' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.Diagnostics
Partial Public MustInherit Class AbstractVisualBasicDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor
Friend Shared Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of T), enabled As T) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return (New OptionKey2(optionParam), enabled)
End Function
Friend Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of T), value As T) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return (New OptionKey2(optionParam, Me.GetLanguage()), value)
End Function
Friend Shared Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), enabled As T, notification As NotificationOption2) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return SingleOption(optionParam, New CodeStyleOption2(Of T)(enabled, notification))
End Function
Friend Shared Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), codeStyle As CodeStyleOption2(Of T)) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return (New OptionKey2(optionParam), codeStyle)
End Function
Friend Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), enabled As T, notification As NotificationOption2) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return SingleOption(optionParam, New CodeStyleOption2(Of T)(enabled, notification))
End Function
Friend Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), codeStyle As CodeStyleOption2(Of T)) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return SingleOption(optionParam, codeStyle, language:=GetLanguage())
End Function
Friend Shared Function SingleOption(Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), codeStyle As CodeStyleOption2(Of T), language As String) As (OptionKey2, Object)
Return (New OptionKey2(optionParam, language), codeStyle)
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), enabled As T, notification As NotificationOption2) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, enabled, notification}}
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), codeStyle As CodeStyleOption2(Of T)) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, codeStyle}}
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), enabled As T, notification As NotificationOption2) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, enabled, notification}}
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of CodeStyleOption2(Of T)), codeStyle As CodeStyleOption2(Of T)) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, codeStyle}}
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As Option2(Of T), value As T) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, value}}
End Function
Friend Function [Option](Of T)(optionParam As PerLanguageOption2(Of T), value As T) As OptionsCollection
Return New OptionsCollection(GetLanguage()) From {{optionParam, value}}
End Function
End Class
End Namespace