// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests.Diagnostics
public abstract partial class SuppressMessageAttributeTests
#region Local Suppression
public static IEnumerable<string[]> QualifiedAttributeNames { get; } = new[] {
new[] { "System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute" },
new[] { "System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.UnconditionalSuppressMessageAttribute" },
public static IEnumerable<string[]> SimpleAttributeNames { get; } = new[] {
new[] { "SuppressMessage" },
new[] { "UnconditionalSuppressMessage" }
public async Task LocalSuppressionOnType(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
public class C
public class C1
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "C1"));
public async Task MultipleLocalSuppressionsOnSingleSymbol(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""TypeDeclaration"")]
public class C
new DiagnosticAnalyzer[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C"), new WarningOnTypeDeclarationAnalyzer() });
public async Task DuplicateLocalSuppressions(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
public class C
new DiagnosticAnalyzer[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") });
public async Task LocalSuppressionOnMember(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
public void Goo() {}
public void Goo1() {}
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("Goo") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "Goo1"));
#region Global Suppression
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnNamespaces(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Namespace"", Target=""N"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Namespace"", Target=""N.N1"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Namespace"", Target=""N4"")]
namespace N
namespace N1
namespace N2.N3
namespace N4
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("N") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "N2"),
Diagnostic("Declaration", "N3"));
[Theory, WorkItem(486, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/486")]
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnNamespaces_NamespaceAndDescendants(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""NamespaceAndDescendants"", Target=""N.N1"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""namespaceanddescendants"", Target=""N4"")]
namespace N
namespace N1
namespace N2.N3
namespace N4
namespace N5
namespace N.N1.N6.N7
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("N") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "N"));
[Theory, WorkItem(486, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/486")]
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnTypesAndNamespaces_NamespaceAndDescendants(string attrName)
var source = @"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""NamespaceAndDescendants"", Target=""N.N1.N2"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""NamespaceAndDescendants"", Target=""N4"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""C2"")]
namespace N
namespace N1
class C1
namespace N2.N3
class C2
class C3
class C4
namespace N4
namespace N5
class C5
class C6
namespace N.N1.N2.N7
class C7
await VerifyCSharpAsync(source,
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("N") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "N"),
Diagnostic("Declaration", "N1"));
await VerifyCSharpAsync(source,
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "C1"));
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnTypes(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""Ef"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""Egg"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""Ele`2"")]
public class E
public interface Ef
public struct Egg
public delegate void Ele<T1,T2>(T1 x, T2 y);
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("E") });
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnNestedTypes(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""type"", Target=""C.A1"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""type"", Target=""C+A2"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""member"", Target=""C+A3"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""member"", Target=""C.A4"")]
public class C
public class A1 { }
public class A2 { }
public class A3 { }
public delegate void A4();
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("A") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "A1"),
Diagnostic("Declaration", "A3"),
Diagnostic("Declaration", "A4"));
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnBasicModule(string attrName)
await VerifyBasicAsync(@"
<assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""type"", Target=""M"")>
Module M
Class C
End Class
End Module
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("M") });
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnMembers(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Member"", Target=""C.#M1"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Member"", Target=""C.#M3`1()"")]
public class C
int M1;
public void M2() {}
public static void M3<T>() {}
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("M") },
new[] { Diagnostic("Declaration", "M2") });
public async Task GlobalSuppressionOnValueTupleMemberWithDocId(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Member"", Target=""~M:C.M~System.Threading.Tasks.Task{System.ValueTuple{System.Boolean,ErrorCode}}"")]
enum ErrorCode {}
class C
Task<(bool status, ErrorCode errorCode)> M() => null;
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("M") });
public async Task MultipleGlobalSuppressionsOnSingleSymbol(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""TypeDeclaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
public class E
new DiagnosticAnalyzer[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("E"), new WarningOnTypeDeclarationAnalyzer() });
public async Task DuplicateGlobalSuppressions(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
public class E
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("E") });
#region Syntax Semantics
public async Task WarningOnCommentAnalyzerCSharp()
await VerifyCSharpAsync("// Comment\r\n /* Comment */",
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("Comment", "// Comment"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "/* Comment */"));
public async Task WarningOnCommentAnalyzerBasic()
await VerifyBasicAsync("' Comment",
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("Comment", "' Comment"));
public async Task GloballySuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
// before module attributes
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"")]
// before class
public class C
// before method
public void Goo() // after method declaration
// inside method
// after class
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() });
public async Task GloballySuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyBasicAsync(@"
' before module attributes
<Module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"")>
' before class
Public Class C
' before sub
Public Sub Goo() ' after sub statement
' inside sub
End Sub
End Class
' after class
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() });
public async Task GloballySuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnTargetCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
// before module attributes
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope=""Member"" Target=""C.Goo():System.Void"")]
// before class
public class C
// before method
public void Goo() // after method declaration
// inside method
// after class
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("Comment", "// before module attributes"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// before class"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// after class"));
public async Task GloballySuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnTargetBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyBasicAsync(@"
' before module attributes
<Module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope:=""Member"", Target:=""C.Goo():System.Void"")>
' before class
Public Class C
' before sub
Public Sub Goo() ' after sub statement
' inside sub
End Sub
End Class
' after class
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("Comment", "' before module attributes"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "' before class"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "' after class"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNamespaceDeclarationCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"", Scope=""namespace"", Target=""A.B"")]
namespace A
namespace B
class C {}
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(4, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "class").WithLocation(7, 9),
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(7, 15),
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(7, 17),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(7, 18),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(9, 1));
[Theory, WorkItem(486, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/486")]
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNamespaceAndChildDeclarationCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
[assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"", Scope=""NamespaceAndDescendants"", Target=""A.B"")]
namespace A
namespace B
class C {}
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(4, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(9, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNamespaceDeclarationBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
<assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"", Scope:=""Namespace"", Target:=""A.B"")>
Namespace [|A
Namespace B
Class C
End Class
End Namespace
End|] Namespace
Diagnostic("Token", "A").WithLocation(3, 11),
Diagnostic("Token", "Class").WithLocation(5, 9),
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(5, 15),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(6, 9),
Diagnostic("Token", "Class").WithLocation(6, 13),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(8, 1));
[Theory, WorkItem(486, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/486")]
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNamespaceAndDescendantsDeclarationBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
<assembly: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"", Scope:=""NamespaceAndDescendants"", Target:=""A.B"")>
Namespace [|A
Namespace B
Class C
End Class
End Namespace
End|] Namespace
Diagnostic("Token", "A").WithLocation(3, 11),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(8, 1));
[Theory, WorkItem(486, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/486")]
public async Task DontSuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsInRootNamespaceBasic(string scope)
await VerifyBasicAsync($@"
<module: System.Diagnostics.SuppressMessage(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope:=""{scope}"", Target:=""RootNamespace"")>
' In root namespace
rootNamespace: "RootNamespace",
analyzers: new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
diagnostics: Diagnostic("Comment", "' In root namespace").WithLocation(3, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnTypesCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace N
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
class C<T> {}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
struct S<T> {}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
interface I<T>{}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
enum E {}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
delegate void D();
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(5, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(20, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnTypesBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Namespace [|N
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Module M
End Module
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Class C
End Class
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Structure S
End Structure
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Interface I
End Interface
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Enum E
End Enum
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Delegate Sub D()
End|] Namespace
Diagnostic("Token", "N").WithLocation(4, 11),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(28, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnFieldsCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
int field1 = 1, field2 = 2;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
int field3 = 3;
Diagnostic("Token", "{"),
Diagnostic("Token", "}"));
[WorkItem(6379, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6379")]
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEnumFieldsCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
// before module attributes
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope=""Member"" Target=""E.Field1"")]
// before enum
public enum E
// before Field1 declaration
Field1, // after Field1 declaration
Field2 // after Field2 declaration
// after enum
new[] { new WarningOnCommentAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("Comment", "// before module attributes"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// before enum"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// after Field1 declaration"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// after Field2 declaration"),
Diagnostic("Comment", "// after enum"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnFieldsBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public field1 As Integer = 1,
field2 As Double = 2.0
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public field3 As Integer = 3
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C"),
Diagnostic("Token", "End"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventsCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public event System.Action<int> E1;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public event System.Action<int> E2, E3;
Diagnostic("Token", "{"),
Diagnostic("Token", "}"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventsBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public Event E1 As System.Action(Of Integer)
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public Event E2(ByVal arg As Integer)
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C"),
Diagnostic("Token", "End"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventAddAccessorCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
public event System.Action<int> E
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
add {}
remove|] {}
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(5, 5),
Diagnostic("Token", "remove").WithLocation(8, 9));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventAddAccessorBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class C
Public Custom Event E As System.Action(Of Integer[|)
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
AddHandler(value As Action(Of Integer))
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler|](value As Action(Of Integer))
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(obj As Integer)
End RaiseEvent
End Event
End Class
Diagnostic("Token", ")"),
Diagnostic("Token", "RemoveHandler"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventRemoveAccessorCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
public event System.Action<int> E
add {[|}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
remove {}
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(6, 14),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(9, 5));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnEventRemoveAccessorBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class C
Public Custom Event E As System.Action(Of Integer)
AddHandler(value As Action(Of Integer))
End [|AddHandler
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
RemoveHandler(value As Action(Of Integer))
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent|](obj As Integer)
End RaiseEvent
End Event
End Class
Diagnostic("Token", "AddHandler"),
Diagnostic("Token", "RaiseEvent"));
[WorkItem(1103442, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1103442")]
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnRaiseEventAccessorBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class C
Public Custom Event E As System.Action(Of Integer)
AddHandler(value As Action(Of Integer))
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(value As Action(Of Integer))
End [|RemoveHandler
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
RaiseEvent(obj As Integer)
End RaiseEvent
End|] Event
End Class
Diagnostic("Token", "RemoveHandler"),
Diagnostic("Token", "End"));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertyCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
int Property1 { get; set; }
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
int Property2
get { return 2; }
set { Property1 = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(5, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(15, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertyBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Property Property1 As Integer
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Property Property2 As Integer
Return 2
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
Property1 = value
End Set
End Property
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(4, 7),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(17, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertyGetterCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
int x;
int Property
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
get { return 2; }
set|] { x = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(6, 5),
Diagnostic("Token", "set").WithLocation(9, 9));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertyGetterBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class C
Private x As Integer
Property [Property] As [|Integer
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Return 2
End Get
Set|](value As Integer)
x = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Diagnostic("Token", "Integer").WithLocation(4, 28),
Diagnostic("Token", "Set").WithLocation(9, 9));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertySetterCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
int x;
int Property
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
get { return 2; }
set|] { x = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(6, 5),
Diagnostic("Token", "set").WithLocation(9, 9));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnPropertySetterBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class C
Private x As Integer
Property [Property] As Integer
Return 2
End [|Get
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Set(value As Integer)
x = value
End Set
End|] Property
End Class
Diagnostic("Token", "Get").WithLocation(7, 13),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(12, 5));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnIndexerCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
int x[|;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
int this[int i]
get { return 2; }
set { x = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", ";").WithLocation(4, 10),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(11, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnIndexerGetterCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
int x;
int this[int i]
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
get { return 2; }
set|] { x = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(6, 5),
Diagnostic("Token", "set").WithLocation(9, 9));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnIndexerSetterCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
int x;
int this[int i]
get { return 2; [|}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
set { x = 2; }
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(7, 25),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(10, 5));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnMethodCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
abstract class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public void M1<T>() {}
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public abstract void M2();
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(5, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(11, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnMethodBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Public MustInherit Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public Function M2(Of T)() As Integer
Return 0
End Function
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public MustOverride Sub M3()
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(4, 26),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(12, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnOperatorCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public static C operator +(C a, C b)
return null;
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(3, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(9, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnOperatorBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public Shared Operator +(ByVal a As C, ByVal b As C) As C
Return Nothing
End Operator
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(2, 7),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(7, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnConstructorCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class Base
public Base(int x) {}
class C : Base
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
public C() : base(0) {}
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(8, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(11, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnConstructorBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(2, 7),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(6, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnDestructorCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
~C() {}
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(3, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(6, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNestedTypeCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(@"
class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")]
class D
class E
Diagnostic("Token", "{").WithLocation(3, 1),
Diagnostic("Token", "}").WithLocation(11, 1));
public async Task SuppressSyntaxDiagnosticsOnNestedTypeBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(@"
Class [|C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Token"")>
Class D
Class E
End Class
End Class
End|] Class
Diagnostic("Token", "C").WithLocation(2, 7),
Diagnostic("Token", "End").WithLocation(8, 1));
#region Special Cases
public async Task SuppressMessageCompilationEnded(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(
@"[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""CompilationEnded"")]",
new[] { new WarningOnCompilationEndedAnalyzer() });
public async Task SuppressMessageOnPropertyAccessor(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
public string P { get; private set; }
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("get_") });
public async Task SuppressMessageOnDelegateInvoke(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"")]
delegate void D();
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("Invoke") });
public async Task SuppressMessageOnCodeBodyCSharp(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(
public class C
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""CodeBody"")]
void Goo()
new[] { new WarningOnCodeBodyAnalyzer(LanguageNames.CSharp) });
public async Task SuppressMessageOnCodeBodyBasic(string attrName)
await VerifyBasicAsync(
Public Class C
<" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""CodeBody"")>
Sub Goo()
End Sub
End Class
new[] { new WarningOnCodeBodyAnalyzer(LanguageNames.VisualBasic) });
#region Attribute Decoding
public async Task UnnecessaryScopeAndTarget(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"")]
public class C1
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Target=""C"")]
public class C2
[" + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""C"")]
public class C3
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") });
public async Task InvalidScopeOrTarget(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Class"", Target=""C"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"", Target=""E"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Class"", Target=""E"")]
public class C
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "C"));
public async Task MissingScopeOrTarget(string attrName)
await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Target=""C"")]
[module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Declaration"", Scope=""Type"")]
public class C
new[] { new WarningOnNamePrefixDeclarationAnalyzer("C") },
Diagnostic("Declaration", "C"));
public async Task InvalidAttributeConstructorParameters(string attrName)
await VerifyBasicAsync(@"
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
<module: " + attrName + @"UndeclaredIdentifier, ""Comment"")>
<module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", UndeclaredIdentifier)>
<module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope:=UndeclaredIdentifier, Target:=""C"")>
<module: " + attrName + @"(""Test"", ""Comment"", Scope:=""Type"", Target:=UndeclaredIdentifier)>
Class C
End Class
new[] { new WarningOnTypeDeclarationAnalyzer() },
Diagnostic("TypeDeclaration", "C").WithLocation(9, 7));
protected async Task VerifyCSharpAsync(string source, DiagnosticAnalyzer[] analyzers, params DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
await VerifyAsync(source, LanguageNames.CSharp, analyzers, diagnostics);
protected Task VerifyTokenDiagnosticsCSharpAsync(string markup, params DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
return VerifyTokenDiagnosticsAsync(markup, LanguageNames.CSharp, diagnostics);
protected async Task VerifyBasicAsync(string source, string rootNamespace, DiagnosticAnalyzer[] analyzers, params DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
Assert.False(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rootNamespace), string.Format("Invalid root namespace '{0}'", rootNamespace));
await VerifyAsync(source, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, analyzers, diagnostics, rootNamespace: rootNamespace);
protected async Task VerifyBasicAsync(string source, DiagnosticAnalyzer[] analyzers, params DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
await VerifyAsync(source, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, analyzers, diagnostics);
protected Task VerifyTokenDiagnosticsBasicAsync(string markup, params DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
return VerifyTokenDiagnosticsAsync(markup, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, diagnostics);
protected abstract Task VerifyAsync(string source, string language, DiagnosticAnalyzer[] analyzers, DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics, string rootNamespace = null);
// Generate a diagnostic on every token in the specified spans, and verify that only the specified diagnostics are not suppressed
private Task VerifyTokenDiagnosticsAsync(string markup, string language, DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics)
MarkupTestFile.GetSpans(markup, out var source, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans);
Assert.True(spans.Length > 0, "Must specify a span within which to generate diagnostics on each token");
return VerifyAsync(source, language, new DiagnosticAnalyzer[] { new WarningOnTokenAnalyzer(spans) }, diagnostics);
protected abstract bool ConsiderArgumentsForComparingDiagnostics { get; }
protected DiagnosticDescription Diagnostic(string id, string squiggledText)
var arguments = this.ConsiderArgumentsForComparingDiagnostics && squiggledText != null
? new[] { squiggledText }
: null;
return new DiagnosticDescription(id, false, squiggledText, arguments, null, null, false);