// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// NOTE: This code is derived from an implementation originally in dotnet/runtime:
// https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/v8.0.3/src/libraries/System.Collections/tests/Generic/List/List.Generic.Tests.Misc.cs
// See the commentary in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/50156 for notes on incorporating changes made to the
// reference implementation.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests.Collections
/// <summary>
/// Contains tests that ensure the correctness of the List class.
/// </summary>
public class SegmentedList_Generic_Tests_Insert
internal class Driver<T>
public Func<T?[], IEnumerable<T?>>[] CollectionGenerators { get; }
public Driver()
CollectionGenerators = new Func<T?[], IEnumerable<T?>>[]
#region Insert
public void BasicInsert(T?[] items, T? item, int index, int repeat)
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
list.Insert(index, item);
Assert.True(list.Contains(item)); //"Expect it to contain the item."
Assert.Equal(list.Count, items.Length + repeat); //"Expect to be the same."
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i]); //"Expect to be the same."
for (int i = index; i < index + repeat; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], item); //"Expect to be the same."
for (int i = index + repeat; i < list.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i - repeat]); //"Expect to be the same."
public void InsertValidations(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
int[] bad = new int[] { items.Length + 1, items.Length + 2, int.MaxValue, -1, -2, int.MinValue };
for (int i = 0; i < bad.Length; i++)
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => list.Insert(bad[i], items[0])); //"ArgumentOutOfRangeException expected."
public void NonGenericIListBasicInsert(T?[] items, T? item, int index, int repeat)
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
_ilist.Insert(index, item);
Assert.True(list.Contains(item)); //"Expected it to be true."
Assert.Equal(list.Count, items.Length + repeat); //"Expected them to be equal."
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i]); //"Expected them to be equal."
for (int i = index; i < index + repeat; i++)
Assert.Equal((object?)list[i], item); //"Expected them to be equal."
for (int i = index + repeat; i < list.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i - repeat]); //"Expected them to be equal."
public void NonGenericIListInsertValidations(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
int[] bad = new int[] { items.Length + 1, items.Length + 2, int.MaxValue, -1, -2, int.MinValue };
for (int i = 0; i < bad.Length; i++)
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => _ilist.Insert(bad[i], items[0])); //"ArgumentOutOfRangeException expected."
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>("value", () => _ilist.Insert(0, new LinkedListNode<string>("blargh"))); //"ArgumentException expected."
#region InsertRange
public void InsertRangeIEnumerable(T?[] itemsX, T?[] itemsY, int index, int repeat, Func<T?[], IEnumerable<T?>> constructIEnumerable)
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(constructIEnumerable(itemsX));
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
list.InsertRange(index, constructIEnumerable(itemsY));
foreach (T? item in itemsY)
Assert.True(list.Contains(item)); //"Should contain the item."
Assert.Equal(list.Count, itemsX.Length + (itemsY.Length * repeat)); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsX[i]); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = index; i < index + (itemsY.Length * repeat); i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsY[(i - index) % itemsY.Length]); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = index + (itemsY.Length * repeat); i < list.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsX[i - (itemsY.Length * repeat)]); //"Should have the same result."
//InsertRange into itself
list = new SegmentedList<T?>(constructIEnumerable(itemsX));
list.InsertRange(index, list);
foreach (T? item in itemsX)
Assert.True(list.Contains(item)); //"Should contain the item."
Assert.Equal(list.Count, itemsX.Length + (itemsX.Length)); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsX[i]); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = index; i < index + (itemsX.Length); i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsX[(i - index) % itemsX.Length]); //"Should have the same result."
for (int i = index + (itemsX.Length); i < list.Count; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], itemsX[i - (itemsX.Length)]); //"Should have the same result."
public void InsertRangeValidations(T?[] items, Func<T?[], IEnumerable<T?>> constructIEnumerable)
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(constructIEnumerable(items));
int[] bad = new int[] { items.Length + 1, items.Length + 2, int.MaxValue, -1, -2, int.MinValue };
for (int i = 0; i < bad.Length; i++)
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => list.InsertRange(bad[i], constructIEnumerable(items))); //"ArgumentOutOfRangeException expected"
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => list.InsertRange(0, null!)); //"ArgumentNullException expected."
public IEnumerable<T?> ConstructTestEnumerable(T?[] items)
return items;
public IEnumerable<T?> ConstructLazyTestEnumerable(T?[] items)
return ConstructTestEnumerable(items)
.Select(item => item);
public IEnumerable<T?> ConstructTestList(T?[] items)
return items.ToList();
#region GetRange
public void BasicGetRange(T[] items, int index, int count, bool useSlice)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
SegmentedList<T> range = useSlice ? list.Slice(index, count) : list.GetRange(index, count);
//ensure range is good
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Assert.Equal(range[i], items[i + index]); //String.Format("Err_170178aqhbpa Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", items[i + index], i, range[i])
//ensure no side effects
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i]); //String.Format("Err_00125698ahpap Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", items[i], i, list[i])
public void BasicSliceSyntax(T[] items, int index, int count)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
SegmentedList<T> range = list[index..(index + count)];
//ensure range is good
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Assert.Equal(range[i], items[i + index]); //String.Format("Err_170178aqhbpa Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", items[i + index], i, range[i])
//ensure no side effects
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal(list[i], items[i]); //String.Format("Err_00125698ahpap Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", items[i], i, list[i])
public void EnsureRangeIsReference(T[] items, T item, int index, int count, bool useSlice)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
SegmentedList<T> range = useSlice ? list[index..(index + count)] : list.GetRange(index, count);
T tempItem = list[index];
range[0] = item;
Assert.Equal(list[index], tempItem); //String.Format("Err_707811hapba Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", tempItem, index, list[index])
public void EnsureThrowsAfterModification(T[] items, T item, int index, int count, bool useSlice)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
SegmentedList<T> range = useSlice ? list[index..(index + count)] : list.GetRange(index, count);
T tempItem = list[index];
list[index] = item;
Assert.Equal(range[0], tempItem); //String.Format("Err_1221589ajpa Expected item: {0} at: {1} actual: {2}", tempItem, 0, range[0])
public void GetRangeValidations(T[] items, bool useSlice)
//Always send items.Length is even
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
int[] bad = new int[] { /**/items.Length,1,
for (int i = 0; i < bad.Length; i++)
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(null, () =>
int index = bad[i];
int count = bad[++i];
return useSlice ? list.Slice(index, count) : list.GetRange(index, count);
}); //"ArgumentException expected."
bad = new int[] {
for (int i = 0; i < bad.Length; i++)
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() =>
int index = bad[i];
int count = bad[++i];
return useSlice ? list.Slice(index, count) : list.GetRange(index, count);
}); //"ArgumentOutOfRangeException expected."
#region Exists(Pred<T>)
public void Exists_Verify(T[] items)
public void Exists_VerifyExceptions(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
Predicate<T> predicate = (T item) => { return true; };
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
//[] Verify Null match
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => list.Exists(null!)); //"Err_858ahia Expected null match to throw ArgumentNullException"
private void Exists_VerifyVanilla(T[] items)
T? expectedItem = default(T);
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>();
Predicate<T?> expectedItemDelegate = (T? item) => { return expectedItem == null ? item == null : expectedItem.Equals(item); };
bool typeNullable = default(T) == null;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
//[] Verify Exists returns the correct index
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
expectedItem = items[i];
"Err_282308ahid Verifying Nullable returned FAILED\n");
//[] Verify Exists returns true if the match returns true on every item
Assert.True((0 < items.Length) == list.Exists((T? item) => { return true; }),
"Err_548ahid Verify Exists returns 0 if the match returns true on every item FAILED\n");
//[] Verify Exists returns false if the match returns false on every item
Assert.True(!list.Exists((T? item) => { return false; }),
"Err_30848ahidi Verify Exists returns -1 if the match returns false on every item FAILED\n");
//[] Verify with default(T)
Assert.True(list.Exists((T? item) => { return item == null ? default(T) == null : item.Equals(default(T)); }),
"Err_541848ajodi Verify with default(T) FAILED\n");
list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);
private void Exists_VerifyDuplicates(T[] items)
T? expectedItem = default(T);
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
Predicate<T> expectedItemDelegate = (T item) => { return expectedItem == null ? item == null : expectedItem.Equals(item); };
if (0 < items.Length)
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length && i < 2; ++i)
//[] Verify first item is duplicated
expectedItem = items[0];
"Err_2879072qaiadf Verify first item is duplicated FAILED\n");
if (1 < items.Length)
//[] Verify second item is duplicated
expectedItem = items[1];
"Err_4588ajdia Verify second item is duplicated FAILED\n");
//[] Verify with match that matches more then one item
Assert.True(list.Exists((T item) => { return item != null && (item.Equals(items[0]) || item.Equals(items[1])); }),
"Err_4489ajodoi Verify with match that matches more then one item FAILED\n");
#region Contains
public void BasicContains(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.True(list.Contains(items[i])); //"Should contain item."
public void NonExistingValues(T[] itemsX, T[] itemsY)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(itemsX);
for (int i = 0; i < itemsY.Length; i++)
Assert.False(list.Contains(itemsY[i])); //"Should not contain item"
public void RemovedValues(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.False(list.Contains(items[i])); //"Should not contain item"
public void AddRemoveValues(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.True(list.Contains(items[i])); //"Should contain item."
public void MultipleValues(T[] items, int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
list.Add(items[items.Length / 2]);
for (int i = 0; i < times + 1; i++)
Assert.True(list.Contains(items[items.Length / 2])); //"Should contain item."
list.Remove(items[items.Length / 2]);
Assert.False(list.Contains(items[items.Length / 2])); //"Should not contain item"
public void ContainsNullWhenReference(T?[] items, T? value)
if ((object?)value != null)
throw new ArgumentException("invalid argument passed to testcase");
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(items);
Assert.True(list.Contains(value)); //"Should contain item."
public void NonGenericIListBasicContains(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.True(_ilist.Contains(items[i])); //"Should contain item."
public void NonGenericIListNonExistingValues(T[] itemsX, T[] itemsY)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(itemsX);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < itemsY.Length; i++)
Assert.False(_ilist.Contains(itemsY[i])); //"Should not contain item"
public void NonGenericIListRemovedValues(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.False(_ilist.Contains(items[i])); //"Should not contain item"
public void NonGenericIListAddRemoveValues(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.True(_ilist.Contains(items[i])); //"Should contain item."
public void NonGenericIListMultipleValues(T[] items, int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
list.Add(items[items.Length / 2]);
for (int i = 0; i < times + 1; i++)
Assert.True(_ilist.Contains(items[items.Length / 2])); //"Should contain item."
list.Remove(items[items.Length / 2]);
Assert.False(_ilist.Contains(items[items.Length / 2])); //"Should not contain item"
public void NonGenericIListContainsNullWhenReference(T?[] items, T? value)
if ((object?)value != null)
throw new ArgumentException("invalid argument passed to testcase");
SegmentedList<T?> list = new SegmentedList<T?>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
Assert.True(_ilist.Contains(value)); //"Should contain item."
public void NonGenericIListContainsTestParams()
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
IList _ilist = list;
Assert.False(_ilist.Contains(new LinkedListNode<string>("rah")),
"Err_68850ahiuedpz Expected Contains to return false with invalid type");
#region Clear
public void ClearEmptyList()
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0"
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void ClearMultipleTimesEmptyList(int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void ClearNonEmptyList(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(T[] items, int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void NonGenericIListClearEmptyList()
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
IList _ilist = list;
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesEmptyList(int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
IList _ilist = list;
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void NonGenericIListClearNonEmptyList(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
public void NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(T[] items, int times)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
IList _ilist = list;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++)
Assert.Equal(0, list.Count); //"Should be equal to 0."
#region TrueForAll
public void TrueForAll_VerifyVanilla(T[] items)
T? expectedItem = default(T);
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>();
Predicate<T> expectedItemDelegate = delegate (T item) { return expectedItem == null ? item != null : !expectedItem.Equals(item); };
bool typeNullable = default(T) == null;
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
//[] Verify TrueForAll looks at every item
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i)
expectedItem = items[i];
Assert.False(list.TrueForAll(expectedItemDelegate)); //"Err_282308ahid Verify TrueForAll looks at every item FAILED\n"
//[] Verify TrueForAll returns true if the match returns true on every item
Assert.True(list.TrueForAll(delegate (T item) { return true; }),
"Err_548ahid Verify TrueForAll returns true if the match returns true on every item FAILED\n");
//[] Verify TrueForAll returns false if the match returns false on every item
Assert.True((0 == items.Length) == list.TrueForAll(delegate (T item) { return false; }),
"Err_30848ahidi Verify TrueForAll returns " + (0 == items.Length) + " if the match returns false on every item FAILED\n");
public void TrueForAll_VerifyExceptions(T[] items)
var list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
Assert.True(list.TrueForAll(item => true));
Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => list.TrueForAll(null!)); //"Err_858ahia Expected null match to throw ArgumentNullException"
#region ToArray
public void BasicToArray(T[] items)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
T[] arr = list.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal(((object?)arr[i]), items[i]); //"Should be equal."
public void EnsureNotUnderlyingToArray(T[] items, T item)
SegmentedList<T> list = new SegmentedList<T>(items);
T[] arr = list.ToArray();
list[0] = item;
if (((object?)arr[0]) == null)
Assert.NotNull(list[0]); //"Should NOT be null"
Assert.NotEqual(((object?)arr[0]), list[0]); //"Should NOT be equal."
public static void InsertTests()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
int[] intArr2 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr2[i] = i + 100;
IntDriver.BasicInsert(new int[0], 1, 0, 3);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 101, 50, 4);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 100, 5);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 99, 6);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 50, 0, 7);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 50, 1, 8);
IntDriver.BasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 50, 50);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(new int[0], 1, 0, 3);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 101, 50, 4);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 100, 5);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 99, 6);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 50, 0, 7);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 50, 1, 8);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(intArr1, 100, 50, 50);
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
string[] stringArr2 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr2[i] = "SomeTestString" + (i + 100).ToString();
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 99, 2);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 100, 3);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 0, 4);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 1, 5);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 50, 51);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 0, 100);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, "strobia", null }, null, 2, 3);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, null, null }, "strobia", 0, 5);
StringDriver.BasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, null, null }, "strobia", 5, 1);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 99, 2);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 100, 3);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 0, 4);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 1, 5);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 50, 51);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(stringArr1, "strobia", 0, 100);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, "strobia", null }, null, 2, 3);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, null, null }, "strobia", 0, 5);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListBasicInsert(new string?[] { null, null, null, null, null }, "strobia", 5, 1);
public static void InsertTests_negative()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
public static void InsertRangeTests()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
int[] intArr2 = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
intArr2[i] = i + 100;
foreach (Func<int[], IEnumerable<int>> collectionGenerator in IntDriver.CollectionGenerators)
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new int[0], intArr1, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(intArr1, intArr2, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(intArr1, intArr2, 1, 1, collectionGenerator);
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(intArr1, intArr2, 99, 1, collectionGenerator);
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(intArr1, intArr2, 100, 1, collectionGenerator);
IntDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(intArr1, intArr2, 50, 50, collectionGenerator);
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
string[] stringArr2 = new string[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stringArr2[i] = "SomeTestString" + (i + 100).ToString();
foreach (Func<string?[], IEnumerable<string?>> collectionGenerator in StringDriver.CollectionGenerators)
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new string[0], stringArr1, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(stringArr1, stringArr2, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(stringArr1, stringArr2, 1, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(stringArr1, stringArr2, 99, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(stringArr1, stringArr2, 100, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(stringArr1, stringArr2, 50, 50, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, stringArr2, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, stringArr2, 4, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, 0, 1, collectionGenerator);
StringDriver.InsertRangeIEnumerable(new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, new string?[] { null, null, null, null }, 4, 50, collectionGenerator);
public static void InsertRangeTests_Negative()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
IntDriver.InsertRangeValidations(intArr1, IntDriver.ConstructTestEnumerable);
StringDriver.InsertRangeValidations(stringArr1, StringDriver.ConstructTestEnumerable);
public static void GetRangeTests(bool useSlice)
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 50, 50, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 0, 50, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 50, 25, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 0, 25, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 75, 25, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 0, 100, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 0, 99, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 1, 1, useSlice);
IntDriver.BasicGetRange(intArr1, 99, 1, useSlice);
IntDriver.EnsureRangeIsReference(intArr1, 101, 0, 10, useSlice);
IntDriver.EnsureThrowsAfterModification(intArr1, 10, 10, 10, useSlice);
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 50, 50, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 0, 50, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 50, 25, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 0, 25, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 75, 25, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 0, 100, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 0, 99, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 1, 1, useSlice);
StringDriver.BasicGetRange(stringArr1, 99, 1, useSlice);
StringDriver.EnsureRangeIsReference(stringArr1, "SometestString101", 0, 10, useSlice);
StringDriver.EnsureThrowsAfterModification(stringArr1, "str", 10, 10, useSlice);
public static void SlicingWorks()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 50, 50);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 0, 50);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 50, 25);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 0, 25);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 75, 25);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 0, 100);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 0, 99);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 1, 1);
IntDriver.BasicSliceSyntax(intArr1, 99, 1);
public static void GetRangeTests_Negative(bool useSlice)
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
StringDriver.GetRangeValidations(stringArr1, useSlice);
IntDriver.GetRangeValidations(intArr1, useSlice);
public static void ExistsTests()
Driver<int> intDriver = new Driver<int>();
Driver<string> stringDriver = new Driver<string>();
int[] intArray;
string[] stringArray;
int arraySize = 16;
intArray = new int[arraySize];
stringArray = new string[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
intArray[i] = i + 1;
stringArray[i] = (i + 1).ToString();
intDriver.Exists_Verify(new int[0]);
intDriver.Exists_Verify(new int[] { 1 });
stringDriver.Exists_Verify(new string[0]);
stringDriver.Exists_Verify(new string[] { "1" });
public static void ExistsTests_Negative()
Driver<int> intDriver = new Driver<int>();
Driver<string> stringDriver = new Driver<string>();
int[] intArray;
string[] stringArray;
int arraySize = 16;
intArray = new int[arraySize];
stringArray = new string[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
intArray[i] = i + 1;
stringArray[i] = (i + 1).ToString();
public static void ContainsTests()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr1 = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
intArr1[i] = i;
int[] intArr2 = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
intArr2[i] = i + 10;
IntDriver.NonExistingValues(intArr1, intArr2);
IntDriver.MultipleValues(intArr1, 3);
IntDriver.MultipleValues(intArr1, 5);
IntDriver.MultipleValues(intArr1, 17);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListNonExistingValues(intArr1, intArr2);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(intArr1, 3);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(intArr1, 5);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(intArr1, 17);
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr1 = new string[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stringArr1[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
string[] stringArr2 = new string[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stringArr2[i] = "SomeTestString" + (i + 10).ToString();
StringDriver.NonExistingValues(stringArr1, stringArr2);
StringDriver.MultipleValues(stringArr1, 3);
StringDriver.MultipleValues(stringArr1, 5);
StringDriver.MultipleValues(stringArr1, 17);
StringDriver.ContainsNullWhenReference(stringArr1, null);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListNonExistingValues(stringArr1, stringArr2);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(stringArr1, 3);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(stringArr1, 5);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListMultipleValues(stringArr1, 17);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListContainsNullWhenReference(stringArr1, null);
public static void ClearTests()
Driver<int> IntDriver = new Driver<int>();
int[] intArr = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
intArr[i] = i;
IntDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 2);
IntDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 7);
IntDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 31);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 2);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 7);
IntDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(intArr, 31);
Driver<string> StringDriver = new Driver<string>();
string[] stringArr = new string[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
stringArr[i] = "SomeTestString" + i.ToString();
StringDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 2);
StringDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 7);
StringDriver.ClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 31);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 2);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 7);
StringDriver.NonGenericIListClearMultipleTimesNonEmptyList(stringArr, 31);
public static void TrueForAllTests()
Driver<int> intDriver = new Driver<int>();
Driver<string> stringDriver = new Driver<string>();
int[] intArray;
string[] stringArray;
int arraySize = 16;
intArray = new int[arraySize];
stringArray = new string[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
intArray[i] = i + 1;
stringArray[i] = (i + 1).ToString();
intDriver.TrueForAll_VerifyVanilla(new int[0]);
intDriver.TrueForAll_VerifyVanilla(new int[] { 1 });
stringDriver.TrueForAll_VerifyVanilla(new string[0]);
stringDriver.TrueForAll_VerifyVanilla(new string[] { "1" });
public static void TrueForAllTests_Negative()
Driver<int> intDriver = new Driver<int>();
Driver<string> stringDriver = new Driver<string>();
int[] intArray;
string[] stringArray;
int arraySize = 16;
intArray = new int[arraySize];
stringArray = new string[arraySize];
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; ++i)
intArray[i] = i + 1;
stringArray[i] = (i + 1).ToString();
public static void TrueForAll_ListSizeCanBeChanged()
SegmentedList<int> list = new SegmentedList<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
SegmentedList<int> expectedList = new SegmentedList<int> { 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 };
bool result = list.TrueForAll(i =>
if (i < 4)
list.Add(i + 1);
return true;
Assert.Equal(expectedList, list);