// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests
public sealed class LargeTextTests : TestBase
private static SourceText CreateSourceText(string s, Encoding encoding = null)
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream, encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8, bufferSize: 1024, leaveOpen: true))
return CreateSourceText(stream, encoding);
private static SourceText CreateSourceText(Stream stream, Encoding encoding = null)
return LargeText.Decode(stream, encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8, SourceHashAlgorithm.Sha1, throwIfBinaryDetected: true, canBeEmbedded: false);
private static SourceText CreateSourceText(TextReader reader, int length, Encoding encoding = null)
return LargeText.Decode(reader, length, encoding ?? Encoding.UTF8, SourceHashAlgorithm.Sha1);
private const string HelloWorld = "Hello, world!";
public void BasicTest()
var text = CreateSourceText(HelloWorld);
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld, text.ToString());
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld.Length, text.Length);
public void EmptyTest()
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
var text = CreateSourceText(stream);
Assert.Equal(0, text.Length);
public void IndexerTest()
var text = CreateSourceText(HelloWorld);
Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => text[-1]);
Assert.Throws<IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => text[HelloWorld.Length]);
for (int i = HelloWorld.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld[i], text[i]);
public void CopyToTest()
var text = CreateSourceText(HelloWorld);
const int destOffset = 10;
char[] buffer = new char[HelloWorld.Length + destOffset];
// Copy the entire text to a non-zero offset in the destination
text.CopyTo(0, buffer, destOffset, text.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < destOffset; i++)
Assert.Equal('\0', buffer[i]);
for (int i = destOffset; i < buffer.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld[i - destOffset], buffer[i]);
Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// Copy a sub-string
text.CopyTo(3, buffer, 0, 3);
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld[3], buffer[0]);
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld[4], buffer[1]);
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld[5], buffer[2]);
for (int i = 3; i < buffer.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal('\0', buffer[i]);
public void CopyToLargeTest()
// Tests CopyTo at the chunk boundaries
int targetLength = LargeText.ChunkSize * 2;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8, bufferSize: 1024, leaveOpen: true))
while (stream.Length < targetLength)
var text = SourceText.From(stream);
char[] buffer = new char[HelloWorld.Length];
for (int start = 0; start < text.Length; start += HelloWorld.Length)
text.CopyTo(start, buffer, 0, HelloWorld.Length);
Assert.Equal(HelloWorld, new string(buffer));
private static void CheckEqualLine(TextLine first, TextLine second)
Assert.Equal(first, second);
#if false
// We do not guarantee either identity or Equals!
Assert.Equal(first.Extent, second.Extent);
Assert.Equal(first.ExtentIncludingLineBreak, second.ExtentIncludingLineBreak);
private static void CheckNotEqualLine(TextLine first, TextLine second)
Assert.NotEqual(first, second);
#if false
Assert.NotEqual(first, second);
Assert.NotEqual(first.Extent, second.Extent);
Assert.NotEqual(first.ExtentIncludingLineBreak, second.ExtentIncludingLineBreak);
private static void CheckLine(SourceText text, int lineNumber, int start, int length, int newlineLength, string lineText)
var textLine = text.Lines[lineNumber];
Assert.Equal(start, textLine.Start);
Assert.Equal(start + length, textLine.End);
Assert.Equal(start + length + newlineLength, textLine.EndIncludingLineBreak);
Assert.Equal(start, textLine.Span.Start);
Assert.Equal(length, textLine.Span.Length);
Assert.Equal(start, textLine.SpanIncludingLineBreak.Start);
Assert.Equal(length + newlineLength, textLine.SpanIncludingLineBreak.Length);
Assert.Equal(lineNumber, textLine.LineNumber);
Assert.Equal(lineText, textLine.ToString());
Assert.Equal(text.ToString().Substring(start, length), textLine.ToString());
CheckEqualLine(textLine, text.Lines[lineNumber]);
for (int p = textLine.Start; p < textLine.EndIncludingLineBreak; ++p)
CheckEqualLine(textLine, text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(p));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber, text.Lines.IndexOf(p));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber, text.Lines.GetLinePosition(p).Line);
Assert.Equal(p - start, text.Lines.GetLinePosition(p).Character);
if (start != 0)
CheckNotEqualLine(textLine, text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(start - 1));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber - 1, text.Lines.IndexOf(start - 1));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber - 1, text.Lines.GetLinePosition(start - 1).Line);
int nextPosition = start + length + newlineLength;
if (nextPosition < text.Length)
CheckNotEqualLine(textLine, text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(nextPosition));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber + 1, text.Lines.IndexOf(nextPosition));
Assert.Equal(lineNumber + 1, text.Lines.GetLinePosition(nextPosition).Line);
public void NewLines1()
var newline = Environment.NewLine;
var data = CreateSourceText("goo" + newline + " bar");
Assert.Equal(2, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: newline.Length, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 3 + newline.Length, length: 4, newlineLength: 0, lineText: " bar");
public void NewLines2()
var text =
var data = CreateSourceText(text);
Assert.Equal(3, data.Lines.Count);
var newlineLength = Environment.NewLine.Length;
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 3 + newlineLength, length: 3, newlineLength, lineText: "bar");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 2, start: 2 * (3 + newlineLength), length: 3, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "baz");
public void NewLines3()
var data = CreateSourceText("goo\r\nbar");
Assert.Equal(2, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 2, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 5, length: 3, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "bar");
public void NewLines4()
var data = CreateSourceText("goo\n\rbar\u2028");
Assert.Equal(4, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 4, length: 0, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 2, start: 5, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "bar");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 3, start: 9, length: 0, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "");
public void NewLines5()
// Trailing CR
var data = CreateSourceText("goo\r");
Assert.Equal(2, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 4, length: 0, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "");
public void NewLines6()
// Trailing CR+LF
var data = CreateSourceText("goo\r\n");
Assert.Equal(2, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 2, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 5, length: 0, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "");
public void NewLines7()
// Consecutive CR
var data = CreateSourceText("goo\r\rbar");
Assert.Equal(3, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 4, length: 0, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 2, start: 5, length: 3, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "bar");
public void NewLines8()
// Mix CR with CR+LF
const string cr = "\r";
const string crLf = "\r\n";
var data = CreateSourceText("goo" + cr + crLf + cr + "bar");
Assert.Equal(4, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 4, length: 0, newlineLength: 2, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 2, start: 6, length: 0, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 3, start: 7, length: 3, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "bar");
public void NewLines9()
// Mix CR with CR+LF
const string cr = "\r";
const string crLf = "\r\n";
const string lf = "\n";
var data = CreateSourceText("goo" + cr + crLf + lf + "bar");
Assert.Equal(4, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 3, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "goo");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 1, start: 4, length: 0, newlineLength: 2, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 2, start: 6, length: 0, newlineLength: 1, lineText: "");
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 3, start: 7, length: 3, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "bar");
public void Empty()
var data = CreateSourceText("");
Assert.Equal(1, data.Lines.Count);
CheckLine(data, lineNumber: 0, start: 0, length: 0, newlineLength: 0, lineText: "");
public void LinesGetText1()
var text =
bar baz";
var data = CreateSourceText(text);
Assert.Equal(2, data.Lines.Count);
Assert.Equal("goo", data.Lines[0].ToString());
Assert.Equal("bar baz", data.Lines[1].ToString());
public void LinesGetText2()
var text = "goo";
var data = CreateSourceText(text);
Assert.Equal("goo", data.Lines[0].ToString());
public void FromTextReader()
var expected = "goo";
var expectedSourceText = CreateSourceText(expected);
var actual = new StringReader(expected);
var actualSourceText = CreateSourceText(actual, expected.Length);
Assert.Equal("goo", actualSourceText.Lines[0].ToString());
Assert.Equal<byte>(expectedSourceText.GetChecksum(), actualSourceText.GetChecksum());