// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting
/// <summary>
/// Represents the submission states and globals that get passed to a script entry point when run.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ScriptExecutionState
private object[] _submissionStates;
private int _frozen;
private ScriptExecutionState(object[] submissionStates, int count)
_submissionStates = submissionStates;
SubmissionStateCount = count;
public static ScriptExecutionState Create(object globals)
// first submission state is the globals.
var submissionStates = new object[2];
submissionStates[0] = globals;
return new ScriptExecutionState(submissionStates, count: 1);
public ScriptExecutionState FreezeAndClone()
// freeze state so it can no longer be modified.
var wasAlreadyFrozen = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _frozen, 1, 0) == 1;
if (wasAlreadyFrozen)
// since only one state can add to the submissions, if its already been frozen and clone before
// make a copy of the visible contents for the new state.
var copy = new object[SubmissionStateCount];
Array.Copy(_submissionStates, copy, SubmissionStateCount);
return new ScriptExecutionState(copy, SubmissionStateCount);
// cloned state can continue to add submission states
return new ScriptExecutionState(_submissionStates, SubmissionStateCount);
public int SubmissionStateCount { get; private set; }
public object GetSubmissionState(int index)
Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < SubmissionStateCount);
return _submissionStates[index];
internal async Task<TResult> RunSubmissionsAsync<TResult>(
ImmutableArray<Func<object[], Task>> precedingExecutors,
Func<object[], Task> currentExecutor,
StrongBox<Exception> exceptionHolderOpt,
Func<Exception, bool> catchExceptionOpt,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Debug.Assert(_frozen == 0);
Debug.Assert((exceptionHolderOpt != null) == (catchExceptionOpt != null));
// Each executor points to a <Factory> method of the Submission class.
// The method creates an instance of the Submission class passing the submission states to its constructor.
// The consturctor initializes the links between submissions and stores the Submission instance to
// a slot in submission states that corresponds to the submission.
// The <Factory> method then calls the <Initialize> method that consists of top-level script code statements.
int executorIndex = 0;
while (executorIndex < precedingExecutors.Length)
await precedingExecutors[executorIndex++](_submissionStates).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
// The submission constructor always runs into completion (unless we emitted bad code).
// We need to advance the counter to reflect the updates to submission states done in the constructor.
TResult result;
result = await ((Task<TResult>)currentExecutor(_submissionStates)).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
// The submission constructor always runs into completion (unless we emitted bad code).
// We need to advance the counter to reflect the updates to submission states done in the constructor.
return result;
catch (Exception exception) when (catchExceptionOpt?.Invoke(exception) == true)
// The following code creates instances of all submissions without executing the user code.
// The constructors don't contain any user code.
var submissionCtorArgs = new object[] { null };
while (executorIndex < precedingExecutors.Length)
// update the value since the array might have been resized:
submissionCtorArgs[0] = _submissionStates;
Activator.CreateInstance(precedingExecutors[executorIndex++].GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType, submissionCtorArgs);
if (executorIndex == precedingExecutors.Length)
// update the value since the array might have been resized:
submissionCtorArgs[0] = _submissionStates;
Activator.CreateInstance(currentExecutor.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType, submissionCtorArgs);
exceptionHolderOpt.Value = exception;
return default(TResult);
private void EnsureStateCapacity()
// make sure there is enough free space for the submission to add its state
if (SubmissionStateCount >= _submissionStates.Length)
Array.Resize(ref _submissionStates, Math.Max(SubmissionStateCount, _submissionStates.Length * 2));
private void AdvanceStateCounter()
// check to see if state was added (submissions that don't make declarations don't add state)
if (_submissionStates[SubmissionStateCount] != null)