8 instantiations of TypeDescriptor
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit.UnitTests (8)
ExpressionTrees\CodeGenExprLambda.vb (8)
1373Dim type1 As New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = True} 1374Dim type2 As New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = True} 1391New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = False}, 1392New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = True}, 1400New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = True}, 1401New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = False}, 1409New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = False}, 1410New TypeDescriptor With {.IsStructure = False},
7 references to TypeDescriptor
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit.UnitTests (7)
ExpressionTrees\CodeGenExprLambda.vb (7)
1334Public Function WithOperators(ParamArray ops() As OperatorDescriptor) As TypeDescriptor 1416type1 As TypeDescriptor, type2 As TypeDescriptor, 1432type1 As TypeDescriptor, type2 As TypeDescriptor, 1439Private Sub TestConversion_UserDefinedTypes_TypeType(type1 As TypeDescriptor, type2 As TypeDescriptor, isNarrowing As Boolean, list As List(Of ExpressionTreeTest))