' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Simplification
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.IntroduceVariable
Partial Friend Class VisualBasicIntroduceVariableService
Private Class Rewriter
Inherits VisualBasicSyntaxRewriter
Private Shared ReadOnly s_replacementAnnotation As New SyntaxAnnotation
Private ReadOnly _replacementNode As SyntaxNode
Private ReadOnly _matches As ISet(Of ExpressionSyntax)
Private Sub New(replacementNode As SyntaxNode, matches As ISet(Of ExpressionSyntax))
_replacementNode = replacementNode
_matches = matches
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Visit(node As SyntaxNode) As SyntaxNode
Dim expression = TryCast(node, ExpressionSyntax)
If expression IsNot Nothing AndAlso _matches.Contains(expression) Then
Return _replacementNode.
End If
Return MyBase.Visit(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitParenthesizedExpression(node As ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Dim newNode = MyBase.VisitParenthesizedExpression(node)
If node IsNot newNode AndAlso newNode.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression) Then
Dim parenthesizedExpression = DirectCast(newNode, ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax)
Dim innerExpression = parenthesizedExpression.OpenParenToken.GetNextToken().Parent
If innerExpression.HasAnnotation(s_replacementAnnotation) AndAlso innerExpression.Equals(parenthesizedExpression.Expression) Then
Return newNode.WithAdditionalAnnotations(Simplifier.Annotation)
End If
End If
Return newNode
End Function
Public Overloads Shared Function Visit(node As SyntaxNode, replacementNode As SyntaxNode, matches As ISet(Of ExpressionSyntax)) As SyntaxNode
Return New Rewriter(replacementNode, matches).Visit(node)
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitInferredFieldInitializer(node As InferredFieldInitializerSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Dim newNode = DirectCast(MyBase.VisitInferredFieldInitializer(node), InferredFieldInitializerSyntax)
If newNode IsNot node AndAlso
newNode.Expression.HasAnnotation(s_replacementAnnotation) Then
Dim inferredName = node.Expression.TryGetInferredMemberName()
If inferredName IsNot Nothing Then
Return SyntaxFactory.NamedFieldInitializer(
End If
End If
Return newNode
End Function
Public Overrides Function VisitSimpleArgument(node As SimpleArgumentSyntax) As SyntaxNode
Dim newNode = DirectCast(MyBase.VisitSimpleArgument(node), SimpleArgumentSyntax)
If newNode IsNot node AndAlso
node.NameColonEquals Is Nothing AndAlso
newNode.Expression.HasAnnotation(s_replacementAnnotation) AndAlso
TypeOf node.Parent Is TupleExpressionSyntax Then
Dim inferredName = node.Expression.TryGetInferredMemberName()
If inferredName IsNot Nothing Then
Return SyntaxFactory.SimpleArgument(
End If
End If
Return newNode
End Function
End Class
End Class
End Namespace