File: src\Analyzers\VisualBasic\Tests\AddAccessibilityModifiers\AddAccessibilityModifiersTests.vb
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\VisualBasic\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeStyle.UnitTests.vbproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions
Imports VerifyVB = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions.VisualBasicCodeFixVerifier(Of
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.AddOrRemoveAccessibilityModifiers
    <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsAddOrRemoveAccessibilityModifiers)>
    Public Class AddOrRemoveAccessibilityModifiersTests
        <Theory, CombinatorialData>
        Public Sub TestStandardProperty([property] As AnalyzerProperty)
        End Sub
        Public Async Function TestAllConstructs() As Task
            Await VerifyVB.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
namespace N
    namespace Outer.Inner
        class [|C|]
            class [|NestedClass|]
            end class
            structure [|NestedStruct|]
            end structure
            dim [|f1|] as integer
            dim [|f2|], f3 as integer
            dim [|f4|], f5 as integer, f6, f7 as boolean
            public {|BC30260:f4|} as integer
            event [|e1|] as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            public event e2 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            custom event {|BC31130:{|BC31131:{|BC31132:[|e4|]|}|}|} as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            end event
            shared sub new()
            end sub
            sub [|new|]()
            end sub
            public sub new(i as integer)
            end sub
            sub [|M1|]()
            end sub
            public sub M2()
            end sub
            function [|M3|]() as integer
            end function
            {|BC30027:function [|M4|]() as integer|}
            {|BC30289:public function M5() as integer|}
            end function
            {|BC31432:partial|} sub [|M6|]()
            end sub
            property [|P1|] as integer
            property {|BC30124:[|P2|]|} as integer
                end get
            end property
            public property P3 as integer
            shared operator [|&|](c1 as C, c2 as C) as integer
            end operator
        end class
        interface [|I|]
            event e6 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            sub M3()
            function M4() as integer
            property P3 as integer
        end interface
        delegate sub [|D1|]()
        delegate function [|D2|]() as integer
        enum [|E|]
        end enum
        structure [|S|]
            dim [|f|] as integer
            sub [|M|]()
            end sub
            shared operator [|&|](c1 as S, c2 as S) as integer
            end operator
        end structure
        module [|M|]
            dim [|f|] as integer
            sub [|M|]()
            end sub
        end module
    end namespace
end namespace",
namespace N
    namespace Outer.Inner
        Friend class C
            Public class NestedClass
            end class
            Public structure NestedStruct
            end structure
            Private f1 as integer
            Private f2, f3 as integer
            Private f4, f5 as integer, f6, f7 as boolean
            public {|BC30260:f4|} as integer
            Public event e1 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            public event e2 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            Public custom event {|BC31130:{|BC31131:{|BC31132:e4|}|}|} as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            end event
            shared sub new()
            end sub
            Public sub new()
            end sub
            public sub new(i as integer)
            end sub
            Public sub M1()
            end sub
            public sub M2()
            end sub
            Public function M3() as integer
            end function
            {|BC30027:Public function M4() as integer|}
            {|BC30289:public function M5() as integer|}
            end function
            partial {|BC31431:Public|} sub M6()
            end sub
            Public property P1 as integer
            Public property {|BC30124:P2|} as integer
                end get
            end property
            public property P3 as integer
            Public shared operator &(c1 as C, c2 as C) as integer
            end operator
        end class
        Friend interface I
            event e6 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            sub M3()
            function M4() as integer
            property P3 as integer
        end interface
        Friend delegate sub D1()
        Friend delegate function D2() as integer
        Friend enum E
        end enum
        Friend structure S
            Public f as integer
            Public sub M()
            end sub
            Public shared operator &(c1 as S, c2 as S) as integer
            end operator
        end structure
        Friend module M
            Private f as integer
            Public sub M()
            end sub
        end module
    end namespace
end namespace")
        End Function
        Public Async Function TestAllConstructsWithOmit() As Task
            Dim source = "
namespace N
    namespace Outer.Inner
        Friend class [|C|]
            Public class [|NestedClass|]
            end class
            Public structure [|NestedStruct|]
            end structure
            Private [|f1|] as integer
            Private [|f2|], f3 as integer
            Private [|f4|], f5 as integer, f6, f7 as boolean
            public {|BC30260:f4|} as integer
            Private Const [|foo|] As long = 3
            private const [|bar|] = 4, barbar = 5
            public Const pfoo As long = 3
            public Const pbar = 4, pbarbar As ULong = 5
            Private Shared [|sfoo|] = 4
            private shared [|sbar|] as Long = 5, sbarbar = 0
            public Shared spfoo = 4
            public Shared spbar = 4, spbarbar as Long = 4
            Public event [|e1|] as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            public event [|e2|] as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            Public custom event {|BC31130:{|BC31131:{|BC31132:[|e4|]|}|}|} as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            end event
            shared sub new()
            end sub
            Public sub [|new|]()
            end sub
            public sub [|new|](i as integer)
            end sub
            Public sub [|M1|]()
            end sub
            public sub [|M2|]()
            end sub
            Public function [|M3|]() as integer
            end function
            {|BC30027:Public function [|M4|]() as integer|}
            {|BC30289:public function [|M5|]() as integer|}
            end function
            Private partial sub M6()
            end sub
            Public property [|P1|] as integer
            Public property {|BC30124:[|P2|]|} as integer
                end get
            end property
            public property [|P3|] as integer
            Public shared operator [|&|](c1 as C, c2 as C) as integer
            end operator
        end class
        Friend interface [|I|]
            event e6 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            sub M3()
            function M4() as integer
            property P3 as integer
        end interface
        Friend delegate sub [|D1|]()
        Friend delegate function [|D2|]() as integer
        Friend enum [|E|]
        end enum
        Friend structure [|S|]
            Public [|f|] as integer
            Public sub [|M|]()
            end sub
            Public shared operator [|&|](c1 as S, c2 as S) as integer
            end operator
        end structure
        Friend module [|M|]
            Private [|f|] as integer
            Public sub [|M|]()
            end sub
        end module
    end namespace
end namespace"
            Dim fixedSource = "
namespace N
    namespace Outer.Inner
        class C
            class NestedClass
            end class
            structure NestedStruct
            end structure
            Dim f1 as integer
            Dim f2, f3 as integer
            Dim f4, f5 as integer, f6, f7 as boolean
            public {|BC30260:f4|} as integer
            Const foo As long = 3
            const bar = 4, barbar = 5
            public Const pfoo As long = 3
            public Const pbar = 4, pbarbar As ULong = 5
            Shared sfoo = 4
            shared sbar as Long = 5, sbarbar = 0
            public Shared spfoo = 4
            public Shared spbar = 4, spbarbar as Long = 4
            event e1 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            event e2 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            custom event {|BC31130:{|BC31131:{|BC31132:e4|}|}|} as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            end event
            shared sub new()
            end sub
            sub new()
            end sub
            sub new(i as integer)
            end sub
            sub M1()
            end sub
            sub M2()
            end sub
            function M3() as integer
            end function
            {|BC30027:function M4() as integer|}
            {|BC30289:function M5() as integer|}
            end function
            Private partial sub M6()
            end sub
            property P1 as integer
            property {|BC30124:P2|} as integer
                end get
            end property
            property P3 as integer
            shared operator &(c1 as C, c2 as C) as integer
            end operator
        end class
        interface I
            event e6 as {|BC31044:{|BC30002:Action|}|}
            sub M3()
            function M4() as integer
            property P3 as integer
        end interface
        delegate sub D1()
        delegate function D2() as integer
        enum E
        end enum
        structure S
            Dim f as integer
            sub M()
            end sub
            shared operator &(c1 as S, c2 as S) as integer
            end operator
        end structure
        module M
            Dim f as integer
            sub M()
            end sub
        end module
    end namespace
end namespace"
            Dim test As New VerifyVB.Test()
            test.TestCode = source
            test.FixedCode = fixedSource
            test.Options.Add(CodeStyleOptions2.AccessibilityModifiersRequired, AccessibilityModifiersRequired.OmitIfDefault)
            Await test.RunAsync()
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function TestModuleConstructor() As Task
            Dim source = "
Friend Module Example
    Sub New()
    End Sub
End Module
            Await VerifyVB.VerifyCodeFixAsync(source, source)
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function TestAbstractMethod() As Task
            Await VerifyVB.VerifyCodeFixAsync("
public mustinherit class TestClass
    mustoverride sub [|Test|]()
end class
public mustinherit class TestClass
    Protected mustoverride sub Test()
end class
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function TestOverriddenMethod() As Task
            Await VerifyVB.VerifyCodeFixAsync("
public mustinherit class TestClass
    public mustoverride sub Test()
end class
public class Derived
    inherits TestClass
    overrides sub [|Test|]()
    end sub
end class
public mustinherit class TestClass
    public mustoverride sub Test()
end class
public class Derived
    inherits TestClass
    Public overrides sub Test()
    end sub
end class
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function TestTitle1() As Task
            Dim test As New VerifyVB.Test With {
                .TestCode = "
public mustinherit class TestClass
    mustoverride sub [|Test|]()
end class
                .FixedCode = "
public mustinherit class TestClass
    Protected mustoverride sub Test()
end class
                .CodeActionEquivalenceKey = NameOf(AnalyzersResources.Add_accessibility_modifiers)
            Await test.RunAsync()
        End Function
        <Fact, WorkItem("")>
        Public Async Function TestTitle2() As Task
            Dim test As New VerifyVB.Test With {
                .TestCode = "
public class TestClass
    public sub [|Test|]()
    end sub
end class
                .FixedCode = "
public class TestClass
    sub Test()
    end sub
end class
                .CodeActionEquivalenceKey = NameOf(AnalyzersResources.Remove_accessibility_modifiers)
            test.Options.Add(CodeStyleOptions2.AccessibilityModifiersRequired, AccessibilityModifiersRequired.OmitIfDefault)
            Await test.RunAsync()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace