1 instantiation of MethodChecker
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities (1)
InstrumentationChecker.cs (1)
301var result = new MethodChecker(this, noSnippets: snippet == null);
7 references to MethodChecker
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities (7)
InstrumentationChecker.cs (7)
279private readonly Dictionary<int /*method*/, MethodChecker> _spanExpectations = new Dictionary<int, MethodChecker>(); 297public MethodChecker Method(int method, int file, string snippet = null, bool expectBodySpan = true) 301var result = new MethodChecker(this, noSnippets: snippet == null); 381public MethodChecker True(string expectedSourceSnippet = null) 389public MethodChecker False(string expectedSourceSnippet = null) 394private MethodChecker Expect(string text, string expectedSourceSnippet)