File: ConvertAnonymousType\ConvertAnonymousTypeToClassTests.vb
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Project: src\src\Features\VisualBasicTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Features.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Workspaces
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.CodeRefactorings
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.ConvertAnonymousType
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.ConvertAnonymousType
    <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsConvertAnonymousTypeToClass)>
    Public Class ConvertAnonymousTypeToClassTests
        Inherits AbstractVisualBasicCodeActionTest_NoEditor
        Protected Overrides Function CreateCodeRefactoringProvider(workspace As TestWorkspace, parameters As TestParameters) As CodeRefactoringProvider
            Return New VisualBasicConvertAnonymousTypeToClassCodeRefactoringProvider()
        End Function
        Public Async Function ConvertSingleAnonymousType() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function OnEmptyAnonymousType() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync("
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { }
    end sub
end class
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}()
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return 0
    End Function
End Class
        End Function
        Public Async Function OnSingleFieldAnonymousType() As Task
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync("
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1 }
    end sub
end class
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer)
        Me.A = a
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Dim hashCode As Long = -1005848884
        hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295 + A.GetHashCode()).GetHashCode()
        Return hashCode
    End Function
End Class
        End Function
        Public Async Function ConvertSingleAnonymousTypeWithInferredName() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key b }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, b)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function ConvertMultipleInstancesInSameMethod() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, 4)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function ConvertMultipleInstancesAcrossMethods() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
    sub Method2()
        dim t1 = new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, 4)
    end sub
    sub Method2()
        dim t1 = new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function OnlyConvertMatchingTypesInSameMethod() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key b }
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { key .b = 5, key .a = 6 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, b)
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { key .b = 5, key .a = 6 }
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestFixAllMatchesInSingleMethod() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key b }
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { key .b = 5, key .a = 6 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method(b as integer)
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, b)
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { key .b = 5, key .a = 6 }
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestFixNotAcrossMethods() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
    sub Method2()
        dim t1 = new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, 4)
    end sub
    sub Method2()
        dim t1 = new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function NotIfReferencesAnonymousTypeInternally() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = new with { key .c = 1, key .d = 2 } }
    end sub
end class
            Await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(text)
        End Function
        Public Async Function ConvertMultipleNestedInstancesInSameMethod() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = directcast(new with { key .a = 1, key .b = directcast(nothing, object) }, object) }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
Imports System.Collections.Generic
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, directcast(New NewClass(1, directcast(nothing, object)), object))
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Object
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Object)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               EqualityComparer(Of Object).Default.Equals(B, other.B)
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function RenameAnnotationOnStartingPoint() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = [||]new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New NewClass(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(3, 4)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function UpdateReferences() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
        Console.WriteLine(t1.a + t1?.b)
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        Console.WriteLine(t1.A + t1?.B)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function CapturedTypeParameters() As Task
            Dim text = "
imports System.Collections.Generic
class Test(of X as {structure})
    sub Method(of Y as {class, new})(lst as List(of X), arr as Y())
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = lst, key .b = arr }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
imports System.Collections.Generic
class Test(of X as {structure})
    sub Method(of Y as {class, new})(lst as List(of X), arr as Y())
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(Of X, Y)(lst, arr)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass(Of X As Structure, Y As {Class, New})
    Public ReadOnly Property A As List(Of X)
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Y()
    Public Sub New(a As List(Of X), b() As Y)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass(Of X, Y))
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               EqualityComparer(Of List(Of X)).Default.Equals(A, other.A) AndAlso
               EqualityComparer(Of Y()).Default.Equals(B, other.B)
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestNonKeyProperties() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, .b = 2 }
        dim t2 = new with { key .a = 3, .b = 4 }
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
        dim t5 = new with { .a = 3, .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
        dim t2 = New NewClass(3, 4)
        dim t3 = new with { key .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
        dim t4 = new with { .a = 3, key .b = 4 }
        dim t5 = new with { .a = 3, .b = 4 }
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Dim hashCode As Long = -1005848884
        hashCode = (hashCode * -1521134295 + A.GetHashCode()).GetHashCode()
        Return hashCode
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestNameCollision() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .b = 2 }
    end sub
end class
class newclass
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass1|}(1, 2)
    end sub
end class
class newclass
end class
Friend Class NewClass1
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property B As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, b As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.B = b
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass1)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               A = other.A AndAlso
               B = other.B
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (A, B).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestDuplicatedName() As Task
            Dim text = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = [||]new with { key .a = 1, key .a = 2 }
    end sub
end class
            Dim expected = "
class Test
    sub Method()
        dim t1 = New {|Rename:NewClass|}(1, 2)
    end sub
end class
Friend Class NewClass
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public ReadOnly Property A As Integer
    Public Sub New(a As Integer, a As Integer)
        Me.A = a
        Me.A = a
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean
        Dim other = TryCast(obj, NewClass)
        Return other IsNot Nothing AndAlso
               Me.A = other.A AndAlso
               Me.A = other.A
    End Function
    Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
        Return (Me.A, Me.A).GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
            Await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace