' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.Rules
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Formatting
Friend Class NodeBasedFormattingRule
Inherits BaseFormattingRule
Friend Const Name As String = "VisualBasic Node Based Formatting Rule"
Public Overrides Sub AddAnchorIndentationOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of AnchorIndentationOperation),
node As SyntaxNode,
ByRef nextOperation As NextAnchorIndentationOperationAction)
If TypeOf node Is StatementSyntax AndAlso Not IsBlockSyntax(node) Then
Dim baseToken = node.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
AddAnchorIndentationOperation(operations, baseToken, node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True))
End If
Dim queryClause = TryCast(node, QueryClauseSyntax)
If queryClause IsNot Nothing Then
AddAnchorIndentationOperation(operations, queryClause.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True), queryClause.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True))
End If
Dim xmlNode = TryCast(node, XmlNodeSyntax)
If xmlNode IsNot Nothing Then
Dim baseToken = xmlNode.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
AddAnchorIndentationOperation(operations, baseToken, xmlNode.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True))
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function IsBlockSyntax(node As SyntaxNode) As Boolean
Dim pair = GetFirstAndLastMembers(node)
If pair.Equals(Nothing) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Public Overrides Sub AddIndentBlockOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of IndentBlockOperation),
node As SyntaxNode,
ByRef nextOperation As NextIndentBlockOperationAction)
Dim xmlDocument = TryCast(node, XmlDocumentSyntax)
If xmlDocument IsNot Nothing Then
Dim baseToken = xmlDocument.Declaration.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End If
Dim xmlEmptyElement = TryCast(node, XmlEmptyElementSyntax)
If xmlEmptyElement IsNot Nothing Then
Dim baseToken = xmlEmptyElement.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
Dim startToken = baseToken.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
AddXmlEmptyElement(operations, xmlEmptyElement, baseToken, startToken, xmlEmptyElement.SlashGreaterThanToken)
End If
Dim xmlElementStartTag = TryCast(node, XmlElementStartTagSyntax)
If xmlElementStartTag IsNot Nothing Then
Dim baseToken = xmlElementStartTag.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
Dim startToken = baseToken.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
Dim endToken = xmlElementStartTag.GreaterThanToken
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, startToken, endToken, TextSpan.FromBounds(startToken.SpanStart, endToken.Span.End))
End If
Dim xmlNode = TryCast(node, XmlElementSyntax)
If xmlNode IsNot Nothing Then
Dim baseToken = xmlNode.StartTag.LessThanToken
Dim startToken = baseToken.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End If
Dim xmlEmbeddedExpression = TryCast(node, XmlEmbeddedExpressionSyntax)
If xmlEmbeddedExpression IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim multiLineLambda = TryCast(node, MultiLineLambdaExpressionSyntax)
If multiLineLambda IsNot Nothing Then
' unlike C#, we need to consider statement terminator token when setting range for indentation
Dim baseToken = multiLineLambda.SubOrFunctionHeader.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
Dim lastBeginningToken = If(multiLineLambda.SubOrFunctionHeader.GetLastToken().Kind = SyntaxKind.None, multiLineLambda.SubOrFunctionHeader.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True), multiLineLambda.SubOrFunctionHeader.GetLastToken())
SetAlignmentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken,
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken,
End If
Dim label = TryCast(node, LabelStatementSyntax)
If label IsNot Nothing Then
AddAbsolutePositionIndentBlockOperation(operations, label.LabelToken, label.LabelToken, 0, label.LabelToken.Span)
End If
Dim pair = GetFirstAndLastMembers(node)
If pair.Equals(Nothing) Then
End If
Dim Item1PreviousToken = pair.Item1.GetPreviousToken()
If (Item1PreviousToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) AndAlso
Item1PreviousToken.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.XmlElementEndTag)) Then
Dim outerBlockWithBaseToken = GetOuterBlockWithDifferentStartTokenUsingXmlElement(pair.Item1)
If outerBlockWithBaseToken IsNot Nothing Then
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, outerBlockWithBaseToken.GetFirstToken(), pair.Item1, pair.Item2)
End If
End If
Dim caseBlock = TryCast(node, CaseBlockSyntax)
If caseBlock IsNot Nothing Then
Dim nextTokenAfterCase = pair.Item2.GetNextToken()
If nextTokenAfterCase.IsKind(SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword) Then
' Make sure the comments in the empty case block are indented
If caseBlock.Statements.Count = 0 Then
Dim caseBlockLastToken = caseBlock.GetLastToken()
operations.Add(FormattingOperations.CreateIndentBlockOperation(caseBlockLastToken, nextTokenAfterCase, TextSpan.FromBounds(caseBlockLastToken.Span.End, nextTokenAfterCase.SpanStart), 1, IndentBlockOption.RelativePosition))
End If
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, pair.Item1, pair.Item2)
End If
End If
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, pair.Item1, pair.Item2)
End Sub
' In the below cases, we want the block for the first token (Return here) inside the block
' This handles the cases of the block are
' 1. WithBlock
' 2. SyncLockBlock
' 3. UsingBlock
' 4. ForEachBlock
' 1. With <a>
' </a>
' End With
' 2. SyncLock <b>
' </b>
' Return
' End SyncLock
' 3. Using <c>
' </c>
' Return
' End Using
' 4. For Each reallyReallyReallyLongIdentifierNameHere In <d>
' </d>
' Return
' Next
Private Shared Function GetOuterBlockWithDifferentStartTokenUsingXmlElement(firstTokenOfInnerBlock As SyntaxToken) As SyntaxNode
Dim outerBlock = firstTokenOfInnerBlock.Parent
Dim outerBlockGetFirstToken = outerBlock.GetFirstToken()
While outerBlock IsNot Nothing AndAlso
outerBlockGetFirstToken = firstTokenOfInnerBlock AndAlso
(outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.UsingBlock OrElse
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.SyncLockBlock OrElse
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.WithBlock OrElse
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.ForEachBlock)
outerBlock = outerBlock.Parent
outerBlockGetFirstToken = outerBlock.GetFirstToken()
End While
If outerBlock IsNot Nothing AndAlso
(ReferenceEquals(outerBlock, firstTokenOfInnerBlock.Parent) OrElse
(outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.UsingBlock AndAlso
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.SyncLockBlock AndAlso
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.WithBlock AndAlso
outerBlock.Kind <> SyntaxKind.ForEachBlock)) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return outerBlock
End Function
Private Shared Sub AddXmlEmptyElement(operations As List(Of IndentBlockOperation),
node As XmlNodeSyntax,
baseToken As SyntaxToken,
startToken As SyntaxToken,
endToken As SyntaxToken)
If TypeOf node.Parent IsNot XmlNodeSyntax Then
SetAlignmentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, startToken, endToken)
End If
Dim token = endToken.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, startToken, token)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub AddXmlElementIndentBlockOperation(operations As List(Of IndentBlockOperation),
xmlNode As XmlNodeSyntax,
baseToken As SyntaxToken,
alignmentStartToken As SyntaxToken,
alignmentEndToken As SyntaxToken,
indentationStartToken As SyntaxToken,
indentationEndToken As SyntaxToken)
If TypeOf xmlNode.Parent IsNot XmlNodeSyntax Then
SetAlignmentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, alignmentStartToken, alignmentEndToken)
End If
' if parent is not xml node
If TypeOf xmlNode.Parent IsNot XmlNodeSyntax Then
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, indentationStartToken, indentationEndToken)
End If
' parent is xml node but embedded expression, then always set the indentation
If TypeOf xmlNode.Parent Is XmlEmbeddedExpressionSyntax Then
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, indentationStartToken, indentationEndToken)
End If
' parent is xml node and the base token is the first token on line
If IsFirstXmlElementTokenOnLine(baseToken) Then
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, baseToken, indentationStartToken, indentationEndToken)
End If
' if it is not part of another xml element, then do nothing
Dim element = TryCast(xmlNode.Parent, XmlElementSyntax)
If element Is Nothing Then
End If
' if base token is first token of the content of the parent element, don't do anything
If element.Content.First().GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True) = baseToken Then
End If
' now we do expensive stuff to find out whether we are the first xml element on the line
Dim foundXmlElement = False
Dim previousToken = baseToken.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
While (Not IsFirstXmlElementTokenOnLine(previousToken))
If TypeOf previousToken.Parent Is XmlElementSyntax Then
foundXmlElement = True
Exit While
End If
previousToken = previousToken.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End While
' if there is no preceding xml element, then add regular indentation
If Not foundXmlElement Then
AddIndentBlockOperation(operations, indentationStartToken, indentationEndToken)
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Function IsFirstXmlElementTokenOnLine(xmlToken As SyntaxToken) As Boolean
If xmlToken.LeadingTrivia.Any(Function(t) t.Kind = SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia) Then
Return True
End If
Dim previousToken = xmlToken.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
If previousToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.None OrElse
previousToken.IsLastTokenOfStatementWithEndOfLine() Then
Return True
End If
Return previousToken.TrailingTrivia.Any(Function(t) t.Kind = SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia)
End Function
Private Shared Function GetFirstAndLastMembers(node As SyntaxNode) As ValueTuple(Of SyntaxToken, SyntaxToken)
Dim [namespace] = TryCast(node, NamespaceBlockSyntax)
If [namespace] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [module] = TryCast(node, ModuleBlockSyntax)
If [module] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [class] = TryCast(node, ClassBlockSyntax)
If [class] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [struct] = TryCast(node, StructureBlockSyntax)
If [struct] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [interface] = TryCast(node, InterfaceBlockSyntax)
If [interface] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [enum] = TryCast(node, EnumBlockSyntax)
If [enum] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [method] = TryCast(node, MethodBlockBaseSyntax)
If [method] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [property] = TryCast(node, PropertyBlockSyntax)
If [property] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [event] = TryCast(node, EventBlockSyntax)
If [event] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [while] = TryCast(node, WhileBlockSyntax)
If [while] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [using] = TryCast(node, UsingBlockSyntax)
If [using] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [sync] = TryCast(node, SyncLockBlockSyntax)
If [sync] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [with] = TryCast(node, WithBlockSyntax)
If [with] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [ifBlock] = TryCast(node, MultiLineIfBlockSyntax)
If [ifBlock] IsNot Nothing Then
If ifBlock.Statements.Count > 0 Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
End If
Dim [elseif] = TryCast(node, ElseIfBlockSyntax)
If [elseif] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [else] = TryCast(node, ElseBlockSyntax)
If [else] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [try] = TryCast(node, TryBlockSyntax)
If [try] IsNot Nothing Then
If [try].Statements.Count > 0 Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
End If
Dim [catch] = TryCast(node, CatchBlockSyntax)
If [catch] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [finally] = TryCast(node, FinallyBlockSyntax)
If [finally] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [select] = TryCast(node, SelectBlockSyntax)
If [select] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [case] = TryCast(node, CaseBlockSyntax)
If [case] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [do] = TryCast(node, DoLoopBlockSyntax)
If [do] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create(
End If
Dim [for] = TryCast(node, ForOrForEachBlockSyntax)
If [for] IsNot Nothing Then
Return ValueTuple.Create([for].ForOrForEachStatement.GetLastToken().GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth:=True), GetEndTokenForForBlock([for]))
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function GetEndTokenForForBlock(node As ForOrForEachBlockSyntax) As SyntaxToken
If node.NextStatement IsNot Nothing Then
Return node.NextStatement.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True).GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End If
' containing forBlock contains next statement with multiple control variables
Dim lastToken = node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
' somehow, there is no next statement. probably malformed code
Dim nextStatement = lastToken.GetAncestor(Of NextStatementSyntax)()
If nextStatement Is Nothing Then
Return node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End If
' get all enclosing for block statements
Dim forBlocks = nextStatement.GetAncestors(Of ForOrForEachBlockSyntax)()
' get count of the for blocks
Dim forCount = GetForBlockCount(node, forBlocks)
If forCount <= nextStatement.ControlVariables.Count Then
Return nextStatement.GetFirstToken(includeZeroWidth:=True).GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End If
' again, looks like malformed code
Return node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True)
End Function
Private Shared Function GetForBlockCount(node As ForOrForEachBlockSyntax, forBlocks As IEnumerable(Of ForOrForEachBlockSyntax)) As Integer
Dim count As Integer = 0
For Each forBlock In forBlocks
If forBlock Is node Then
Return count + 1
End If
count = count + 1
Return count
End Function
End Class
End Namespace