File: EditAndContinue\VisualBasicEditAndContinueAnalyzerTests.vb
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Project: src\src\Features\VisualBasicTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Contracts.EditAndContinue
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Differencing
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditAndContinue
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EditAndContinue.UnitTests
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.EditAndContinue.UnitTests
    Public Class VisualBasicEditAndContinueAnalyzerTests
#Region "Helpers"
        Private Shared Function CreateWorkspace() As TestWorkspace
            Return New TestWorkspace()
        End Function
        Private Shared Function AddDefaultTestProject(solution As Solution, source As String) As Solution
            Dim pid = ProjectId.CreateNewId()
            Return solution.
                AddProject(ProjectInfo.Create(pid, VersionStamp.Create(), "proj", "proj", LanguageNames.VisualBasic)).GetProject(pid).
                AddDocument("test.vb", SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8), filePath:=Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, "test.vb")).Project.Solution
        End Function
        Private Shared Sub TestSpans(source As String, hasLabel As Func(Of SyntaxNode, Boolean))
            Dim tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(ClearSource(source))
            For Each expected In GetExpectedPositionsAndSpans(source)
                Dim expectedSpan = expected.Value
                Dim expectedText As String = source.Substring(expectedSpan.Start, expectedSpan.Length)
                Dim node = tree.GetRoot().FindToken(expected.Key).Parent
                While Not hasLabel(node)
                    node = node.Parent
                End While
                Dim actualSpan = VisualBasicEditAndContinueAnalyzer.TryGetDiagnosticSpanImpl(node.Kind, node, EditKind.Update).Value
                Dim actualText = source.Substring(actualSpan.Start, actualSpan.Length)
                Assert.True(expectedSpan = actualSpan, vbCrLf &
                            "Expected span: '" & expectedText & "' " & expectedSpan.ToString() & vbCrLf &
                            "Actual span: '" & actualText & "' " & actualSpan.ToString())
        End Sub
        Private Const s_startTag As String = "<span>"
        Private Const s_endTag As String = "</span>"
        Private Const s_startSpanMark As String = "[|"
        Private Const s_endSpanMark As String = "|]"
        Private Const s_positionMark As Char = "$"c
        Private Shared Function ClearSource(source As String) As String
            Return source.
                Replace(s_startTag, New String(" "c, s_startTag.Length)).
                Replace(s_endTag, New String(" "c, s_endTag.Length)).
                Replace(s_startSpanMark, New String(" "c, s_startSpanMark.Length)).
                Replace(s_endSpanMark, New String(" "c, s_startSpanMark.Length)).
                Replace(s_positionMark, " "c)
        End Function
        Private Shared Iterator Function GetExpectedPositionsAndSpans(source As String) As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of Integer, TextSpan))
            Dim i As Integer = 0
            While True
                Dim start As Integer = source.IndexOf(s_startTag, i, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                If start = -1 Then
                    Exit While
                End If
                start += s_startTag.Length
                Dim [end] As Integer = source.IndexOf(s_endTag, start + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                Dim length = [end] - start
                Dim position = source.IndexOf(s_positionMark, start, length)
                Dim span As TextSpan
                If position < 0 Then
                    position = start
                    span = New TextSpan(start, length)
                    position += 1
                    span = TextSpan.FromBounds(source.IndexOf(s_startSpanMark, start, length, StringComparison.Ordinal) + s_startSpanMark.Length,
                                               source.IndexOf(s_endSpanMark, start, length, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                End If
                Yield KeyValuePairUtil.Create(position, span)
                i = [end] + 1
            End While
        End Function
        Private Shared Sub TestErrorSpansAllKinds(hasLabel As Func(Of SyntaxKind, Boolean))
            Dim unhandledKinds As List(Of SyntaxKind) = New List(Of SyntaxKind)()
            For Each k In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(SyntaxKind)).Cast(Of SyntaxKind)().Where(hasLabel)
                Dim span As TextSpan?
                    span = VisualBasicEditAndContinueAnalyzer.TryGetDiagnosticSpanImpl(k, Nothing, EditKind.Update)
#Disable Warning IDE0059 ' Unnecessary assignment of a value -
                Catch e1 As NullReferenceException
#Enable Warning IDE0059 ' Unnecessary assignment of a value
                    ' expected, we passed null node
                    Continue For
                End Try
                ' unexpected
                If span Is Nothing Then
                End If
            AssertEx.Equal(Array.Empty(Of SyntaxKind)(), unhandledKinds)
        End Sub
        Private Shared Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject As Project, newDocument As Document, Optional activeStatementMap As ActiveStatementsMap = Nothing) As Task(Of DocumentAnalysisResults)
            Dim analyzer = oldProject.Services.GetRequiredService(Of IEditAndContinueAnalyzer)
            Dim baseActiveStatements = AsyncLazy.Create(If(activeStatementMap, ActiveStatementsMap.Empty))
            Dim capabilities = AsyncLazy.Create(EditAndContinueTestVerifier.Net5RuntimeCapabilities)
            Dim log = New TraceLog("Test")
            Return Await analyzer.AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, baseActiveStatements, newDocument, ImmutableArray(Of ActiveStatementLineSpan).Empty, capabilities, log, CancellationToken.None)
        End Function
#End Region
        Public Sub ErrorSpans_TopLevel()
            Dim source = "
<span>Option Strict Off</span>
<span>Imports Z = Goo.Bar</span>
<<span>Assembly: A(1,2,3,4)</span>, <span>B</span>>
<span>Namespace N.M</span> 
End Namespace
<A, B>
Structure S(Of <span>T</span> As {New, Class, I})
    Inherits B
End Structure
Structure S(Of <span>T</span> As {New, Class, I})
End Structure
Structure S(Of <span>T</span> As {New, Class, I})
End Structure
<A, B>
<span>Public MustInherit Partial Class C</span>
End Class
<span>Interface I</span>
  Implements J, K, L
End Interface
<span>Enum E1</span>
End Enum
<span>Enum E2</span> As UShort
End Enum
<span>Public Enum E3</span>
    <A>R = 3
End Enum
<span>Public Delegate Sub D1(Of T As Struct)()</span>
<span>Delegate Function D2()</span> As C(Of T)
<span>Delegate Function D2</span> As C(Of T)
<span>Delegate Sub D2</span> As C(Of T)
<span>Public MustInherit Class Z</span>
    <span>Dim f0 As Integer</span>
    <span>Dim WithEvents EClass As New EventClass</span>
    <A><span>Dim f1 = 1</span>
    <A><span>Dim f2 As Integer = 1</span>
    Private <span>f3()</span>, <span>f4?</span>, <span>f5</span> As Integer, <span>f6</span> As New C()
    <span>Public Shared ReadOnly f As Integer</span>
    <A><span>Function M1()</span> As Integer
    End Function
    <span>Function M2()</span> As Integer Implements I.Goo
    End Function
    <span>Function M3()</span> As Integer Handles I.E
    End Function
    <span>Private Function M4(Of S, T)()</span> As Integer Handles I.E
    End Function
    <span>MustOverride Function M5</span>
    Sub M6(<A><span>Optional p1 As Integer = 2131</span>, 
           <span>p2</span> As Integer, 
           <Out><span>ByRef p3</span>, 
           <span>ParamArray x() As Integer</span>)
    End Sub
    <A><span>Event E1</span> As A
    <A><span>Private Event E1</span> As A
    <A><span>Property P</span> As Integer
    <A><span>Public MustOverride Custom Event E3</span> As A 
        <A><span>AddHandler(value As Action)</span>
        End AddHandler
        <A><span>RemoveHandler(value As Action)</span>
        End RemoveHandler
        End RaiseEvent
    End Event
    <A><span>Property P</span> As Integer
        End Get
        <A><span>Private Set(value As Integer)</span>
        End Set
    End Property
    <A><span>Public Shared Narrowing Operator CType(d As Z)</span> As Integer
    End Operator
End Class
            TestSpans(source, Function(node) SyntaxComparer.TopLevel.HasLabel(node))
        End Sub
        Public Sub ErrorSpans_StatementLevel_Update()
            Dim source = "
Class C
    Sub M()
        <span>While expr</span>
            <span>Continue While</span>
            <span>Exit While</span>
        End While
            <span>Continue Do</span>
            <span>Exit Do</span>
        Loop While expr
        <span>Do Until expr</span>
        <span>Do While expr</span>
        <span>For Each a In b</span>
            <span>Continue For</span>
            <span>Exit For</span>
        <span>For i = 1 To 10 Step 2</span>
        <span>Using expr</span>
        End Using
        <span>SyncLock expr</span>
        End SyncLock
        <span>With z</span>
        End With
        <span>Static a As Integer = 1</span>
        <span>Dim b = 2</span>
        <span>Const c = 4</span>
        Dim <span>c</span>, <span>d</span> As New C()
        <span>GoTo label</span>
        <span>Exit Sub</span>
        <span>Return 1</span>
        <span>Throw expr</span>
            <span>Exit Try</span>
        End Try
        <span>Catch e As E</span>
        End Try
        <span>Catch e As E When True</span>
        End Try
        End Try
        <span>If expr Then</span>
        End If
        <span>If expr</span>
        <span>ElseIf expr</span>
        End If
        <span>If True Then</span> M1() <span>Else</span> M2()
        <span>Select expr</span>
          <span>Case 1</span>
        End Select
        <span>Select expr</span>
          <span>Case 1</span>
             <span>GoTo 1</span>
        End Select
        <span>Select expr</span>
          <span>Case 1</span>
             <span>GoTo label</span>
          <span>Case 4 To 9</span>
             <span>Exit Select</span>
          <span>Case = 2</span>
          <span>Case < 2</span>
          <span>Case > 2</span>
          <span>Case Else</span>
        End Select
        <span>On Error Resume Next</span>
        <span>On Error Goto 0</span>
        <span>On Error Goto -1</span>
        <span>On Error GoTo label</span>
        <span>Resume Next</span>
        <span>AddHandler e, AddressOf M</span>
        <span>RemoveHandler e, AddressOf M</span>
        <span>RaiseEvent e()</span>
        <span>Error 1</span>
        <span>Mid(a, 1, 2) = """"</span>
        <span>a = b</span>
        <span>Call M()</span>
        <span>Dim intArray(10, 10, 10) As Integer</span>
        <span>ReDim Preserve intArray(10, 10, 20)</span>
        <span>ReDim Preserve intArray(10, 10, 15)</span>
        <span>ReDim intArray(10, 10, 10)</span>
        <span>Erase intArray</span>
        F(<span>Function(x)</span> x)
        F(<span>Sub(x)</span> M())
        F(<span>[|Aggregate|] z $In {1, 2, 3}</span> Into <span>Max(z)</span>)
        F(<span>[|From|] z $In {1, 2, 3}</span>?
          Order By <span>z Descending</span>, <span>z Ascending</span>, <span>z</span>
          <span>[|Take While|] z $> 0</span>)
        F(From z1 In {1, 2, 3}
          <span>[|Join|] z2 $In {1, 2, 3}</span> On z1 Equals z2
          <span>[|Select|] z1 $+ z2</span>)
        F(From z1 In {1, 2, 3}
          Join z2 In {1, 2, 3} On <span>$z1 [|Equals|] z2</span>
          Select z1 + z2)
        F(From z1 In {1, 2, 3}
          Join z2 In {1, 2, 3} On <span>z1 [|Equals|] $z2</span>
          Select z1 + z2)
        F(From a In b <span>[|Let|] x = $expr</span> Select expr)
        F(From a In b <span>[|Group|] $a1 By b2 Into z1</span> Select d1)
        F(From a In b <span>[|Group|] a1 By $b2 Into z2</span> Select d2)
        F(From a In b Group a1 By b2 Into <span>z3</span> Select d3)
        F(From cust In A
          <span>[|Group Join|] ord In $B On z4 Equals y4
                Into CustomerOrders = Group, OrderTotal = Sum(ord.Total + 4)</span>
          Select 1)
        F(From cust In A
          <span>Group Join ord In B On $z5 [|Equals|] y5
                Into CustomerOrders = Group, OrderTotal = Sum(ord.Total + 3)</span>
          Select 1)
        F(From cust In A
          <span>Group Join ord In B On z6 [|Equals|] $y6
                Into CustomerOrders = Group, OrderTotal = Sum(ord.Total + 2)</span>
          Select 1)
        F(From cust In A
          Group Join ord In B On z7 Equals y7
                Into CustomerOrders = Group, OrderTotal = <span>Sum(ord.Total + 1)</span>
          Select 1)
    End Sub
End Class
            TestSpans(source, AddressOf SyntaxComparer.Statement.HasLabel)
            source = "
Class C
    Iterator Function M() As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
        <span>Yield 1</span>
    End Function
End Class
            TestSpans(source, AddressOf SyntaxComparer.Statement.HasLabel)
            source = "
Class C
    Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
        <span>Await</span> expr
    End Function
End Class
            TestSpans(source, AddressOf SyntaxComparer.Statement.HasLabel)
        End Sub
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Verifies that <see cref="VisualBasicEditAndContinueAnalyzer.TryGetDiagnosticSpanImpl"/> handles all <see cref="SyntaxKind"/> s.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Sub ErrorSpansAllKinds()
            TestErrorSpansAllKinds(Function(kind) SyntaxComparer.Statement.HasLabel(kind, ignoreVariableDeclarations:=False))
            TestErrorSpansAllKinds(Function(kind) SyntaxComparer.TopLevel.HasLabel(kind, ignoreVariableDeclarations:=False))
        End Sub
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_InsignificantChangesInMethodBody() As Task
            Dim source1 = "
Class C
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
End Class
            Dim source2 = "
Class C
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source1)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.First()
                Dim oldDocument = oldProject.Documents.Single()
                Dim documentId = oldDocument.Id
                Dim newSolution = oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, SourceText.From(source2))
                Dim oldText = Await oldDocument.GetTextAsync()
                Dim oldSyntaxRoot = Await oldDocument.GetSyntaxRootAsync()
                Dim newDocument = newSolution.GetDocument(documentId)
                Dim newText = Await newDocument.GetTextAsync()
                Dim newSyntaxRoot = Await newDocument.GetSyntaxRootAsync()
                Dim oldStatementSource = "System.Console.WriteLine(1)"
                Dim oldStatementPosition = source1.IndexOf(oldStatementSource, StringComparison.Ordinal)
                Dim oldStatementTextSpan = New TextSpan(oldStatementPosition, oldStatementSource.Length)
                Dim oldStatementSpan = oldText.Lines.GetLinePositionSpan(oldStatementTextSpan)
                Dim oldStatementSyntax = oldSyntaxRoot.FindNode(oldStatementTextSpan)
                Dim baseActiveStatements = New ActiveStatementsMap(
                        KeyValuePairUtil.Create(newDocument.FilePath, ImmutableArray.Create(
                            New ActiveStatement(
                                New ActiveStatementId(0),
                                New SourceFileSpan(newDocument.FilePath, oldStatementSpan),
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, newDocument, baseActiveStatements)
                Dim syntaxMaps = result.SemanticEdits(0).SyntaxMaps
                Dim newStatementSpan = result.ActiveStatements(0).Span
                Dim newStatementTextSpan = newText.Lines.GetTextSpan(newStatementSpan)
                Dim newStatementSyntax = newSyntaxRoot.FindNode(newStatementTextSpan)
                Dim oldStatementSyntaxMapped = syntaxMaps.MatchingNodes(newStatementSyntax)
                Assert.Same(oldStatementSyntax, oldStatementSyntaxMapped)
            End Using
        End Function
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_SyntaxError_NoChange1() As Task
            Dim source = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        System.Console.WriteLine(1  ' syntax error
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim oldDocument = oldProject.Documents.Single()
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, oldDocument)
            End Using
        End Function
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_SyntaxError_NoChange2() As Task
            Dim source1 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        System.Console.WriteLine(1  ' syntax error
    End Sub
End Class
            Dim source2 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        System.Console.WriteLine(1  ' syntax error
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source1)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim oldDocument = oldProject.Documents.Single()
                Dim documentId = oldDocument.Id
                Dim newSolution = oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, SourceText.From(source2))
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, newSolution.GetDocument(documentId))
            End Using
        End Function
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_SemanticError_NoChange() As Task
            Dim source = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim oldDocument = oldProject.Documents.Single()
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, oldDocument)
            End Using
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_SemanticErrorInMethodBody_Change() As Task
            Dim source1 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub
End Class
            Dim source2 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source1)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim oldDocument = oldProject.Documents.Single()
                Dim documentId = oldDocument.Id
                Dim newSolution = oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, SourceText.From(source2))
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, newSolution.GetDocument(documentId))
                ' no declaration errors (error in method body is only reported when emitting)
            End Using
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_SemanticErrorInDeclaration_Change() As Task
            Dim source1 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main(x As Bar)
    End Sub
End Class
            Dim source2 = "
Class C
    Public Shared Sub Main(x As Bar)
    End Sub
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source1)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim documentId = oldProject.Documents.Single().Id
                Dim newSolution = oldSolution.WithDocumentText(documentId, SourceText.From(source2))
                Dim result = Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, newSolution.GetDocument(documentId))
                ' No errors reported: EnC analyzer is resilient against semantic errors.
                ' They will be reported by 1) compiler diagnostic analyzer 2) when emitting delta - if still present.
            End Using
        End Function
        Public Async Function AnalyzeDocumentAsync_AddingNewFile() As Task
            Dim source1 = "
Namespace N
    Class C
        Public Shared Sub Main()
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
            Dim source2 = "
Class D
End Class
            Using workspace = CreateWorkspace()
                Dim oldSolution = AddDefaultTestProject(workspace.CurrentSolution, source1)
                Dim oldProject = oldSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim newDocId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(oldProject.Id)
                Dim newSolution = oldSolution.AddDocument(newDocId, "goo.vb", SourceText.From(source2), filePath:=Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, "goo.vb"))
                Dim newProject = newSolution.Projects.Single()
                Dim changes = newProject.GetChanges(oldProject)
                Assert.Equal(2, newProject.Documents.Count())
                Assert.Equal(0, changes.GetChangedDocuments().Count())
                Assert.Equal(1, changes.GetAddedDocuments().Count())
                Dim changedDocuments = changes.GetChangedDocuments().Concat(changes.GetAddedDocuments())
                Dim result = New List(Of DocumentAnalysisResults)()
                For Each changedDocumentId In changedDocuments
                    result.Add(Await AnalyzeDocumentAsync(oldProject, newProject.GetDocument(changedDocumentId)))
            End Using
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace