// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests
public class LinePositionTests
public void Equality1()
(left, right) => left == right,
(left, right) => left != right,
EqualityUnit.Create(new LinePosition(1, 2)).WithEqualValues(new LinePosition(1, 2)),
EqualityUnit.Create(new LinePosition()).WithEqualValues(new LinePosition()),
EqualityUnit.Create(new LinePosition(1, 2)).WithNotEqualValues(new LinePosition(1, 3)),
EqualityUnit.Create(new LinePosition(1, 2)).WithNotEqualValues(new LinePosition(2, 2)));
public void Ctor1()
() => { var notUsed = new LinePosition(-1, 42); });
public void Ctor2()
() => { var notUsed = new LinePosition(42, -1); });
public void Ctor3()
var lp = new LinePosition(42, 13);
Assert.Equal(42, lp.Line);
Assert.Equal(13, lp.Character);
// In general, different values are not required to have different hash codes.
// But for perf reasons we want hash functions with a good distribution,
// so we expect hash codes to differ if a single component is incremented.
// But program correctness should be preserved even with a null hash function,
// so we need a way to disable these tests during such correctness validation.
public void SaneHashCode()
var hash1 = new LinePosition(1, 1).GetHashCode();
var hash2 = new LinePosition(2, 2).GetHashCode();
var hash3 = new LinePosition(1, 2).GetHashCode();
var hash4 = new LinePosition(2, 1).GetHashCode();
Assert.NotEqual(hash1, hash2);
Assert.NotEqual(hash1, hash3);
Assert.NotEqual(hash1, hash4);
Assert.NotEqual(hash2, hash3);
Assert.NotEqual(hash2, hash4);
Assert.NotEqual(hash3, hash4);
public void CompareTo()
Assert.Equal(0, new LinePosition(1, 1).CompareTo(new LinePosition(1, 1)));
Assert.Equal(-1, Math.Sign(new LinePosition(1, 1).CompareTo(new LinePosition(1, 2))));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(1, 1) < new LinePosition(1, 2));
Assert.Equal(-1, Math.Sign(new LinePosition(1, 2).CompareTo(new LinePosition(2, 1))));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(1, 2) < new LinePosition(2, 1));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(1, 2) <= new LinePosition(1, 2));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(1, 2) <= new LinePosition(2, 1));
Assert.Equal(+1, Math.Sign(new LinePosition(1, 2).CompareTo(new LinePosition(1, 1))));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(1, 2) > new LinePosition(1, 1));
Assert.Equal(+1, Math.Sign(new LinePosition(2, 1).CompareTo(new LinePosition(1, 2))));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(2, 1) > new LinePosition(1, 2));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(2, 1) >= new LinePosition(2, 1));
Assert.True(new LinePosition(2, 1) >= new LinePosition(1, 2));