2 writes to FilePath
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting (2)
ScriptOptions.cs (2)
164FilePath = filePath; 202=> (FilePath == filePath) ? this : new ScriptOptions(this) { FilePath = filePath ?? "" };
5 references to FilePath
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting (1)
CSharpScriptCompiler.cs (1)
47var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(script.SourceText, script.Options.ParseOptions ?? DefaultParseOptions, script.Options.FilePath);
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting (3)
ScriptOptions.cs (3)
179: this(filePath: other.FilePath, 199/// Creates a new <see cref="ScriptOptions"/> with the <see cref="FilePath"/> changed. 202=> (FilePath == filePath) ? this : new ScriptOptions(this) { FilePath = filePath ?? "" };
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Scripting (1)
VisualBasicScriptCompiler.vb (1)
63Dim tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(script.SourceText, If(script.Options.ParseOptions, s_defaultOptions), script.Options.FilePath)