longSymbolName.Length)
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Class C(Of <%= s_longSymbolName %>, <%= s_longSymbolName %>1)
<%= __longSpace___ %><%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Delegate Sub D(Of <%= s_longSymbolName %>, <%= s_longSymbolName %>1)()
<%= __longSpace___ %><%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Sub M(Of <%= s_longSymbolName %>, <%= s_longSymbolName %>1)()
<%= __longSpace___ %><%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
<ConditionalFact(GetType(WindowsOnly), Reason:=ConditionalSkipReason.NativePdbRequiresDesktop)>
Public Sub Locals()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Class C
Function M() As Long
Dim {0} As Short = 1
Dim {0}1 As Long = 1
Return {0} + {0}1
End Function
End Class
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longLocalName)
Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40({source}, {}, options:=TestOptions.DebugDll)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longLocalName.Length)
BC42373: Local name '<%= s_longLocalName %>1' is too long for PDB. Consider shortening or compiling without /debug.
Dim <%= s_longLocalName %>1 As Long = 1
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
<ConditionalFact(GetType(WindowsOnly), Reason:=ConditionalSkipReason.NativePdbRequiresDesktop)>
Public Sub ConstantLocals()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Class C
Function M() As Long
Const {0} As Short = 1
Const {0}1 As Long = 1
Return {0} + {0}1
End Function
End Class
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, s_longLocalName)
Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40({source}, {}, options:=TestOptions.DebugDll)
Dim _longSquiggle_ As New String("~"c, s_longLocalName.Length)
BC42373: Local name '<%= s_longLocalName %>1' is too long for PDB. Consider shortening or compiling without /debug.
Const <%= s_longLocalName %>1 As Long = 1
<%= _longSquiggle_ %>~
End Sub
Public Sub TestStateMachineMethods()
Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Iterators
Iterator Function {0}() As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
Yield 1
End Function
Iterator Function {0}1() As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
Yield 1
End Function
End Class
Class Async
Async Function {0}() As Task
Await {0}()
End Function
Async Function {0}1() As Task
Await {0}1()
End Function
End Class
Dim padding = GeneratedNames.MakeStateMachineTypeName("A", 1, 0).Length - 1
Dim longName = s_longSymbolName.Substring(padding)
Dim longSquiggle As New String("~"c, longName.Length)
Dim source = Format(sourceTemplate, longName)
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib45(source)
BC37220: Name 'VB$StateMachine_2_<%= longName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name 'VB$StateMachine_2_<%= longName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
End Sub
Public Sub TestResources()
Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib("Class C : End Class")
Dim dataProvider As Func(Of Stream) = Function() New System.IO.MemoryStream()
Dim resources =
New ResourceDescription("name1", "path1", dataProvider, False), 'fine
New ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName, "path2", dataProvider, False), 'fine
New ResourceDescription("name2", s_longPathName, dataProvider, False), 'fine
New ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName & 1, "path3", dataProvider, False), 'name error
New ResourceDescription("name3", s_longPathName & 2, dataProvider, False), 'path error
New ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName & 3, s_longPathName & 4, dataProvider, False) 'name And path errors
Using assemblyStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
Using pdbStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
Dim diagnostics = comp.Emit(assemblyStream, pdbStream:=pdbStream, manifestResources:=resources).Diagnostics
AssertTheseDiagnostics(diagnostics, <errors>
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longPathName %>2' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longPathName %>4' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
BC37220: Name '<%= s_longSymbolName %>3' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Private Shared Function Format(sourceTemplate As XCData, ParamArray args As Object()) As String
Return String.Format(sourceTemplate.Value.Replace(vbCr, vbCrLf), args)
End Function
Private Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source As String) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40({source}, {}, TestOptions.ReleaseDll)
End Function
Private Function CreateCompilationWithMscorlib45(source As String) As VisualBasicCompilation
Return VisualBasicCompilation.Create(GetUniqueName(),
{MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626, MsvbRef_v4_0_30319_17929},
End Function
End Class
End Namespace