' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities
Imports Basic.Reference.Assemblies
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests
Public Class AsyncTests
Inherits BasicTestBase
<WorkItem(1004348, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1004348")>
Public Sub StructVsClass()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Public Async Function Goo(a As Integer) As Task
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() System.Console.WriteLine(a))
End Function
End Module
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences)
Dim options As VisualBasicCompilationOptions
options = TestOptions.ReleaseExe
symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol)
Dim stateMachine = m.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("Module1").GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("VB$StateMachine_1_Goo")
Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Structure, stateMachine.TypeKind)
End Sub)
options = TestOptions.DebugExe
symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol)
Dim stateMachine = m.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("Module1").GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("VB$StateMachine_1_Goo")
Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, stateMachine.TypeKind)
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_Void()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public handle As New AutoResetEvent(False)
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Sub f()
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 1")
c.VerifyIL("Form1.Main", <![CDATA[
// Code size 42 (0x2a)
.maxstack 2
IL_0000: ldstr "0 "
IL_0005: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_000a: call "Sub Form1.f()"
IL_000f: ldsfld "Form1.handle As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent"
IL_0014: ldc.i4 0xea60
IL_0019: callvirt "Function System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Integer) As Boolean"
IL_001e: pop
IL_001f: ldstr "1 "
IL_0024: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0029: ret
c.VerifyIL("Form1.f", <![CDATA[
// Code size 43 (0x2b)
.maxstack 2
.locals init (Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f V_0)
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f"
IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000a: ldc.i4.m1
IL_000b: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0010: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0012: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.Create() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0017: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_001c: ldloca.s V_0
IL_001e: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0023: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0025: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.Start(Of Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f)(ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f)"
IL_002a: ret
c.VerifyIL("Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.MoveNext", <![CDATA[
// Code size 197 (0xc5)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004b
IL_000a: ldstr "2 "
IL_000f: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0014: call "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Yield() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable"
IL_0019: stloc.2
IL_001a: ldloca.s V_2
IL_001c: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0021: stloc.1
IL_0022: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0024: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0029: brtrue.s IL_0067
IL_002b: ldarg.0
IL_002c: ldc.i4.0
IL_002d: dup
IL_002e: stloc.0
IL_002f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldloc.1
IL_0036: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0041: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f)"
IL_0049: leave.s IL_00c4
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.0
IL_004f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_005a: stloc.1
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0061: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0067: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0069: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.GetResult()"
IL_006e: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0070: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0076: ldstr "3 "
IL_007b: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0080: ldsfld "Form1.handle As System.Threading.AutoResetEvent"
IL_0085: callvirt "Function System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.Set() As Boolean"
IL_008a: pop
IL_008b: leave.s IL_00af
catch System.Exception
IL_008d: dup
IL_008e: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0093: stloc.3
IL_0094: ldarg.0
IL_0095: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0097: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_009c: ldarg.0
IL_009d: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_00a2: ldloc.3
IL_00a3: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00a8: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00ad: leave.s IL_00c4
IL_00af: ldarg.0
IL_00b0: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b2: dup
IL_00b3: stloc.0
IL_00b4: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$State As Integer"
IL_00b9: ldarg.0
IL_00ba: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_3_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_00bf: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00c4: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_Test()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write(TestLocal({1}).Result.ToString + " ")
End Sub
Async Function TestLocal(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Return M(p(0), Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer) As Integer
Return x + y
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="2")
End Sub
<WorkItem(13867, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13867")>
Public Sub Simple_Test_ManyLocals()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
public async Function DoItAsync() as Task
Dim var1 = 0
Dim var2 = 0
Dim var3 = 0
Dim var4 = 0
Dim var5 = 0
Dim var6 = 0
Dim var7 = 0
Dim var8 = 0
Dim var9 = 0
Dim var10 = 0
Dim var11 = 0
Dim var12 = 0
Dim var13 = 0
Dim var14 = 0
Dim var15 = 0
Dim var16 = 0
Dim var17 = 0
Dim var18 = 0
Dim var19 = 0
Dim var20 = 0
Dim var21 = 0
Dim var22 = 0
Dim var23 = 0
Dim var24 = 0
Dim var25 = 0
Dim var26 = 0
Dim var27 = 0
Dim var28 = 0
Dim var29 = 0
Dim var30 = 0
Dim var31 = 0
Dim s as string
if true
s = "a"
await Task.Yield()
s = "b"
end if
Console.WriteLine(if(s , "null")) ' should be "a" always, somehow is "null"
end Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="a")
End Sub
<WorkItem(13867, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13867")>
Public Sub Simple_Test_ManyLocals_Rel()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
public async Function DoItAsync() as Task
Dim var1 = 0
Dim var2 = 0
Dim var3 = 0
Dim var4 = 0
Dim var5 = 0
Dim var6 = 0
Dim var7 = 0
Dim var8 = 0
Dim var9 = 0
Dim var10 = 0
Dim var11 = 0
Dim var12 = 0
Dim var13 = 0
Dim var14 = 0
Dim var15 = 0
Dim var16 = 0
Dim var17 = 0
Dim var18 = 0
Dim var19 = 0
Dim var20 = 0
Dim var21 = 0
Dim var22 = 0
Dim var23 = 0
Dim var24 = 0
Dim var25 = 0
Dim var26 = 0
Dim var27 = 0
Dim var28 = 0
Dim var29 = 0
Dim var30 = 0
Dim var31 = 0
Dim s as string
if true
s = "a"
await Task.Yield()
s = "b"
end if
Console.WriteLine(if(s , "null")) ' should be "a" always, somehow is "null"
end Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="a")
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_Task()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 1").
// Code size 186 (0xba)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004b
IL_000a: ldstr "2 "
IL_000f: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0014: call "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Yield() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable"
IL_0019: stloc.2
IL_001a: ldloca.s V_2
IL_001c: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0021: stloc.1
IL_0022: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0024: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0029: brtrue.s IL_0067
IL_002b: ldarg.0
IL_002c: ldc.i4.0
IL_002d: dup
IL_002e: stloc.0
IL_002f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldloc.1
IL_0036: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0041: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)"
IL_0049: leave.s IL_00b9
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.0
IL_004f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_005a: stloc.1
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0061: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0067: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0069: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.GetResult()"
IL_006e: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0070: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0076: ldstr "3 "
IL_007b: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0080: leave.s IL_00a4
catch System.Exception
IL_0082: dup
IL_0083: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0088: stloc.3
IL_0089: ldarg.0
IL_008a: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_008c: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0091: ldarg.0
IL_0092: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0097: ldloc.3
IL_0098: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_009d: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00a2: leave.s IL_00b9
IL_00a4: ldarg.0
IL_00a5: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00a7: dup
IL_00a8: stloc.0
IL_00a9: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_00ae: ldarg.0
IL_00af: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00b4: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00b9: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(f().Result.ToString() + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 123 1").
// Code size 192 (0xc0)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter V_2,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable V_3,
System.Exception V_4)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004b
IL_000a: ldstr "2 "
IL_000f: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0014: call "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Yield() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable"
IL_0019: stloc.3
IL_001a: ldloca.s V_3
IL_001c: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0021: stloc.2
IL_0022: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0024: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0029: brtrue.s IL_0067
IL_002b: ldarg.0
IL_002c: ldc.i4.0
IL_002d: dup
IL_002e: stloc.1
IL_002f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldloc.2
IL_0036: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)"
IL_0049: leave.s IL_00bf
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.1
IL_004f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_005a: stloc.2
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0061: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0067: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0069: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.GetResult()"
IL_006e: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0070: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0076: ldstr "3 "
IL_007b: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0080: ldc.i4.s 123
IL_0082: stloc.0
IL_0083: leave.s IL_00a9
catch System.Exception
IL_0085: dup
IL_0086: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_008b: stloc.s V_4
IL_008d: ldarg.0
IL_008e: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0090: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0095: ldarg.0
IL_0096: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_009b: ldloc.s V_4
IL_009d: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00a2: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00a7: leave.s IL_00bf
IL_00a9: ldarg.0
IL_00aa: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ac: dup
IL_00ad: stloc.1
IL_00ae: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_00b3: ldarg.0
IL_00b4: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00b9: ldloc.0
IL_00ba: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00bf: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_1()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write((Async Function() Await f())().Result.ToString() + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 123 1")
// Code size 63 (0x3f)
.maxstack 2
.locals init (Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0 V_0)
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0"
IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__ As Form1._Closure$__"
IL_0010: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0012: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0013: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$State As Integer"
IL_0018: ldloca.s V_0
IL_001a: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).Create() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_001f: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0024: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0026: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_002b: ldloca.s V_0
IL_002d: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).Start(Of Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0)(ByRef Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0)"
IL_0032: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0034: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0039: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).get_Task() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003e: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_2()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim outer As Integer = 123
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write((Async Function()
Return Await f() + outer
End Function)().Result.ToString() + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 246 1")
c.VerifyIL("Form1._Closure$__0-0._Lambda$__0", <![CDATA[
// Code size 63 (0x3f)
.maxstack 2
.locals init (Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0 V_0)
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0"
IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__0-0 As Form1._Closure$__0-0"
IL_0010: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0012: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0013: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0018: ldloca.s V_0
IL_001a: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).Create() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_001f: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0024: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0026: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_002b: ldloca.s V_0
IL_002d: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).Start(Of Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_0032: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0034: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0039: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).get_Task() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003e: ret
c.VerifyIL("Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.MoveNext", <![CDATA[
// Code size 177 (0xb1)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_003e
IL_000a: call "Function Form1.f() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_000f: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0014: stloc.2
IL_0015: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0017: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_001c: brtrue.s IL_005a
IL_001e: ldarg.0
IL_001f: ldc.i4.0
IL_0020: dup
IL_0021: stloc.1
IL_0022: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0027: ldarg.0
IL_0028: ldloc.2
IL_0029: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_002e: ldarg.0
IL_002f: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0034: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_003c: leave.s IL_00b0
IL_003e: ldarg.0
IL_003f: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0040: dup
IL_0041: stloc.1
IL_0042: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0047: ldarg.0
IL_0048: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_004d: stloc.2
IL_004e: ldarg.0
IL_004f: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0054: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005a: ldloca.s V_2
IL_005c: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0061: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0063: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__0-0 As Form1._Closure$__0-0"
IL_006f: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0074: add.ovf
IL_0075: stloc.0
IL_0076: leave.s IL_009a
catch System.Exception
IL_0078: dup
IL_0079: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_007e: stloc.3
IL_007f: ldarg.0
IL_0080: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0082: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0087: ldarg.0
IL_0088: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_008d: ldloc.3
IL_008e: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_0093: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0098: leave.s IL_00b0
IL_009a: ldarg.0
IL_009b: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009d: dup
IL_009e: stloc.1
IL_009f: stfld "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00a4: ldarg.0
IL_00a5: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__0-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00aa: ldloc.0
IL_00ab: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00b0: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_3()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Call (Async Sub() f().Wait(60000))()
Console.Write("1 ")
Call (Async Sub()
End Sub)()
Console.Write("5 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 1 2 3 5")
// Code size 81 (0x51)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Exception V_1)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-1.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: call "Function Form1.f() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task"
IL_000c: ldc.i4 0xea60
IL_0011: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Integer) As Boolean"
IL_0016: pop
IL_0017: leave.s IL_003b
catch System.Exception
IL_0019: dup
IL_001a: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_001f: stloc.1
IL_0020: ldarg.0
IL_0021: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0023: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-1.$State As Integer"
IL_0028: ldarg.0
IL_0029: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-1.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_002e: ldloc.1
IL_002f: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_0034: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0039: leave.s IL_0050
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_003e: dup
IL_003f: stloc.0
IL_0040: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-1.$State As Integer"
IL_0045: ldarg.0
IL_0046: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-1.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_004b: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_0050: ret
// Code size 81 (0x51)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Exception V_1)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: call "Function Form1.f() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task"
IL_000c: ldc.i4 0xea60
IL_0011: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Integer) As Boolean"
IL_0016: pop
IL_0017: leave.s IL_003b
catch System.Exception
IL_0019: dup
IL_001a: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_001f: stloc.1
IL_0020: ldarg.0
IL_0021: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0023: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$State As Integer"
IL_0028: ldarg.0
IL_0029: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_002e: ldloc.1
IL_002f: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_0034: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0039: leave.s IL_0050
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_003e: dup
IL_003f: stloc.0
IL_0040: stfld "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$State As Integer"
IL_0045: ldarg.0
IL_0046: ldflda "Form1._Closure$__.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0-0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_004b: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_0050: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_4_nyi()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Console.Write((New CLAZZ()).F().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public FX As Integer = 1
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As Integer = 100
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim a = Async Function()
Return outer + Me.FX + (Await f2()) + outer + Me.FX
End Function
Console.Write("1 ")
Return Await a()
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 10
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="X1 0 1 2 3 212 X2")
// Code size 221 (0xdd)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0076
IL_000a: newobj "Sub CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0..ctor()"
IL_000f: dup
IL_0010: ldarg.0
IL_0011: ldfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0016: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_001b: dup
IL_001c: ldc.i4.s 100
IL_001e: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0023: ldstr "0 "
IL_0028: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_002d: ldftn "Function CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0._Lambda$__0() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0033: newobj "Sub VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer))..ctor(Object, System.IntPtr)"
IL_0038: ldstr "1 "
IL_003d: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0042: callvirt "Function VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)).Invoke() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0047: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_004c: stloc.2
IL_004d: ldloca.s V_2
IL_004f: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0054: brtrue.s IL_0092
IL_0056: ldarg.0
IL_0057: ldc.i4.0
IL_0058: dup
IL_0059: stloc.1
IL_005a: stfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$State As Integer"
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldloc.2
IL_0061: stfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0066: ldarg.0
IL_0067: ldflda "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_006c: ldloca.s V_2
IL_006e: ldarg.0
IL_006f: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F)"
IL_0074: leave.s IL_00dc
IL_0076: ldarg.0
IL_0077: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0078: dup
IL_0079: stloc.1
IL_007a: stfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$State As Integer"
IL_007f: ldarg.0
IL_0080: ldfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0085: stloc.2
IL_0086: ldarg.0
IL_0087: ldflda "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008c: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0092: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0094: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0099: ldloca.s V_2
IL_009b: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00a1: stloc.0
IL_00a2: leave.s IL_00c6
catch System.Exception
IL_00a4: dup
IL_00a5: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00aa: stloc.3
IL_00ab: ldarg.0
IL_00ac: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ae: stfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$State As Integer"
IL_00b3: ldarg.0
IL_00b4: ldflda "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00b9: ldloc.3
IL_00ba: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00bf: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00c4: leave.s IL_00dc
IL_00c6: ldarg.0
IL_00c7: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c9: dup
IL_00ca: stloc.1
IL_00cb: stfld "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$State As Integer"
IL_00d0: ldarg.0
IL_00d1: ldflda "CLAZZ.VB$StateMachine_2_F.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00d6: ldloc.0
IL_00d7: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00dc: ret
// Code size 249 (0xf9)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_006e
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0011: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_001c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0021: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_0026: add.ovf
IL_0027: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$U1 As Integer"
IL_002c: ldarg.0
IL_002d: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0032: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0037: call "Function CLAZZ.f2() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003c: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: stloc.2
IL_0042: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0044: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0049: brtrue.s IL_008a
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.0
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.1
IL_004f: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldloc.2
IL_0056: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0061: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0063: ldarg.0
IL_0064: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_0069: leave IL_00f8
IL_006e: ldarg.0
IL_006f: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0070: dup
IL_0071: stloc.1
IL_0072: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0077: ldarg.0
IL_0078: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007d: stloc.2
IL_007e: ldarg.0
IL_007f: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0084: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$U1 As Integer"
IL_0090: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0092: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0097: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0099: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009f: add.ovf
IL_00a0: ldarg.0
IL_00a1: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00a6: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_00ab: add.ovf
IL_00ac: ldarg.0
IL_00ad: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00b2: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_00b7: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_00bc: add.ovf
IL_00bd: stloc.0
IL_00be: leave.s IL_00e2
catch System.Exception
IL_00c0: dup
IL_00c1: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00c6: stloc.3
IL_00c7: ldarg.0
IL_00c8: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ca: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00cf: ldarg.0
IL_00d0: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00d5: ldloc.3
IL_00d6: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00db: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00e0: leave.s IL_00f8
IL_00e2: ldarg.0
IL_00e3: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00e5: dup
IL_00e6: stloc.1
IL_00e7: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00ec: ldarg.0
IL_00ed: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00f2: ldloc.0
IL_00f3: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00f8: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_5_nyi()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Console.Write((New CLAZZ()).F().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public FX As Integer = 1
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As Integer = 100
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim a = Async Function()
Dim result = outer + Me.FX
result = Await f2() + result ' Requires stack spilling because 'result' is hoisted
Return result + outer + Me.FX
End Function
Console.Write("1 ")
Return Await a()
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 10
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="X1 0 1 2 3 212 X2")
// Code size 261 (0x105)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_006e
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0011: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_001c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0021: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_0026: add.ovf
IL_0027: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_002c: ldarg.0
IL_002d: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0032: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0037: call "Function CLAZZ.f2() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003c: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: stloc.2
IL_0042: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0044: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0049: brtrue.s IL_008a
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.0
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.1
IL_004f: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldloc.2
IL_0056: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0061: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0063: ldarg.0
IL_0064: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_0069: leave IL_0104
IL_006e: ldarg.0
IL_006f: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0070: dup
IL_0071: stloc.1
IL_0072: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0077: ldarg.0
IL_0078: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007d: stloc.2
IL_007e: ldarg.0
IL_007f: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0084: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldloca.s V_2
IL_008d: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0092: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0094: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009a: ldarg.0
IL_009b: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_00a0: add.ovf
IL_00a1: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_00a6: ldarg.0
IL_00a7: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_00ac: ldarg.0
IL_00ad: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00b2: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_00b7: add.ovf
IL_00b8: ldarg.0
IL_00b9: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00be: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_00c3: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_00c8: add.ovf
IL_00c9: stloc.0
IL_00ca: leave.s IL_00ee
catch System.Exception
IL_00cc: dup
IL_00cd: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00d2: stloc.3
IL_00d3: ldarg.0
IL_00d4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00d6: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00db: ldarg.0
IL_00dc: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00e1: ldloc.3
IL_00e2: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00e7: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00ec: leave.s IL_0104
IL_00ee: ldarg.0
IL_00ef: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00f1: dup
IL_00f2: stloc.1
IL_00f3: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00f8: ldarg.0
IL_00f9: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00fe: ldloc.0
IL_00ff: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_0104: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_6()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Console.Write((New CLAZZ()).F(1000).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public FX As Integer = 1
Public Async Function F(p As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As Integer = 100
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim a = Async Function()
Dim result = outer + Me.FX
Dim x = Await f2()
Return x + result + p
End Function
Console.Write("1 ")
Return Await a()
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 10
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="X1 0 1 2 3 1111 X2")
// Code size 229 (0xe5)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_006b
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0011: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_001c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0021: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_0026: add.ovf
IL_0027: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_002c: ldarg.0
IL_002d: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0032: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0037: call "Function CLAZZ.f2() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003c: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: stloc.2
IL_0042: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0044: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0049: brtrue.s IL_0087
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.0
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.1
IL_004f: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldloc.2
IL_0056: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0061: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0063: ldarg.0
IL_0064: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_0069: leave.s IL_00e4
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_006d: dup
IL_006e: stloc.1
IL_006f: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0074: ldarg.0
IL_0075: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007a: stloc.2
IL_007b: ldarg.0
IL_007c: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0081: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0087: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0089: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_008e: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0090: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0096: ldarg.0
IL_0097: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_009c: add.ovf
IL_009d: ldarg.0
IL_009e: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00a3: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_p As Integer"
IL_00a8: add.ovf
IL_00a9: stloc.0
IL_00aa: leave.s IL_00ce
catch System.Exception
IL_00ac: dup
IL_00ad: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00b2: stloc.3
IL_00b3: ldarg.0
IL_00b4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b6: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00bb: ldarg.0
IL_00bc: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00c1: ldloc.3
IL_00c2: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00c7: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00cc: leave.s IL_00e4
IL_00ce: ldarg.0
IL_00cf: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00d1: dup
IL_00d2: stloc.1
IL_00d3: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00d8: ldarg.0
IL_00d9: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00de: ldloc.0
IL_00df: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00e4: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_Lambda_6_D()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Console.Write((New CLAZZ()).F(1000).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public FX As Integer = 1
Public Async Function F(p As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As Integer = 100
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim a = Async Function()
Dim result = outer + Me.FX
Dim x = Await f2()
Return x + result + p
End Function
Console.Write("1 ")
Return Await a()
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 10
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDebugExe, expectedOutput:="X1 0 1 2 3 1111 X2")
// Code size 243 (0xf3)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer) V_2,
Integer V_3, //x
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_4,
Integer V_5,
System.Exception V_6)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0070
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0011: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_outer As Integer"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_001c: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0021: ldfld "CLAZZ.FX As Integer"
IL_0026: add.ovf
IL_0027: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_002c: ldarg.0
IL_002d: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_0032: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Me As CLAZZ"
IL_0037: call "Function CLAZZ.f2() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_003c: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: stloc.s V_4
IL_0043: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0045: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_004a: brtrue.s IL_008d
IL_004c: ldarg.0
IL_004d: ldc.i4.0
IL_004e: dup
IL_004f: stloc.1
IL_0050: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0055: ldarg.0
IL_0056: ldloc.s V_4
IL_0058: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005d: ldarg.0
IL_005e: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0063: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0065: ldarg.0
IL_0066: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_006b: leave IL_00f2
IL_0070: ldarg.0
IL_0071: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0072: dup
IL_0073: stloc.1
IL_0074: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0079: ldarg.0
IL_007a: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007f: stloc.s V_4
IL_0081: ldarg.0
IL_0082: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0087: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008d: ldloca.s V_4
IL_008f: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0094: stloc.s V_5
IL_0096: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0098: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009e: ldloc.s V_5
IL_00a0: stloc.3
IL_00a1: ldloc.3
IL_00a2: ldarg.0
IL_00a3: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As Integer"
IL_00a8: add.ovf
IL_00a9: ldarg.0
IL_00aa: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0"
IL_00af: ldfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.$VB$Local_p As Integer"
IL_00b4: add.ovf
IL_00b5: stloc.0
IL_00b6: leave.s IL_00dc
catch System.Exception
IL_00b8: dup
IL_00b9: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00be: stloc.s V_6
IL_00c0: ldarg.0
IL_00c1: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c3: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00c8: ldarg.0
IL_00c9: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00ce: ldloc.s V_6
IL_00d0: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00d5: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00da: leave.s IL_00f2
IL_00dc: ldarg.0
IL_00dd: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00df: dup
IL_00e0: stloc.1
IL_00e1: stfld "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00e6: ldarg.0
IL_00e7: ldflda "CLAZZ._Closure$__2-0.VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00ec: ldloc.0
IL_00ed: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00f2: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_Finalizer()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(f().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function f() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
Console.Write("4 ")
End Try
Return -321
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 123 1")
c.VerifyIL("Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.MoveNext", <![CDATA[
// Code size 239 (0xef)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter V_2,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable V_3,
System.Exception V_4)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: ldc.i4.s -3
IL_000a: beq.s IL_000e
IL_000c: ldloc.1
IL_000d: pop
IL_000e: nop
IL_000f: ldloc.1
IL_0010: ldc.i4.s -3
IL_0012: beq.s IL_0019
IL_0014: ldloc.1
IL_0015: brfalse.s IL_006b
IL_0017: br.s IL_0027
IL_0019: ldarg.0
IL_001a: ldc.i4.m1
IL_001b: dup
IL_001c: stloc.1
IL_001d: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0022: leave IL_00ee
IL_0027: ldstr "2 "
IL_002c: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0031: call "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Yield() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable"
IL_0036: stloc.3
IL_0037: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0039: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_003e: stloc.2
IL_003f: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0041: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0046: brtrue.s IL_0087
IL_0048: ldarg.0
IL_0049: ldc.i4.0
IL_004a: dup
IL_004b: stloc.1
IL_004c: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0051: ldarg.0
IL_0052: ldloc.2
IL_0053: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_005e: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0060: ldarg.0
IL_0061: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter, ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f)"
IL_0066: leave IL_00ee
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_006d: dup
IL_006e: stloc.1
IL_006f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_0074: ldarg.0
IL_0075: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_007a: stloc.2
IL_007b: ldarg.0
IL_007c: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0081: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0087: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0089: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter.GetResult()"
IL_008e: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0090: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter"
IL_0096: ldstr "3 "
IL_009b: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_00a0: ldc.i4.s 123
IL_00a2: stloc.0
IL_00a3: leave.s IL_00d8
IL_00a5: ldloc.1
IL_00a6: ldc.i4.0
IL_00a7: bge.s IL_00b3
IL_00a9: ldstr "4 "
IL_00ae: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_00b3: endfinally
catch System.Exception
IL_00b4: dup
IL_00b5: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00ba: stloc.s V_4
IL_00bc: ldarg.0
IL_00bd: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00bf: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_00c4: ldarg.0
IL_00c5: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00ca: ldloc.s V_4
IL_00cc: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00d1: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00d6: leave.s IL_00ee
IL_00d8: ldarg.0
IL_00d9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00db: dup
IL_00dc: stloc.1
IL_00dd: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$State As Integer"
IL_00e2: ldarg.0
IL_00e3: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_f.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00e8: ldloc.0
IL_00e9: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00ee: ret
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(1002672, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1002672")>
Public Sub Simple_LateBinding_1()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Class MyTask(Of T)
Function GetAwaiter() As Object
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Module Program
Async Sub Test2()
Dim o As Object = New MyTask(Of Integer)
Dim x = Await o
Await o
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, useLatestFramework:=True)
// Code size 485 (0x1e5)
.maxstack 8
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Object V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion V_2,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion V_3,
Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2 V_4,
Object V_5,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion V_6,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion V_7,
System.Exception V_8)
~IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
~IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0012
IL_000a: br.s IL_000c
IL_000c: ldloc.0
IL_000d: ldc.i4.1
IL_000e: beq.s IL_0017
IL_0010: br.s IL_001c
IL_0012: br IL_00af
IL_0017: br IL_0174
-IL_001c: nop
-IL_001d: ldarg.0
IL_001e: newobj "Sub MyTask(Of Integer)..ctor()"
IL_0023: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_o$0 As Object"
-IL_0028: ldarg.0
IL_0029: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_o$0 As Object"
IL_002e: ldnull
IL_002f: ldstr "GetAwaiter"
IL_0034: ldc.i4.0
IL_0035: newarr "Object"
IL_003a: ldnull
IL_003b: ldnull
IL_003c: ldnull
IL_003d: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean()) As Object"
IL_0042: stloc.1
~IL_0043: ldloc.1
IL_0044: ldnull
IL_0045: ldstr "IsCompleted"
IL_004a: ldc.i4.0
IL_004b: newarr "Object"
IL_0050: ldnull
IL_0051: ldnull
IL_0052: ldnull
IL_0053: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean()) As Object"
IL_0058: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToBoolean(Object) As Boolean"
IL_005d: brfalse.s IL_0061
IL_005f: br.s IL_00c6
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: ldc.i4.0
IL_0063: dup
IL_0064: stloc.0
IL_0065: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
<IL_006a: ldarg.0
IL_006b: ldloc.1
IL_006c: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_0071: ldloc.1
IL_0072: isinst "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion"
IL_0077: stloc.2
IL_0078: ldloc.2
IL_0079: brfalse.s IL_0090
IL_007b: ldarg.0
IL_007c: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0081: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0083: ldarg.0
IL_0084: stloc.s V_4
IL_0086: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0088: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)"
IL_008d: nop
IL_008e: br.s IL_00aa
IL_0090: ldloc.1
IL_0091: castclass "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion"
IL_0096: stloc.3
IL_0097: ldarg.0
IL_0098: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_009d: ldloca.s V_3
IL_009f: ldarg.0
IL_00a0: stloc.s V_4
IL_00a2: ldloca.s V_4
IL_00a4: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion, Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion, ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)"
IL_00a9: nop
IL_00aa: leave IL_01e4
>IL_00af: ldarg.0
IL_00b0: ldc.i4.m1
IL_00b1: dup
IL_00b2: stloc.0
IL_00b3: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_00b8: ldarg.0
IL_00b9: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_00be: stloc.1
IL_00bf: ldarg.0
IL_00c0: ldnull
IL_00c1: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_00c6: ldarg.0
IL_00c7: ldloc.1
IL_00c8: ldnull
IL_00c9: ldstr "GetResult"
IL_00ce: ldc.i4.0
IL_00cf: newarr "Object"
IL_00d4: ldnull
IL_00d5: ldnull
IL_00d6: ldnull
IL_00d7: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean()) As Object"
IL_00dc: ldnull
IL_00dd: stloc.1
IL_00de: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(Object) As Object"
IL_00e3: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_x$1 As Object"
-IL_00e8: ldarg.0
IL_00e9: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_o$0 As Object"
IL_00ee: ldnull
IL_00ef: ldstr "GetAwaiter"
IL_00f4: ldc.i4.0
IL_00f5: newarr "Object"
IL_00fa: ldnull
IL_00fb: ldnull
IL_00fc: ldnull
IL_00fd: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean()) As Object"
IL_0102: stloc.s V_5
~IL_0104: ldloc.s V_5
IL_0106: ldnull
IL_0107: ldstr "IsCompleted"
IL_010c: ldc.i4.0
IL_010d: newarr "Object"
IL_0112: ldnull
IL_0113: ldnull
IL_0114: ldnull
IL_0115: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean()) As Object"
IL_011a: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToBoolean(Object) As Boolean"
IL_011f: brfalse.s IL_0123
IL_0121: br.s IL_018c
IL_0123: ldarg.0
IL_0124: ldc.i4.1
IL_0125: dup
IL_0126: stloc.0
IL_0127: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
<IL_012c: ldarg.0
IL_012d: ldloc.s V_5
IL_012f: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_0134: ldloc.s V_5
IL_0136: isinst "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion"
IL_013b: stloc.s V_6
IL_013d: ldloc.s V_6
IL_013f: brfalse.s IL_0156
IL_0141: ldarg.0
IL_0142: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0147: ldloca.s V_6
IL_0149: ldarg.0
IL_014a: stloc.s V_4
IL_014c: ldloca.s V_4
IL_014e: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion, ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)"
IL_0153: nop
IL_0154: br.s IL_0172
IL_0156: ldloc.s V_5
IL_0158: castclass "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion"
IL_015d: stloc.s V_7
IL_015f: ldarg.0
IL_0160: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0165: ldloca.s V_7
IL_0167: ldarg.0
IL_0168: stloc.s V_4
IL_016a: ldloca.s V_4
IL_016c: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion, Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion, ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)"
IL_0171: nop
IL_0172: leave.s IL_01e4
>IL_0174: ldarg.0
IL_0175: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0176: dup
IL_0177: stloc.0
IL_0178: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_017d: ldarg.0
IL_017e: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_0183: stloc.s V_5
IL_0185: ldarg.0
IL_0186: ldnull
IL_0187: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As Object"
IL_018c: ldloc.s V_5
IL_018e: ldnull
IL_018f: ldstr "GetResult"
IL_0194: ldc.i4.0
IL_0195: newarr "Object"
IL_019a: ldnull
IL_019b: ldnull
IL_019c: ldnull
IL_019d: ldc.i4.1
IL_019e: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateCall(Object, System.Type, String, Object(), String(), System.Type(), Boolean(), Boolean) As Object"
IL_01a3: pop
IL_01a4: ldnull
IL_01a5: stloc.s V_5
-IL_01a7: leave.s IL_01ce
catch System.Exception
~$IL_01a9: dup
IL_01aa: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_01af: stloc.s V_8
~IL_01b1: ldarg.0
IL_01b2: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_01b4: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_01b9: ldarg.0
IL_01ba: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_01bf: ldloc.s V_8
IL_01c1: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_01c6: nop
IL_01c7: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_01cc: leave.s IL_01e4
-IL_01ce: ldarg.0
IL_01cf: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_01d1: dup
IL_01d2: stloc.0
IL_01d3: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
~IL_01d8: ldarg.0
IL_01d9: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_01de: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_01e3: nop
IL_01e4: ret
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(1002672, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1002672")>
Public Sub Simple_LateBinding_2()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Class MyTask(Of T)
Function GetAwaiter() As MyTaskAwaiter(Of T)
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Structure MyTaskAwaiter(Of T)
Implements INotifyCompletion
Friend m_Task As MyTask(Of T)
ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Get
End Property
Sub OnCompleted(r As Action) Implements INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Function GetResult() As Object
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
End Structure
Module Program
Async Sub Test2()
Dim o As New MyTask(Of Integer)
Dim x As Integer = Await o
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, useLatestFramework:=True)
// Code size 223 (0xdf)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2 V_2,
Object V_3,
System.Exception V_4)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_000c
IL_000a: br.s IL_000e
IL_000c: br.s IL_0056
IL_000e: nop
IL_000f: ldarg.0
IL_0010: newobj "Sub MyTask(Of Integer)..ctor()"
IL_0015: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_o$0 As MyTask(Of Integer)"
IL_001a: ldarg.0
IL_001b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_o$0 As MyTask(Of Integer)"
IL_0020: callvirt "Function MyTask(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0025: stloc.1
IL_0026: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0028: call "Function MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_0074
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldc.i4.0
IL_0031: dup
IL_0032: stloc.0
IL_0033: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_0038: ldarg.0
IL_0039: ldloc.1
IL_003a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_0045: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0047: ldarg.0
IL_0048: stloc.2
IL_0049: ldloca.s V_2
IL_004b: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(Of MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)(ByRef MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2)"
IL_0050: nop
IL_0051: leave IL_00de
IL_0056: ldarg.0
IL_0057: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0058: dup
IL_0059: stloc.0
IL_005a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0065: stloc.1
IL_0066: ldarg.0
IL_0067: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$A0 As MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_006c: initobj "MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0072: br.s IL_0074
IL_0074: ldarg.0
IL_0075: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0077: call "Function MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Object"
IL_007c: stloc.3
IL_007d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007f: initobj "MyTaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0085: ldloc.3
IL_0086: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(Object) As Object"
IL_008b: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(Object) As Integer"
IL_0090: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_x$1 As Integer"
IL_0095: ldarg.0
IL_0096: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$VB$ResumableLocal_x$1 As Integer"
IL_009b: call "Sub System.Console.WriteLine(Integer)"
IL_00a0: nop
IL_00a1: leave.s IL_00c8
catch System.Exception
IL_00a3: dup
IL_00a4: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00a9: stloc.s V_4
IL_00ab: ldarg.0
IL_00ac: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ae: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_00b3: ldarg.0
IL_00b4: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_00b9: ldloc.s V_4
IL_00bb: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00c0: nop
IL_00c1: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00c6: leave.s IL_00de
IL_00c8: ldarg.0
IL_00c9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00cb: dup
IL_00cc: stloc.0
IL_00cd: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$State As Integer"
IL_00d2: ldarg.0
IL_00d3: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Test2.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder"
IL_00d8: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00dd: nop
IL_00de: ret
End Sub
Public Sub Simple_Generics()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Call (New BASE(Of Object).CLAZZ(Of String)()).F(Of Integer)(1).Wait(60000)
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class BASE(Of T)
Public Class CLAZZ(Of U As T)
Public FX As T
Public Async Function F(Of V As Structure)(p As V) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As U = Nothing
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim a = Async Function()
Dim result As String = outer.ToString & Me.FX.ToString
Dim x = Await f2()
Return result & p.ToString
End Function
Console.Write("1 ")
Return Await a()
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
End Function
End Class
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True)
c.VerifyIL("BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).MoveNext",
// Code size 242 (0xf2)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0086
IL_000a: newobj "Sub BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of SM$V)..ctor()"
IL_000f: dup
IL_0010: ldarg.0
IL_0011: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$VB$Me As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)"
IL_0016: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of SM$V).$VB$Me As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)"
IL_001b: dup
IL_001c: ldarg.0
IL_001d: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$VB$Local_p As SM$V"
IL_0022: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of SM$V).$VB$Local_p As SM$V"
IL_0027: dup
IL_0028: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of SM$V).$VB$Local_outer As U"
IL_002d: initobj "U"
IL_0033: ldstr "0 "
IL_0038: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_003d: ldftn "Function BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of SM$V)._Lambda$__0() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String)"
IL_0043: newobj "Sub VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String))..ctor(Object, System.IntPtr)"
IL_0048: ldstr "1 "
IL_004d: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_0052: callvirt "Function VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String)).Invoke() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String)"
IL_0057: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of String).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_005c: stloc.2
IL_005d: ldloca.s V_2
IL_005f: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0064: brtrue.s IL_00a2
IL_0066: ldarg.0
IL_0067: ldc.i4.0
IL_0068: dup
IL_0069: stloc.1
IL_006a: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$State As Integer"
IL_006f: ldarg.0
IL_0070: ldloc.2
IL_0071: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_0076: ldarg.0
IL_0077: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_007c: ldloca.s V_2
IL_007e: ldarg.0
IL_007f: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String), BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V))(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String), ByRef BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V))"
IL_0084: leave.s IL_00f1
IL_0086: ldarg.0
IL_0087: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0088: dup
IL_0089: stloc.1
IL_008a: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$State As Integer"
IL_008f: ldarg.0
IL_0090: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_0095: stloc.2
IL_0096: ldarg.0
IL_0097: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_009c: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_00a2: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00a4: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String).GetResult() As String"
IL_00a9: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00ab: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of String)"
IL_00b1: call "Function Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(String) As Integer"
IL_00b6: stloc.0
IL_00b7: leave.s IL_00db
catch System.Exception
IL_00b9: dup
IL_00ba: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00bf: stloc.3
IL_00c0: ldarg.0
IL_00c1: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c3: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$State As Integer"
IL_00c8: ldarg.0
IL_00c9: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00ce: ldloc.3
IL_00cf: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00d4: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00d9: leave.s IL_00f1
IL_00db: ldarg.0
IL_00dc: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00de: dup
IL_00df: stloc.1
IL_00e0: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$State As Integer"
IL_00e5: ldarg.0
IL_00e6: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).VB$StateMachine_2_F(Of SM$V).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00eb: ldloc.0
IL_00ec: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_00f1: ret
c.VerifyIL("BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.MoveNext", <![CDATA[
// Code size 273 (0x111)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (String V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0088
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0)"
IL_0011: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).$VB$Local_outer As U"
IL_0016: constrained. "U"
IL_001c: callvirt "Function Object.ToString() As String"
IL_0021: ldarg.0
IL_0022: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0)"
IL_0027: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).$VB$Me As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)"
IL_002c: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).FX As T"
IL_0031: constrained. "T"
IL_0037: callvirt "Function Object.ToString() As String"
IL_003c: call "Function String.Concat(String, String) As String"
IL_0041: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As String"
IL_0046: ldarg.0
IL_0047: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0)"
IL_004c: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).$VB$Me As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)"
IL_0051: call "Function BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U).f2() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0056: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005b: stloc.2
IL_005c: ldloca.s V_2
IL_005e: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0063: brtrue.s IL_00a4
IL_0065: ldarg.0
IL_0066: ldc.i4.0
IL_0067: dup
IL_0068: stloc.1
IL_0069: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_006e: ldarg.0
IL_006f: ldloc.2
IL_0070: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0075: ldarg.0
IL_0076: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String)"
IL_007b: ldloca.s V_2
IL_007d: ldarg.0
IL_007e: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0)"
IL_0083: leave IL_0110
IL_0088: ldarg.0
IL_0089: ldc.i4.m1
IL_008a: dup
IL_008b: stloc.1
IL_008c: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0091: ldarg.0
IL_0092: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0097: stloc.2
IL_0098: ldarg.0
IL_0099: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009e: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00a4: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00a6: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_00ab: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00ad: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00b3: pop
IL_00b4: ldarg.0
IL_00b5: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$ResumableLocal_result$0 As String"
IL_00ba: ldarg.0
IL_00bb: ldfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$VB$NonLocal__Closure$__2-0 As BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0)"
IL_00c0: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).$VB$Local_p As $CLS0"
IL_00c5: constrained. "$CLS0"
IL_00cb: callvirt "Function System.ValueType.ToString() As String"
IL_00d0: call "Function String.Concat(String, String) As String"
IL_00d5: stloc.0
IL_00d6: leave.s IL_00fa
catch System.Exception
IL_00d8: dup
IL_00d9: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00de: stloc.3
IL_00df: ldarg.0
IL_00e0: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00e2: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_00e7: ldarg.0
IL_00e8: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String)"
IL_00ed: ldloc.3
IL_00ee: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00f3: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00f8: leave.s IL_0110
IL_00fa: ldarg.0
IL_00fb: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00fd: dup
IL_00fe: stloc.1
IL_00ff: stfld "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$State As Integer"
IL_0104: ldarg.0
IL_0105: ldflda "BASE(Of T).CLAZZ(Of U)._Closure$__2-0(Of $CLS0).VB$StateMachine___Lambda$__0.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String)"
IL_010a: ldloc.0
IL_010b: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of String).SetResult(String)"
IL_0110: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(553894, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/553894")>
Public Sub Simple_TaskOfT_EmitMetadataOnly()
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("X1 ")
Call (New CLAZZ()).F()
Console.Write("X2 ")
End Sub
End Module
Public FX As Integer
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim outer As Integer = 123
Console.Write("0 ")
Return Await f2()
Console.Write("1 ")
End Function
Async Function f2() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("3 ")
Return 123
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, references:=LatestVbReferences).VerifyDiagnostics()
Using stream As New MemoryStream()
Dim emitResult = compilation.Emit(stream, options:=New EmitOptions(metadataOnly:=True))
' This should not crash
End Using
End Sub
Public Sub SpilledArrayAccessAndFieldAccess()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim s(1, 1) As S
s(0, 0).I = 1
s(0, 1).I = 0
s(1, 1).I = 10
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(s(s(0, 0).I, s(0, 1).I + 1).I, Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 1
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Return x + y
End Function
Public Structure S
Public I As Integer
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 11 1")
// Code size 345 (0x159)
.maxstack 4
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
Form1.S(,) V_2, //s
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_3,
System.Exception V_4)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse IL_00c8
IL_000d: ldc.i4.2
IL_000e: ldc.i4.2
IL_000f: newobj "Form1.S(*,*)..ctor"
IL_0014: stloc.2
IL_0015: ldloc.2
IL_0016: ldc.i4.0
IL_0017: ldc.i4.0
IL_0018: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_001d: ldc.i4.1
IL_001e: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0023: ldloc.2
IL_0024: ldc.i4.0
IL_0025: ldc.i4.1
IL_0026: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_002b: ldc.i4.0
IL_002c: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0031: ldloc.2
IL_0032: ldc.i4.1
IL_0033: ldc.i4.1
IL_0034: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_0039: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_003b: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0040: ldstr "2 "
IL_0045: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_004a: ldarg.0
IL_004b: ldloc.2
IL_004c: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U1 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0051: ldarg.0
IL_0052: ldloc.2
IL_0053: ldc.i4.0
IL_0054: ldc.i4.0
IL_0055: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_005a: ldfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_005f: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U2 As Integer"
IL_0064: ldarg.0
IL_0065: ldloc.2
IL_0066: ldc.i4.0
IL_0067: ldc.i4.1
IL_0068: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_006d: ldfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0072: ldc.i4.1
IL_0073: add.ovf
IL_0074: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U3 As Integer"
IL_0079: ldarg.0
IL_007a: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U1 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_007f: ldarg.0
IL_0080: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U2 As Integer"
IL_0085: ldarg.0
IL_0086: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U3 As Integer"
IL_008b: call "Form1.S(*,*).Get"
IL_0090: pop
IL_0091: call "Function Form1.F() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0096: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009b: stloc.3
IL_009c: ldloca.s V_3
IL_009e: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_00a3: brtrue.s IL_00e4
IL_00a5: ldarg.0
IL_00a6: ldc.i4.0
IL_00a7: dup
IL_00a8: stloc.1
IL_00a9: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00ae: ldarg.0
IL_00af: ldloc.3
IL_00b0: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00b5: ldarg.0
IL_00b6: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00bb: ldloca.s V_3
IL_00bd: ldarg.0
IL_00be: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test)"
IL_00c3: leave IL_0158
IL_00c8: ldarg.0
IL_00c9: ldc.i4.m1
IL_00ca: dup
IL_00cb: stloc.1
IL_00cc: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00d1: ldarg.0
IL_00d2: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00d7: stloc.3
IL_00d8: ldarg.0
IL_00d9: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00de: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00e4: ldarg.0
IL_00e5: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U1 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_00ea: ldarg.0
IL_00eb: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U2 As Integer"
IL_00f0: ldarg.0
IL_00f1: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U3 As Integer"
IL_00f6: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_00fb: ldflda "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0100: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0102: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0107: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0109: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_010f: call "Function Form1.M(ByRef Integer, Integer) As Integer"
IL_0114: stloc.0
IL_0115: ldarg.0
IL_0116: ldnull
IL_0117: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$U1 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_011c: leave.s IL_0142
catch System.Exception
IL_011e: dup
IL_011f: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0124: stloc.s V_4
IL_0126: ldarg.0
IL_0127: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0129: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_012e: ldarg.0
IL_012f: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0134: ldloc.s V_4
IL_0136: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_013b: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0140: leave.s IL_0158
IL_0142: ldarg.0
IL_0143: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0145: dup
IL_0146: stloc.1
IL_0147: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_014c: ldarg.0
IL_014d: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0152: ldloc.0
IL_0153: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_0158: ret
End Sub
Public Sub HoistedArrayAccessAndFieldAccess()
Dim c = CompileAndVerify(
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim s(1, 1) As S
s(0, 0).I = 1
s(0, 1).I = 0
s(1, 1).I = 10
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(s(s(0, 0).I, s(0, 1).I + 1).I, Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 1
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Return x + y
End Function
Public Structure S
Public I As Integer
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 11 1")
c.VerifyIL("Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.MoveNext", <![CDATA[
// Code size 388 (0x184)
.maxstack 5
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse IL_00ea
IL_000d: ldarg.0
IL_000e: ldc.i4.2
IL_000f: ldc.i4.2
IL_0010: newobj "Form1.S(*,*)..ctor"
IL_0015: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_001a: ldarg.0
IL_001b: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0020: ldc.i4.0
IL_0021: ldc.i4.0
IL_0022: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_0027: ldc.i4.1
IL_0028: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_002d: ldarg.0
IL_002e: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0033: ldc.i4.0
IL_0034: ldc.i4.1
IL_0035: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_003a: ldc.i4.0
IL_003b: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0040: ldarg.0
IL_0041: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0046: ldc.i4.1
IL_0047: ldc.i4.1
IL_0048: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_004d: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_004f: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0054: ldstr "2 "
IL_0059: call "Sub System.Console.Write(String)"
IL_005e: ldarg.0
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldarg.0
IL_0061: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0066: ldc.i4.0
IL_0067: ldc.i4.0
IL_0068: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_006d: ldfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0072: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V1 As Integer"
IL_0077: ldarg.0
IL_0078: ldarg.0
IL_0079: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_007e: ldc.i4.0
IL_007f: ldc.i4.1
IL_0080: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_0085: ldfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_008a: ldc.i4.1
IL_008b: add.ovf
IL_008c: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V2 As Integer"
IL_0091: ldarg.0
IL_0092: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0097: ldarg.0
IL_0098: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V1 As Integer"
IL_009d: ldarg.0
IL_009e: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V2 As Integer"
IL_00a3: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_00a8: ldfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_00ad: conv.r8
IL_00ae: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$S1 As Double"
IL_00b3: call "Function Form1.F() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_00b8: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00bd: stloc.2
IL_00be: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00c0: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_00c5: brtrue.s IL_0106
IL_00c7: ldarg.0
IL_00c8: ldc.i4.0
IL_00c9: dup
IL_00ca: stloc.1
IL_00cb: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00d0: ldarg.0
IL_00d1: ldloc.2
IL_00d2: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00d7: ldarg.0
IL_00d8: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_00dd: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00df: ldarg.0
IL_00e0: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test)"
IL_00e5: leave IL_0183
IL_00ea: ldarg.0
IL_00eb: ldc.i4.m1
IL_00ec: dup
IL_00ed: stloc.1
IL_00ee: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00f3: ldarg.0
IL_00f4: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00f9: stloc.2
IL_00fa: ldarg.0
IL_00fb: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0100: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0106: ldarg.0
IL_0107: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$S1 As Double"
IL_010c: ldloca.s V_2
IL_010e: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0113: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0115: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_011b: call "Function Form1.M(ByRef Double, Integer) As Integer"
IL_0120: ldarg.0
IL_0121: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$VB$ResumableLocal_s$0 As Form1.S(,)"
IL_0126: ldarg.0
IL_0127: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V1 As Integer"
IL_012c: ldarg.0
IL_012d: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$V2 As Integer"
IL_0132: call "Form1.S(*,*).Address"
IL_0137: ldarg.0
IL_0138: ldfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$S1 As Double"
IL_013d: call "Function System.Math.Round(Double) As Double"
IL_0142: conv.ovf.i4
IL_0143: stfld "Form1.S.I As Integer"
IL_0148: stloc.0
IL_0149: leave.s IL_016d
catch System.Exception
IL_014b: dup
IL_014c: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0151: stloc.3
IL_0152: ldarg.0
IL_0153: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0155: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_015a: ldarg.0
IL_015b: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_0160: ldloc.3
IL_0161: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_0166: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_016b: leave.s IL_0183
IL_016d: ldarg.0
IL_016e: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0170: dup
IL_0171: stloc.1
IL_0172: stfld "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0177: ldarg.0
IL_0178: ldflda "Form1.VB$StateMachine_1_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer)"
IL_017d: ldloc.0
IL_017e: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer).SetResult(Integer)"
IL_0183: ret
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingArrayElement_01(asRValue As Boolean)
Dim leftParen As String = ""
Dim rightParen As String = ""
If asRValue Then
leftParen = "("
rightParen = ")"
End If
Dim comp =
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Item
Public Property Name As String
Public Sub GetName(x As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("GetName: '{0}'", Me.Name.ToString())
End Sub
End Structure
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim item3 = {New Item With {.Name = "3"}}
End Sub
Private Shared Async Function Call3(item As Item()) As Task
call <%= leftParen %>item(0)<%= rightParen %>.GetName(await GetOffsetAsync(0))
End Function
Shared Async Function GetOffsetAsync(i As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return i
End Function
End Class
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 213 (0xd5)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0058
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$Local_item As Item()"
IL_0011: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_001c: ldc.i4.0
IL_001d: ldelema "Item"
IL_0022: pop
IL_0023: ldc.i4.0
IL_0024: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync(Integer) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0029: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_002e: stloc.1
IL_002f: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0031: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0036: brtrue.s IL_0074
IL_0038: ldarg.0
IL_0039: ldc.i4.0
IL_003a: dup
IL_003b: stloc.0
IL_003c: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0041: ldarg.0
IL_0042: ldloc.1
IL_0043: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0048: ldarg.0
IL_0049: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_004e: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0050: ldarg.0
IL_0051: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)"
IL_0056: leave.s IL_00d4
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldc.i4.m1
IL_005a: dup
IL_005b: stloc.0
IL_005c: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0067: stloc.1
IL_0068: ldarg.0
IL_0069: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_006e: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0074: ldarg.0
IL_0075: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_007a: ldc.i4.0
IL_007b: ldelema "Item"
IL_0080: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0082: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0087: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0089: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008f: call "Sub Item.GetName(Integer)"
IL_0094: ldarg.0
IL_0095: ldnull
IL_0096: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_009b: leave.s IL_00bf
catch System.Exception
IL_009d: dup
IL_009e: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00a3: stloc.2
IL_00a4: ldarg.0
IL_00a5: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00a7: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00ac: ldarg.0
IL_00ad: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00b2: ldloc.2
IL_00b3: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00b8: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00bd: leave.s IL_00d4
IL_00bf: ldarg.0
IL_00c0: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c2: dup
IL_00c3: stloc.0
IL_00c4: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00c9: ldarg.0
IL_00ca: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00cf: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00d4: ret
CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingArrayElement_02(asRValue As Boolean)
Dim leftParen As String = ""
Dim rightParen As String = ""
If asRValue Then
leftParen = "("
rightParen = ")"
End If
Dim comp =
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Item
Public Property Name As String
Public Sub GetName(x As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("GetName: '{0}'", Me.Name.ToString())
End Sub
End Structure
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim item3 = {New Item With {.Name = "3"}}
End Sub
Private Shared Async Function Call3(item As Item()) As Task
With <%= leftParen %>item(0)<%= rightParen %>
call.GetName(await GetOffsetAsync(0))
End With
End Function
Shared Async Function GetOffsetAsync(i As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return i
End Function
End Class
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 205 (0xcd)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0051
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$Local_item As Item()"
IL_0011: ldc.i4.0
IL_0012: ldelem "Item"
IL_0017: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$W0 As Item"
IL_001c: ldc.i4.0
IL_001d: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync(Integer) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0022: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0027: stloc.1
IL_0028: ldloca.s V_1
IL_002a: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_002f: brtrue.s IL_006d
IL_0031: ldarg.0
IL_0032: ldc.i4.0
IL_0033: dup
IL_0034: stloc.0
IL_0035: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_003a: ldarg.0
IL_003b: ldloc.1
IL_003c: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0041: ldarg.0
IL_0042: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0047: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0049: ldarg.0
IL_004a: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)"
IL_004f: leave.s IL_00cc
IL_0051: ldarg.0
IL_0052: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0053: dup
IL_0054: stloc.0
IL_0055: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_005a: ldarg.0
IL_005b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0060: stloc.1
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0067: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_006d: ldarg.0
IL_006e: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$W0 As Item"
IL_0073: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0075: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_007a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007c: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0082: call "Sub Item.GetName(Integer)"
IL_0087: ldarg.0
IL_0088: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$W0 As Item"
IL_008d: initobj "Item"
IL_0093: leave.s IL_00b7
catch System.Exception
IL_0095: dup
IL_0096: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_009b: stloc.2
IL_009c: ldarg.0
IL_009d: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009f: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00a4: ldarg.0
IL_00a5: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00aa: ldloc.2
IL_00ab: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00b0: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00b5: leave.s IL_00cc
IL_00b7: ldarg.0
IL_00b8: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ba: dup
IL_00bb: stloc.0
IL_00bc: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00c1: ldarg.0
IL_00c2: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00c7: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00cc: ret
// Code size 217 (0xd9)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Item() V_1, //$W0
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_005a
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$Local_item As Item()"
IL_0010: stloc.1
IL_0011: ldarg.0
IL_0012: ldloc.1
IL_0013: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_0018: ldarg.0
IL_0019: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_001e: ldc.i4.0
IL_001f: ldelema "Item"
IL_0024: pop
IL_0025: ldc.i4.0
IL_0026: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync(Integer) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_002b: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0030: stloc.2
IL_0031: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0033: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0038: brtrue.s IL_0076
IL_003a: ldarg.0
IL_003b: ldc.i4.0
IL_003c: dup
IL_003d: stloc.0
IL_003e: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: ldloc.2
IL_0045: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_004a: ldarg.0
IL_004b: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0050: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0052: ldarg.0
IL_0053: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)"
IL_0058: leave.s IL_00d8
IL_005a: ldarg.0
IL_005b: ldc.i4.m1
IL_005c: dup
IL_005d: stloc.0
IL_005e: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0063: ldarg.0
IL_0064: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0069: stloc.2
IL_006a: ldarg.0
IL_006b: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0070: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0076: ldarg.0
IL_0077: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_007c: ldc.i4.0
IL_007d: ldelema "Item"
IL_0082: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0084: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0089: ldloca.s V_2
IL_008b: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0091: call "Sub Item.GetName(Integer)"
IL_0096: ldarg.0
IL_0097: ldnull
IL_0098: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item()"
IL_009d: ldnull
IL_009e: stloc.1
IL_009f: leave.s IL_00c3
catch System.Exception
IL_00a1: dup
IL_00a2: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00a7: stloc.3
IL_00a8: ldarg.0
IL_00a9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ab: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00b0: ldarg.0
IL_00b1: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00b6: ldloc.3
IL_00b7: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00bc: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00c1: leave.s IL_00d8
IL_00c3: ldarg.0
IL_00c4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c6: dup
IL_00c7: stloc.0
IL_00c8: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00cd: ldarg.0
IL_00ce: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00d3: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00d8: ret
CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingLocalUsedAsReceiver_01(asRValue As Boolean)
Dim leftParen As String = ""
Dim rightParen As String = ""
If asRValue Then
leftParen = "("
rightParen = ")"
End If
Dim comp =
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Item
Public Property Name As String
Public Sub GetName(x As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("GetName: '{0}'", Me.Name.ToString())
End Sub
End Structure
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim item3 = New Item With {.Name = "3"}
End Sub
Private Shared Async Function Call3(item As Item) As Task
Dim x = item
call <%= leftParen %>x<%= rightParen %>.GetName(await GetOffsetAsync(0))
End Function
Shared Async Function GetOffsetAsync(i As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return i
End Function
End Class
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 187 (0xbb)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004b
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$Local_item As Item"
IL_0011: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$ResumableLocal_x$0 As Item"
IL_0016: ldc.i4.0
IL_0017: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync(Integer) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_001c: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0021: stloc.1
IL_0022: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0024: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0029: brtrue.s IL_0067
IL_002b: ldarg.0
IL_002c: ldc.i4.0
IL_002d: dup
IL_002e: stloc.0
IL_002f: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldloc.1
IL_0036: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0041: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)"
IL_0049: leave.s IL_00ba
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldc.i4.m1
IL_004d: dup
IL_004e: stloc.0
IL_004f: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005a: stloc.1
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0061: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0067: ldarg.0
IL_0068: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$ResumableLocal_x$0 As Item"
IL_006d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_006f: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0074: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0076: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007c: call "Sub Item.GetName(Integer)"
IL_0081: leave.s IL_00a5
catch System.Exception
IL_0083: dup
IL_0084: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0089: stloc.2
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_008d: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0092: ldarg.0
IL_0093: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0098: ldloc.2
IL_0099: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_009e: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00a3: leave.s IL_00ba
IL_00a5: ldarg.0
IL_00a6: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00a8: dup
IL_00a9: stloc.0
IL_00aa: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00af: ldarg.0
IL_00b0: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00b5: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00ba: ret
CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingLocalUsedAsArgument_01(asRValue As Boolean)
Dim leftParen As String = ""
Dim rightParen As String = ""
If asRValue Then
leftParen = "("
rightParen = ")"
End If
Dim comp =
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Item
Public Property Name As String
End Structure
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim item3 = New Item With {.Name = "3"}
End Sub
Private Shared Async Function Call3(item As Item) As Task
Dim x = item
GetName(<%= leftParen %>x<%= rightParen %>, await GetOffsetAsync(0))
End Function
Shared Sub GetName(item As Item, x As Integer)
Console.WriteLine("GetName: '{0}'", item.Name.ToString())
End Sub
Shared Async Function GetOffsetAsync(i As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return i
End Function
End Class
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 201 (0xc9)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Item V_1, //x
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004d
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$VB$Local_item As Item"
IL_0010: stloc.1
IL_0011: ldarg.0
IL_0012: ldloc.1
IL_0013: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item"
IL_0018: ldc.i4.0
IL_0019: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync(Integer) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_001e: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0023: stloc.2
IL_0024: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0026: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_002b: brtrue.s IL_0069
IL_002d: ldarg.0
IL_002e: ldc.i4.0
IL_002f: dup
IL_0030: stloc.0
IL_0031: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: ldloc.2
IL_0038: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_003d: ldarg.0
IL_003e: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_0043: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0045: ldarg.0
IL_0046: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3)"
IL_004b: leave.s IL_00c8
IL_004d: ldarg.0
IL_004e: ldc.i4.m1
IL_004f: dup
IL_0050: stloc.0
IL_0051: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_0056: ldarg.0
IL_0057: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_005c: stloc.2
IL_005d: ldarg.0
IL_005e: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0063: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item"
IL_006f: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0071: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0076: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0078: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_007e: call "Sub Program.GetName(Item, Integer)"
IL_0083: ldarg.0
IL_0084: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$U1 As Item"
IL_0089: initobj "Item"
IL_008f: leave.s IL_00b3
catch System.Exception
IL_0091: dup
IL_0092: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0097: stloc.3
IL_0098: ldarg.0
IL_0099: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009b: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00a0: ldarg.0
IL_00a1: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00a6: ldloc.3
IL_00a7: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00ac: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00b1: leave.s IL_00c8
IL_00b3: ldarg.0
IL_00b4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b6: dup
IL_00b7: stloc.0
IL_00b8: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$State As Integer"
IL_00bd: ldarg.0
IL_00be: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call3.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00c3: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00c8: ret
CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="GetName: '3'").VerifyDiagnostics()
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingMeOfStructureAsLValue()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Form1
Shared Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim f As New Form1()
f.FLD = 1
Console.Write((f.Test().Result + f.FLD).ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Public FLD As Integer
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Dim result = M(Me, Await F()) + Me.FLD
Me.FLD = 100
Return result
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 1000
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Form1, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Dim result = x.FLD + y
x.FLD = 10
Return result
End Function
End Structure
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 1003 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingMeOfClassAsRValue()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Form1
Shared Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Dim f As New Form1()
f.FLD = 1
Console.Write((f.Test().Result + f.FLD).ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Public FLD As Integer
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Dim result = M(Me, Await F()) + Me.FLD
Me.FLD = 100
Return result
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 1000
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Form1, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Dim result = x.FLD + y
x.FLD = 10
Return result
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 1111 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CapturingGenericField()
Dim comp =
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Item(Of T)
Public Property Position(x As Integer) As Integer
Return 0
End Get
End Set
End Property
End Structure
Class Item2(Of T)
Public Item As Item(Of T)
End Class
Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim item1 = New Item2(Of Object)()
End Sub
Private Shared Async Function Call1(Of T)(item As Item2(Of T)) As Task
item.Item.Position(await GetOffsetAsync()) += 1
End Function
Shared Async Function GetOffsetAsync() As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return 0
End Function
End Class </file>
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerifyEx(comp, targetFramework:=TargetFramework.StandardAndVBRuntime, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="Done").VerifyDiagnostics()
verifier.VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).MoveNext()",
// Code size 234 (0xea)
.maxstack 4
.locals init (Integer V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0059
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$VB$Local_item As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_0011: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$U1 As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$U1 As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_001c: ldfld "Item2(Of SM$T).Item As Item(Of SM$T)"
IL_0021: pop
IL_0022: call "Function Program.GetOffsetAsync() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0027: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_002c: stloc.2
IL_002d: ldloca.s V_2
IL_002f: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0034: brtrue.s IL_0075
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: ldc.i4.0
IL_0038: dup
IL_0039: stloc.0
IL_003a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$State As Integer"
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldloc.2
IL_0041: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0046: ldarg.0
IL_0047: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_004c: ldloca.s V_2
IL_004e: ldarg.0
IL_004f: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T))(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T))"
IL_0054: leave IL_00e9
IL_0059: ldarg.0
IL_005a: ldc.i4.m1
IL_005b: dup
IL_005c: stloc.0
IL_005d: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$State As Integer"
IL_0062: ldarg.0
IL_0063: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0068: stloc.2
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_006f: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0075: ldarg.0
IL_0076: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$U1 As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_007b: ldflda "Item2(Of SM$T).Item As Item(Of SM$T)"
IL_0080: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0082: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_0087: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0089: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008f: dup
IL_0090: stloc.1
IL_0091: ldarg.0
IL_0092: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$VB$Local_item As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_0097: ldflda "Item2(Of SM$T).Item As Item(Of SM$T)"
IL_009c: ldloc.1
IL_009d: call "Function Item(Of SM$T).get_Position(Integer) As Integer"
IL_00a2: ldc.i4.1
IL_00a3: add.ovf
IL_00a4: call "Sub Item(Of SM$T).set_Position(Integer, Integer)"
IL_00a9: ldarg.0
IL_00aa: ldnull
IL_00ab: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$U1 As Item2(Of SM$T)"
IL_00b0: leave.s IL_00d4
catch System.Exception
IL_00b2: dup
IL_00b3: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00b8: stloc.3
IL_00b9: ldarg.0
IL_00ba: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00bc: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$State As Integer"
IL_00c1: ldarg.0
IL_00c2: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00c7: ldloc.3
IL_00c8: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00cd: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00d2: leave.s IL_00e9
IL_00d4: ldarg.0
IL_00d5: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00d7: dup
IL_00d8: stloc.0
IL_00d9: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$State As Integer"
IL_00de: ldarg.0
IL_00df: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Call1(Of SM$T).$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder"
IL_00e4: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()"
IL_00e9: ret
End Sub
Public Sub MeMyClassMyBase()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Form0
Public FLD As Integer = 1
Public Overridable Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("0 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("1 ")
Return 1000
End Function
End Class
Class Form1
Inherits Form0
Shared Sub Main()
Console.Write("2 ")
Dim f As New Form1()
f.FLD = 10000
Console.Write((f.Test().Result + f.FLD).ToString + " ")
Console.Write("3 ")
End Sub
Public Shadows FLD As Integer
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("4 ")
Dim result = M(Me, Await MyClass.F()) + MyBase.FLD + M(Me, Await MyBase.F()) + MyClass.FLD
Me.FLD = 100
Return result
End Function
Public Overrides Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 100000
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Form1, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("7 ")
Dim result = x.FLD + y
x.FLD = 10
Return result
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="2 4 5 6 7 0 1 7 111121 3")
End Sub
Public Sub ArrayLengthAndInitialization()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Reflect((Await Reflect(Await F())).Length)
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer())
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
End Function
Public Async Function Reflect(Of T)(p As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return p
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 4 5 6 5 6 10 1")
End Sub
Public Sub UnaryOperator()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Reflect(-(Await Reflect(+Await F())))
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of S)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return New S() With {.F = 12345}
End Function
Public Async Function Reflect(Of T)(p As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return p
End Function
Structure S
Public F As Integer
Public Shared Operator +(s As S) As Integer
Return s.F
End Operator
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 4 5 6 5 6 -12345 1")
End Sub
Public Sub BinaryOperator()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Reflect(1 + (Await Reflect(Await F() + 10000)))
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of S)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return New S() With {.F = 100}
End Function
Public Async Function Reflect(Of T)(p As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return p
End Function
Structure S
Public F As Integer
Public Shared Operator +(s As S, i As Integer) As Integer
Return s.F + i
End Operator
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 4 5 6 5 6 10101 1")
End Sub
Public Sub BinarySortCircuitOperator()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function A(Of T)(b As T, s As String) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write(" ")
Return b
End Function
Async Function Test() As Task
Loop Until Await A(False, "1") OrElse Await A(True, "2") OrElse Await A(False, "3")
While Await A(True, "4") AndAlso Await A(False, "5") AndAlso Await A(True, "6")
End While
If If(Await A(False, "7"), Await A(False, "8"), Await A(True, "9")) Then
End If
Dim y = If(Await A(CType("", String), "10"), Await A("", "11"))
Dim x = If(Await A(CType(Nothing, String), "12"), Await A("", "13"))
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 4 5 7 9 10 12 13")
End Sub
Public Sub BinaryAndTernaryConditional()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Return Await Reflect(
If(Await F(), Await Reflect(10000)).ToString() +
If(Await F() IsNot Nothing, Await Reflect(1), Await Reflect(2)).ToString())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Object)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 100
End Function
Public Async Function Reflect(Of T)(p As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return p
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 1001 1")
End Sub
Public Sub TypeOfExpression()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test().Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Return (Await Reflect(TypeOf (Await Reflect(Await F())) Is String)).ToString
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Object)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return "STR"
End Function
Public Async Function Reflect(Of T)(p As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return p
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 4 5 6 5 6 True 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CaptureParameterSimple()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test(100).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test(p As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(p, Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 10
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Return x + y
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 110 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CaptureParameterInLValue()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test(New S() With {.I = 100}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test(p As S) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(p.I, Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 10
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Return x + y
End Function
Structure S
Public I As Integer
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 110 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CaptureByRefLocalWithParameterAndFieldAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(Test(New S() With {.I = 100}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function Test(p As S) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(p.I, Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("4 ")
Return 10
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("5 ")
Return x + y
End Function
Structure S
Public I As Integer
End Structure
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 3 4 5 110 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CaptureByRefLocalWithMeMyBaseMyClassAndArrayAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class BASE
Public FLD As Integer = 4
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 0
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("7 ")
Return x + y
End Function
End Class
Class Form1
Inherits BASE
Public Shadows FLD As Integer
Shared Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write((New Form1() With {.FLD = 1}).TestMe({770, 771, 772, 773, 774}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write((New Form1() With {.FLD = 2}).TestMyBase({770, 771, 772, 773, 774}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write((New Form1() With {.FLD = 3}).TestMyClass({770, 771, 772, 773, 774}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function TestMe(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Return M(p(Me.FLD), Await F())
End Function
Async Function TestMyBase(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Return M(p(MyBase.FLD), Await F())
End Function
Async Function TestMyClass(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("4 ")
Return M(p(MyClass.FLD), Await F())
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 5 6 7 771 3 5 6 7 774 4 5 6 7 773 1")
End Sub
Public Sub CaptureByRefLocalWithLocalConstAndRValue()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write(TestLocal({1111, 1, 10, 100, 1000}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write(TestRValue({1111, 1, 10, 100, 1000}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write(TestConst({1111, 1, 10, 100, 1000}).Result.ToString + " ")
Console.Write("1 ")
End Sub
Async Function TestLocal(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("2 ")
Dim loc As Integer = 1
Return M(p(loc), Await F())
End Function
Async Function TestRValue(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
Dim loc As Integer = 1
Return M(p(1 + loc), Await F())
End Function
Async Function TestConst(p As Integer()) As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("4 ")
Return M(p(3), Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 10000
End Function
Public Function M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("7 ")
Return x + y
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 2 5 6 7 10001 3 5 6 7 10010 4 5 6 7 10100 1")
End Sub
Public Sub Spilling_ExceptionInArrayAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write("1 ")
Console.Write("2 ")
Catch ex As AggregateException
Console.Write("EXC(" + ex.InnerExceptions(0).Message + ")")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Sub
Async Function Test(p As Integer) As Task
Console.Write("3 ")
Dim a(1) As Integer
M(a(p), Await F())
Console.Write("4 ")
Console.Write(a(p).ToString() + " ")
End Function
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 100
End Function
Public Sub M(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer)
Console.Write("7 ")
x += 10000
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 5 6 7 4 10000 1 3 EXC(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Spilling_ExceptionInFieldAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task
Dim b As Box(Of String) = Nothing
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("1 ")
M(b.field, g(), Await t())
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Function
Function g() As Integer
Console.Write("!!ERROR!! ")
Return 1
End Function
Sub M(ByRef s As String, i As Integer, j As Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
End Sub
Async Function t() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("!!ERROR!! ")
Await Task.Yield()
Return 1
End Function
Class Box(Of T)
Public field As T
End Class
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 EXC(Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Capture_ExceptionInArrayAccess()
Dim source = <compilation>
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("0 ")
Console.Write("1 ")
Console.Write("2 ")
Catch ex As AggregateException
Console.Write("EXC(" + ex.InnerExceptions(0).Message + ")")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Sub
Async Function Test(p As Integer) As Task
Console.Write("3 ")
Dim a(1) As Integer
M(a(p), Await F())
Console.Write("4 ")
Console.Write(a(p).ToString() + " ")
End Function
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 100
End Function
Public Sub M(ByRef x As Double, y As Integer)
Console.Write("7 ")
x += 10000
End Sub
End Module
CompileAndVerify(source, useLatestFramework:=True, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe, expectedOutput:="0 3 5 6 7 4 10000 1 3 EXC(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)")
CompileAndVerify(source, useLatestFramework:=True, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe, expectedOutput:="0 3 5 6 7 4 10000 1 3 EXC(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Capture_ExceptionInFieldAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task
Dim b As Box(Of String) = Nothing
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("1 ")
M(b.field, g(), Await t())
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Function
Function g() As Integer
Console.Write("!!ERROR!! ")
Return 1
End Function
Sub M(ByRef s As Double, i As Integer, j As Integer)
Console.Write("3 ")
End Sub
Async Function t() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("!!ERROR!! ")
Await Task.Yield()
Return 1
End Function
Class Box(Of T)
Public field As T
End Class
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 EXC(Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Spilling_ExceptionInArrayAccess2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("0 ")
Test({10, 20}, 1, 0).Wait(60000)
Console.Write("1 ")
Test({10, 20}, 2, 1).Wait(60000)
Console.Write("2 ")
Catch ex As AggregateException
Console.Write("EXC(" + ex.InnerExceptions(0).Message + ")")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Sub
Async Function Test(a() As Integer, p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer) As Task
Console.Write("3 ")
M(a(INDX(p1)), a(INDX(p2)), Await F())
Console.Write("4 ")
End Function
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 100
End Function
Public Sub M(ByRef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer, z As Integer)
Console.Write("7 ")
x += 10000
y += 100
Console.Write(x.ToString() + " ")
Console.Write(y.ToString() + " ")
End Sub
Function INDX(i As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("8 ")
Return i
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 8 8 5 6 7 10020 110 4 1 3 8 EXC(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Capture_ExceptionInArrayAccess2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim saveUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
Console.Write("0 ")
Test({10, 20}, 1, 0).Wait(60000)
Console.Write("1 ")
Test({10, 20}, 2, 1).Wait(60000)
Console.Write("2 ")
Catch ex As AggregateException
Console.Write("EXC(" + ex.InnerExceptions(0).Message + ")")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture
End Try
End Sub
Async Function Test(a() As Integer, p1 As Integer, p2 As Integer) As Task
Console.Write("3 ")
M(a(INDX(p1)), a(INDX(p2)), Await F())
Console.Write("4 ")
End Function
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Console.Write("5 ")
Await Task.Yield
Console.Write("6 ")
Return 100
End Function
Public Sub M(ByRef x As Double, ByRef y As Double, z As Integer)
Console.Write("7 ")
x += 10000
y += 100
Console.Write(x.ToString() + " ")
Console.Write(y.ToString() + " ")
End Sub
Function INDX(i As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write("8 ")
Return i
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0 3 8 8 5 6 7 10020 110 4 1 3 8 EXC(Index was outside the bounds of the array.)")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_VoidReturningAsync()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Dim i As Integer = 0
Public Async Sub F(handle As AutoResetEvent)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
Form1.i += 1
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
Dim handle As New AutoResetEvent(False)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1")
End Sub
WorkItem(94940, "https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/defaultcollection/DevDiv/_workitems#_a=edit&id=94940"),
WorkItem(785170, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/785170")>
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithEH()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Dim awaitCount As Integer = 0
Dim finallyCount As Integer = 0
Sub LogAwait()
awaitCount += 1
End Sub
Sub LogException()
finallyCount += 1
End Sub
Public Async Sub F(handle As AutoResetEvent)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Throw New Exception()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Throw New Exception()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
Throw New Exception()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(AddressOf LogAwait)
End Sub
Public Sub Main2(i As Integer)
awaitCount = 0
finallyCount = 0
Dim handle As New AutoResetEvent(False)
Dim completed = handle.WaitOne(4000)
If completed Then
If Not (awaitCount = 7 And finallyCount = 3) Then
Throw New Exception("failed at " & i)
End If
Throw New Exception("did not complete in time: " & i)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
For i As Integer = 0 To 2000
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_TaskReturningAsync()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Dim i As Integer = 0
Public Async Sub F(handle As AutoResetEvent)
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
i = 42
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
Dim handle As New AutoResetEvent(False)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_GenericTaskReturningAsync()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of String)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
Return "O brave new world..."
End Function)
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="O brave new world...")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithLocals()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
Return x
End Function)
End Function
Public Async Function G(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c As Integer = 0
Await F(x)
c += x
Await F(x)
c += x
Return c
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithParam()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function G(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
x = 21 + Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function()
Return x
End Function)
Return 21 + Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AwaitInExpr()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21)
End Function
Public Async Function G() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c As Integer = 0
c = (Await f()) + 21
Return c
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithParamsAndLocals_Hoisted()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c As Integer = 0
c = (Await F(x)) + 21
Return c
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithParamsAndLocals_DoubleAwait_Spilling()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c As Integer = 0
c = (Await F(x)) + c
c = (Await F(x)) + c
Return c
End Function
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithDynamic()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F(x As Object) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await x
End Function
Public Sub Main()
Console.Write(Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 42).Result)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithThisRef()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class C
Public x As Integer = 42
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c = Me.x
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() c)
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine(New C().F().Result)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithBaseRef()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class B
Protected x As Integer = 42
End Class
Class C
Inherits B
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim c = MyBase.x
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() c)
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine(New C().F().Result)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithException1()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Throw New Exception()
End Function
Async Function G() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await F()
Catch ex As Exception
Return -1
End Try
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="-1")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncWithException2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Throw New Exception()
End Function
Async Function H() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await F()
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim t = H()
Catch ex As AggregateException
End Try
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="exception")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Conformance_Awaiting_Methods_Generic01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Class MyTask(Of T)
Public Function GetAwaiter() As MyTaskAwaiter(Of T)
Return New MyTaskAwaiter(Of T)()
End Function
Public Async Function Run(Of U As {MyTask(Of Integer), New})(uu As U) As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim rez = Await uu
If rez = 0 Then
Form1.Count += 1
End If
Result = Form1.Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyTaskAwaiter(Of T)
Implements INotifyCompletion
Public Sub OnCompleted(continuation As Action) Implements INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
End Sub
Public Function GetResult() As T
Return Nothing
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New MyTask(Of Integer)().Run(Of MyTask(Of Integer))(New MyTask(Of Integer)()).Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Conformance_Awaiting_Methods_Method01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Interface IExplicit
Function Method(Optional x As Integer = 4)
End Interface
Class C1
Implements IExplicit
Private Function Method(Optional x As Integer = 4) As Object Implements IExplicit.Method
Return Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
form1.Count += 1
End Function)
End Function
End Class
Class TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim c As New C1()
Dim e = DirectCast(c, IExplicit)
Await e.Method()
Result = Form1.Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call (New TestCase()).Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_DoFinallyBodies()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public finally_count As Integer = 0
Async Function F() As Task
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub()
End Sub)
finally_count += 1
End Try
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Conformance_Awaiting_Methods_Parameter003()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Shared Count = 0
Public Shared Function Goo(Of T)(tt As T) As T
Return tt
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Bar(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim x1 = Goo(Await Bar(4))
Dim t = Bar(5)
Dim x2 = Goo(Await t)
If x1 <> 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
If x2 <> 5 Then
Count += 1
End If
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Conformance_Awaiting_Methods_Method05()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class C
Public Status As Integer
End Class
Interface IImplicit
Function Method(Of T As Task(Of C))(ParamArray d() As Decimal) As T
End Interface
Class Impl
Implements IImplicit
Public Function Method(Of T As Task(Of C))(ParamArray d() As Decimal) As T Implements IImplicit.Method
Return Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
Return New C() With {.Status = 1}
End Function)
End Function
End Class
Class TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
Dim i As New Impl()
tests += 1
Await i.Method(Of Task(Of C))(3, 4)
Result = Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call (New TestCase()).Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Conformance_Awaiting_Methods_Accessible010()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase : Inherits Test
Public Shared Count = 0
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim x = Await Test.GetValue(Of Integer)(1)
If Not (x = 1) Then
Count += 1
End If
End Function
End Class
Class Test
Protected Shared Async Function GetValue(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_NestedUnary()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 1
End Function
Public Async Function G1() As Task(Of Integer)
Return -(Await F())
End Function
Public Async Function G2() As Task(Of Integer)
Return -(-(Await F()))
End Function
Public Async Function G3() As Task(Of Integer)
Return -(-(-(Await F())))
End Function
Public Sub WaitAndPrint(t As Task(Of Integer))
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="-1 1 -1")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillCall()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Sub Printer(ParamArray a() As Integer)
For Each x In a
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Public Function Get_(x As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write(" > " + x.ToString)
Return x
End Function
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G() As Task
Printer(Get_(111), Get_(222), Get_(333), Await F(Get_(444)), Get_(555))
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="> 111 > 222 > 333 > 444 > 555 111 222 333 444 555")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillCall2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Sub Printer(ParamArray a() As Integer)
For Each x In a
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Public Function Get_(x As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write(" > " + x.ToString)
Return x
End Function
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G() As Task
Printer(Get_(111), Await F(Get_(222)), Get_(333), Await F(Get_(444)), Get_(555))
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="> 111 > 222 > 333 > 444 > 555 111 222 333 444 555")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillCall3()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Sub Printer(ParamArray a() As Integer)
For Each x In a
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Public Function Get_(x As Integer) As Integer
Console.Write(" > " + x.ToString)
Return x
End Function
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G() As Task
Printer(1, Await F(2), 3, await F(await F(await F(await F(4)))), Await F(5), 6)
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3 4 5 6")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillCall4()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Sub Printer(ParamArray a() As Integer)
For Each x In a
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Public Async Function F(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() x)
End Function
Public Async Function G() As Task
Printer(1, Await F(Await F(2)))
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run(Of T As Structure)(tt As t) as Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
Dim arr(Await GetVal(3)) As Integer
If arr.Length = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
Dim arr2(Await GetVal(3), Await GetVal(3)) As Decimal
If arr2.Rank = 2 AndAlso arr2.Length = 16 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
arr2 = New Decimal(3, Await GetVal(3)) {}
If arr2.Rank = 2 AndAlso arr2.Length = 16 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
ReDim arr2(4, Await GetVal(4))
If arr2.Rank = 2 AndAlso arr2.Length = 25 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
ReDim Preserve arr2(4, Await GetVal(2))
If arr2.Rank = 2 AndAlso arr2.Length = 15 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
arr2 = New Decimal(Await GetVal(3), 3) {}
If arr2.Rank = 2 AndAlso arr2.Length = 16 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Console.Write(" ")
Dim arr3 As Decimal?()() = New Decimal?(Await GetVal(3))() {}
If arr3.Rank = 1 AndAlso arr3.Length = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result = -1
Public Count = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run(6).Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array02()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run(Of T As Structure)(tt As t) As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim arr(Await GetVal(3)) As Integer
If arr.Length = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(0) = Await GetVal(4)
If arr(0) = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(0) += Await GetVal(4)
If arr(0) = 8 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(1) += Await (GetVal(arr(0)))
If arr(1) = 8 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(1) += Await (GetVal(arr(Await GetVal(0))))
If arr(1) = 16 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run(6).Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array03()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run(Of T As Structure)(tt As t) as Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim arr(Await GetVal(3), Await GetVal(3)) As Integer
arr(0, 0) = Await GetVal(4)
If arr(0, Await (GetVal(0))) = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(0, 0) += Await GetVal(4)
If arr(0, Await (GetVal(0))) = 8 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(1, 1) += Await (GetVal(arr(0, 0)))
If arr(1, 1) = 8 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
arr(1, 1) += Await (GetVal(arr(0, Await GetVal(0))))
If arr(1, 1) = 16 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result = -1
Public Count = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run(6).Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array04()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure MyStruct(Of T)
Public Property TT As T
Default Public Property This(index As T) As T
Return index
End Get
Set(value As T)
TT = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
Structure TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim ms As New MyStruct(Of Integer)()
Dim x = ms(index:=Await Goo())
Console.Write(x + 100)
End Function
Public Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 10
End Function
End Structure
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="110")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_ArrayAssign()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public arr(3) As Integer
Async Function Run() As Task
arr(0) = Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 42)
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_CaptureThis()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Goo()
End Function
Public Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 42)
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Console.Write(New TestCase().Run().Result)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillArrayLocal()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run(Of t As Structure)(tt As t) As Task
Dim arr() As Integer = {-1, 42}
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim t1 = arr(Await GetVal(1))
If t1 = 42 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result = -1
Public Count = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run(6).Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillArrayCompoundAssignmentLValue()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public arr() As Integer
Async Function Run() As Task
arr = {1}
arr(0) += Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 41)
End Function
Sub Main()
Call Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillArrayCompoundAssignmentLValueAwait()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public arr() As Integer
Async Function Run() As Task
arr = {1}
arr(Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 0)) += Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 41)
End Function
Sub Main()
Call Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SpillArrayCompoundAssignmentLValueAwait2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure S1
Public X As Integer
End Structure
Structure S2
Public S As S1
End Structure
Module Form1
Public arr() As S2
Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
arr = {New S2() With {.S = New S1() With {.X = 1}}}
arr(Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 0)).S.X += Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 41)
Return arr(Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 0)).S.X
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_DoubleSpillArrayCompoundAssignment()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure S1
Public X As Integer
End Structure
Structure S2
Public S As S1
End Structure
Module Form1
Public arr() As S2
Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
arr = {New S2() With {.S = New S1() With {.X = 1}}}
arr(Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 0)).S.X +=
arr((Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Async Function()
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 1)
End Function)).Result - 1).S.X +
Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 40)
Return arr(Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 0)).S.X
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array05()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim arr1()() As Integer =
New Integer()() {
New Integer() {Await GetVal(2), Await GetVal(3)},
New Integer() {4, Await GetVal(5), Await GetVal(6)}
If arr1(0)(1) = 3 AndAlso arr1(1)(1) = 5 AndAlso arr1(1)(2) = 6 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Dim arr2()() As Integer =
New Integer()() {
New Integer() {Await GetVal(2), Await GetVal(3)},
Await Goo()
If arr2(0)(1) = 3 AndAlso arr2(1)(1) = 2 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
Public Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer())
Await Task.Yield
Return {1, 2, 3}
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array06()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim arr1(,) As Integer =
{Await GetVal(2), Await GetVal(3)},
{Await GetVal(5), Await GetVal(6)}
If arr1(0, 1) = 3 AndAlso arr1(1, 0) = 5 AndAlso arr1(1, 1) = 6 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Dim arr2(,) As Integer =
{Await GetVal(2), 3},
{4, Await GetVal(5)}
If arr2(0, 1) = 3 AndAlso arr2(1, 1) = 5 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
Public Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer())
Await Task.Yield
Return {1, 2, 3}
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Array07()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
tests += 1
Dim arr1()() As Integer =
New Integer()() {
New Integer() {Await GetVal(2), Await Task.Run(Of Integer)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 3
End Function)},
New Integer() {Await GetVal(5), 4, Await Task.Run(Of Integer)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 6
End Function)}
If arr1(0)(1) = 3 AndAlso arr1(1)(1) = 4 AndAlso arr1(1)(2) = 6 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Dim arr2()() As Integer =
New Integer()() {
New Integer() {Await GetVal(2), 3},
Await Goo()
If arr2(0)(1) = 3 AndAlso arr2(1)(1) = 2 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - tests
End Function
Public Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer())
Await Task.Yield
Return {1, 2, 3}
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Private Function GetFieldSignatures(type As NamedTypeSymbol) As String()
Return (From member In type.GetMembers()
Where member.Kind = SymbolKind.Field
Select member.ToDisplayString()).ToArray()
End Function
Private Function ArrayToSortedString(Of T)(arr() As T) As String
Dim builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
For Each value In arr
Return builder.ToString()
End Function
Private Sub CheckFields(m As ModuleSymbol, typeName As String, methodName As String, expected As String)
Dim TestCaseClass = m.ContainingAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)(typeName)
For Each member In TestCaseClass.GetTypeMembers()
If member.Name.IndexOf(methodName, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0 Then
Assert.Equal(expected, ArrayToSortedString(GetFieldSignatures(member)))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckFields(m As ModuleSymbol, typeName As String, methodName As String, expected() As String)
CheckFields(m, typeName, methodName, ArrayToSortedString(expected))
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_ReuseFields()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Shared Sub F1(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Shared Async Function F2() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 42)
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As task
Dim x = 1
F1(x, Await F2())
Dim y = 2
F1(y, Await F2())
Dim z = 3
F1(z, Await F2())
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3",
CheckFields(m, "TestCase", "Run",
"Friend $A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)",
"Friend $U1 As Integer",
"Public $Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder",
"Public $State As Integer"
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub AllParametersAreToBeCaptured()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class CLS
Async Function F1(x As String, y As Integer) as Task
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="",
CheckFields(m, "CLS", "F1",
"Friend $VB$Local_x As String",
"Friend $VB$Local_y As Integer",
"Friend $VB$Me As CLS",
"Public $Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder",
"Public $State As Integer"
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_NestedExpressionInArrayInitializer()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer(,))
Return New Integer(,) {{1, 2, 21 + (Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21))}}
End Function
Sub Main()
For Each i In Run().Result
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Basic02()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Shared test As Integer = 0
Shared count As Integer = 0
Shared Sub F1(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
Shared Async Function F2() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 42)
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As task
test += 1
Dim f = Await Bar()
Dim x = f(1)
If Not x.Equals("1") Then
count -= 1
End If
Result = test - count
End Function
Shared Async Function Bar() As Task(Of Converter(Of Integer, Object))
count += 1
Await Task.Yield
Return Function(p1 As Integer)
Return p1.ToString()
End Function
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Sub Main()
Call TestCase.Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Argument03()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Shared sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Bar(One(), Await Two())
If sb.ToString() = "OneTwo" Then
Result = 0
End If
End Function
Function One() As Integer
Return 1
End Function
Async Function Two() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 2
End Function
Sub Bar(ParamArray a() As Object)
For Each x In a
Console.Write(" ")
End Sub
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_ObjectInit02()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Structure TestCase
Implements IEnumerable
Public X As Integer
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim test = 0
Dim count = 0
test += 1
Dim x = New TestCase With {.X = Await Bar()}
If x.X = 1 Then
count += 1
End If
Result = test - count
End Function
Async Function Bar() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function
Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Throw New Exception()
End Function
End Structure
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Generic01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Shared test As Integer = 0
Shared count As Integer = 0
Public Async Function Run() As Task
test += 1
Qux(Async Function()
Return 1
End Function)
Await Task.Yield
Result = test - count
End Function
Shared Async Sub Qux(Of T)(x As Func(Of Task(Of T)))
Dim y = Await x()
If DirectCast(DirectCast(y, Object), Integer) = 1 Then
count += 1
End If
End Sub
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Ref01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class BaseTestCase
Public Sub GooRef(ByRef d As Decimal, x As Integer, ByRef od As Decimal)
od = d
d += 1
End Sub
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
End Class
Class TestCase : Inherits BaseTestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim tests = 0
Dim d As Decimal = 1
Dim od As Decimal
tests += 1
MyBase.GooRef(d, Await MyBase.GetVal(4), od)
If d = 2 AndAlso od = 1 Then
count += 1
End If
Result = count - tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public count As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Struct02a()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure TestCase
Private t As Task(Of Integer)
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x = Await t
If x = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x2 = Await Me.t
If x2 = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Structure
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Struct02b()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure TT
Public t As Task(Of Integer)
End Structure
Structure TTT
Public t As TT
End Structure
Structure TestCase
Private t As TTT
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x = Await t.t.t
If x = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x2 = Await Me.t.t.t
If x2 = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Structure
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Struct02c()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure TT
Public t As Task(Of Integer)
End Structure
Structure TTT
Public t As TT
End Structure
Structure TestCase
Private t As TTT
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
MyClass.t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x = Await t.t.t
If x = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x2 = Await MyClass.t.t.t
If x2 = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Structure
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Struct02d()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure TT
Public t As Task(Of Integer)
End Structure
Structure TTT
Public t As TT
End Structure
Class Base
Protected t As TTT
End Class
Class TestCase: Inherits Base
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
MyBase.t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x = Await MyBase.t.t.t
If x = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
MyBase.t.t.t = Task.Run(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function)
Dim x2 = Await MyBase.t.t.t
If x2 = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_StackSpill_Operator_Compound02()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim x() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Tests += 1
x(Await GetVal(0)) += Await GetVal(4)
If x(0) = 5 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AwaitSwitch()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Select Case Await (Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 5
End Function)()
Case 1
Case 2
Case 5
Count += 1
Case Else
End Select
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Inference()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure Test
Public ReadOnly Property Goo As Task(Of String)
Return Task.Run(Of String)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return "abc"
End Function)
End Get
End Property
End Structure
Class TestCase(Of U)
Public Shared Async Function GetVal(tt As Object) As Task(Of Object)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Shared Function GetVal1(Of T As Task(Of U))(tt As T) As T
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim t As New Test()
Tests += 1
Dim x1 = Await TestCase(Of String).GetVal(Await t.Goo)
If x1 = "abc" Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Dim x2 = Await TestCase(Of String).GetVal1(t.Goo)
If x2 = "abc" Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase(Of Integer)().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Operator05()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase(Of U)
Public Async Function Goo1() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
Dim i = 42
Return i
End Function
Public Async Function Goo2() As Task(Of Object)
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
Return "string"
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim x1 = TryCast(Await Goo1(), Object)
Dim x2 = TypeOf (Await Goo2()) Is String
If x1.Equals(42) Then
Tests += 1
End If
If x2 = True Then
Tests += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase(Of Integer)().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Property21()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Base
Public Overridable Property MyProp As Integer
Return 42
End Get
Protected Set(value As Integer)
End Set
End Property
End Class
Class TestCase : Inherits Base
Async Function GetBaseMyProp() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return MyBase.MyProp
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Result = Await GetBaseMyProp() - 42
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AnonType32()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Throw New Exception(
Await (New With {
.Task = Task.Run(Of String)(
Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return "0-0"
End Function)}).Task)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message = "0-0" Then
Count += 1
End If
End Try
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Init19()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class ObjInit
Public async As Integer
Public t As Task
Public l As Long
End Class
Class TestCase
Private Function [Throw](Of T)(i As T) As T
Throw New OverflowException()
End Function
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Property MyProperty As Task(Of Long)
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Dim t = Task.Run(Of Integer)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Throw New FieldAccessException()
Return 1
End Function)
Tests += 1
MyProperty = Task.Run(Of Long)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Throw New DataMisalignedException()
Return 1
End Function)
Dim obj As New ObjInit() With {
.async = Await t,
.t = GetVal((Task.Run(Async Sub()
Await Task.Yield
End Sub))),
.l = Await MyProperty
Await obj.t
Catch fieldex As FieldAccessException
Count += 1
Catch ex As Exception
Count -= 1
End Try
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call New TestCase().Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Dynamic()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Public Async Function F1(d As Object) As Task(Of Object)
Return Await d
End Function
Public Async Function F2(d As Task(Of Integer)) As Task(Of Integer)
Return Await d
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim a As Integer = Await F1(Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21))
Dim b = Await F2(Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21))
Return a + b
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Await15()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure DynamicClass
Public Async Function Goo(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of Object)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Bar(i As Integer) As Task(Of Task(Of Object))
Await Task.Yield
Return Task.Run(Of Object)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return i
End Function)
End Function
End Structure
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim dc As New DynamicClass()
Dim d As Object = 123
Tests += 1
Dim x1 = Await dc.Goo("")
If x1 = "" Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Dim x2 = Await Await dc.Bar(d)
If x2 = 123 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Dim x3 = Await Await dc.Bar(Await dc.Goo(234))
If x3 = 234 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Await40()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class C1
Public Async Function Method(x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return x
End Function
End Class
Class C2
Public Status As Integer
Public Sub New(Optional x As Integer = 5)
Status = x
End Sub
Public Sub New(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Status = x + y
End Sub
Public Function Bar(x As Integer) As Integer
Return x
End Function
End Class
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
tests += 1
Dim c As Object = New C1()
Dim cc As New C2(x:=Await c.Method(1))
If cc.Status = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Dim f As Object = (Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 4
End Function)
cc = New C2(Await c.Method(2), Await f.Invoke())
If cc.Status = 6 Then
Count += 1
End If
tests += 1
Dim x = New C2(2).Bar(Await c.Method(1))
If x = 1 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Await43()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure MyClazz
Public Shared Operator *(c As MyClazz, i As Integer) As Task
Return Task.Run(Async Function() As task
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
End Function)
End Operator
Public Shared Operator +(c As MyClazz, i As Integer) As Task
Return Task.Run(Async Function() As task
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
End Function)
End Operator
End Structure
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim dy As Object = Task.Run(Of MyClazz)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return New MyClazz()
End Function)
Tests += 1
Await ((Await dy) * 5)
Tests += 1
Dim d As Object = New MyClazz()
Dim dd As Object = Task.Run(Of Long)(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return 1L
End Function)
Await (d + Await dd)
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Await44()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure MyClazz
Public Shared Narrowing Operator CType(c As MyClazz) As task
Return Task.Run(Async Function() As task
Await Task.Yield
Count += 1
End Function)
End Operator
End Structure
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim mc As New MyClazz()
Tests += 1
Dim t1 As Task = mc
Await t1
Tests += 1
Dim t2 As Object = CType(mc, Task)
Await t2
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Async_Conformance_Awaiting_indexer23_ValueType()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure MyClazz(Of T As Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))
Public Property P As T
Public F As T
Default Public Property This(index As T) As T
Return P
End Get
Set(value As T)
P = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Goo(d As Task(Of Func(Of Integer))) As Task(Of Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))
Await Task.Yield
Return d
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim ms As New MyClazz(Of Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))()
ms(index:=Nothing) = Task.Run(Of Func(Of Integer))(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return Function()
Return 123
End Function
End Function)
Tests += 1
Dim x = Await ms(index:=Await Goo(Nothing))
If x IsNot Nothing AndAlso x() = 123 Then
Tests += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Async_Conformance_Awaiting_indexer23_ReferenceType()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class MyClazz(Of T As Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))
Public Property P As T
Public F As T
Default Public Property This(index As T) As T
Return P
End Get
Set(value As T)
P = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Goo(d As Task(Of Func(Of Integer))) As Task(Of Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))
Await Task.Yield
Return d
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Dim ms As New MyClazz(Of Task(Of Func(Of Integer)))()
ms(index:=Nothing) = Task.Run(Of Func(Of Integer))(Async Function()
Await Task.Yield
Return Function()
Return 123
End Function
End Function)
Tests += 1
Dim x = Await ms(index:=Await Goo(Nothing))
If x IsNot Nothing AndAlso x() = 123 Then
Tests += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_Async_StackSpill_Argument_Generic04()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class MyClazz(Of T)
Public Async Function Goo(Of V)(tt As T, vv As V) As Task(Of Object)
Await Task.Yield
Return vv
End Function
End Class
Class TestCase
Public Shared Async Function Goo() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim mc As Object = New MyClazz(Of String)()
Dim rez = Await mc.Goo(Of String)(Nothing, Await (Async Function() As Task(Of String)
Await Task.Yield
Return "Test"
End Function)())
If rez = "Test" Then
Return 0
End If
Return 1
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_AsyncStackSpill_assign01()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Private val As Integer
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Dim x() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4}
val = Await (Async Function()
x(Await GetVal(0)) += Await GetVal(4)
Return x(Await GetVal(0))
End Function())
If x(0) = 5 AndAlso val = Await GetVal(5) Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call (New TestCase()).Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_MyTask_08()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class MyTask
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Dim myTask As New MyTask()
Dim x = Await myTask
If x = 123 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyTaskAwaiter : Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
Public Sub OnCompleted(continuation As Action) Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
End Sub
Public Function GetResult() As Integer
Return 123
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Module Extension
Public Function GetAwaiter(this As MyTask) As MyTaskAwaiter
Return New MyTaskAwaiter()
End Function
End Module
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_MyTask_16()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class MyTask
Public Function GetAwaiter() As MyTaskAwaiter
Return New MyTaskAwaiter()
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Dim myTask As New MyTask()
Dim x = Await myTask
If x = 123 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyTaskBaseAwaiter : Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
Public Sub OnCompleted(continuation As Action) Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
End Sub
Public Function GetResult() As Integer
Return 123
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class MyTaskAwaiter : Inherits MyTaskBaseAwaiter
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_InitCollection_045()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure PrivateCollection : Implements IEnumerable
Public lst As List(Of Integer)
Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Return lst
End Function
Public Sub Add(x As Integer)
If lst Is Nothing Then
lst = New List(Of Integer)
End If
End Sub
End Structure
Public Class MyTask
Public Shared Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task
Tests += 1
Dim myCol = New PrivateCollection() From {Await GetVal(1), Await GetVal(2)}
If myCol.lst(0) = 1 AndAlso myCol.lst(1) = 2 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_RefExpr()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class MyClazz
Public Field As Integer
End Class
Public Class MyTask
Public Shared Function Goo(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer
Return x + y
End Function
Public Shared Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As T) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Public Shared Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
Return Goo((New MyClazz() With {.Field = 21}.Field), Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21))
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_ManagedPointerSpillAssign03()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Public Async Function GetVal(Of T)(tt As t) As Task(Of T)
Await Task.Yield
Return tt
End Function
Class PrivClass
Friend Structure ValueT
Public Field As Integer
End Structure
Friend arr(2) As ValueT
End Class
Private myPrivClass As PrivClass
Public Async Function Run() As Task
Me.myPrivClass = New PrivClass()
Tests += 1
Me.myPrivClass.arr(0).Field = Await GetVal(4)
If Me.myPrivClass.arr(0).Field = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Me.myPrivClass.arr(0).Field += Await GetVal(4)
If Me.myPrivClass.arr(0).Field = 8 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Me.myPrivClass.arr(Await GetVal(1)).Field += Await GetVal(4)
If Me.myPrivClass.arr(1).Field = 4 Then
Count += 1
End If
Tests += 1
Me.myPrivClass.arr(Await GetVal(1)).Field += 1
If Me.myPrivClass.arr(1).Field = 5 Then
Count += 1
End If
Result = Count - Tests
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
Call (New TestCase()).Run().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_SacrificialRead()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class TestCase
Shared Sub F1(ByRef x As Integer, y As Integer, z As Integer)
x += y + z
End Sub
Shared Function F0() As Integer
Return 0
End Function
Shared Async Function F2() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim x() As Integer = {21}
x = Nothing
F1(x(0), F0(), Await Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 21))
Return x(0)
End Function
End Class
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Dim t = TestCase.F2()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="0")
End Sub
Public Sub Imported_RefThisStruct()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure S1
Public X As Integer
Public Async Sub Goo1()
Bar(Me, Await Task(Of Integer).FromResult(42))
End Sub
Public Sub Goo2()
Bar(Me, 42)
End Sub
Public Sub Bar(ByRef x As S1, y As Integer)
x.X = 42
End Sub
End Structure
Class C1
Public X As Integer
Public Async Sub Goo1()
Bar(Me, Await Task(Of Integer).FromResult(42))
End Sub
Public Sub Goo2()
Bar(Me, 42)
End Sub
Public Sub Bar(ByRef x As C1, y As Integer)
x.X = 42
End Sub
End Class
Module Form1
Public Result As Integer = -1
Public Count As Integer = 0
Public Tests As Integer = 0
Sub Main()
If True Then
Dim s As S1
s.X = -1
Console.Write(" ")
End If
If True Then
Dim s As S1
s.X = -1
Console.Write(" ")
End If
If True Then
Dim s As S1
s.X = -1
s.Bar(s, 42)
Console.Write(" ")
End If
If True Then
Dim s As New C1
s.X = -1
Console.Write(" ")
End If
If True Then
Dim s As New C1
s.X = -1
Console.Write(" ")
End If
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="-1 -1 42 42 42")
End Sub
Public Sub FieldReuseOnStatementLevel()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function F(Of T)(p As T, s As String) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write(" ")
Await Task.Yield
Return p
End Function
Function S(Of T)(ParamArray a() As T) As T
For i = 0 To a.Count - 1
If i > 0 Then
End If
Console.Write(") ")
Return a(0)
End Function
Async Function Test() As Task
Await Task.Yield
S(Await F(True, "1"),
Await F(True, "2"),
Await F(True, "3"),
If(Await F(False, "4"),
Await F(False, "5"),
S(Await F(False, "6"),
Await F(False, "7"),
Await F(False, "8"))),
Await F(True, "9"))
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3 4 6 7 8 S(False,False,False) 9 S(True,True,True,False,True)",
CheckFields(m, "Form1", "Test",
"Friend $A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.YieldAwaiter",
"Friend $A1 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Boolean)",
"Friend $U1 As Boolean",
"Friend $U2 As Boolean",
"Friend $U3 As Boolean",
"Friend $U4 As Boolean",
"Friend $U5 As Boolean",
"Friend $U6 As Boolean",
"Friend $U7 As Boolean",
"Public $Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder",
"Public $State As Integer"
End Sub)
End Sub
Public Sub SpillValueRequiringCleanUp()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub M(Of T)(x As T, y As T)
Console.Write("M ")
End Sub
Async Function F(Of T As New)(v As T) As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("F ")
Await Task.Yield
Return v
End Function
Class C
End Class
Async Function Test(Of T As New)() As Task
Console.Write("Test ")
M(New T, Await F(New T))
End Function
Sub Main()
Test(Of C)().Wait(60000)
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="Test F M")
End Sub
Public Sub CapturedExceptionInCatchBlock()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function Test() As task
Dim col = {1, 2, 3}
Throw New Exception("test")
Catch ex As Exception
Dim q = From i In col Where ex.Message = "test" Select p = ex.Message
For Each t In q
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
Await task.Delay(5)
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="test test test")
End Sub
Public Sub ForLoopAndLateBinding()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Async Function x() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function
Async Function y() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 10
End Function
Async Function z() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 2
End Function
Async Function Test() As Task
Dim a As Object = x()
Dim b As Object = y()
Dim c As Object = z()
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
For i = Await a To Await b Step Await c
Console.Write(" ")
'Catch ex As Exception
' Console.Write(" EXC(")
' Console.Write(ex.Message)
' Console.Write(")")
'End Try
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 3 5 7 9")
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(1003196, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1003196")>
Public Sub AsyncAndPartialMethods()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Form1
Sub Main()
Call (New C).CallingMethod()
End Sub
End Module
Partial Class C
Public Async Sub CallingMethod()
Await Task.Yield
End Sub
Partial Private Sub F()
End Sub
End Class
Partial Class C
Private Async Sub F()
Await Task.Yield
End Sub
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="")
End Sub
Public Sub NoNeedToProcessUnstructuredExceptions()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
Console.Write(New TestCase_named_04().Concatenate("1", " ", "2").Result)
End Sub
End Module
Class TestCase_named_04
Public Async Function Concatenate(ParamArray vals As String()) As Task(Of String)
Await Task.Yield
Dim rez As String = String.Empty
For i = 0 To vals.Length - 1
rez += vals(i)
Return rez
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2")
End Sub
Public Sub ExceptionsInPropertyAccess()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Public Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Async Function Test1() As Task
M().PropA() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
End Function
Async Function Test2() As Task
M().PropA() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += L()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += O()
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
End Function
Async Function Test3() As Task
M().PropA() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() = (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
End Function
Async Function Test4() As Task
M().PropA() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropA() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
M().PropB() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropA() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += (Await LL())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
N().PropB() += (Await OO())
Catch ex As Exception
Console.Write(" ")
End Try
End Function
Async Function F(ParamArray a() As Integer) As Task(Of String)
Await Task.Yield
Return ""
End Function
Private Function L() As String
Throw New Exception("L()")
End Function
Private Async Function LL() As Task(Of String)
Throw New Exception("L()")
End Function
Private Function M() As Clazz
Throw New Exception("M()")
End Function
Private Function N() As Clazz
Return New Clazz()
End Function
Private Function O() As String
Return ""
End Function
Private Async Function OO() As Task(Of String)
Return ""
End Function
End Module
Public Class Clazz
Public Property PropA As String
Throw New Exception("get_Prop")
End Get
Set(value As String)
Throw New Exception("set_Prop")
End Set
End Property
Public Property PropB As String
Throw New Exception("get_Prop")
End Get
Set(value As String)
Throw New Exception("set_Prop")
End Set
End Property
End Class
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True,
expectedOutput:="M() M() M() M() L() set_Prop L() set_Prop M() M() M() M() L() set_Prop L() set_Prop M()" +
" M() M() M() get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop M() M() M() M() get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop" +
" get_Prop M() M() M() M() L() set_Prop L() set_Prop M() M() M() M() L() set_Prop L() set_Prop" +
" M() M() M() M() get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop M() M() M() M() get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop get_Prop")
End Sub
Public Sub RewritingBlocksIntoBoundStateMachineScope()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Async Function Select3() As Task(Of Object)
Dim outer = 1
Dim s As Object
Select Case 1
Case 1
Dim inner1 = 41
Await Task.Yield
s = inner1
Case Else
Dim inner2 = 1
s = inner2
End Select
s = outer + s
Return s
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub AwaitWithPlaceholderInLambda()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Module Module1
Dim t As Task(Of Integer) = Task.Factory.StartNew(Function() 4)
Sub Main()
g(t, 4)
End Sub
Async Function f1(Of U)(ByVal x As Task(Of U)) As Task
Console.Write(Await x)
End Function
Async Function f2(Of U)(ByVal y As U) As Task(Of U)
Return y
End Function
Sub g(Of U)(ByVal x As Task(Of U), ByVal y As U)
Dim lambda1 = Async Function(x1 As Task(Of U))
Dim z = Await x1
End Function
Dim lambda2 = Async Function(y2 As U)
Return y2
End Function
End Sub
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="42")
End Sub
Public Sub GenericLambdasAndAsyncFunctions()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Collections
Module Module1
Sub Main()
h(Of Integer)(Function() b(Of Integer)(),
b(Of Integer)(),
Function() d(Of Integer)(),
d(Of Integer)())
End Sub
Sub h(Of T)(ByVal p1 As Func(Of AwaitableStructure(Of T)), ByVal p2 As AwaitableStructure(Of T),
ByVal p3 As Func(Of Task(Of T)), ByVal p4 As Task(Of T))
Dim lambda = Async Function()
Console.Write("1 ")
Await e(Of T)()
Console.Write(Await e(Of T)())
Console.Write(" ")
Dim e1 = e(Of T)()
Await e1
Console.Write(Await e1)
Console.Write(" ")
End Function
End Sub
Public Structure AwaitableStructure
Public Function GetAwaiter() As AwaiterStructure
Console.Write("2 ")
Return New AwaiterStructure
End Function
End Structure
Public Structure AwaiterStructure : Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Console.Write("3 ")
Return True
End Get
End Property
Public Sub OnCompleted(ByVal continuationAction As Action) Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
Console.Write("4 ")
End Sub
Public Sub GetResult()
Console.Write("5 ")
End Sub
End Structure
Public Function b(Of T)() As AwaitableStructure(Of T)
Console.Write("6 ")
Return New AwaitableStructure(Of T)
End Function
Public Structure AwaitableStructure(Of T)
Public Function GetAwaiter() As AwaiterStructure(Of T)
Console.Write("7 ")
Return New AwaiterStructure(Of T)
End Function
End Structure
Public Structure AwaiterStructure(Of T) : Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Console.Write("8 ")
Return True
End Get
End Property
Public Sub OnCompleted(ByVal continuationAction As Action) Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted
Console.Write("9 ")
End Sub
Public Function GetResult() As T
Console.Write("10 ")
Return Nothing
End Function
End Structure
Public Function d(Of T)() As Task(Of T)
Console.Write("11 ")
Return Task.Factory.StartNew(Of T)(Function() Nothing)
End Function
Public Function e(Of T)() As RegularStructure(Of T)
Console.Write("12 ")
Return New RegularStructure(Of T)
End Function
Public Structure RegularStructure(Of T)
End Structure
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Function GetAwaiter(Of T)(ByVal self As RegularStructure(Of T)) As AwaiterStructure(Of T)
Console.Write("13 ")
Return New AwaiterStructure(Of T)
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="6 11 1 12 13 8 10 12 13 8 10 0 12 13 8 10 13 8 10 0")
End Sub
Public Sub LiftApparentlyEmptyStructs()
Dim csCompilation = CreateCSharpCompilation("Empty_cs", <![CDATA[
/// <summary>
/// An apparently empty struct that actually encapsulates a byte. Used to see how
/// the compiler treats empty structs.
/// </summary>
public struct Empty
public byte Value
byte* p = Ptr(ref this);
return *p;
byte* p = Ptr(ref this);
*p = value;
private unsafe byte* Ptr(ref Empty e)
fixed (Empty* p = &e)
return (byte*)p;
compilationOptions:=New CSharp.CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, optimizationLevel:=OptimizationLevel.Release, allowUnsafe:=True))
Dim vbexeCompilation = CreateVisualBasicCompilation("VBExe", <![CDATA[
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Async Function Sample() As Task
Dim e1 As Empty
e1.Value = 12
Await Task.Delay(5)
End Function
End Module]]>,
Dim vbexeVerifier = CompileAndVerify(vbexeCompilation, expectedOutput:="12")
End Sub
Public Sub HoistingUninitializerVars()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Async Function UninitializedVar() As Task
For q = 1 To 2
For i = 1 To 3
Dim y As Integer
Dim x = y + 1
y = x
Console.Write(" ")
Await Task.Yield()
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3 4 5 6")
End Sub
Public Sub HoistingUninitializerVars2()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Module Form1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Async Function RecursiveVar() As Task
For q = 1 To 2
For i = 1 To 3
Dim x As Integer = x + 1
Console.Write(" ")
Await Task.Yield()
End Function
End Module
</compilation>, useLatestFramework:=True, expectedOutput:="1 2 3 4 5 6")
End Sub
Private Sub EmittedSymbolsCheck(dbg As Boolean)
Dim TypeNamePattern As New Regex("^VB\$StateMachine_(\d)+_(\w)+$", RegexOptions.Singleline)
Dim FieldPattern As New Regex("^((\$Builder)|(\$Stack)|(\$State)|(\$VB\$Me)|(\$A(\d)+)|(\$S(\d)+)|(\$I(\d)+)|(\$VB\$ResumableLocal_\$(\d)+)|(\$U(\d)+))$", RegexOptions.Singleline)
Dim FormatAttribute As Func(Of VisualBasicAttributeData, String) =
Dim result = attr.AttributeClass.ToDisplayString & "("
Dim first = True
For Each arg In attr.ConstructorArguments()
If first Then
first = False
result &= ","
End If
result &= arg.Value.ToString()
For Each arg In attr.NamedArguments
If first Then
first = False
result &= ","
End If
result &= arg.Key
result &= "="
result &= arg.Value.ToString
result &= ")"
Return result
End Function
Dim attributeValidator As Action(Of Symbol, String()) =
Sub(symbol, attrs)
ArrayToSortedString((From a In symbol.GetAttributes() Select FormatAttribute(a)).ToArray()))
End Sub
Dim methodValidator As Action(Of MethodSymbol) =
Select Case method.Name
Case ".ctor"
' This is an auto-generated constructor, ignore it
Case "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine"
Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Private, method.DeclaredAccessibility)
Assert.Equal(1, method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length)
Assert.Equal("Sub SetStateMachine(stateMachine As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine)", method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToDisplayString)
attributeValidator(method, If(dbg,
Case "MoveNext"
Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Friend, method.DeclaredAccessibility)
Assert.Equal(1, method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length)
Assert.Equal("Sub MoveNext()", method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToDisplayString)
attributeValidator(method, {"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()"})
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Dim fieldValidator As Action(Of FieldSymbol) =
' TODO: $Builder and $State are public
'Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Internal, field.DeclaredAccessibility)
attributeValidator(field, {})
End Sub
Dim stateMachineValidator As Action(Of NamedTypeSymbol) =
Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Private, type.DeclaredAccessibility)
Assert.Equal(1, type.Interfaces.Length)
Assert.Equal("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine", type.Interfaces(0).ToDisplayString())
attributeValidator(type, {"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()"})
Dim processed As New HashSet(Of String)
For Each member In type.GetMembers()
Dim added = processed.Add(member.Name)
Select Case member.Kind
Case SymbolKind.Method
methodValidator(DirectCast(member, MethodSymbol))
Case SymbolKind.Field
fieldValidator(DirectCast(member, FieldSymbol))
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Dim moduleValidator As Action(Of ModuleSymbol) =
Dim testCaseType As NamedTypeSymbol = [module].ContainingAssembly.GetTypeByMetadataName("TestCase")
Dim runMethod = testCaseType.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Run")
If dbg Then
attributeValidator(runMethod, {"System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()",
attributeValidator(runMethod, {"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute(TestCase.VB$StateMachine_4_Run)"})
End If
Dim f2Method = testCaseType.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("F2")
If dbg Then
attributeValidator(f2Method, {"System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()",
attributeValidator(f2Method, {"System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute(TestCase.VB$StateMachine_2_F2)"})
End If
For Each nestedType In testCaseType.GetTypeMembers()
End Sub
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class TestCase
Public field As Integer
Async Function F2() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield
Return 1
End Function
Function FFF(x As Integer, ByRef y As Double, z As Integer) As Integer
Return x + y + z
End Function
Public Async Function Run() As Task(Of Integer)
Dim x = 1
x += Await F2()
Dim y = 2
Return FFF(y + x, Me.field, Await F2())
End Function
End Class
</compilation>, options:=If(dbg, TestOptions.DebugDll, TestOptions.ReleaseDll),
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(1002672, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1002672")>
Public Sub EmittedSymbolsCheck_Debug()
End Sub
Public Sub EmittedSymbolsCheck_Release()
End Sub
<WorkItem(840843, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/840843")>
Public Sub MissingAsyncVoidMethodBuilder()
Dim source =
<compilation name="AsyncVoid">
<file name="a.vb">
Public Class TestCase
Async Sub M()
End Sub
End Class
Dim comp = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, {Net40.References.mscorlib}, TestOptions.ReleaseDll) ' NOTE: 4.0, Not 4.5, so it's missing the async helpers.
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder' from assembly or module 'AsyncVoid.dll' failed.
Async Sub M()
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder' from assembly or module 'AsyncVoid.dll' failed.
Async Sub M()
BC31091: Import of type 'IAsyncStateMachine' from assembly or module 'AsyncVoid.dll' failed.
Async Sub M()
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext' is not defined.
Async Sub M()
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine' is not defined.
Async Sub M()
BC42356: This async method lacks 'Await' operators and so will run synchronously. Consider using the 'Await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'Await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
Async Sub M()
End Sub
Public Sub MissingAsyncTaskMethodBuilder()
Dim source =
<compilation name="AsyncTask">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class TestCase
Async Function M() As Task
End Function
End Class
Dim comp = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, {Net40.References.mscorlib}, TestOptions.ReleaseDll) ' NOTE: 4.0, Not 4.5, so it's missing the async helpers.
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncTaskMethodBuilder' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncTaskMethodBuilder' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task
BC31091: Import of type 'IAsyncStateMachine' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext' is not defined.
Async Function M() As Task
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine' is not defined.
Async Function M() As Task
BC42356: This async method lacks 'Await' operators and so will run synchronously. Consider using the 'Await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'Await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
Async Function M() As Task
End Sub
Public Sub MissingAsyncTaskMethodBuilder_T()
Dim source =
<compilation name="AsyncTask_T">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class TestCase
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
Return 3
End Function
End Class
Dim comp = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, {Net40.References.mscorlib}, TestOptions.ReleaseDll) ' NOTE: 4.0, Not 4.5, so it's missing the async helpers.
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of )' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask_T.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
BC31091: Import of type 'AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of )' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask_T.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
BC31091: Import of type 'IAsyncStateMachine' from assembly or module 'AsyncTask_T.dll' failed.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext' is not defined.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine' is not defined.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
BC42356: This async method lacks 'Await' operators and so will run synchronously. Consider using the 'Await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'Await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.
Async Function M() As Task(Of Integer)
End Sub
<WorkItem(863, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/863")>
Public Sub CatchInIteratorStateMachine()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Class C
Shared Function F() As Object
Throw New ArgumentException("Value does not fall within the expected range.")
End Function
Shared Iterator Function M() As IEnumerable
Dim o As Object
o = F()
Catch e As Exception
o = e
End Try
Yield o
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
For Each e As Exception in M()
' Cannot just call .ToString() on the exception, because the exact format of a stack trace depends on a localization
Console.WriteLine($"{e.GetType()}: {e.Message}")
For Each frame In New Diagnostics.StackTrace(e).GetFrames()
Dim m = frame.GetMethod()
Console.WriteLine($" at {m.DeclaringType.FullName.Replace("+"c, "."c)}.{m.Name}({String.Join(",", DirectCast(m.GetParameters(), Object()))})")
End Sub
End Class
"System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at C.F()
at C.VB$StateMachine_2_M.MoveNext()")
End Sub
<WorkItem(863, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/863")>
Public Sub CatchInAsyncStateMachine()
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class C
Shared Function F() As Object
Throw New ArgumentException("Value does not fall within the expected range.")
End Function
Shared Async Function M() As Task(Of Object)
Dim o As Object
o = F()
Catch e As Exception
o = e
End Try
Return o
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim e = DirectCast(M().Result, Exception)
' Cannot just call .ToString() on the exception, because the exact format of a stack trace depends on a localization
Console.WriteLine($"{e.GetType()}: {e.Message}")
For Each frame In New Diagnostics.StackTrace(e).GetFrames()
Dim m = frame.GetMethod()
Console.WriteLine($" at {m.DeclaringType.FullName.Replace("+"c, "."c)}.{m.Name}({String.Join(",", DirectCast(m.GetParameters(), Object()))})")
End Sub
End Class
"System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at C.F()
at C.VB$StateMachine_2_M.MoveNext()")
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(1942, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1942")>
Public Sub HoistStructure()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure TestStruct
Public i As Long
Public j As Long
End Structure
Class Program
Shared Async Function TestAsync() As Task
Dim t As TestStruct
t.i = 12
Console.WriteLine("Before {0}", t.i)
Await Task.Delay(100)
Console.WriteLine("After {0}", t.i)
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[Before 12
After 12]]>
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(7669, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7669")>
Public Sub HoistUsing001()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Class D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Using window = New D
For index = 1 To 2
Await Task.Delay(100)
End Using
Return "result"
End Function
End Module
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[Pre
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(7669, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7669")>
Public Sub HoistUsing002()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Class D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Dim window = New D
For index = 1 To 2
Await Task.Delay(100)
End Try
Return "result"
End Function
End Module
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[Pre
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(7669, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7669")>
Public Sub HoistUsing003()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Class D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Dim window as D
window = New D
For index = 1 To 2
Await Task.Delay(100)
End Try
Return "result"
End Function
End Module
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[Pre
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(7669, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7669")>
Public Sub HoistUsing004()
Dim source =
<compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Module1
Class D
Implements IDisposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Async Function Test() As Task(Of String)
Using window1 = New D
Using window = New D
For index = 1 To 2
Await Task.Delay(100)
End Using
End Using
Return "result"
End Function
End Module
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[Pre
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(9463, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9463")>
Public Sub AsyncIteratorReportsDiagnosticsWhenCoreTypesAreMissing()
Dim source = "
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Namespace System
Public Class [Object]
End Class
Public Class [Int32]
End Class
Public Class [Boolean]
End Class
Public Class [String]
End Class
Public Class Exception
End Class
Public Class ValueType
End Class
Public Class [Enum]
End Class
Public Class Void
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class Task
Public Function GetAwaiter() As TaskAwaiter
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Public Class TaskAwaiter
Implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property
Public Sub GetResult()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Interface INotifyCompletion
End Interface
Public Interface ICriticalNotifyCompletion
End Interface
Public Interface IAsyncStateMachine
Sub MoveNext()
Sub SetStateMachine(stateMachine As IAsyncStateMachine)
End Interface
Public Class AsyncVoidMethodBuilder
End Class
End Namespace
Class C
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
Await task
End Sub
End Class
Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilation({Parse(source)})
BC30456: 'Create' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC30456: 'SetException' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC30456: 'SetResult' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC30456: 'SetStateMachine' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC30456: 'Start' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError' is not defined.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC35000: Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError' is not defined.
Public Async Sub GetNumber(task As Task)
BC30456: 'AwaitOnCompleted' is not a member of 'AsyncVoidMethodBuilder'.
Await task
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(13734, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13734")>
Public Sub MethodGroupWithConversionNoSpill()
Dim source = <compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Class AsyncBug
Public Shared Sub Main()
End Sub
Public Async Shared Function Boom() As Task
Dim func As Func(Of Type) = Addressof (Await Task.FromResult(1)).GetType
End Function
End Class
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[System.Int32]]>
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput,
verify:=Verification.FailsILVerify.WithILVerifyMessage("[MoveNext]: Unrecognized arguments for delegate .ctor. { Offset = 0x86 }"))
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput,
verify:=Verification.FailsILVerify.WithILVerifyMessage("[MoveNext]: Unrecognized arguments for delegate .ctor. { Offset = 0x75 }"))
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(13734, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13734")>
Public Sub MethodGroupConversionWithSpill()
Dim source = <compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
imports System.Threading.Tasks
imports System
imports System.Linq
imports System.Collections.Generic
class Program
class SomeClass
Public Function Method(value as Integer) as Boolean
Return value Mod 2 = 0
End Function
End Class
private Async Function Danger() as Task(Of SomeClass)
await Task.Yield()
return new SomeClass()
End Function
Async function Killer() as Task(Of IEnumerable(Of Boolean))
Return {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.Select(AddressOf (Await Danger()).Method)
End Function
Shared Sub Main(args As String())
For Each b in new Program().Killer().GetAwaiter().GetResult()
End Sub
End Class
Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[False
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
<Fact, WorkItem(19831, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/19831")>
Public Sub CaptureAssignedInOuterFinally()
Dim source = <compilation name="Async">
<file name="a.vb">
imports System.Threading.Tasks
imports System
Module Module1
Sub Main()
End Sub
Async Function Test() As Task
Dim obj = New Object()
For i = 0 To 3
' NRE on second iteration
Await Task.Yield()
obj = Nothing
End Try
End Function
End Module
Dim expectedOutput = "success"
Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(source, references:=LatestVbReferences, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
CompileAndVerify(compilation.WithOptions(TestOptions.ReleaseExe), expectedOutput:=expectedOutput)
End Sub
Public Sub GetAwaiterBoxingConversion_01()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Interface IAwaitable
End Interface
Structure StructAwaitable
Implements IAwaitable
End Structure
Module Program
Function GetAwaiter(x As IAwaitable) As TaskAwaiter
If x Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(Nameof(x))
Return Task.CompletedTask.GetAwaiter()
End Function
Async Function M() As Task
Await New StructAwaitable()
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module"
Dim compilation = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:="StructAwaitable")
End Sub
Public Sub GetAwaiterBoxingConversion_02()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Structure StructAwaitable
End Structure
Module Program
Function GetAwaiter(x As Object) As TaskAwaiter
If x Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(Nameof(x))
Return Task.CompletedTask.GetAwaiter()
End Function
Async Function M() As Task
Dim s As StructAwaitable? = New StructAwaitable()
Await s
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module"
Dim compilation = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:="StructAwaitable")
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_ClassFieldAccessOnProperty()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.B.x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestPropertyAccessThrows() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestFieldAccessThrows() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestPropertyAccessSucceeds() As Task
Dim a = New A With {
.B = New B()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.B.x is: "" & a.B.x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.B.x is: "" & a.B.x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public Property B As B
End Class
Class B
Public x As Integer
End Class
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestPropertyAccessThrows
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a.B.x is: 0
After Assignment a.B.x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 203 (0xcb)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0054
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: callvirt ""Function A.get_B() As B""
IL_0016: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_001b: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_0020: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0025: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_002a: stloc.1
IL_002b: ldloca.s V_1
IL_002d: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0032: brtrue.s IL_0070
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldc.i4.0
IL_0036: dup
IL_0037: stloc.0
IL_0038: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_003d: ldarg.0
IL_003e: ldloc.1
IL_003f: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0044: ldarg.0
IL_0045: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_004a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_004c: ldarg.0
IL_004d: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_0052: leave.s IL_00ca
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0056: dup
IL_0057: stloc.0
IL_0058: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_005d: ldarg.0
IL_005e: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0063: stloc.1
IL_0064: ldarg.0
IL_0065: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006a: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0070: ldarg.0
IL_0071: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_0076: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0078: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_007d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007f: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0085: stfld ""B.x As Integer""
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldnull
IL_008c: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_0091: leave.s IL_00b5
catch System.Exception
IL_0093: dup
IL_0094: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0099: stloc.2
IL_009a: ldarg.0
IL_009b: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009d: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00a2: ldarg.0
IL_00a3: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a8: ldloc.2
IL_00a9: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00ae: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00b3: leave.s IL_00ca
IL_00b5: ldarg.0
IL_00b6: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b8: dup
IL_00b9: stloc.0
IL_00ba: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00bf: ldarg.0
IL_00c0: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c5: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00ca: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_ClassFieldAccessOnArray()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal arr As A()) As Task
arr(0).x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestIndexerThrows() As Task
Dim arr = New A(-1) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(arr)
Catch __unusedIndexOutOfRangeException1__ As IndexOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught IndexOutOfRangeException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAssignmentThrows() As Task
Dim arr = New A(0) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(arr)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestIndexerSucceeds() As Task
Dim arr = New A(0) {New A()}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Await Assign(arr)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
End Function
Private Async Function TestReassignsArrayAndIndexerDuringAwait() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Dim arr = New A(0) {a}
Dim index = 0
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
arr = New A(-1) {}
index = 1
Return 42
End Function
arr(index).x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
End Function
Private Async Function TestReassignsTargetDuringAwait() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Dim arr = New A(0) {a}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].y is: "" & arr(0).y)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
arr(0) = New A With {
.y = True
Return 42
End Function
arr(0).x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0].y is: "" & arr(0).y)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public x As Integer
Public y As Boolean
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestIndexerThrows
Before Assignment
Caught IndexOutOfRangeException
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment arr[0].x is: 0
After Assignment arr[0].x is: 42
Before Assignment arr.Length is: 1
Before Assignment a.x is: 0
After Assignment arr.Length is: 0
After Assignment a.x is: 42
Before Assignment arr[0].x is: 0
Before Assignment arr[0].y is: False
Before Assignment a.x is: 0
After Assignment arr[0].x is: 0
After Assignment arr[0].y is: True
After Assignment a.x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 200 (0xc8)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0051
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_arr As A()""
IL_0011: ldc.i4.0
IL_0012: ldelem.ref
IL_0013: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0018: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_001d: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0022: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0027: stloc.1
IL_0028: ldloca.s V_1
IL_002a: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_002f: brtrue.s IL_006d
IL_0031: ldarg.0
IL_0032: ldc.i4.0
IL_0033: dup
IL_0034: stloc.0
IL_0035: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_003a: ldarg.0
IL_003b: ldloc.1
IL_003c: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0041: ldarg.0
IL_0042: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0047: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0049: ldarg.0
IL_004a: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_004f: leave.s IL_00c7
IL_0051: ldarg.0
IL_0052: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0053: dup
IL_0054: stloc.0
IL_0055: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_005a: ldarg.0
IL_005b: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0060: stloc.1
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0067: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006d: ldarg.0
IL_006e: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0073: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0075: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_007a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007c: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0082: stfld ""A.x As Integer""
IL_0087: ldarg.0
IL_0088: ldnull
IL_0089: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_008e: leave.s IL_00b2
catch System.Exception
IL_0090: dup
IL_0091: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0096: stloc.2
IL_0097: ldarg.0
IL_0098: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_009f: ldarg.0
IL_00a0: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a5: ldloc.2
IL_00a6: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00ab: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00b0: leave.s IL_00c7
IL_00b2: ldarg.0
IL_00b3: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b5: dup
IL_00b6: stloc.0
IL_00b7: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00bc: ldarg.0
IL_00bd: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c2: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00c7: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_StructFieldAccessOnArray()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal arr As A()) As Task
arr(0).x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestIndexerThrows() As Task
Dim arr = New A(-1) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(arr)
Catch __unusedIndexOutOfRangeException1__ As IndexOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught IndexOutOfRangeException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestIndexerSucceeds() As Task
Dim arr = New A(0) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Await Assign(arr)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
End Function
Private Async Function TestReassignsArrayAndIndexerDuringAwait() As Task
Dim arr = New A(0) {}
Dim arrCopy = arr
Dim index = 0
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arrCopy[0].x is: "" & arrCopy(0).x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
arr = New A(-1) {}
index = 1
Return 42
End Function
arr(index).x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arrCopy[0].x is: "" & arrCopy(0).x)
End Function
Private Async Function TestReassignsTargetDuringAwait() As Task
Dim arr = New A(0) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].y is: "" & arr(0).y)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
arr(0) = New A With {
.y = True
Return 42
End Function
arr(0).x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0].x is: "" & arr(0).x)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0].y is: "" & arr(0).y)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Structure A
Public x As Integer
Public y As Boolean
End Structure"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestIndexerThrows
Before Assignment
Caught IndexOutOfRangeException
Before Assignment arr[0].x is: 0
After Assignment arr[0].x is: 42
Before Assignment arr.Length is: 1
Before Assignment arrCopy[0].x is: 0
After Assignment arr.Length is: 0
After Assignment arrCopy[0].x is: 42
Before Assignment arr[0].x is: 0
Before Assignment arr[0].y is: False
After Assignment arr[0].x is: 42
Before Assignment arr[0].y is: True").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 217 (0xd9)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_005c
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_arr As A()""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A()""
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A()""
IL_001c: ldc.i4.0
IL_001d: ldelema ""A""
IL_0022: pop
IL_0023: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_0028: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_002d: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0032: stloc.1
IL_0033: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0035: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_003a: brtrue.s IL_0078
IL_003c: ldarg.0
IL_003d: ldc.i4.0
IL_003e: dup
IL_003f: stloc.0
IL_0040: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0045: ldarg.0
IL_0046: ldloc.1
IL_0047: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_004c: ldarg.0
IL_004d: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0052: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_005a: leave.s IL_00d8
IL_005c: ldarg.0
IL_005d: ldc.i4.m1
IL_005e: dup
IL_005f: stloc.0
IL_0060: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0065: ldarg.0
IL_0066: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006b: stloc.1
IL_006c: ldarg.0
IL_006d: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0072: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0078: ldarg.0
IL_0079: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A()""
IL_007e: ldc.i4.0
IL_007f: ldelema ""A""
IL_0084: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0086: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_008b: ldloca.s V_1
IL_008d: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0093: stfld ""A.x As Integer""
IL_0098: ldarg.0
IL_0099: ldnull
IL_009a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A()""
IL_009f: leave.s IL_00c3
catch System.Exception
IL_00a1: dup
IL_00a2: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_00a7: stloc.2
IL_00a8: ldarg.0
IL_00a9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00ab: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00b0: ldarg.0
IL_00b1: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00b6: ldloc.2
IL_00b7: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00bc: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00c1: leave.s IL_00d8
IL_00c3: ldarg.0
IL_00c4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00c6: dup
IL_00c7: stloc.0
IL_00c8: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00cd: ldarg.0
IL_00ce: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00d3: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00d8: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_AssignmentToArray()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal arr As Integer()) As Task
arr(0) = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestIndexerThrows() As Task
Dim arr = New Integer(-1) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(arr)
Catch __unusedIndexOutOfRangeException1__ As IndexOutOfRangeException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught IndexOutOfRangeException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestIndexerSucceeds() As Task
Dim arr = New Integer(0) {}
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr[0] is: "" & arr(0))
Await Assign(arr)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr[0] is: "" & arr(0))
End Function
Private Async Function TestReassignsArrayAndIndexerDuringAwait() As Task
Dim arr = New Integer(0) {}
Dim arrCopy = arr
Dim index = 0
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment arrCopy[0] is: "" & arrCopy(0))
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
arr = New Integer(-1) {}
index = 1
Return 42
End Function
arr(index) = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arr.Length is: "" & arr.Length)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment arrCopy[0] is: "" & arrCopy(0))
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestIndexerThrows
Before Assignment
Caught IndexOutOfRangeException
Before Assignment arr[0] is: 0
After Assignment arr[0] is: 42
Before Assignment arr.Length is: 1
Before Assignment arrCopy[0] is: 0
After Assignment arr.Length is: 0
After Assignment arrCopy[0] is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 195 (0xc3)
.maxstack 4
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004f
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_arr As Integer()""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer()""
IL_0016: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_001b: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0020: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0025: stloc.1
IL_0026: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0028: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_006b
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldc.i4.0
IL_0031: dup
IL_0032: stloc.0
IL_0033: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0038: ldarg.0
IL_0039: ldloc.1
IL_003a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0045: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0047: ldarg.0
IL_0048: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_004d: leave.s IL_00c2
IL_004f: ldarg.0
IL_0050: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0051: dup
IL_0052: stloc.0
IL_0053: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_005e: stloc.1
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0065: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer()""
IL_0071: ldc.i4.0
IL_0072: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0074: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0079: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007b: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0081: stelem.i4
IL_0082: ldarg.0
IL_0083: ldnull
IL_0084: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer()""
IL_0089: leave.s IL_00ad
catch System.Exception
IL_008b: dup
IL_008c: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0091: stloc.2
IL_0092: ldarg.0
IL_0093: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0095: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_009a: ldarg.0
IL_009b: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a0: ldloc.2
IL_00a1: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00a6: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00ab: leave.s IL_00c2
IL_00ad: ldarg.0
IL_00ae: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b0: dup
IL_00b1: stloc.0
IL_00b2: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00b7: ldarg.0
IL_00b8: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00bd: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00c2: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_StructFieldAccessOnStructFieldAccessOnClassField()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.b.c.x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAIsNotNull() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.b.c.x is: "" & a.b.c.x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.b.c.x is: "" & a.b.c.x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignADuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Dim aCopy = a
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment aCopy.b.c.x is: "" & aCopy.b.c.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a = Nothing
Return 42
End Function
a.b.c.x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment aCopy.b.c.x is: "" & aCopy.b.c.x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public b As B
End Class
Structure B
Public c As C
End Structure
Structure C
Public x As Integer
End Structure"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a.b.c.x is: 0
After Assignment a.b.c.x is: 42
Before Assignment a is null == False
Before Assignment aCopy.b.c.x is: 0
After Assignment a is null == True
After Assignment aCopy.b.c.x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 223 (0xdf)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_005e
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_001c: ldfld ""A.b As B""
IL_0021: pop
IL_0022: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_0027: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_002c: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0031: stloc.1
IL_0032: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0034: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0039: brtrue.s IL_007a
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: ldc.i4.0
IL_003d: dup
IL_003e: stloc.0
IL_003f: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0044: ldarg.0
IL_0045: ldloc.1
IL_0046: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_004b: ldarg.0
IL_004c: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0051: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0053: ldarg.0
IL_0054: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_0059: leave IL_00de
IL_005e: ldarg.0
IL_005f: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0060: dup
IL_0061: stloc.0
IL_0062: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0067: ldarg.0
IL_0068: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006d: stloc.1
IL_006e: ldarg.0
IL_006f: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0074: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_007a: ldarg.0
IL_007b: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0080: ldflda ""A.b As B""
IL_0085: ldflda ""B.c As C""
IL_008a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_008c: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0091: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0093: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0099: stfld ""C.x As Integer""
IL_009e: ldarg.0
IL_009f: ldnull
IL_00a0: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_00a5: leave.s IL_00c9
catch System.Exception
IL_00a7: dup
IL_00a8: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_00ad: stloc.2
IL_00ae: ldarg.0
IL_00af: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b1: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00b6: ldarg.0
IL_00b7: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00bc: ldloc.2
IL_00bd: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00c2: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00c7: leave.s IL_00de
IL_00c9: ldarg.0
IL_00ca: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00cc: dup
IL_00cd: stloc.0
IL_00ce: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00d3: ldarg.0
IL_00d4: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00d9: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00de: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_ClassPropertyAssignmentOnClassProperty()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.b.x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAIsNotNull() As Task
Dim a = New A With {
._b = New B()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a._b._x is: "" & a._b._x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a._b._x is: "" & a._b._x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignADuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A With {
._b = New B()
Dim aCopy = a
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment aCopy._b._x is: "" & aCopy._b._x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a = Nothing
Return 42
End Function
a.b.x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment aCopy._b._x is: "" & aCopy._b._x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public _b As B
Public Property b As B
Return _b
End Get
Set(ByVal value As B)
_b = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Class B
Public _x As Integer
Public Property x As Integer
Return _x
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_x = value
End Set
End Property
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a._b._x is: 0
After Assignment a._b._x is: 42
Before Assignment a is null == False
Before Assignment aCopy._b._x is: 0
After Assignment a is null == True
After Assignment aCopy._b._x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 203 (0xcb)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0054
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: callvirt ""Function A.get_b() As B""
IL_0016: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_001b: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_0020: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0025: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_002a: stloc.1
IL_002b: ldloca.s V_1
IL_002d: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0032: brtrue.s IL_0070
IL_0034: ldarg.0
IL_0035: ldc.i4.0
IL_0036: dup
IL_0037: stloc.0
IL_0038: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_003d: ldarg.0
IL_003e: ldloc.1
IL_003f: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0044: ldarg.0
IL_0045: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_004a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_004c: ldarg.0
IL_004d: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_0052: leave.s IL_00ca
IL_0054: ldarg.0
IL_0055: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0056: dup
IL_0057: stloc.0
IL_0058: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_005d: ldarg.0
IL_005e: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0063: stloc.1
IL_0064: ldarg.0
IL_0065: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006a: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0070: ldarg.0
IL_0071: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_0076: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0078: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_007d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007f: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0085: callvirt ""Sub B.set_x(Integer)""
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldnull
IL_008c: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As B""
IL_0091: leave.s IL_00b5
catch System.Exception
IL_0093: dup
IL_0094: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0099: stloc.2
IL_009a: ldarg.0
IL_009b: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009d: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00a2: ldarg.0
IL_00a3: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a8: ldloc.2
IL_00a9: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00ae: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00b3: leave.s IL_00ca
IL_00b5: ldarg.0
IL_00b6: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b8: dup
IL_00b9: stloc.0
IL_00ba: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00bf: ldarg.0
IL_00c0: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c5: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00ca: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(19609, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/19609")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_FieldAccessOnClass()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAIsNotNull() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignADuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Dim aCopy = a
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment aCopy.x is: "" & aCopy.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) = Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a = Nothing
Return 42
End Function
a.x = Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment aCopy.x is: "" & aCopy.x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public x As Integer
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a.x is: 0
After Assignment a.x is: 42
Before Assignment a is null == False
Before Assignment aCopy.x is: 0
After Assignment a is null == True
After Assignment aCopy.x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 198 (0xc6)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004f
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0016: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_001b: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0020: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0025: stloc.1
IL_0026: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0028: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_006b
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldc.i4.0
IL_0031: dup
IL_0032: stloc.0
IL_0033: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0038: ldarg.0
IL_0039: ldloc.1
IL_003a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0045: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0047: ldarg.0
IL_0048: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_004d: leave.s IL_00c5
IL_004f: ldarg.0
IL_0050: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0051: dup
IL_0052: stloc.0
IL_0053: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_005e: stloc.1
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0065: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_0071: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0073: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0078: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007a: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0080: stfld ""A.x As Integer""
IL_0085: ldarg.0
IL_0086: ldnull
IL_0087: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As A""
IL_008c: leave.s IL_00b0
catch System.Exception
IL_008e: dup
IL_008f: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0094: stloc.2
IL_0095: ldarg.0
IL_0096: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0098: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_009d: ldarg.0
IL_009e: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a3: ldloc.2
IL_00a4: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00a9: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00ae: leave.s IL_00c5
IL_00b0: ldarg.0
IL_00b1: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b3: dup
IL_00b4: stloc.0
IL_00b5: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00ba: ldarg.0
IL_00bb: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c0: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00c5: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_CompoundAssignment()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.x += Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAIsNotNull() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
.x = 1
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignADuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
.x = 1
Dim aCopy = a
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment aCopy.x is: "" & aCopy.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a = Nothing
Return 42
End Function
a.x += Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment aCopy.x is: "" & aCopy.x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignXDuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
.x = 1
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a.x = 100
Return 42
End Function
a.x += Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a.x is: "" & a.x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public x As Integer
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a.x is: 1
After Assignment a.x is: 43
Before Assignment a is null == False
Before Assignment aCopy.x is: 1
After Assignment a is null == True
After Assignment aCopy.x is: 43
Before Assignment a.x is: 1
After Assignment a.x is: 43").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 222 (0xde)
.maxstack 4
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0060
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldarg.0
IL_0018: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_001d: ldfld ""A.x As Integer""
IL_0022: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer""
IL_0027: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_002c: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0031: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0036: stloc.1
IL_0037: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0039: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_003e: brtrue.s IL_007c
IL_0040: ldarg.0
IL_0041: ldc.i4.0
IL_0042: dup
IL_0043: stloc.0
IL_0044: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0049: ldarg.0
IL_004a: ldloc.1
IL_004b: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0050: ldarg.0
IL_0051: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0056: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_005e: leave.s IL_00dd
IL_0060: ldarg.0
IL_0061: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0062: dup
IL_0063: stloc.0
IL_0064: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006f: stloc.1
IL_0070: ldarg.0
IL_0071: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0076: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_007c: ldarg.0
IL_007d: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_0082: ldarg.0
IL_0083: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer""
IL_0088: ldloca.s V_1
IL_008a: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_008f: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0091: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0097: add.ovf
IL_0098: stfld ""A.x As Integer""
IL_009d: ldarg.0
IL_009e: ldnull
IL_009f: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_00a4: leave.s IL_00c8
catch System.Exception
IL_00a6: dup
IL_00a7: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_00ac: stloc.2
IL_00ad: ldarg.0
IL_00ae: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b0: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00b5: ldarg.0
IL_00b6: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00bb: ldloc.2
IL_00bc: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00c1: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00c6: leave.s IL_00dd
IL_00c8: ldarg.0
IL_00c9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00cb: dup
IL_00cc: stloc.0
IL_00cd: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00d2: ldarg.0
IL_00d3: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00d8: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00dd: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_CompoundAssignmentProperties()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.x += Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment"")
Await Assign(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestAIsNotNull() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
._x = 1
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a._x is: "" & a._x)
Await Assign(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a._x is: "" & a._x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignADuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
._x = 1
Dim aCopy = a
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment aCopy._x is: "" & aCopy._x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a = Nothing
Return 42
End Function
a.x += Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a is null == "" & (a Is Nothing))
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment aCopy._x is: "" & aCopy._x)
End Function
Private Async Function ReassignXDuringAssignment() As Task
Dim a = New A() With {
._x = 1
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment a._x is: "" & a._x)
Dim WriteAndReassign As Func(Of String, Task(Of Integer)) =
Async Function(ByVal s As String)
Await Task.Yield()
a._x = 100
Return 42
End Function
a.x += Await WriteAndReassign(""RHS"")
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment a._x is: "" & a._x)
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public _x As Integer
Public Property x As Integer
Return _x
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_x = value
End Set
End Property
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Assignment
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Assignment a._x is: 1
After Assignment a._x is: 43
Before Assignment a is null == False
Before Assignment aCopy._x is: 1
After Assignment a is null == True
After Assignment aCopy._x is: 43
Before Assignment a._x is: 1
After Assignment a._x is: 43").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 231 (0xe7)
.maxstack 4
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
A V_2,
System.Exception V_3)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0069
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldarg.0
IL_000d: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0012: dup
IL_0013: stloc.2
IL_0014: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$S0 As A""
IL_0019: ldloc.2
IL_001a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_001f: ldarg.0
IL_0020: ldarg.0
IL_0021: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$S0 As A""
IL_0026: callvirt ""Function A.get_x() As Integer""
IL_002b: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer""
IL_0030: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_0035: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_003a: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_003f: stloc.1
IL_0040: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0042: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0047: brtrue.s IL_0085
IL_0049: ldarg.0
IL_004a: ldc.i4.0
IL_004b: dup
IL_004c: stloc.0
IL_004d: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0052: ldarg.0
IL_0053: ldloc.1
IL_0054: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0059: ldarg.0
IL_005a: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_005f: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_0067: leave.s IL_00e6
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldc.i4.m1
IL_006b: dup
IL_006c: stloc.0
IL_006d: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0072: ldarg.0
IL_0073: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0078: stloc.1
IL_0079: ldarg.0
IL_007a: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_007f: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0085: ldarg.0
IL_0086: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_008b: ldarg.0
IL_008c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U1 As Integer""
IL_0091: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0093: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0098: ldloca.s V_1
IL_009a: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_00a0: add.ovf
IL_00a1: callvirt ""Sub A.set_x(Integer)""
IL_00a6: ldarg.0
IL_00a7: ldnull
IL_00a8: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$U2 As A""
IL_00ad: leave.s IL_00d1
catch System.Exception
IL_00af: dup
IL_00b0: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_00b5: stloc.3
IL_00b6: ldarg.0
IL_00b7: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b9: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00be: ldarg.0
IL_00bf: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c4: ldloc.3
IL_00c5: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00ca: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00cf: leave.s IL_00e6
IL_00d1: ldarg.0
IL_00d2: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00d4: dup
IL_00d5: stloc.0
IL_00d6: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00db: ldarg.0
IL_00dc: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00e1: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00e6: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub AssignmentToFieldOfStaticFieldOfStruct()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Assign() As Task
A.b.x = Await Write(""RHS"")
End Function
Private Async Function Write(ByVal s As String) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Console.WriteLine(""Before Assignment A.b.x is: "" & A.b.x)
Console.WriteLine(""After Assignment A.b.x is: "" & A.b.x)
End Sub
End Module
Structure A
Public Shared b As B
End Structure
Structure B
Public x As Integer
End Structure"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="Before Assignment A.b.x is: 0
After Assignment A.b.x is: 42").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.MoveNext", "
// Code size 178 (0xb2)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0043
IL_000a: ldstr ""RHS""
IL_000f: call ""Function Program.Write(String) As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0014: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0019: stloc.1
IL_001a: ldloca.s V_1
IL_001c: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0021: brtrue.s IL_005f
IL_0023: ldarg.0
IL_0024: ldc.i4.0
IL_0025: dup
IL_0026: stloc.0
IL_0027: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_002c: ldarg.0
IL_002d: ldloc.1
IL_002e: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0033: ldarg.0
IL_0034: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0039: ldloca.s V_1
IL_003b: ldarg.0
IL_003c: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign)""
IL_0041: leave.s IL_00b1
IL_0043: ldarg.0
IL_0044: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0045: dup
IL_0046: stloc.0
IL_0047: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_004c: ldarg.0
IL_004d: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0052: stloc.1
IL_0053: ldarg.0
IL_0054: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0059: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_005f: ldsflda ""A.b As B""
IL_0064: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0066: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_006b: ldloca.s V_1
IL_006d: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0073: stfld ""B.x As Integer""
IL_0078: leave.s IL_009c
catch System.Exception
IL_007a: dup
IL_007b: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0080: stloc.2
IL_0081: ldarg.0
IL_0082: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0084: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_0089: ldarg.0
IL_008a: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_008f: ldloc.2
IL_0090: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_0095: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_009a: leave.s IL_00b1
IL_009c: ldarg.0
IL_009d: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_009f: dup
IL_00a0: stloc.0
IL_00a1: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$State As Integer""
IL_00a6: ldarg.0
IL_00a7: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Assign.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00ac: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00b1: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_CallOnClassFieldOnClass()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Invoke(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.b.M(Await Write())
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Invoke"")
Await Invoke(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestBIsNull() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Invoke"")
Await Invoke(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestSucceeds() As Task
Dim a = New A With {
.b = New B()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Invoke"")
Await Invoke(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Invoke"")
End Function
Private Async Function Write() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public b As B
End Class
Class B
Public Sub M(a as Integer)
End Sub
End Class"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Invoke
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Invoke
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Invoke
After Invoke").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.MoveNext", "
// Code size 198 (0xc6)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_004f
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: ldfld ""A.b As B""
IL_0016: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As B""
IL_001b: call ""Function Program.Write() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0020: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0025: stloc.1
IL_0026: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0028: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_006b
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldc.i4.0
IL_0031: dup
IL_0032: stloc.0
IL_0033: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_0038: ldarg.0
IL_0039: ldloc.1
IL_003a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_0045: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0047: ldarg.0
IL_0048: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke)""
IL_004d: leave.s IL_00c5
IL_004f: ldarg.0
IL_0050: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0051: dup
IL_0052: stloc.0
IL_0053: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_005e: stloc.1
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0065: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As B""
IL_0071: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0073: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0078: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007a: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0080: callvirt ""Sub B.M(Integer)""
IL_0085: ldarg.0
IL_0086: ldnull
IL_0087: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As B""
IL_008c: leave.s IL_00b0
catch System.Exception
IL_008e: dup
IL_008f: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_0094: stloc.2
IL_0095: ldarg.0
IL_0096: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0098: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_009d: ldarg.0
IL_009e: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00a3: ldloc.2
IL_00a4: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00a9: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00ae: leave.s IL_00c5
IL_00b0: ldarg.0
IL_00b1: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00b3: dup
IL_00b4: stloc.0
IL_00b5: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_00ba: ldarg.0
IL_00bb: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00c0: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00c5: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(42755, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42755")>
Public Sub KeepLtrSemantics_CallOnStructFieldOnClass()
Dim source =
"Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Private Async Function Invoke(ByVal a As A) As Task
a.b.M(Await Write())
End Function
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
End Sub
Private Async Function TestAIsNull() As Task
Dim a As A = Nothing
Console.WriteLine(""Before Invoke"")
Await Invoke(a)
Catch __ As NullReferenceException
Console.WriteLine(""Caught NullReferenceException"")
End Try
End Function
Private Async Function TestSucceeds() As Task
Dim a = New A()
Console.WriteLine(""Before Invoke"")
Await Invoke(a)
Console.WriteLine(""After Invoke"")
End Function
Private Async Function Write() As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return 42
End Function
End Module
Class A
Public b As B
End Class
Structure B
Public Sub M(a as Integer)
End Sub
End Structure"
Dim comp = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput:="TestAIsNull
Before Invoke
Caught NullReferenceException
Before Invoke
After Invoke").VerifyIL("Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.MoveNext", "
// Code size 210 (0xd2)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer V_0,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_1,
System.Exception V_2)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: ldloc.0
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0056
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$VB$Local_a As A""
IL_0011: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As A""
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As A""
IL_001c: ldfld ""A.b As B""
IL_0021: pop
IL_0022: call ""Function Program.Write() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)""
IL_0027: callvirt ""Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_002c: stloc.1
IL_002d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_002f: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean""
IL_0034: brtrue.s IL_0072
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: ldc.i4.0
IL_0038: dup
IL_0039: stloc.0
IL_003a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_003f: ldarg.0
IL_0040: ldloc.1
IL_0041: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0046: ldarg.0
IL_0047: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_004c: ldloca.s V_1
IL_004e: ldarg.0
IL_004f: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke)""
IL_0054: leave.s IL_00d1
IL_0056: ldarg.0
IL_0057: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0058: dup
IL_0059: stloc.0
IL_005a: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_005f: ldarg.0
IL_0060: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0065: stloc.1
IL_0066: ldarg.0
IL_0067: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_006c: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_0072: ldarg.0
IL_0073: ldfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As A""
IL_0078: ldflda ""A.b As B""
IL_007d: ldloca.s V_1
IL_007f: call ""Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer""
IL_0084: ldloca.s V_1
IL_0086: initobj ""System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)""
IL_008c: call ""Sub B.M(Integer)""
IL_0091: ldarg.0
IL_0092: ldnull
IL_0093: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$U1 As A""
IL_0098: leave.s IL_00bc
catch System.Exception
IL_009a: dup
IL_009b: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)""
IL_00a0: stloc.2
IL_00a1: ldarg.0
IL_00a2: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00a4: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_00a9: ldarg.0
IL_00aa: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00af: ldloc.2
IL_00b0: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(System.Exception)""
IL_00b5: call ""Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()""
IL_00ba: leave.s IL_00d1
IL_00bc: ldarg.0
IL_00bd: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00bf: dup
IL_00c0: stloc.0
IL_00c1: stfld ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$State As Integer""
IL_00c6: ldarg.0
IL_00c7: ldflda ""Program.VB$StateMachine_0_Invoke.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder""
IL_00cc: call ""Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult()""
IL_00d1: ret
End Sub
<WorkItem(47191, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47191")>
Public Sub AssignModuleStructureField()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Structure S1
Public Field As Integer
End Structure
Module Program
Dim s1 As S1
Async Function M1(t As Task(Of Integer)) As Task
s1.Field = Await t
End Function
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
Dim compilation = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:="1")
End Sub
<WorkItem(47191, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47191")>
Public Sub AssignInstanceStructureField()
Dim source = "
Imports System
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Public Structure S1
Public Field As Integer
End Structure
Class C
Dim s1 As S1
Async Function M1(t As Task(Of Integer)) As Task
s1.Field = Await t
End Function
Shared Sub Main()
Dim c = New C()
End Sub
End Class
Dim compilation = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:="1")
End Sub
Public Sub CompilerLoweringPreserveAttribute_01()
Dim source1 = "
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field Or AttributeTargets.Parameter)>
Public Class Preserve1Attribute
Inherits Attribute
End Class
Public Class Preserve2Attribute
Inherits Attribute
End Class
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field Or AttributeTargets.Parameter)>
Public Class Preserve3Attribute
Inherits Attribute
End Class
Dim source2 = "
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Class Test1
Async Function M2(<Preserve1,Preserve2,Preserve3> x As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
Await Task.Yield()
Return x
End Function
End Class
Dim validate = Sub(m As ModuleSymbol)
m.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("Test1.VB$StateMachine_1_M2.$VB$Local_x").GetAttributes().Select(Function(a) a.ToString()))
End Sub
Dim comp1 = CreateCompilation(
{source1, source2, CompilerLoweringPreserveAttributeDefinition},
CompileAndVerify(comp1, symbolValidator:=validate).VerifyDiagnostics()
End Sub
Public Sub ConditionalAccessInAsyncMethod_01()
Dim source =
<file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
#disable warning BC42356 ' This async method lacks 'Await' operators
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Dim result = Test("").GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
result = Test(Nothing).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
Value = Nothing
result = Test("").GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
End Sub
Public Async Function Test(input As String) As Task(Of Integer?)
Return input?.Parse()?.Truncate()
End Function
Dim Value As Integer? = 3
Public Function Parse(input As String) As Integer?
Return Value
End Function
Public Function Truncate(value As Integer) As Integer
Return value
End Function
End Module
Dim c = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerify(c, expectedOutput:="12(3)()1()").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 141 (0x8d)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer? V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer?) V_2,
Integer? V_3,
Integer? V_4,
System.Exception V_5)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: nop
IL_0008: ldarg.0
IL_0009: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_000e: brtrue.s IL_001b
IL_0010: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0012: initobj "Integer?"
IL_0018: ldloc.3
IL_0019: br.s IL_004d
IL_001b: ldarg.0
IL_001c: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_0021: call "Function Program.Parse(String) As Integer?"
IL_0026: stloc.3
IL_0027: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0029: call "Function Integer?.get_HasValue() As Boolean"
IL_002e: brtrue.s IL_003c
IL_0030: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0032: initobj "Integer?"
IL_0038: ldloc.s V_4
IL_003a: br.s IL_004d
IL_003c: ldloca.s V_3
IL_003e: call "Function Integer?.GetValueOrDefault() As Integer"
IL_0043: call "Function Program.Truncate(Integer) As Integer"
IL_0048: newobj "Sub Integer?..ctor(Integer)"
IL_004d: stloc.0
IL_004e: leave.s IL_0075
catch System.Exception
IL_0050: dup
IL_0051: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0056: stloc.s V_5
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_005b: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0060: ldarg.0
IL_0061: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0066: ldloc.s V_5
IL_0068: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_006d: nop
IL_006e: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0073: leave.s IL_008c
IL_0075: ldarg.0
IL_0076: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0078: dup
IL_0079: stloc.1
IL_007a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_007f: ldarg.0
IL_0080: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0085: ldloc.0
IL_0086: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetResult(Integer?)"
IL_008b: nop
IL_008c: ret
c = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
verifier = CompileAndVerify(c, expectedOutput:="12(3)()1()").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 137 (0x89)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer? V_0,
Integer V_1,
Integer? V_2,
Integer? V_3,
System.Exception V_4)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldarg.0
IL_0008: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_000d: brtrue.s IL_001a
IL_000f: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0011: initobj "Integer?"
IL_0017: ldloc.2
IL_0018: br.s IL_004b
IL_001a: ldarg.0
IL_001b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_0020: call "Function Program.Parse(String) As Integer?"
IL_0025: stloc.2
IL_0026: ldloca.s V_2
IL_0028: call "Function Integer?.get_HasValue() As Boolean"
IL_002d: brtrue.s IL_003a
IL_002f: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0031: initobj "Integer?"
IL_0037: ldloc.3
IL_0038: br.s IL_004b
IL_003a: ldloca.s V_2
IL_003c: call "Function Integer?.GetValueOrDefault() As Integer"
IL_0041: call "Function Program.Truncate(Integer) As Integer"
IL_0046: newobj "Sub Integer?..ctor(Integer)"
IL_004b: stloc.0
IL_004c: leave.s IL_0072
catch System.Exception
IL_004e: dup
IL_004f: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_0054: stloc.s V_4
IL_0056: ldarg.0
IL_0057: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0059: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_005e: ldarg.0
IL_005f: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0064: ldloc.s V_4
IL_0066: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_006b: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0070: leave.s IL_0088
IL_0072: ldarg.0
IL_0073: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0075: dup
IL_0076: stloc.1
IL_0077: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_007c: ldarg.0
IL_007d: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0082: ldloc.0
IL_0083: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetResult(Integer?)"
IL_0088: ret
End Sub
Public Sub ConditionalAccessInAsyncMethod_02()
Dim source =
<file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module Program
Public Sub Main()
Dim result = Test("").GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
result = Test(Nothing).GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
Value = Nothing
result = Test("").GetAwaiter().GetResult()
Console.Write("({0})", result)
End Sub
Public Async Function Test(input As String) As Task(Of Integer?)
Return input?.Parse()?.Truncate(Await GetInt())
End Function
Dim Value As Integer? = 3
Public Function Parse(input As String) As Integer?
Return Value
End Function
Public Function Truncate(value As Integer, x As Integer) As Integer
Return value
End Function
Async Function GetInt() As Task(Of Integer)
await Task.Yield()
Return 0
End Function
End Module
Dim c = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.DebugExe)
Dim verifier = CompileAndVerify(c, expectedOutput:="12(3)()1()").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 285 (0x11d)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer? V_0,
Integer V_1,
System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer?) V_2,
Integer? V_3,
Integer? V_4,
Integer? V_5,
Integer? V_6,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_7,
Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test V_8,
Integer V_9,
System.Exception V_10)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_000c
IL_000a: br.s IL_000e
IL_000c: br.s IL_0081
IL_000e: nop
IL_000f: ldarg.0
IL_0010: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_0015: brfalse IL_00d4
IL_001a: ldarg.0
IL_001b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_0020: call "Function Program.Parse(String) As Integer?"
IL_0025: dup
IL_0026: stloc.s V_4
IL_0028: stloc.s V_6
IL_002a: ldloca.s V_6
IL_002c: call "Function Integer?.get_HasValue() As Boolean"
IL_0031: brfalse IL_00c7
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: ldloca.s V_4
IL_0039: call "Function Integer?.GetValueOrDefault() As Integer"
IL_003e: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$U1 As Integer"
IL_0043: call "Function Program.GetInt() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0048: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_004d: stloc.s V_7
IL_004f: ldloca.s V_7
IL_0051: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0056: brtrue.s IL_00a0
IL_0058: ldarg.0
IL_0059: ldc.i4.0
IL_005a: dup
IL_005b: stloc.1
IL_005c: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0061: ldarg.0
IL_0062: ldloc.s V_7
IL_0064: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0069: ldarg.0
IL_006a: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_006f: ldloca.s V_7
IL_0071: ldarg.0
IL_0072: stloc.s V_8
IL_0074: ldloca.s V_8
IL_0076: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test)"
IL_007b: nop
IL_007c: leave IL_011c
IL_0081: ldarg.0
IL_0082: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0083: dup
IL_0084: stloc.1
IL_0085: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_008a: ldarg.0
IL_008b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0090: stloc.s V_7
IL_0092: ldarg.0
IL_0093: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0098: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_009e: br.s IL_00a0
IL_00a0: ldarg.0
IL_00a1: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$U1 As Integer"
IL_00a6: ldloca.s V_7
IL_00a8: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_00ad: stloc.s V_9
IL_00af: ldloca.s V_7
IL_00b1: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00b7: ldloc.s V_9
IL_00b9: call "Function Program.Truncate(Integer, Integer) As Integer"
IL_00be: newobj "Sub Integer?..ctor(Integer)"
IL_00c3: stloc.s V_5
IL_00c5: br.s IL_00cf
IL_00c7: ldloca.s V_5
IL_00c9: initobj "Integer?"
IL_00cf: ldloc.s V_5
IL_00d1: stloc.3
IL_00d2: br.s IL_00dc
IL_00d4: ldloca.s V_3
IL_00d6: initobj "Integer?"
IL_00dc: ldloc.3
IL_00dd: stloc.0
IL_00de: leave.s IL_0105
catch System.Exception
IL_00e0: dup
IL_00e1: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00e6: stloc.s V_10
IL_00e8: ldarg.0
IL_00e9: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00eb: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00f0: ldarg.0
IL_00f1: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_00f6: ldloc.s V_10
IL_00f8: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00fd: nop
IL_00fe: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_0103: leave.s IL_011c
IL_0105: ldarg.0
IL_0106: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0108: dup
IL_0109: stloc.1
IL_010a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_010f: ldarg.0
IL_0110: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0115: ldloc.0
IL_0116: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetResult(Integer?)"
IL_011b: nop
IL_011c: ret
c = CreateCompilation(source, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseExe)
verifier = CompileAndVerify(c, expectedOutput:="12(3)()1()").VerifyDiagnostics()
// Code size 266 (0x10a)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (Integer? V_0,
Integer V_1,
Integer? V_2,
Integer? V_3,
Integer? V_4,
Integer? V_5,
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer) V_6,
System.Exception V_7)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: brfalse.s IL_0076
IL_000a: ldarg.0
IL_000b: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_0010: brfalse IL_00c3
IL_0015: ldarg.0
IL_0016: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$VB$Local_input As String"
IL_001b: call "Function Program.Parse(String) As Integer?"
IL_0020: dup
IL_0021: stloc.3
IL_0022: stloc.s V_5
IL_0024: ldloca.s V_5
IL_0026: call "Function Integer?.get_HasValue() As Boolean"
IL_002b: brfalse IL_00b6
IL_0030: ldarg.0
IL_0031: ldloca.s V_3
IL_0033: call "Function Integer?.GetValueOrDefault() As Integer"
IL_0038: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$U1 As Integer"
IL_003d: call "Function Program.GetInt() As System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer)"
IL_0042: callvirt "Function System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Integer).GetAwaiter() As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0047: stloc.s V_6
IL_0049: ldloca.s V_6
IL_004b: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).get_IsCompleted() As Boolean"
IL_0050: brtrue.s IL_0093
IL_0052: ldarg.0
IL_0053: ldc.i4.0
IL_0054: dup
IL_0055: stloc.1
IL_0056: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_005b: ldarg.0
IL_005c: ldloc.s V_6
IL_005e: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0063: ldarg.0
IL_0064: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0069: ldloca.s V_6
IL_006b: ldarg.0
IL_006c: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(Of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test)(ByRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer), ByRef Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test)"
IL_0071: leave IL_0109
IL_0076: ldarg.0
IL_0077: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0078: dup
IL_0079: stloc.1
IL_007a: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_007f: ldarg.0
IL_0080: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0085: stloc.s V_6
IL_0087: ldarg.0
IL_0088: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$A0 As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_008d: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_0093: ldarg.0
IL_0094: ldfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$U1 As Integer"
IL_0099: ldloca.s V_6
IL_009b: call "Function System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer).GetResult() As Integer"
IL_00a0: ldloca.s V_6
IL_00a2: initobj "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter(Of Integer)"
IL_00a8: call "Function Program.Truncate(Integer, Integer) As Integer"
IL_00ad: newobj "Sub Integer?..ctor(Integer)"
IL_00b2: stloc.s V_4
IL_00b4: br.s IL_00be
IL_00b6: ldloca.s V_4
IL_00b8: initobj "Integer?"
IL_00be: ldloc.s V_4
IL_00c0: stloc.2
IL_00c1: br.s IL_00cb
IL_00c3: ldloca.s V_2
IL_00c5: initobj "Integer?"
IL_00cb: ldloc.2
IL_00cc: stloc.0
IL_00cd: leave.s IL_00f3
catch System.Exception
IL_00cf: dup
IL_00d0: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.SetProjectError(System.Exception)"
IL_00d5: stloc.s V_7
IL_00d7: ldarg.0
IL_00d8: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00da: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00df: ldarg.0
IL_00e0: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_00e5: ldloc.s V_7
IL_00e7: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetException(System.Exception)"
IL_00ec: call "Sub Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.ProjectData.ClearProjectError()"
IL_00f1: leave.s IL_0109
IL_00f3: ldarg.0
IL_00f4: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_00f6: dup
IL_00f7: stloc.1
IL_00f8: stfld "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$State As Integer"
IL_00fd: ldarg.0
IL_00fe: ldflda "Program.VB$StateMachine_2_Test.$Builder As System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?)"
IL_0103: ldloc.0
IL_0104: call "Sub System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder(Of Integer?).SetResult(Integer?)"
IL_0109: ret
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace