' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports VerifyVB = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions.VisualBasicCodeFixVerifier(Of
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.Diagnostics.UseObjectInitializer
<Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseObjectInitializer)>
Public Class UseObjectInitializerTests
Private Shared Async Function TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(testCode As String) As Task
Await New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = testCode
End Function
Public Async Function TestOnVariableDeclarator() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(5,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestOnVariableDeclarator2() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c As {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c As New C With {
.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(5,18): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestOnAssignmentExpression() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c as C = Nothing
c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c as C = Nothing
c = New C With {
.i = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,13): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestStopOnDuplicateMember() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1
c.i = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1
c.i = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(5,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestComplexInitializer() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim array As C()
array(0) = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:array(0)|}.i = 1
{|#3:array(0)|}.j = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim array As C()
array(0) = New C With {
.i = 1,
.j = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(8,20): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestNotOnCompoundAssignment() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1
c.j += 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1
c.j += 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39146")>
Public Async Function TestWithExistingInitializer() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C() With {
.i = 1
{|#2:c|}.j = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1,
.j = 1
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39146")>
Public Async Function TestWithExistingInitializerNotIfAlreadyInitialized() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C() With {
.i = 1
{|#2:c|}.j = 1
c.i = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1,
.j = 1
c.i = 2
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15012")>
Public Async Function TestMissingIfImplicitMemberAccessWouldChange() As Task
Await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
imports system.diagnostics
Class C
Sub M()
With New String(Nothing)
Dim x As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo()
x.Arguments = .Length.ToString()
End With
End Sub
End Class")
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15012")>
Public Async Function TestIfImplicitMemberAccessWouldNotChange() As Task
Dim testCode = "
imports system.diagnostics
Class C
Sub M()
Dim x As ProcessStartInfo = {|#1:{|#0:New|} ProcessStartInfo()|}
{|#2:x|}.Arguments = {|BC30491:Sub()
With New String(Nothing)
Dim a = .Length.ToString()
End With
End Sub()|}
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
imports system.diagnostics
Class C
Sub M()
Dim x As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo With {
.Arguments = {|BC30491:Sub()
With New String(Nothing)
Dim a = .Length.ToString()
End With
End Sub()|}
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,37): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestFixAllInDocument() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim array As C()
array(0) = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:array(0)|}.i = 1
{|#3:array(0)|}.j = 2
array(1) = {|#5:{|#4:New|} C()|}
{|#6:array(1)|}.i = 3
{|#7:array(1)|}.j = 4
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim array As C()
array(0) = New C With {
.i = 1,
.j = 2
array(1) = New C With {
.i = 3,
.j = 4
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(8,20): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(12,20): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
Public Async Function TestTrivia1() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:c|}.i = 1 ' Goo
{|#3:c|}.j = 2 ' Bar
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Sub M()
Dim c = New C With {
.i = 1, ' Goo
.j = 2 ' Bar
End Sub
End Class"
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(6,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15525")>
Public Async Function TestTrivia2() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Sub M(Reader as String)
Dim XmlAppConfigReader As {|#1:{|#0:New|} XmlTextReader(Reader)|}
' Required by Fxcop rule CA3054 - DoNotAllowDTDXmlTextReader
{|#2:XmlAppConfigReader|}.x = 0
{|#3:XmlAppConfigReader|}.y = 1
End Sub
End Class
class XmlTextReader
public sub new(reader as string)
end sub
public x as integer
public y as integer
end class
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Sub M(Reader as String)
' Required by Fxcop rule CA3054 - DoNotAllowDTDXmlTextReader
Dim XmlAppConfigReader As New XmlTextReader(Reader) With {
.x = 0,
.y = 1
End Sub
End Class
class XmlTextReader
public sub new(reader as string)
end sub
public x as integer
public y as integer
end class
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(4,35): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/15525")>
Public Async Function TestTrivia3() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Sub M(Reader as String)
Dim XmlAppConfigReader As {|#1:{|#0:New|} XmlTextReader(Reader)|}
' Required by Fxcop rule CA3054 - DoNotAllowDTDXmlTextReader
{|#2:XmlAppConfigReader|}.x = 0
' Bar
{|#3:XmlAppConfigReader|}.y = 1
End Sub
End Class
class XmlTextReader
public sub new(reader as string)
end sub
public x as integer
public y as integer
end class
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Sub M(Reader as String)
' Required by Fxcop rule CA3054 - DoNotAllowDTDXmlTextReader
' Bar
Dim XmlAppConfigReader As New XmlTextReader(Reader) With {
.x = 0,
.y = 1
End Sub
End Class
class XmlTextReader
public sub new(reader as string)
end sub
public x as integer
public y as integer
end class
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(4,35): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems?id=401322")>
Public Async Function TestSharedMember() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim x As Integer
Shared y As Integer
Sub M()
Dim z = {|#1:{|#0:New|} C()|}
{|#2:z|}.x = 1
z.y = 2
End Sub
End Class
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim x As Integer
Shared y As Integer
Sub M()
Dim z = New C With {
.x = 1
z.y = 2
End Sub
End Class
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(7,17): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23368")>
Public Async Function TestWithExplicitImplementedInterfaceMembers1() As Task
Await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = New Goo
c.Name = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property LastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23368")>
Public Async Function TestWithExplicitImplementedInterfaceMembers2() As Task
Await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = New Goo
c.Name = String.Empty
c.LastName = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property LastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23368")>
Public Async Function TestWithExplicitImplementedInterfaceMembers3() As Task
Dim testCode = "
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = {|#1:{|#0:New|} Goo|}
{|#2:c|}.LastName = String.Empty
c.Name = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property LastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
Dim fixedCode = "
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = New Goo With {
.LastName = String.Empty
c.Name = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property LastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(4,29): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/23368")>
Public Async Function TestWithExplicitImplementedInterfaceMembers4() As Task
Dim testCode = "
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = {|#1:{|#0:New|} Goo|}
{|#2:c|}.LastName = String.Empty
c.Name = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property MyLastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
Dim fixedCode = "
class C
Sub Bar()
Dim c As IExample = New Goo With {
.MyLastName = String.Empty
c.Name = String.Empty
End Sub
End Class
Interface IExample
Property Name As String
Property LastName As String
End Interface
Class Goo
Implements IExample
Private Property Name As String Implements IExample.Name
Public Property MyLastName As String Implements IExample.LastName
End Class
Dim test = New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
_ ' /0/Test0.vb(4,29): info IDE0017: Object initialization can be simplified
Await test.RunAsync()
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/46665")>
Public Async Function TestIndentationOfMultiLineExpressions1() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim S As String
Dim T as String
Sub M(i as integer)
Dim c = [|New|] C()
c.S = i _
.ToString() _
c.T = i.
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim S As String
Dim T as String
Sub M(i as integer)
Dim c = New C With {
.S = i _
.ToString() _
.T = i.
End Sub
End Class"
Await New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
End Function
<Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/46665")>
Public Async Function TestIndentationOfMultiLineExpressions2() As Task
Dim testCode = "
Class C
Dim S As String
Dim T as String
Sub M(i as integer)
Dim c = [|New|] C()
c.S =
i _
.ToString() _
c.T =
End Sub
End Class"
Dim fixedCode = "
Class C
Dim S As String
Dim T as String
Sub M(i as integer)
Dim c = New C With {
.S =
i _
.ToString() _
.T =
End Sub
End Class"
Await New VerifyVB.Test With {
.TestCode = testCode,
.FixedCode = fixedCode
End Function
End Class
End Namespace