File: NameTupleElement\NameTupleElementTests.vb
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Project: src\src\Features\VisualBasicTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Workspaces
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.CodeRefactorings
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.NameTupleElement
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.NameTupleElement
    <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsNameTupleElement)>
    Public Class NameTupleElementTests
        Inherits AbstractVisualBasicCodeActionTest_NoEditor
        Protected Overrides Function CreateCodeRefactoringProvider(workspace As TestWorkspace, parameters As TestParameters) As CodeRefactoringProvider
            Return New VisualBasicNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider()
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestInCall_FirstElement() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M(([||]1, 2))
    End Sub
End Class",
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((arg1:=1, 2))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestInCall_FirstComma() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1[||], 2))
    End Sub
End Class",
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((arg1:=1, 2))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestInCall_SecondElement() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1, [||]2))
    End Sub
End Class",
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1, arg2:=2))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestInCall_CloseParen() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1, 2[||]))
    End Sub
End Class",
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1, arg2:=2))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestInCall_LongerTuple() As Task
            Await TestMissingAsync(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (arg1 As Integer, arg2 As Integer))
        M((1, 2, [||]3))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestUnnamedTuple() As Task
            Await TestMissingAsync(
"Class C
    Sub M(x As (Integer, Integer))
        M(([||]1, 2))
    End Sub
End Class")
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace